The car that was carrying Nathan was forced into an abrupt stop as well. Since there was no way that they were going to evade the bullets while in the car, it would be better if they could use the car as a shield.


Without wasting any more time, the three police officers immediately opened the door of the cabin. After that, they pulled Nathan with them as they hurriedly exited the car.


Just like Olivia, since they didn't know the intention of the people who were attacking them, they had no choice but to protect Nathan as well as prevent his escape if it was true that he was to be rescued by the people who were attacking them.


Nathan had no strength to resist the three police officers who were pulling him with them. Since the car had been stopped across the road, when they exited the car, they were not in the direct line of sight of the attackers.


As they hide behind the car, the police offices began shooting at the car that was following them from behind. As for the ones that were present in the car that was in the lead of the convoy, they were the ones who are shooting at the car that was coming from the front.


But what stunned them was the fact that, although they had shot several bullets at the car, there was no sign that the bullets had penetrated the car.


As for the tires of the car, they couldn't even see them, not to mention try shooting at them.


"F*ck this car is bulletproof! Who the heck has all these resources that can be used to forge a car that is bulletproof other than the military?" One of the police shouted with frustration clear in his voice.


Since they were being shot at, the people who were here to attack didn't dare to get their bodies out of the car so that they could retaliate by shooting.


During this situation, the only thing that they could do was to drive forward, towards the police that were hiding behind the car.


Olivia had already arrived and had taken Nathan into her custody. With her strength, she didn't have any problems dragging Nathan with her around while shooting at the enemies.


She too had noticed that the cars were bulletproof. This had made her frown. According to her knowledge, bulletproof cars were not things that could be easily accessed.


The cars were only gotten by those who had a good amount of wealth. When she was coming for the mission, she didn't check on the person whom they were supposed to transport to the prison.


She had thought that it was just another criminal who was supposed to be taken to prison. But from the way things were running at the moment, it was obvious that his background ran deep or his crimes were more hideous than they had thought.


After all, if the people who are attacking them were actually Nathan's enemies, then it will be obvious that they were people with deep backgrounds. For Nathan to be capable of provoking them to spend that huge amount of money to acquire the cars, it was obvious that whatever he had done was unforgivable.


But it was not easy to provoke those big shots. For a person to go against them, that person had to have abilities that could match them or could do some kind of damage to them.


With her eyes cold, she looked at Nathan squatting by her side. From the way his expression was, she could immediately tell that he was not panicking. In fact, he was actually happy about what was going on.


This was already enough to tell Olivia that, the people who are here were actually here to save Nathan and not to kill him.


This made her anger boil. Nathan was a criminal who was sentenced for life imprisonment added with heavy work. This in itself indicated that he was a normal criminal.


Although it might be true that he was not the one who had directly committed them, he was the one who had actually instructed each and every one of them.


Since she was a police officer, it was obvious that she was not going to allow a criminal like him to escape. At the end of the day, even if he was rescued from here, that didn't mean that he was going to change.


It was almost a sure bet that he was going to look for vengeance after he was released. This was something normal as she had already seen it multiple times already.


Just then, she heard a person screaming in pain. When she looked at the side, she saw that one of the police officers was holding his arm while screaming in pain.


There was a large amount of blood that was leaking from his shoulder. The way that the arm was hanging was a sign that the arm had become useless at the moment.


From the fact that the bullet had actually gone through his arm, she could immediately tell that the power behind that bullet was immense.


'You've got to be kidding me! They also have a sniper?' Olivia frowned as she thought of this. It is currently a fact that, the people that were in the cars would not attack them due to the barrage of bullets that they were receiving from the police that were attacking them.


But now, with the addition of the sniper, the situation had just gotten worse. It was worse than it was before. Previously, the only problem that they would have faced during that time would have been the lack of bullets after their continuous shooting.


But with the addition of the sniper, now their lives were at stake, although it was the same before, now they could die faster.


'I'm not sure if it is the sniper who doesn't want to kill the police, or it is the fact that he is not skilled enough, or it is just a matter of luck for the guy to be shot on the arm.' Olivia thoughts to herself as she looked at the police who was wailing on the ground.


The police officers were are not part of the military. So, although they carried guns around with them, they were mostly used against a bunch of criminals that were not skilled.


But from the way that the group that was attacking them was coming at them, it was obvious that they were incredibly skilled and they had already been prepared for the attack.


A police officer who had not undergone any kind of pain or training that would make him in a good state of mind during a life and death battle, was no different than a sitting duck.


Gritting her teeth, Olivia looked at Nathan who was squatting next to her. The perilous situation that they were currently in was all caused by the person that was next to her.


Now, they had been surrounded from both the front and the back. No matter how she saw it, there was no way that they were going to leave this place if they didn't manage to fend off the group that was attacking them.


Crash! Bang! 


 Just before she could say a word, a loud noise was heard as a car was sent flying in the air. What followed next was a barrage of bullets that landed on the police officers that were hiding behind the car.


The police were already scrambling for safety due to the fact that they had been hit by the car and throne to the ground before the car was sent flying in the air.


The attackers had decided to use their car that was bulletproof to hit the police car that was being used as a shield.


Olivia's eyes turned red as she saw the police that were part of her team being murdered in front of her eyes. This was actually the second time that he was seeing a police officer that was on duty with her being killed.


Although the first time she had let it slide due to the fact that it was Brandon who was at fault, there was no way that she was going to let this go again.


She picked up Nathan from the ground and held him by the neck as she pointed the pistol towards his head. It was obvious that she was using him as a shield.


She had already used her detection skills to notice the side that the bullet from the sniper came from. And as a result, she had stopped in a position where she was sure that even the sniper couldn't see her.


"Better stop attacking right now or I'm going to blow his brains. "Olivia shouted at the car that had halted in front of them.


Since several police offices had already been killed, then, even if she had to kill off Nathan, she didn't care. Since he was the real cause behind their deaths, then she was going to make sure that he paid for it.


Currently, Olivia was much stronger than any of the people who were present there. And as a result, her observation skills, added to her strength as well as her speed, she was sure that she could take out a few of the people who were attacking them.


The moment that her shout echoed, there was a moment of silence in the surrounding us the gunshots stopped. It was obvious that her plan had worked momentarily.


Olivia maintained her gaze on the car that was in front of them. Her ears were completely alert, listening for the sound that could come from behind her.


There was a moment of stalemate as none of the people made a move. But just then, there was a sound of an approaching engine.


The roaring of the engine was enough to tell the people who were currently facing each other that the car that was coming towards them was not ordinary.


All of a sudden, the situation tensed as none of the sides knew who it was that was heading their way. It was either their enemy or ally. But, they were not sure who it was not unless that person or people appeared.

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