Celine had been training for two weeks, honing her fighting skills and building her strength. She wanted to be ready for anything, to be able to defend herself no matter what situation she found herself in.

She had been working hard under Jack's training. She never wanted to be a dead weight for Jack. That was a feeling that she didn't like. So, although she knew that she would not be as strong as he was at the moment, she was sure that she could help in the future.

She was aiming to complete the training that she had been undergoing so that she could start training her mother and Faith as well. Though, if she found that it was hard to do that, she would simply go ahead and ask for help from Denali.

On this day, she had left home and decided to venture around the city. It was on Saturday and Jack was busy with something. So, she had gone out together with Wendy and Angy so that they could relax.

Celine, Wendy, and Angy had been planning their girls' outing for days. They were all exhausted from work and needed a break, so they decided to spend a day in the city, exploring different parks and playing games.

The three friends met up early in the morning, their faces bright with excitement. They had packed a picnic basket full of snacks and drinks, and they were ready for a day of fun.

Their first stop was a large park on the outskirts of the city. They walked along the winding paths, taking in the beautiful scenery and enjoying the fresh air. They found a quiet spot under a tree and spread out a blanket, unpacking their picnic.

As they ate, they talked and laughed, catching up on each other's lives and sharing funny stories. They took turns playing music from their phones, and they even got up and danced a little bit, not caring who was watching.

After lunch, they decided to play a game of Frisbee. They took turns tossing the Frisbee back and forth, giggling as they tried to catch it. They weren't very good, but they didn't care – they were just having fun.

| As the afternoon wore on, they decided to venture into the heart of the city, to a park that was known for its games and activities. They played a game of basketball, cheering each other on as they made shots and stole the ball from each other.

Next, they tried their hand at mini-golf. They laughed as they missed the holes and joked about who was the worst at the game. But they didn't let their lack of skill stop them from having fun.

Finally, they ended the day at a skating stadium. They watched as several skaters practiced their skills or tried showing off. Furthermore, since the three of them were beautiful ladies, there were several people that tried hitting on them.

But, since both Wendy and Celine had boyfriends, none of them fell for the boys here nor for their skills. As for Angy, she didn't care about them at all. She just enjoyed seeing them perform and that's all.

As the sun began to set, they reluctantly returned to the parking lot and made their way back to their cars. They were tired, but they were also happy and content. They had spent the day exploring the city, playing games, and enjoying each other's company.

As they hugged goodbye, promising to do it again soon, they knew that they had made memories that would last a lifetime.

Celine didn't go out with her car on that day. The reason for that was simple, she didn't want to give up on the training that she was still undergoing under Jack. So, as the night zoomed in, she began taking a walk on the streets.

She knew that night time was the best time that the gangsters would be out. So, she took out her phone and texted Jack about her whereabouts before continuing with whatever she was doing.

She was sure that Jack was going to come. He had contacted her during the day before she informed him that she was spending her time with both her friends.

In the end, he compromised that he was the one who was going to spend the evening with her. And currently, it was late 17:00. It was almost dinner time and she had decided to spend that time with Jack.

As she was walking, she made sure to head towards the areas that were the least populated. Those were the sides that the gangsters usually revolved around. So if she wanted to get the gangsters that she would use for training, she had to make sure that she headed that way.

But even after a long while, she frowned as she had not met even a single gangster. This was quite unusual. But still, she continued walking, looking around.

She wasn't worried that Jack wouldn't find her because he could tracker location easily. She had made sure to leave the location on.

As time went by, she began getting frustrated from the lack of the gangsters in the streets. She had already taken the body strengthening solution so that she could recover from the tiredness that she had faced when she was spending time with her two sisters.

And as more time passed, instead of looking for those that were committing a crime somewhere, she had decided that she would fight whichever gangster she met.

So, when a group of gangsters crossed her path after a long while, she saw it as an opportunity to put her training to the test. They were standing outside a nightclub, their faces twisted into sneers as they watched the people going in and out.

Celine walked past them, her head held high, but she could feel their eyes on her. She knew that they were sizing her up, wondering what she was doing there. She ignored them and kept walking, but as she passed, one of the gangsters stepped forward and blocked her path.

"Where do you think you're going?" he said, his voice low and menacing.

Celine didn't flinch. She looked at the gangster straight in the eye and said, "I'm just passing through. Move out of my way." Celine didn't want to just attack them. She had to make sure that it was in such a way that it seemed that she was the one that was defending herself.

And that was why she had decided to do whatever she was doing now. She was sure that these guys wouldn't let her go just from her beauty being exceptional, and from the fact that the darkness was already beginning to loom in

The gangster laughed, a cruel sound that sent shivers down Celine's spine. "You think you're tough, little lady? Let's see how tough you really are."

And with that, the gangsters closed in on her, their fists clenched and their eyes gleaming with malice.

Celine stood her ground, her muscles tense and ready for action. She had been waiting for this moment, preparing for it, and she knew that she was ready.

The first gangster lunged at her, throwing a punch that Celine easily dodged. She countered with a swift kick to his knee, and he fell to the ground, clutching his leg in pain.

The other gangsters hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. Celine took advantage of their hesitation, delivering a powerful blow to the next one's stomach.

The gangsters were tough, but Celine was tougher. She moved with lightning speed, dodging their punches and kicks and delivering powerful blows of her own.

The fight was brutal and intense, but Celine didn't back down. She fought with everything she had, her mind focused and her body strong.

The fight had attracted the attention of several people who were looking for entertainment. The moment that they saw that there was a fight, they decided that they could watch this.

The gangsters tried to overwhelm her with their numbers, but Celine was too fast and too skilled. She took them on one by one, wearing them down and slowly but surely gaining the upper hand.

The good thing was the fact that her abilities were above the average humans. She was about three times stronger and faster than the normal men. So, although it seemed that it was a difficult task for her, she was trying to restrict herself so that she didn't end up killing them.

Her aim was to beat them up and not to send them to the hospital with several broken limbs. Although they were the ones that had come after her, she wasn't ready for such a fight yet.

Though, she was sure that she would have to do it at some point in the future. But, that was something that she would leave for the future. As for now, she would continue with the fight that she was engaged in.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the last gangster fell to the ground, defeated. Celine stood over him, her chest heaving with exhaustion, her fists still clenched.

She had won the fight, but she knew that she couldn't let her guard down. There were always more threats out there, always more people who wanted to do her harm.

With a deep breath, Celine turned and walked away, her head held high. She knew that she had proven herself, that she was strong and capable, and that she was ready for anything, as long as it didn't involve guns.

Well, the numbers as well…

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