Jack took his time to explain and convince Celine to accept the company. He was planning to dominate the food industry as well. And that was basically through the groceries that were currently being run by Grace.

She had been doing good work as Jack had gotten the information from Denali that the groceries had already began spreading to other cities.

Grace had made sure to open several branches in different cities. She had employed a good number of people and what's more, she had asked Jack to go and inspect her work.

But since he was 'busy', Jack had no choice but to ask Denali to head there. In this way, she could inspect the work and the employees that were part of the top management.

With her skills and abilities, she had managed to find a few people that were basically there to look for information about the rising enterprise. Although they were only chain stores, they basically dominated the market the moment that they entered the city.

Not only was their capital big to threaten them that had been in the grocery market for a long time, but their strategies of gaining a standing in every city that they appeared in was unbeatable.

First of all, they never started another grocery. Instead, they offered to buy the groceries from those that were already dominating the market in that specific city.

Of course there would be several people that wouldn't want to sell their groceries. But, the amount of money that was offered to purchase the groceries was so mouth watering that it made a lot of people give in.

In their minds, they were only thinking that, 'Although I'm losing something that I had worked so hard to make it stand, with this amount of money, I should be able to start something else and still succeed. At the end of the day, there are no losses at all.'

As for those that were so adamant on not selling their groceries, they were never forced to do that. But, they were supposed to prepare for a tough competition.

Although buying the other groceries also reduced the number of competitors that they would have, it was also true that there was a certain competitor that was growing stronger with every grocery that they bought.

In the end, these groceries that had not been sold faced the greatest competition in their business careers. Not to mention that the groceries were sold at a lower price in the groceries under the new competitor, but all the other means that were used to try destroying the competitors were useless.

Furthermore, all those that dared to play with underhanded tricks were the ones that faced the greatest retaliation the moment that they dared to do that.

But, what made others fear the boss behind the grocery was that, she had a deep background. But, they never managed to find any information about her no matter what kind of connections or favors they used. All the security that were present at every store were trained. They were not the ordinary ones at all.

So, whenever there were people that tried causing chaos at the stores, their fates were always miserable.

As for the result of the provocation of the groceries, it was that all those that owned the groceries ended up suffering. The retaliation that was taken by the new grocery chain stores was that, they lowered the price of all the things that they sold in their groceries to the buying price.

In this way, they would go at a loss but all the same, the other groceries lost their customers one after the other. At first, they thought that the groceries would be closed due to the lack of money and the losses that were being incurred.

In the end, time moved on as the grocery chain stores had an increase in popularity and customers. As for the others, knowing that they would fail, they were forced to sell their groceries to them.

But, this time, the price that they were offered was slightly lower than the market price. And although they were dissatisfied, they had no choice but to agree to the offer. At the end of the day, if they didn't sell the groceries, they were the ones that were going to close down as they couldn't compare in terms of capital at all.

Denali on the other hand dealt with all those that dared to act as spies in the grocery department. She had make sure to track them back to the one that had sent them.

And to say the least, they all had suffered greatly. Both from reputation, beatings and even losses in their business. This was just her speed of work. And, she wouldn't allow anyone to dare to mess around with her master's business.

As such, Grace continued receiving more money from Jack as capital as she continued expanding to other cities. Basically, the chain stores had become something that was akin to a virus that was spreading without anything that could halt it.

The other cities had gotten the information about this new grocery chain stores that had already began dominating the market. They had seen the advertisements about the grocery that were brought forward by several popular stars in different fields.

It didn't matter if it was music, movies, football, basketball, tennis, athletics and so on. Stars from all these fields were used to advertise the grocery.

So, even before the grocery chain stores reached their specific cities, several grocery owners already began making contact with them so that they could sell their groceries. In this way, they could get the highest price for the groceries.

And true, Grace wasn't stingy at all. Not to mention the employees that were under her that were receiving good salaries, depending on their performance of course, she too didn't bully the other grocery owners.

In this way, she would make sure that the number of enemies that she would be making would be as low as it could. But, that didn't mean that she was afraid of being aggressive if there was a need for that.

With the supply of money as well as the security and advertisement, in addition to the freedom that Jack had granted her, Grace was going all out to make sure that she managed to be the one that created the most popular grocery chain stores.

In just a matter of a month since Jack handed her the duty of spreading the grocery department to other cities, she had managed to spread to over ten cities. Furthermore, she had already dominated six of them, being the biggest grocery in these cities.

As for the cars that Jack had bought, these were given to the person that was in charge of the groceries in each and every city. This was just because it would make it convenient for them to move around in case there was a problem in the groceries that they were managing.

Inchoate city, the source of all of this, that was where she had left things for George to handle. Although he was going to be the real head of the Dante family and was already the main decision maker there, he had decided that he was going to hold the position.

Although he was a racing fanatic, that didn't mean that he didn't know anything about business management. As a prospect heir, although he was not the eldest son, he was still trained so that he could have a chance of leading the Dante family in the future.

As for the reason that George gave when he decided that he was the one that was going to manage the grocery chain stores in Inchoate city, it was that, with his family being the most dominant in the city, he would have it easy handling things there.

As for the reason that he didn't mention, it was the fact that he had a premonition that Jack would be a big shot in the future. So, he had decided to make the first move and get linked with Jack as early as possible.

The progress of the grocery department was a proof that his decision was right. So, George was in an all time high mood.


Jack was just done with the training schedule that he had planned for Celine on that day. They had just returned from what he termed as gangster hunt.

This was something that he had decided that he would use to make sure that Celine got all the necessary experience that was needed in a fight.

So, he had made sure that everyday after training, they would head to an area where most of the gangsters were. Then, whenever they find that there was one that was bullying someone, that would be the person that they would target.

It wasn't that they were saints, it was just that they were against just going around and attacking just anyone. So, they had to find a good reason for their actions.

Finding one that was doing something that was considered a crime was a good reason for them to attack him. Even if there was a group of gangsters, Jack would have Celine attack them.

And of course, since this was a fight, in case there were a lot if gangsters that were involved, Jack would still stand at the side and watch as Celine dealt with them.

Even if she was wounded, he would only help her after the fight was over. He couldn't just go easy on her because she was his girl. She had to get used to being injured in fights because this was something that would always happen when there are fights.

He would only interfere if Celine's life was at risk or she had finished the fight and needed to have her injuries healed.

Although she was currently about three times stronger than normal men, she lacked much fighting experience. Furthermore, if she faced many people, it was inevitable that she would be hurt.

As for the injuries that she was suffering from the fights, Jack had found a way to deal with them. He had gotten a realization that the body strengthening solution was able to speed up the healing and recovery of a person that took it.

This was something that he had researched on after referring to the way that it could heal the soldiers that had gotten injured.

It was just that, other than the healing and recovery property, or did nothing to increase the strength of the person that consumed it.

So, Jack made sure to always carry around several bottles of body strengthening solution for this. He had also made sure that Celine always carried with her at least two bottles.

The moment that he stepped out of the car, Jack was surprised to see that Valnaro was waiting for him.

He raised his brows as he asked, "To what do I owe this visit captain?"

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