Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 219 Benefits That He Can't Refuse

"Is this all the information that you have on Jack?" A man who was wearing a military uniform questioned it looked at the documents that he was holding in his hands.

These were the exact documents that Valnaro had been reading when he was in his office. They contained the information about Jack that have been obtained after a whole week's effort.

He had already submitted his report about Jack to his immediate superior. At the moment that Jack delivered the body strengthening solution, it was the moment that the higher-ups decided to have a meeting with him.

They had already seen the magic that the solution did. The fifty bottles that Jack had delivered to them were given to the soldiers that had the highest merits. All of these soldiers were injured during the war with another nation.

And since they could not be treated due to the current level of the medical technology, they had been forced to retire early. But now, with the assistance of the body strengthening solution, these soldiers were now back on their feet and were stronger than they were previously.

This had immediately made all the higher-ups of the military to cause a commotion. They had called for a meeting immediately after the results were seen.

Although during the time that Valnaro was presenting the opportunities that Jack had granted them, they were several people who were against the idea, once the results were out, they were amongst the first ones to rush towards Valnaro, trying to get all the information that they could about Jack.

In the end, due to the intervention of Valnaro's superior, all those that were pestering him for information about Jack were forced to stop.

After that, all the 50 people who had taken the solution were placed under observation for the past 2 days. And on this specific day, they had confirmed that there were no side effects of taking the solution.

Of course, this was only after numerous tests that were conducted by the best doctors that the military had. When they confirmed that there were no changes that had been caused by the solution, other than the strengthening of the body cells, they were immediately ecstatic.

This was the reason as to why Valnaro was standing in front of his immediate superior, giving the report about Jack.

"Yes sir!" Valnaro replied confidently. Before he submitted the report, he had made sure to do all the research that could be done on Jack.

Although he couldn't find that much information on Jack as long as it was related to the information was on the net or computers.

He had even sent a few people to the companies that he had found that Jack was the owner to do some investigation. But, what had surprised him was the fact that, there were very few people that knew about him.

The only way that he could get information about Jack was through the higher ups of the company. But in the end, they got very limited information about Jack from those that were in the top management of the companies.

These people had tight lips and they only revealed the basic information about Jack. No matter what means they used to get the information, giving money and so on, these people said nothing.

In fact, the moment that they realized that the people were asking about Jack, and they specifically weren't interested in business talks, these people made sure to completely forget about giving the information.

There were even the situations where these people sent away those that were asking of Jack's information.

But of course, it wasn't like Valnaro had just sent anyone to go and ask about Jack. It was obvious that if someone that you didn't know suddenly came to you and asked about the information of your boss, you would send that person away immediately.

So, Valnaro had made sure to investigate all the people that were in the top management of GVSL, Glaze Hotel and Hope hospital. After that, he looked for the people that were closely related to them and paid them to look for information.

But of course, he made sure not to reveal the information that he was from the military. But all the same, the information that he had received was limited, nothing much, not much different from the one that he had gotten before.

What Valnaro didn't know was the fact that, there were even a few higher-ups that didn't know much about Jack. Although he was the boss of the companies or the hotel, he had only visited them once or twice.

That was apart from GVSL that he was quite involved with. And, Tracy had gotten much information about him. But still, she didn't reveal any information about Jack.

"Although it's not as detailed as I wanted, it should be enough to tell me that this Jack isn't someone that can be considered as a threat." The major stated as he squinted his eyes.

Although there was information about Jack and the body strengthening solution, they had made sure not to reveal the information about that to the whole military in the country.

Even in the military, there was competition. And since the number of body strengthening solution that could be delivered to them was limited, they couldn't accept the other garrisons to know about this as of now.

There were several competitions that involved different garrisons that were located in different parts of the country.

The one that was stationed in the central province were the ones that had gotten the deal with Jack.

And since they were located in the central province, they were the ones that were considered weak as compared to the other garrisons.

Although they were stationed in the central province, that didn't mean that they didn't participate in the war. They were assigned missions at different times according to the needs or the situation.

As for the competition for Jack's information, that was a competition between the majors that were involved. There were three majors in the garrison, all of them were headed by a colonel.

"That I have ascertained sir! I did all I could to get the information on him or the opinions that those that had met him had on him! All of them were positive, apart from his family who seems not to like him at all!" Valnaro replied.

At this moment, there wasn't even a hint if air of superiority that was there when he led his soldiers to the glaze hotel. Now, he was subservient. This was mainly due to the respect that he had for this superior of his.

"Hmm, I guess I'll have to speak with the colonel to see if we can pull him in. If he joins our garrison, the there's no doubt that we would be strong enough to deal with the incoming tournament." The major nodded his head as he stated.

Upon hearing this, Valnaro's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't help but ask, "Is that necessary sir?! From my impression of Jack when I met him, although he isn't the type that would betray our country, I can tell that he is someone who deals with things according to benefits."

"He agreed to have a deal of supplying us the body strengthening solution because he saw an opportunity to benefit from it. And now, I don't think that he would agree to leave his freedom so that he can join the military." Valnaro stated his points.

"What was his strength level from your evaluation or from those… videos that you brought from the hotel?" The major asked.

"I can say that he is by far the strongest person that I have ever met before. He even has a personal assistant who is just as strong." Valnaro replied.

"I'm not talking just about physical strength, I'm referring to him as a whole. Anything that can be considered as his strength." The major corrected.

"That, he is very strong. Other than physically, he has a team of experts that can do things that even those that are in our entire garrison cannot accomplish. As for financially, with 'that' group as his backing, there is no doubt that he is strong as well." Valnaro replied honestly.

"Then, what do you think if we want to recruit the experts that are under him?" Major asked.

"I tried it already but he seems to have no intention of letting go of them. From the answer that he gave back then, it was clear that he wasn't intending on releasing part of his strength." Valnaro replied. Though, he was wondering where the conversation was heading towards.

"Then, what do you think will happen the moment that he joins our garrison?" Major asked. A smile appeared on his ever serious face.

At this moment, Valnaro finally caught onto what the major was trying to imply. His eyes shone with surprise and realization.

Seeing his reaction, the major nodded. He then stated, "That's right. If we manage to recruit him, there would be no problems if we want to use his experts at all."

"In other words, we would be having a better deal with the body strengthening solution, perhaps we might even gain the formula of the production. Then, theirs is a fact that he himself is a strong warrior and he can make a good soldier as long as he follows the military routine."

"And then, what about him sharing his skills with the soldiers here? He would definitely be able to raise the quality of soldiers here in tandem with the body strengthening solution that would be improving their physical qualities."

Valnaro nodded his head when he heard the majors analysis. But at the same time, he was quite skeptical that Jack could accept to join the military.

After all, the way that Jack had handled his vice captain when he had provoked him was enough to show that Jack didn't know the issue of a superior or not. He was someone that only discussed with those that had the strength to be on the same level as him.

He expressed his doubts to the major. On the other hand, the major smiled as he spoke confidently, "You don't need to worry about that. As long as the colonel approves of this, there would be no problem at all. Since he is someone that deals with benefits, we can simply offer him benefits that he can't refuse."

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