"Right, once you come back, I would like to get all the necessary information about our competitors. Furthermore, you should be prepared to move the location of the hotel when you come back from the vacation." Jack stated.

After giving a few more instructions, Jack thought that this was enough and decided to leave.

As for the issues concerning the transfers that he had just mentioned, that was something that Denali would deal with. After all, there was just a lot of information that had to be dealt with and calculations that had to be added to that.

That was something that Jack didn't want to touch for the moment because it reminded him of his campus life. Although it wasn't that he hated his campus life, he just didn't want to get involved with it for the moment.

When they were leaving the building, Jack saw that Valnaro was waiting for him at the entrance of the hotel. This wasn't a surprise to him because Jack was sure that Valnaro hadn't seen how he had handled the guys here.

"What's up captain?" Jack asked with a smile. Although the captain in front of him was a serious one to his soldiers, Jack didn't like the stiffness that came with the formalities. So, he would take things simple unless there was a need for him not to do that.

Valnaro's lips twitched when he saw how nonchalant Jack was. He was sure that Jack knew why he was waiting here. But, he was playing dumb.

All the same, he was the one that wanted to get some information on Jack and not the other way round. So, he had to do what was needed regardless of Jack's attitude.

"You sure hide a lot." Valnaro stated as he stared directly into Jack's eyes.

Jack looked at him with a faint smile on his lips as he said, "It's not that I'm hiding a lot. It's just that I won't go around telling people about me, no? So, if you want to know about me, you can just ask."

Valnaro asked, "What secrets are you hiding?"

"How can they be considered secrets if I can share them with you? Furthermore, secrets are meant to be kept secret." Jack replied.

"Hey, you said that I only had to ask. I have asked but you are still hiding the truth from me." Valnaro pressed on.

"Now, you are wrong. I never lied in the first place. I simply didn't tell you anything." Jack shook his head and responded.

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point. What type of hackers do you have? Do you perhaps think that we can recruit them?" Valnaro asked. Although he was sure that there was no way that Jack would agree to that, he had to try his luck anyway.

"Well, you should know that I didn't assemble a team so that I can make it easy for someone else to recruit them, right?" Jack asked in an amused tone.

Before Valnaro could say something else, Jack continued, "Furthermore, there's no way that I can let you have an expert of mine. After all, I still need the expertise."

After that, Jack left with Denali, not giving Valnaro a chance to speak further.

Denali was a person that he had gotten with the help of the system due to the multiplier effect. He had won a bet against Austin. And as a result, he had received Ayush who was considered a slave to Austin.

With the multiplier effect on Ayush, he got Denali. And, there was no way that he was going to allow someone to get his hands on her. At the end of the day, she was the one that was doing most of the things for him.

If she suddenly left, he would be left with too many things that he would have to handle all by himself. He had just graduated a few months ago. So, it would be better if he could relax for a while before going back to being serious all over again.

Seeing that Jack was leaving, Valnaro could only shake his head in disappointment. If he could get his hands on the expert hacker from Jack's side, he was sure that the strength of his company would increase multiple fold.

That was just the power of those that played the support role. With an expert that could even spy on the enemies' plans, he could handle them after full preparations were made, with low chances of failure.

"Robin, get the soldiers that are in charge of information to not transfer any information about Jack. I want to deal with this personally." Valnaro looked at the vice captain that wasn't beaten by Jack and instructed.

"Yes captain." Robin replied before he took the communicator to pass the message.


Although Jack could have used the helicopter to easily get to Eden Residential Building, he thought that he couldn't leave his car here.

Furthermore, if there was something that was happening there, he could simply board the helicopter at any moment.

When they got into the car, Denali wanted to drive but Jack stopped her.

"Let me do this. You can go ahead and look into the data of Eden Residential Building. Look into the CCTV footage and see if there's any problem there." Jack stated as he took the wheel.

"Yes master." Denali nodded and got into the car. She had already gotten her laptop back from the car that she had used to get here. So, she immediately began doing what Jack had instructed.

Jack then began driving towards the Eden Residential Building. It wasn't that far from the hotel. It was a forty minutes drive to get there.

Luckily, the area around was by now clear of a lot of cars. In other words, the jam that was there when Jack was heading to the hotel wasn't there at the moment.

As a result, Jack was able to get to the Eden Residential Building in about fifteen minutes. Well, that was after Denali confirmed that there was nothing wrong there.

With this, Jack could confirm that there was nobody that was targeting him specifically. If there was something that was being targeted, then that would be the Glaze hotel that was the main one.

As for the branches that were spread out in other cities, those were confirmed to be okay at the moment. Although he wasn't sure that they would be attacked soon or not, Jack was planning to have Tracy organize for a group of mercenaries to head out so that they could work as the security there.

Although they were going to be the security, they wouldn't need to stand around. They would only respond to the emergencies of the hotels. But of course, this was going to be the work of the ones that were not part of the special team.

When they got in front of the building, Jack couldn't help but get amazed. The system was really something. It had easily awarded him with the building.

After shaking the unnecessary thoughts from his mind, Jack took out his phone and made a call. He was calling the manager of the residential building.

And as he made the call, he and Denali began walking around, trying to get familiar with the place.

"Hello boss." Elvis received the call the moment that he noticed that it was Jack was calling.

"Where are you at the moment?" Jack asked.

"I'm at the residential building management office." Elvis replied.

"I'm currently on the first floor of the building. Could you perhaps tell me where this office can be found?" Jack asked.

"Yes. It's on the top most floor. Should I come and receive you?" Elvis responded before asking.

"There's no need for that." Jack declined the offer and the two of them entered the elevator. They were heading to the topmost floor, the 50th floor. So, it would take them some time to get there even when they were using the elevator.

The moment that they stepped out of the elevator, Jack noticed that there was a person that was standing in front of it. From the looks of it, he was waiting for it to be opened.

He was a guy who seemed to be in his late thirties. He was currently wearing a plain white shirt, a black trouser and a black tie. He looked somehow nervous.

The moment that Elvis saw Jack, he smiled broadly and welcomed him. "Hello boss, welcome."

Jack simply nodded and looked around. Although he had never seen Elvis before, he could already tell that this was the guy due to the fact that he was here waiting for them.

It was during the moment that they were getting out of the elevator that Elvis finally took notice of Denali. Not to say the least, he was enchanted by her beauty.

"This lady here…" Since Jack hadn't introduced Denali, Elvis knew nothing about her. So, he didn't know how to address her and neither did he know the relationship that she had with Jack.

"That's Denali. She's my personal assistant." Jack stated the moment that he noticed that Elvis was looking at Denali.

Although he could see that Elvis had some interest in Denali, Jack spoke no word about it. Even though Denali was his subordinate, she too had a life to live. So, if she found someone that she liked, that was her choice. So, he wouldn't intervene in her private issues.

As for whether Elvis could actually catch Denali's attention, that was something that Denali herself would decide on.

When Elvis heard that Denali was Jack's personal assistant, the fire of interest that was in his eyes was immediately extinguished. Although Denali was simply Jack's personal assistant, that was a level that he couldn't compare to.

In other words, he was far inferior to Denali. So, even he himself didn't believe that she could get interested in someone like him.

All the same, Jack was here for a reason. He didn't come to see how the tenants here were living. He was simply here to inspect if Elvis was someone that could be trusted with the responsibility of managing the building.

Elvis then went ahead to do the introduction of the top most floor. This floor wasn't meant for people to reside in. It was made so that it could be used as a warehouse.

And besides the warehouse, there were three different offices amongst which was Elvis' office.

After looking around for a while, Jack finally decided to leave. But as they got into the elevator, Jack looked at Denali who then shook her head.

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