****Not Edited***

There was no response from the ones that went to the lower floors. This made the guy agitated. He frowned deeply as he tried making contact with the other members of the team. But no matter what he did, he received no response from any of them.r

He looked at the crowd of hostages that were filling up the entire floor. He raised his gun and aimed at them. He wanted to know what was going on. But, he couldn't make a move at this moment because he knew that if he left, there might be a problem with the hostages.r

As for the ones that were being held hostage, they could see that the guy was kind of listless.r

"Hey, do you think that we can take out that guy?" A young man whispered to his friend who was lying on the ground next to him. The guy was wearing a red shirt.r

"Are you mad?" This guy has a gun for f*cks sake! And, you should know that if we dare to rebel, we will end up dead just like the others." The guy who had been asked had his face turning pale in fright.r

After all, they had just witnessed as these guys killed fifteen people consecutively. And all those that were killed were those that tried to run away or they tried to resist.r

Their end came as quickly as they tried to resist. Their end was a bullet in theory body that took away their lives.r

"What do you know?" The young man sneered. "Can't you see that something is wrong? You can see that there were other guys that have gone to the upper floors. But, none of them have come back."r

As he spoke, the guy pointed at the guy who was busy trying to contact his partners. He then continued, "Look at how he is. Although I can't see his face, I can tell that he's getting anxious. Since he seems not to be able to reach the others, it can be seen that he might be the only one that is a threat for us here."r

"And, as long as we can deal with him, perhaps we can get a chance to get out of here alive. If we stay here like this, this guy might as well kill us to threaten the ones that have come here, if there is any."r

Hearing what the young man had said, the redshirted guy thought that what he was saying was true. After all, the way that the guy wearing black and his teammates killed the others, they didn't show any signs that they were joking.r

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom "Okay then. Let's wait for a chance and take care of him." The redshirted guy nodded after thinking for a long while.r

And so they waited. They could see that the guy was getting more agitated as time went by. Then, just as the guy was some distance from them and he was facing the other side from them, they nodded at each other.r

Then, the two of them pounced forward. They wanted to tackle the guy before taking the gun from him. They believed that if they attacked first, the others that were here would also take action and take care of the guy alongside them.r

But, it seemed that these two had overestimated or had underestimated their opponent. That was because the moment that they made their move, the guy who wasn't paying much attention to them made a move.r

"Get lost you a*sh*le!"r

"I'm going to kill you!"r

The two shouted as they charged forward.r

He turned around and threw a kick, throwing the young man back. As for the redshirted guy, he was given an upper cut, making him bite his tongue.r

They weren't the only ones that got stunned. After all, even the other hostages had never expected that there would be someone that would be brave enough to make a move in such a situation.r

As for the two that had made a move, they had never expected that the guy whom they thought that he wasn't paying attention could easily deal with them. Not only was he fast, but he was incredulously strong.r

With the speed that they had moved in together with the element of surprise, they had thought that they would be able to get the guy off guard. But, they had never thought that the guy would be this extraordinary and react even in such a situation.r

"You two pieces of sh*t! How dare you try to rebel?! It seems that you don't care about your lives anymore!" The guy who had been agitated that his teammates were not responding, was furious that there were a few guys that were trying to sneak an attack on him.r

He raised the AR-15 and pointed it towards the two guys. He was ready to make a mesh out of these two.r

The two were frightened. They crawled backwards and almost pissed themselves. As they stared at the gun that was pointed towards them, they were shivering in fright.r

The guy was just about to pull the trigger when he suddenly felt great danger. Before he could react, something came from nowhere and hit the gun that was in his hand.r

It was as if the one that had thrown out that object had the aim of knocking the gun from his hand. And so, although his finger was close to the trigger, he didn't manage to pull the trigger.r

The guy turned around to look at the direction that he had felt that the object came from. He was just about to shout and ask who it was the one that had attacked when suddenly, he felt that there was some movement coming from behind him.r

Just as he turned around, he met a punch on the face. He was stunned as he staggered backwards. And then, from behind, he felt someone kicking him. He was forced onto the ground, out cold as he couldn't handle the two hits.r

The crowd that was on the second floor couldn't believe what had just happened. As for the two whose lives almost ended, they heaved a sigh of relief but their eyes remained wide open as they too didn't know what had happened here.r

Jack looked at Denali who was in front of him and gave her a thumbs up. "Good job there."r

He knew that she had taken care of the guys on the lower floors thus saving him time and effort.r

After he had taken care of the guy that had headed his way, he looked at the other. He was planning on charging forward and taking care of him whenever the chance presented itself.r

He had never expected that there would be two brats who were so hot blooded that they thought that they could take care of the distracted guy.r

Although they were not wearing any military uniform, Jack could tell that these guys were trained. They could have shown their skills had they faced their fellow soldiers.r

But, in front of Jack, they could do nothing other than being taken out one after the other.r

When he saw the actions of the two, he couldn't help but give himself a face palm. These two were so idiotic. They were sneaking on a guy who was trained. And, their sneaking wasn't even supposed to be called sneaking.r

They were rushing forward with loud steps. And.. they were actually yelling while attacking! Who the hell does a sneak attack in such a manner?!r

Jack waited and true to his expectations, the guy in black reacted in time and kicked and punched the two away. And although the two were seeking death by trying to attack, Jack couldn't let them die.r

They were trying to find a way out, but they were stupid. Furthermore, they were in his hotel, thus were his responsibility.r

So, he took out the dagger that he had gotten from the last guy that he had killed. Then with great precision, he threw it aiming for the gun that was pointing towards the two youths.r

Luckily, Jack had managed to aim and throw the dagger just before the guy pulled the trigger. And with the great amount of force that came from his arms as he threw the dagger, the dagger managed to knock the gun from the hands of the guy.r

Furthermore, the guy had never expected that there was someone that could target the gun in his hand.r

Jack then got from behind the wall and headed strains for him. But, he was surprised that Denali came in at this moment. She punched the guy, throwing him towards Jack.r

Jack in turn kicked the guy knocking him out.r

"Have you dealt with the ones that were on the ground floor?" Jack asked.r

"Yes. I have knocked them out already. Klein and the others will be here any minute from now." Denali nodded her head and responded.r

"That's good then." Jack was relieved. With the three of them alive, perhaps he would know the reason as to why they had targeted his hotel. And if this was the work of his competitors, then they would be in deep trouble because he would make sure that they would pay the price of offending him.r

"Hey, what just happened?!"r

"I think that guy was just about to shoot and was beaten up soon."r

"Are…are we saved now?"r


"I will never step back here again! This was a nightmare to me!"r

"I have to go back to my wife! Otherwise I'm going to die childless!"r

Jack was left speechless for a moment. But, he understood their situation. At the end of the day, they were put in a situation where they could lose their lives In the next moment.r

So, for them to be allowed to release their fear, they could say whatever was in their minds at the moment.r

"Denali, just take of the situation here. I would like to meet with the top management after everything is done." Jack stated.r

"Yes boss." Denali nodded.r

****Not Edited****

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