If he could, Johnathan would have made sure to beat Jack up. But, there was nothing that he could do. After all, he wasn't as strong as Jack. As for his financial capabilities, that was something that he wasn't sure about.r

After all, Jack had even managed to acquire the mil mi-26M helicopter that could only be acquired after a person had a certain amount of influence.r

Shaking his head, Johnathan turned towards the coach and said, "I guess you guys will have to play the first quarter without him. He will be here soon."r

The coach had been listening from the side as Johnathan made the call. Although it was true that he couldn't hear Jack's words, it was true that he could easily tell what the other party was implying just from Johnathan's expression and responses.r

Although it could be said that he was disappointed that Jack was late, it was also true that he was also happy that they would play the first quarter by themselves.r

Even though the first quarter consisted of only twelve minutes, it was enough for his boys to prove their capabilities. If they performed well, perhaps Johnathan would allow them to play by themselves.r

"Alright." The coach replied before turning to the players. "You heard it. Just like always, the first five will start the match. As for the second quarter, there will be a substitution. But, I hope that the ones that are going to play in the first quarter will not disappoint me."r

"Yes coach!" The players replied enthusiastically. They were so excited that they were actually going to start the match without Jack. Although only five of them would be playing before Jack arrived, they were confident enough that these five would be able to perform well enough.r

When they got to the court, these players were stunned as they looked at their opponent's side. It wasn't because the opponent had changed players or something. It was just because there was someone that they had never expected to meet here.r

"Isn't that Damien?"r

"That's right. He's from one of the top teams. What is he doing here?"r

"I think this is just obvious. He's wearing a jersey, so, he must be here to play."r

"Hiss! Are you kidding me? They are actually going to have Damien in their team? How's this even acceptable?"r

"Maybe that's why they had called this guy called Jack. And, while the other side already has a top player ready to start, on the other hand, our 'best player ' hasn't even arrived."r

"This game is going to be difficult."r

"Anyway, we will have to work harder in the game. No mistakes are allowed."r


The group from the opponent side walked towards them. They had smug looks as they followed behind Damien who had taken the lead of the team.r

Damien looked at the guys from Roosters. Seeing not a single familiar face amongst the group, Damien frowned and asked. "Where is the guy that has joined your team?"r

"He's not here yet." One of the players who was wearing a number 20 jersey responded.r

"Ah?" Damien wasn't expecting such an answer at all. After all, the game was already about to begin but his opponent had yet to arrive.r

On the other hand, the guys behind Damien began sneering as they talked sarcastically. "Maybe he has heard of you and decided to give you the respect that you deserve. So, he decided not to show up."r

"Perhaps he thought that he was better at the game and thought that this basketball match is not good enough for him to play."r

"That guy has chickened out, I'm sure of it!"r

"Hey, keep it down already. Do you want them to think that we are looking down on them?"r

"Hehe, this time, we are surely going to win and take the lead."r

"I heard that the Roosters are financially unstable recently."r

"Is that so? Then why don't they come to me? I can invest a few thousand dollars in their team."r

"Come on. What can a few thousand dollars do for a team at such a level?"r

"You don't know? That's just enough to pay them since they usually play a lousy game."r

"Now that you remind me, I think that a few thousand dollars is too much. Perhaps they can share a hundred dollars?"r

"Man, you are too ruthless!"r

As they chatted off loudly, they completely ignored the furious gazes that were thrown at them. After all, although the Roosters players might be angry, but what could they do to them?r

And if they really wanted to fight them, it wasn't like they themselves were afraid of fighting. These cases are occasional in NBA.r

| сom Damien on the other hand failed to understand what was going on. This was actually a game that was going to decide a project that was worth billions of dollars. How could it be that there was no opponent on the other side? Could it be that he had given up?r

Although he wouldn't want to participate in the match since he had no opponent of the same level, as him playing against these guys would he considered bullying, he had no choice.r

He had to make sure that the side that he represented won. At the end of the day, he had already agreed to make the side win. What's more, there were benefits that came with him winning the match.r

And since he had to win, he might as well win things clearly. It wouldn't be his fault that he would bully the guys here because it was the other party's star that had decided not to come and participate in the game.r

Without saying a word further, he returned to his side and waited for the match to start. When the others saw his actions, they too retreated, but not without throwing gloating gazes towards the Roosters.r

After the two sides had five players each, the game officially began.r

The game was tough and both sides made sure to put in their all. But a person with a keen eye would definitely notice that the other side that had Damien with them was relaxed. Although they were playing seriously, it couldn't be compared to the Roosters.r

Even though the Roosters players had made a lot of effort, they just couldn't play the game well because they were under great pressure. They were playing against a top player while they themselves were only mid level.r

Amongst the spectators, Johnathan was frowning as he watched the game. The Roosters were definitely at a disadvantage.r

Seated beside him was a man with a shiny bald head and a pair of black glasses. A wonder why he was wearing them even though they were indoors. Maybe to look cool? Whatever.r

"Johnathan, what's going on? You told me that there will be a player here. I didn't look for anyone because I trusted you to find one. So, where the heck is the player that you talked about?" The baldy asked.r

Seeing the way that the Roosters were being dominated, he couldn't help but get nervous. He was the one that had organized for the one professional player to be added to the game after Johnathan's suggestion.r

Now, there was no professional player on his side. He couldn't help but think that Johnathan had perhaps sold him out.r

"Worry not. I know the importance of that piece of land. So, I won't make a mistake. It's just that he's going to be here a little bit late. I had told him to be here by 3 o'clock as that is when the game would start. But, he thought that he was supposed to be here by 3 o'clock before the preparations of the game begin." Johnathan explained.r

He too was anxious. He was seeking a cooperation with the baldy in a certain project. But in order to get him to agree, Johnathan had to help him in winning the land first.r


As the two of them discussed on what to do, Jack and Celine had arrived in the locker room. There, they found a man who was pacing around anxiously.r

When he noticed the two of them coming in, his eyes lit up. But when he saw their faces, the hope in his eyes dimmed.r

"Mr Johnathan, when is he going to arrive? Those boys are surely no match for Damien." The man stated.r

Jack and Celine looked at each other, each of them thinking the same thing. There it goes again!r

"Ahem! I'm not Johnathan, I'm Jack." Jack cleared his throat before he spoke.r

"Eh? You are Jack? Mr Johnathan, are you going to replace Jack in the game?" The man asked again. No matter what he could see, this person in front of him was Johnathan who had just changed his clothes, his hairstyle, and he brought a girl with him.r

If you think that this little trick of yours can cheat this experienced person, then you are naïve. You should have at least put on some make up to change your appearance first. The coach thought.r

"I'm sorry that I'm late. Johnathan that you are talking about is my cousin. He told me to be here by 3 o'clock. And, I arrived at the parking lot about twenty seconds before 3. So, I believe that I'm on time according to the appointment, but late according to the game schedule." Jack stated as he looked at the Vacheron Constantin Traditionnelle on his left wrist.r

Just before the coach could say a word, Johnathan entered the locker room. Looking at the Jack who was still dressed in his casual wear, he immediately began berating him.r

"Jack, you are already late and the first quarter has already began. So, you'll have to go in during the second quarter. Although the first quarter has only began, the team is already being dominated."r

"You should have been clear with your words before. Now, you shouldn't be blaming me, you know?" Jack shrugged.r

"Alright, it's my fault. Can you at least be serious and change? You better hurry up because we are already losing." Johnathan stated anxiously.r

"What's the difference now?" Jack asked.r

"The team has already been beaten 9-0." Johnathan stated seriously.r

Jack: "…."r

Coach: "…."r

'What the hell? There are actually two of them? So, are they twins or cousins?' The coach screamed in his mind.r

Celine: (・o・)r

Jack wondered, "Hasn't the game just started? How can there be such a big difference in less than five minutes?"r

"It's their top player. He has already scored three three-pointers by the time that I left there." Johnathan stated.r

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