"…Just wait and see how I deal with you!" Jack continued speaking before he rushed towards the doctor who had just gotten to his feet and began pummeling him.r

"What are you doing? I'm a doctor!" The doctor was so terrified that he hurriedly shouted at Jack, hoping that Jack would stop beating him. This was completely out of his expectation. He hadn't thought that he would actually suffer a beating in Jack's hands.r

Before the doctor could get away, another punch landed on him. At the same time, Jack shouted, "You still f*cking dare to call yourself a doctor? Do you think you deserve that title? I'm going to make sure that you pay for what you have done."r

As he said these words, he kept on punching and kicking the doctor. But all the same, he made sure that his punches and kicks weren't that heavy to avoid killing him. What Jack wanted for now was the doctor to suffer great physical pain. Then, he would make sure that his life as a doctor would end.r

The reason as to why he was so 'lenient' was simply because he wasn't the one that had actually planned to kill his mother. But, he was still involved. And the punishment for that wasn't as simple as beating him up. It had to be more than that.r

The cries of the doctor made those guys who were guarding the place to shiver. They couldn't imagine what was happening to that poor doctor for him to scream the way that he was at that time.r

Jack cared not about the cries of the doctor. He beat him up till he fainted. But still, he continued beating him up till he was woken up by the intense pain that he was feeling.r

In this way, for more than thirty minutes, the doctor experienced the cycle of fainting from pain only to be woken up by the intense pain.r

It was only after seeing that the doctor was about to break down that Jack stopped. He didn't want this guy to turn into a vegetable. Otherwise, how was he going to have mental torture next?r

Looking at the doctor who was no longer recognizable due to the beating, Jack nodded in satisfaction as he felt that the anger that he had accumulated in his heart for some time now had been partly vented.r

But, it was only appeased for the time being. There was still a lot that he would have to do to make sure that the anger in his heart actually subsided.r

Taking his handkerchief, Jack wiped off the blood on his hands. Then, he called for the group outside to come and take the guy out. He instructed them to throw him where someone could find him.r

He still planned to do more than just beating him up. And for the next part of the punishment, Jack had to release him so that he could be treated.r

Jack then left the warehouse and went back to the palace. Making sure that nobody saw him, Jack managed to enter his room and took a shower before changing the clothes that were already stained with the doctor's blood.r

After that, he asked Denali to look into the dirt that the doctor had accumulated over the years that he had been working. And if it wasn't enough, she had to find ways to add more into it.r

He planned to make sure that the reputation that this guy had built over the years was completely trampled. In this way, he would then make sure that he was sent to prison. He had to be sentenced for a life time in prison.r

That was the reason as to why he had actually told Denali to increase the dirt on his name if possible. He didn't want to have this guy going to prison only for him to come out after a few years. He wanted him to die there.r

That was the least punishment that he had received. As for the one that had actually made his mother die, that person only deserved a single punishment from him. Death!r


Crystal city, Alfonso family mansion.r

In a room, Brenda looked at her mother. Her mother had blonde hair that matched hers and brown eyes. She had a good figure showing that she was trying to maintain even though she was already so old and had three children.r

"Mother, the doctor just got kidnapped today. I have tried using all the connections that we have in the family to look for him but there are no traces of him. It's like he just disappeared." Brenda couldn't sit still at all.r

Now, she was anxious. She could still remember the time that Jack had told her that he would actually find out by himself. She had thought that it would be impossible. But all the same, she had decided to take action and hide all the evidence that could be hidden.r

She was just about to meet the doctor today when she suddenly got the news that he had disappeared. She had mobilized a lot of the family's resources and connections to try and find him but in the end, she couldn't even find a single trace of him.r

This was crystal city, where the real power of the Alfonso family was. But surprisingly, They couldn't find a single thing about him. That implied that the one that had taken him away was someone who had planned things well.r

She just couldn't imagine that Jack could actually capture the doctor that easily. Furthermore, for him to actually know that the doctor was involved, it meant that he had gotten a clue that his mother's death was related to him.rplease visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Now, she wondered if she shouldn't have actually tried to send someone after him. After all, Jack only came looking for her after the assassination attempt failed. And from then, the doctor disappeared.r

pαпᵈα-noνɐ1.сoМ "Have you used all the available resources to find him? There's nowhere in crystal city that he can hide." Marion frowned as she asked Brenda.r

"I have done everything possible. There's nothing that I have spared. All the favors that I was owed during the past few years, I have actually used them to try and find the information about him. In the end, there's nothing that can be found." Brenda said.r

Marion failed to believe that they actually couldn't find any information about someone who was popular in the city. She took out her phone and made a call.r

"Yes, can you find information about someone?" She said to the other person on the other side of the phone. She went ahead to tell that person all the information that she had on the doctor.r

After an hour, the person called. "I'm sorry. But the person that you are looking for cannot be found. Whether it's in the CCTV footages of the city or being seen by others. In other words, the person disappeared early this morning. The strange thing is that not even his family know where he went. And, he hasn't been seen leaving the city either."r

After that, the other party ended the call. Marion was left standing in place, not sure on what to do. She couldn't believe that even the best information broker in the city couldn't find him.r

"This is a little strange. Could it be related to Jack really? As long as I can remember, Jack wasn't someone with any strength or support." Marion muttered.r

"Mom, what are we supposed to do now? If this is Jack who has actually gotten his hands on the doctor, it means that he will know that we are actually involved in his mother's death. What do we do?" Brenda asked. This was actually the first time that she was this anxious about something.r

She was already used to being able to do anything and finding what she wanted. For her to suddenly be rendered powerless, this feeling was so strange to her and she definitely couldn't accept it.r

"What nonsense are you spouting? You were so young back then. You only listened from the sides. So, this matter doesn't really concern you at all. You shouldn't worry about it. I will handle the situation in my own way. I won't believe that a small kid can beat me." Marion looked at Brenda as she spoke.r

"But mom…" Brenda wanted to refute but she was cur off by her mother's stern gaze.r

"Go and relax. Leave this matter to me." Marion said.r

Although she wanted to say more, Brenda was forced to shut up because this was one of the rare times that she had seen her mother this serious. And every time that she was this way, she would always make final decisions that no matter what she did or said couldn't be changed.r

Seeing her daughter leaving, Marion took a deep breath as she tried to think of what she was supposed to do next.r

In the end, she decided to sleep and let her mind rest. Only then could she begin thinking. She slept for about three hours. And later on, when she woke up, she began thinking again.r

Finally, she got an idea and decided to call Brenda to ask her. In the end, no matter how she called, she found that Brenda's phone was switched off.r

She decided to go and get her by herself. But before she could take a few steps towards the door, she received a text message from a stranger.r

[Come and get her at the forest 2 miles from the Alfonso family. Make sure to come alone or she's dead.]r

Marion's heart skipped a beat. She tried calling the other number but she found that the number had already placed her on the blacklist and she couldn't contact the other party at all.r

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Marion rushed out of the mansion. She ignored the strange gazes that she was receiving and got into her car before driving away at a high speed.r

Brenda was her last born and there was no way that she was going to allow someone to hurt her. She had always dotted on the girl because the girl had the same character as herself. So, she loved her the most of all her three children.r

Not long after, she arrived at the forest that she had been told to come to. She had rushed on the road and ignored the traffic lights. Luckily, there was no traffic police that pursued her.r

Just as she was wondering on where to go, she received another text from the very same number. [Just head towards the center of the forest.]r

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