"Now, it remained the last part." Emma murmured. 

>>Then hurry up. Don't keep this mama waiting. 

With a trembling hand, Emma picked an energy crystal and placed it gently into the small hole at the center of the board. 


For a couple of seconds, nothing happened. Emma looked at the board, blinking. His chest moving up and down, his breathing became slightly erratic. He had bet everything on this moment. 'Please work.' He prayed silently in his heart.

The wait continue but nothing happened. Emma took a deep breath and looked a the thin board his hand with some unknown hatred. He want nothing but to smashed piece of junk into pieces. 'Am I really getting ahead of myself?'

>>Sorry boy. You little experiment is not working. I told you, didn't I. focus on rune and a brand new world will open before your eyes.

Emma sighed and wanted to throw the thin motherboard away when the unexpected happened. The energy crystal glow a little. Seeing this, Emma blinked his eyes, rubbed his eyes to confirm what he was seeing was not illusion. 

'Lily, are you seeing what I'm seeing?'


Lily was too stupefied to respond to Emma. What in the world is going on!? This… This can't be happening. Various complex thought was running through Lily core. While Emma was shocked, happy and scared. He widened his eyes and looked at the continuous glowing crystal. After a couple of seconds, a sound came from the motherboard.


Hearing the sudden sound, Emma dropped the motherboard subconsciously, taking a couple of steps backward. Nevertheless his eyes never left the board that fell on the table. This was a new discovery, anything can happened besides, this was is first time dealing with rune inscription. He was ready to face any negative effect rune inscription. He had read from Wata journal how deadly rune can be when it failed. So…

However, nothing happened. The inscribed rune on the board glowed slightly while everything returned back to normal. The crystal stop glowing and was calm. The slight hum coming from the ventilation filled the room while Emma took a deep breath and moved closer to the board.

>>What do you do?

Emma didn't bothered to answered Lily, he picked the motherboard and nothing happened but when looked closely. The energy was firmly stocked into the board. Since everything had come to this, he can't stop now. He picked a cord and connect it to the crystal board. 


Immediately, the light bulb in the room dimmed while the ventilation fan slow for a couple of seconds before resuming it normal speed. Seeing this, Emma didn't care. What wanted was to accomplished his mission. And all this sign was telling him he was close to achieve his goal. 

"Zeus, connect with the board."

[[On it.]]

[[Initializing handshake.]]

[[Handshake successful.]]


Emma waited for Zeus response but it didn't come after a couple of minute. This, Emma furrowed, he raised his brow and looked a the lifeless board in front of him. 'Did it fail?'

>>What are you trying to do? Isn't it high time you tell me?

'You should have guess already, right?'

Lily didn't replied. She wait patiently for Emma response. Seeing this, Emma sighed and answered. "I'm creating a computer processor."

Hearing what she had expected, a slight sigh came from Lily. How did he achieve this? Lily couldn't fathom how. Emma wasn't the first person to combine such things with rune but with the look of things. He's the first in history. If the outer world find this. This is war. No doubt about it. 

Emma didn't understood the gravity of what he created. Using rune to create large machine or artifact is expensive that require large amount of precious resources. But now if electricity and other things can be substitute in some places. Then…

"Zeus!" Emma snapped. He had been waiting for long and he didn't hear any feedback.

[[Master, I'm still analyzing the board.]]


Emma rolled his eyes and looked at the board not believing what he just heard. "Zeus explain."

[[The processing capability of that crystal combine with the rune create something unimaginable. I can't calculated the processing power at all. With the little calculation I have made. It is 100 times faster than me. So, for me to do a complete analysis of this crystal board. Master, I can't predict how long it would take me.]]

  "I don't need you to calculate it anymore. Send and retrieve data from it." Emma eyes glowed with a slight grin creeping onto his face.


"What is the capacity of data you send"

[[100 terabytes.]]


"time process."


"I know. I know. just approximate."

[[0.0000000000001 nanoseconds.]]


Emma busted laughing. His laughter filled the room. Emma had to laugh for more than five minutes before he could controlled himself. Tears was already dripping form the corner of his eyes. "I am happy." He shouted. He rubbed his face and looked at the thing board like his baby and said.

"You're the first Starlight computer. You will be monumental." He unplugged the cord and brought the board closer  to his face and looked at it intently, smiling. Lily watched everything and knew what Emma achieve deserve and award. This will surely push earth technology into light speed. With this kind of power in his hand can anybody stop him now?

Lily shook her head. The king has finally been born.


[For accomplishing something that had never been seen or heard before. Your reward is…]

[Reward calculating.]

[Please wait patiently while I calculate your reward.]

Emma looked at the notification for a seconds but their was no reaction on his face. He had already expect a reward but the greatest reward was already in his hand. 

"Zeus, do you know what to do?" he asked walking out of the room.


"Your upgrade." He puffed his chest. "I promise you to make you unrivalled didn't I. let see how can beat you now."

"Open file, Rose787593"

[[On it.]]

Emma worked a for a whole day without rest. However, the smile on his face never disappeared for once. Creating a new processor using orthodox and unorthodox method was insane but the computing power was nothing like never before. In front of Emma was a 5 meter pentagon shape box. The pentagon box was painted in darkish blue and with a logo of three stars. 

Inside the pentagon box, every angle of the pentagon box was inscribed with runes and with a full energy crystal in place. This crystal was connected with rune that Emma invented. The pentagon starlight giant supercomputer can sustain itself without any source of electricity for more than decades. While it processing power above the chart. The creator didn't understand the power in the machine. But he was sure, this was a beast. In front of the starlight giant supercomputer. A bold word was written. Zeus.

Emma looked at the completed machine and nodded. His mental space and been exhausted many time that he couldn't count. But that didn't matter. He achieve his aim. 

>>Emma, the power in that machine… isn't it too much. 

Emma raised his brow and ask. "Why?"

>>You should understand, a tiny part of the energy crystal is way beyond your AI. 100 times was just minuscule of the power. Now, you're using 5 complete energy crystal. Is that not over kill?



'I can't be upgrading Zeus every time. Now, with this. I can relax, not worrying about the processing capability of Zeus. Besides, not all the crystal will be functioning at the same time.'



Inside the sanctuary, Emma had successfully install the pentagon starlight giant supercomputer. While Zeus was backing it self up for the upgrade. Emma looked at the big screen and rubbed his temple. He couldn't wait to see the power of the Pentagon giant.

[[Back up completed.]]


"Have you notified every section for a downtime"


"Good" Emma nodded. "Begin the deployment."

Since, everything will be down for a couple of minutes, Emma left the control room to take a bath. When he return to the control room, he had plate of food in his hand. he noticed since he opened his mental space. He eating capacity had triple. Not that he was complaining though. 

Meanwhile, Emma didn't look at the screen. He was focus on his food, failing to see an handsome young boy looking at him. When he looked up, his jaw dropped. He swallowed the food that was stocked in his throat forcefully. 

[[Master, do you like me like this.]] Zeus grinned, puffing his chest just like Emma.

>>Hahahah. I like your Ai. Do you think you're shameless? He's going to kick your ass.

  'In your dream. He learned everything from me. How can he kick my ass?'

>>Are you jealous he didn't pick your image…

Emma ignored lily and looked keenly on Zeus avatar. "How?"

[[Master, what you created is out of the world. My core was just like a grain of sand in here. I can do anything I want. So I decided to create an avatar. Don't you like it?]] Zeus squinted his avatar pupil.

Seeing this, Emma was flabbergasted. How can he knew all this emotion and can replicate it very well. Sighed. Emma shook his head and eat the food that was in hand. "No."

[[Good. I am scared you wont like my avatar. I ran 5 million simulation to picked this one.]]

"Enough!" Emma snapped. "Have you return everything to normal"

[[Yes. Betides, all the data we backup on the server farm. I've recovered everything.]]

[[Master, we still have one thing that we haven't done out of the data.]]


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