Chapter 68 Attack Kunlun (2)

Although the two had their own plots, they shared common interests. Nascent Soul stretched his golden feathers out Jin Yu, followed the devil army and rushed into the sky, while Di Qing transformed himself into a Black Dragon, looking down at the army of Qi Kingdom. It was the first time for You Hu to lead the army. Facing Kunlun, the divine realm, whether a General from the human realm would win the war remained unknown.

Shenzong in Ao Ze did not idle. He could see clearly from the Spirit Mirror that Chidi was really inordinate. “Does he think I have been dead? And the Emperor of the Qi Kingdom dared to hurt my grand disciple. How can I spare you?”

Kunlun was covered with snow perennially. With the order issued by Di Qing, Qi Kingdom’s army made camps at the foot of the mountain. Nascent Soul retracted his golden feathers and made preparations for attacking Kunlun. On the other hand, Kunlun appeared extraordinarily quiet. Shenzong sat on the cloud couch, with a calm face toward the uninvited guests. All the Kunlun’s disciples were waiting for Grandmaster’s decision in the main hall. Although the new Sect Master was not in Kunlun, it had little influence on Kunlun’s disciples. After all, Shenzong had been living there for tens of thousands of years, a deep-rooted figure in Kunlun’s disciples that was unshakable. For Shenzong, the devil army’s assault was merely a small war, because he had followed Black Emperor to fight everywhere since he was child. How could Shenzong fear such threat?

Zhou Yi and Zhou Jing of the Hall of Rewards and Punishments had sent the news secretly to Nascent Soul and asked him not to take action rashly. As planned, they should have launched a sneak attack, but Zhou Yi’s message made Nascent Soul change the operational plan. Shenzong in Ao Ze was not fazed by the fact that his enemy had approached to the foot, which dreaded Nascent Soul a lot. Since Nascent Soul had followed Chidi for tens of thousands of years, Nascent Soul should be a Shenzong’s martial nephew speaking of the generation, so he knew much about Shenzong. In terms of army force, Nascent Soul was in a dominant position, but was strategically inferior to Shenzong. Although Di Qing from the human world had abundant army forces, he was still a common person. Therefore, Nascent Soul thought he should make a thorough and mature plan before conducting the attack. Looking up Ao Ze on the cloud, Nascent Soul held in awe. Both Chidi and Nascent Soul himself felt fearful in their hearts.

Di Qing did not think too much and took the offensive firstly. He had cancelled all of his former calculations. Kunlun was right before him. Anyway, Di Qing still felt inferior inwardly. Even if he had become the Emperor of Qi Kingdom, Xu Linghe still sat above him. And Kunlun was the one that enabled Xu Linghe to sit up high. Di Qing decided to destroy the superiority and trampled heavily on Xu Linghe. Only by doing so could Di Qing feel satisfied. This was the right gesture of a winner.

Under the command, all of Qi Kingdom’s officers and soldiers shot their crossbow arrows with oils to Ao Ze. Nascent Soul did not expect that Di Qing was so obtrusive, since he was still contemplating how to collaborate with Zhou Yi from inside and outside forces. But the Human Sovereign hoped to strike first to gain the initiative. What an impetuous move! Shenzong kept calm, only waiting for Di Qing to strike first, because Shenzong did not forget the rules when Black Emperor created the worlds, that is, God could not kill mortals, unless the mortals offended God’s dignity. Nascent Soul’s plan was ruined by Di Qing, so he had to spread his golden feathers to fly to the cloud. In Ao Ze, Shenzong sat on the cloud couch, and his Spirit Power enwrapped those crossbow arrows with oils. The devil army followed Nascent Soul to the cloud sea. Shenzong waved his sleeves, and the great airflow forced the burning arrows to fly at the devil army. Nascent Soul commanded the devil army to rush to Ao Ze, and Di Qing launched another attack. Then, a vast host of pedreros were pushed out and fired at Ao Ze. To take Kunlun, Di Qing had made full preparations. Gunpowder refined by potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur was Di Qing’s divine instrument to attack Kunlun. It seemed that Di Qing came to Kunlun well-prepared, since gunpowder had strong killing power. But Shenzong himself was quite used to the threats and remained calm. For immortal, the gunpowder was a kind of edge tools, but for God, it was merely like an egg dashing itself against a rock. Shenzong held the Suspending Sky Mirror in his hand, and then Spirit Power poured out of the mirror continuously. Nascent Soul gestured and condensed spirits. Devil soldiers with devil sabres in their hands rushed up. The moment Zhou Yi caught sight of Nascent Soul, Zhou Yi hurried to hide behind Shenzong, wondering why Nascent Soul would attack Kunlun in advance, since the Hall of Rewards and Punishments hadn’t come to reinforce. “How could Nascent Soul launch head-to-head confrontation so quickly? Is there any change of the plan?” Qi’s cannonballs charged straight at Kunlun and bombarded there with dust blowing. Kunlun’s disciples conjured, set formation and suspended in the air to confront them. Shenzong commanded the sword formation. Flowing Light was floating, and Spiritual Sword was swirling. Next second, Sword Qi was condensed above Ao Ze. Shenzong’s spiritual fingers swept away the devil army, and the floating incantation sieged the devil army completely. Di Qing transformed into the Black Dragon and hung the iron chains on the stone to build an iron chains bridge for Qi’s soldiers.

In order to win the battle, Di Qing had given good to Ye Juechen a lot so that he could get a close-up map of Kunlun. As the saying went, “Know the mutant; kill the mutant,” Di Qing pondered over the attacking strategy day and night. Although common people were weak, they boasted strong endurance. So Di Qing had made some preparations to use cables to build an iron bridge for soldiers. And soldiers of the human world crawled on the bridge to Kunlun. You Hu was the first to reach Kunlun’s summit, and he held his war saber high, looking fierce. Black Dragon suspended in the mid-air. The soldiers followed onto the peak, set pedrero and fired at Kunlun’s disciples in a frenzy. Shenzong was one step ahead of the attack. He ascended into the cloud and commanded his sword spirit. Then, Kunlun’s disciples built a defensive wall themselves and spread their Spirit Power to wrap up Ao Ze tightly. Shenzong held the Suspending Heaven Mirror and proliferated his spirit light. Clouds gathered and tumbled in the sky. A gale whipped great stones and pressed hard to the devil army. With roaring sound of artillery, the summit was bombarded with falling pieces. Shenzong gestured and called the Goddess of Rain, Po Xi. Black clouds rolled accompanied by peals of thunderbolts. Po Xi held a divine device, and the rain poured down from the sky. Di Qing had never seen it before, and continued to order his troops to press ahead. The pedreros were put out by the flood, and Po Xi’s divine device bombarded over Di Qing’s head. Seeing a bomb charging toward himself, Di Qing pulled You Hu to block himself. And You Hu who held the war sabre was attacked by Po Xi. When Di Qing turned around, You Hu was as dark as charcoal, his skin burnt with thick smoke. All the soldiers stepped back with fear. Di Qing was driven by a bloody lust to kill Shenzong and totally ingored his soldiers’ lives. Nascent Soul had no way to retreat and had to brace himself to move forward. The devil army rushed to Shenzong in flocks, while Kunlun’s disciples safeguarded Shenzong tightly, hoping that Po Xi could wipe out the Monsters as soon as possible and return peace and quietness to Kunlun. In the black clouds, Po Xi used her divine device to collected water from rivers, and revolving water dragon dashed along the way and dived toward the devil army, which scared them to scatter in all directions. Nascent Soul put his palms together and gestured to call blood bats from the hell. His teeth bit his fingers hard, and then blood flowed along his finger. Nascent Soul thumped the ground, and a crack appeared. With more thumps, hudreds of thousands of blood bats crowed out from the dust. Those blood bats which were once killed by Shenzong just now flung to Kunlun’s disciples. On the cloud, Po Xi collected the rivers’ water and struck at the soldiers from the human world. Di Qing transformed into Black Dragon and dashed at the Goddess of Rain, Po Xi. Shenzong released his Spirit Power, which ran to Po Xi in a flow. Po Xi absorbed the divine power. Di Qing tried to stop, but failed. It was the power of the God of Kunlun. Even though Di Qing had changed into Black Dragon, he could not resist it. Deluge poured out in all directions, leaving a land of the wailing and despair of Qi’s soldiers. The blood bats released by Nascent Soul rose from the dead, penetrated into the defensive cover and bit Kunlun’s disciples. Ye Juechen snapped his spiritual fingers, and the blood bats bounced again after several struggles. Ye Juechen was reluctant to see his junior disciples die of blood bats’ poisons. He was so contradictory inwardly that although he betrayed Kunlun, he still hoped they were alive. Seeing Ye Juechen acting in that way, Nascent Soul gnashed the teeth in anger but could not say anything more about it. After all, it was not so easy to find a smart and stable spy like Ye Juechen, who did help Nascent Soul save much effort, while Zhou Yi and Zhou Jing were not so clever as Ye Juechen. However, Shenzong was surprised at Ye Juechen’s behavior, since he knew that Ye Juechen must have something to do with the suppressing-demon pagoda, but afraid of letting the sleeping dog lie, Shenzong chose to investigate him covertly. In fact, betraying Kunlun should be a captial offense for Ye Juechen, but Shenzong decided to spare him once because of his remaining kindness. But for Zhou Yi and Zhou Jing, Shenzong did not decide yet, and would contiue to investigate in the dark to think about a thorough way to get rid of those bristletails. It occured to Shenzong that Zhou Jiang was good at drawing maps, so Shenzong decided to take advantage of it. As long as the plan would be carried out properly, those vile spawns would be arrested without offering any resistence. But Shenzong was also aware that all the trouble sources were on Chidi. Only by getting rid of Chidi could Kunlun regain peace and harmony. This time, Chidi did not come to Kunlun. He must go for the Heavenly Book. Compared to Kunlun, the Divine Being Heavenly Book meant a lot more to him. Sure enough, Chidi was in the Immense Sea now.

Di Qing who had changed himself into the Black Dragon was taken into the center by Po Xi’s rivers, and his officers and soldiers were also swept away by the rapids. Seeing the things worsening, Di Qing dashed onto the clouds. When he settled in, he began worrying about the soldiers flowing along the stream. If they were rushed downstream, they would die without doubt. Confronted with giant waves, Di Qing forged his way upstream with falling soldiers full of his dragon back. Being the Emperor of Qi Kingdom, Di Qing should not let the soldiers and officers down. Even though he was selfish, he still hoped his people would support him as the King of the country. The tumbling waves trapped struggling common people. Shenzong was unwilling to see that, because common people were so vulnerable that God was forbidden to slaughter them. Shenzong spread his Spirit Power and lifted up Qi’s soldiers. But Po Xi did not care about them at all and caused another thunderbolt. Black Dragon flung its great wail to Po Xi, trying to overpower the disgusting woman with a move. However, Po Xi was the Goddess of Rain called by the Suspending Sky Mirror and could be only overpowered by Shenzong. Black Dragon disgorged its Dragon Spirit with an attempt to battle out with the Goddess of Rain. With one more burst of lightning, Black Dragon was bombarded with smokes. Di Qing fell off the clouds by the thunderbolt. Nascent Soul spread his golden feathers to catch Di Qing in spite of the thunderbolt, while Di Qing was still pondering about how to come from behind to win. Seeing Shenzong off guard, Di Qing bounced at him again. At that moment, Po Xi flew to protect Shenzong. “The mortal is courting death.” The Goddness of Rain aimed at Di Qing to smash again. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled in Ao Ze, which caused countless deaths and injuries of the devil army. At that moment, Nascent Soul regretted having attacked Kunlun with Di Qing. The Emperor of Qi Kingdom was blindfolded by jealousy. Actually, Nascent Soul himself had some opportunity to win in the beginning, and felt a pity about his layout and pawns. But everything was totally ruined by Di Qing’s shortsightedness. “How can I tell Junior Uncle Master about this result?” Nascent Soul was looking around for Zhou Yi, hoping that the Hall of Rewards and Punishment would launch a certain counter-attack. But there was no trace of Zhou Yi anywhere.

“Spare no one.”

Shenzong threw a cold glance, and then Kunlun’s disciples rushed up. The remaining devil army was also surrounded tightly, and the Qi Kingdom’s army was completely outgunned and pleaded Po Xi for mercy. Nascent Soul was drawn to the wall. “Am I going to die here? No! I can’t die!” Nascent Soul gestured and called the Land Escape Spirit. This was a life-saving technique that could enable Nascent Soul to escape the tribulation. The wind was roaring above Ao Ze, where a stream of airflow swept across the sky. The spinning tornado tore off the spiritual barrier. And the Land Escape Spirit hovered above the devil army, and its votex flowed straight into Shenzong. Nascent Soul saw the opportunity to come, unloaded the Land Escape Spirit and drilled into the ground, and then the devil army was also rolled in. Darkness came over Di Qing, and he was rolled into the ground by the vortex. A sudden war ended silently. Kunlun’s Shenzong defeated hundreds of thousands of troops and forced them throw their helmets and armors. Ao Ze was in a mess as the eyes could see. Although this battle concluded, Shenzong knew that the war just began.

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