Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 62 Junior Sister, Hand Over the Heavenly Book

Chapter 62 Junior Sister, Hand Over the Heavenly Book

Changxi covered her ears in great pains. That man had been her sore point, tearing her heart up every time she recalled him. After so many years, her heart seemed to be numb, but now that man appeared again in another identity Chidi, which was like revealing her scar.

“I remember you were with our Master when he died. But when I went to find the Heavenly Book, it was missing. It must be you who stole it.”

“It was you who killed Master, and also the last who saw him. How come you ask me that? Moreover, I don’t know what it is, so, even I saw it, and I can’t recognize it.”

“I came here not for chatting with you today. Changxi, you know my strength, so...”

“I have no Heavenly Book, and if you want my life, just do it!”

“What if I tell you something about your daughter?”

“My daughter... what happened to her?”

“She’s dead.”

Changxi thought about a reunion a thousand times but never thought that her daughter would die. The poor child had never seen her father before her death. Changxi’s mouth was trembling; she didn’t expect to lose her daughter. All this was closely relevant to this wicked person in front of her who let her suffer a miserable life. If she didn’t believe his lies, she would never betray the sect.

“Junior Sister, if you hand over the Heavenly Book, you will know a bigger secret.”

“Bullshit! What secret will be more important than my daughter’s death?!”

“Your daughter has married to a mortal and given birth to a boy.”

“What did you say...?”

“Don’t be excited, Junior Sister... You are already not young.”

At this time, Changxi was in a complicated mood. Just a second ago, she was guilty of her daughter’s death, but now she felt lucky for her unexpected grandson. Though she lost her daughter, she was comforted to have a grandson with Shenzong. Changxi burst into tears with joy.

“Hand over the Heavenly Book, and I will tell you... the whereabouts of your grandson.”

“You want the Heavenly Book? But do you have the ability? You’d better first tell me where my grandson is, or you can’t get it.”

“Ridiculous! Hand over the Heavenly Book!”

How would Chidi be that patient? He gathered his Spiritual Power. Changxi knew that Chidi was treacherous and that he wouldn’t tell her where her grandson is without interest or exchange. But how dare she give the Heavenly to him! If she did that, she would be condemned by heaven.

They two passed through the bamboo forest one after one. At this time, Changxi figured out how to get rid of Chidi, but she was reluctant, because if she didn’t get where her grandson is today, then she would never know about it. Therefore, at present, she could only use the false Heavenly Book to swindle Chidi’s trust. So she stepped on the way to the false Heavenly Book. Chidi was very careful along the way. As the sect mates, they knew each other very much. Changxi went down all the way. When they arrived at the Heavenly Hole, Chidi became even more cautious to swindle. Changxi flew into the hole. She hadn’t been here for many years. There was a layer of moss on the wet stone wall. Every time they took a step, a sound of rustling would be formed. Chidi gathered his Spiritual Power secretly, in case of the sneak attack from Goddess of the Moon. The stone walls were lifted up. When they got to the depth of the Heavenly Hole, Chidi was a little surprised by the dangerous peak. If the Heavenly Book was hidden here, it would take him a lot of effort to get it, because his Spiritual Power would be influenced by the Heavenly Hole. Qiongqi was guarding the Heavenly Book here. Chidi slowly climbed toward the cliff. Changxi was afraid that Chidi figured out he was cheated, so she followed Chidi closely. When Qiongqi saw the Goddess of the Moon who imprisoned it, the thorns on its back were erected. It stabbed the thorns toward Changxi and jumped up. Changxi turned left and right to avoid. However, Qiongqi was stubborn when seeing its enemy. It turned around and flew to Changxi’s forehead again. Ignoring the battle, Chidi was still climbing up. But at this time, Qiongqi opened it huge wings and stabbed them toward Chidi. Though Chidi had returned to his real body, and become the Devil God again, he lost his Spiritual Power because of the Heavenly Hole. Qiongqi was so rude to the uninvited guests. When it saw Chidi was climbing to its own nest, it rolled up the rocks and slammed them toward Chidi. Chidi turned left and right to dodge the attack from Qiongqi, and smashed its nest with a palm when it was attacking the Goddess of the Moon. Then, a corner of the Heavenly Book was revealed. Chidi climbed into the nest slowly. Qiongqi swayed its giant wings and scratched the rocks. Chidi turned over, grabbed the Heavenly Book, and began to leave. Qiongqi flew toward Changqi wildly at this time, because its nest was ruined by these two uninvited guests. Gaining the Heavenly Book, Chidi was in ecstasy. He didn’t care about Changxi’s life and death and even hoped she to be eaten by Qiongqi so that there would be no one knowing the whereabouts of this Heavenly Book. Qiongqi had been chasing after Changxi. When it seized her, Chidi stopped moving, intending to witness the death of his junior sister. He didn’t want Changqi to see her grandson; he wanted to let her painful, which would be his own joy. He hated everything in the past, Xuanhuang of the Cuihua Mountain and Shenzong who was stronger than himself. The best way of revenging a person was to destroy his favorite, so Changxi must die, which was his revenging Shenzong. He watched Changxi and Qiongqi on the cliff.

“Listen, Junior Sister. Your grandson has been staying with Shenzong all the time, but Shenzong doesn’t know...”

“Who is he?”

“I can tell you to let you die without regrets... Xu Linghe.”

Chidi revealed a ghastly smile for his gain without loss. Changxi smirked as well and patted Qiongqi with her hands. Chidi’s anger slowly gathered, understanding Changxi’s tricks. She cited him here to get out of him. She knew that her Spiritual Power was less than his, so she brought him here, for she knew the there was an unusual jade that could make his Spiritual Power in the Heavenly Hole. In addition, the Heavenly Book in his hand turned into a rag somehow. Changxi, who was on the back of Qiongqi immediately rushed to the exit of the Heavenly Hole. Being cheated was a shame to Chidi, and he would not forget about that. One day he would let Changxi pay the price, just see...

Changxi rode Qiongqi toward the Bamboo Tower. She must leave the Mount Yao Guang now because Chidi would catch up with her soon. Since she lost the Mica spirit, only 10% of her Spiritual Power remained, so fighting against Chidi was just like crushing a stone with an egg. Now, she must protect that woman. She didn’t discover the woman in the courtyard. Did she hide? Changxi controlled Qiongqi into the air. The star is bright, making it like in the daytime. The woman was looking around, perhaps she was looking for Changxi.


Nie Xiaowu looked up and saw the Granny Moon on the Qiongqi. Granny Moon was the first one who could control Qiongqi. Qiongqi was famous for his temper. Changxi let Qiongqi land and asked Wuyou to leave. Nie Xiaowu jumped on the back of Qiongqi and took the baby steadily. The only place they could go to was the Immense Sea. Changxi rode Qiongqi into the sky again, expecting to leave here quickly. When Chidi got out of the Heavenly Hole, he couldn’t find Changxi at all. He came to the Mount Yao Guang alone for the Heavenly Book. Because it was too important, he didn’t bring a follower, even the Nascent Soul, resulting in being seriously shamed.

“Where are we going, Granny?”

Nie Xiaowu knew where they were heading for, but he didn’t want to be suspected. Wuyou looked at the human world with complicated emotions. She never thought there would be a day when she had to leave her famines, her love to escape.

When crossing the desert, Nie Xiaowu thought of the moment of seeing the woman. At that moment, he was shocked. He lost his parents since he was a child, so he longed for love. The gentleness of the woman was what he wanted. Although he didn’t quite know what it was, he knew that he would try his best to save the woman, if she encountered any danger one day.

Wuyou tightly carried the child, looking into the distance silently. Qiongqi stretched its giant wings. The wind, carrying heat wave, beat its cheeks, and the Immense Sea was in front of it. Qiongqi received its wings. Granny Moon was full of energy as if the experience just now was not a big matter. Moreover, only she knew what happened to her just now. When Granny Moon pushed open the door, Wuyou was the first one shocked. There was lotus is in the courtyard, but the lotus leaves were not in a pond, in a porcelain jar instead. They were in an orderly manner, which was difficult to find without carefulness. This detail indicated that Granny Moon was a woman who knew how to enjoy life. She could create such a peace even in the Immense Sea, a prosperous place.

Nie Xiaowu never knew that the Granny Moon had this house. It seemed that granny was very meticulous and alert. He must be more careful to prevent granny discover his difference. Changxi walked along the way, and Qiongqi turned into human shape, helping open the door. It seemed that Qiongqi often came here, familiar with the courtyard.

“Go and tidy up the backyard and let the mother and son rest early.”

Qiongqi got out of the room and went directly to the backyard. Nie Xiaowu followed Qiongqi. This big thing regarded Granny Moon as master, which made Nie Xiaowu very curious. The room next to the courtyard was actually ventilated, inlaid with some wooden boards. The surrounding area of those boards was separated by pink tulle. Nie Xiaowu stood on the wooden building, feeling like being in the star sea. Granny Moon owned a girl’s mind, for she decorated the room like a boudoir, which was suitable for Jiang Wuyou.

Though in a comfortable place, Wuyou didn’t fall asleep for a night, until the sun rose. She felt pain when she recalled the scary face of the child when he saw her. Even a child was afraid of her face, what if Linghe saw her one day. The child in her arms didn’t understand beauty and ugliness, so he only truly reflected his emotions. Granny Moon and Xiaowu were only pity for her. Such a feeling of powerlessness prevailed her. There were still a lot of unfinished wishes of her! Though an elder of the Teal Hill, she had to flee her homeland and let her people wait for her.

The streets of the Immense Sea were different from the streets of the mortal world. Residents here bought things with things. Nie Xiaowu prepared things early; his pocket was filled with the spiritual things from the Imperial Palace of the Immense Sea. The woman was a fleeing person without money, so he had to prepare for her.

After breakfast, they went out to prepare the necessary items at home. It seemed that the Goddess of the Moon decided to stay in the Immense Sea for a long time. Nie Xiaowu was calculating how to hide his identity. The Immense Sea was his territory. They walked across the streets in the Immense Sea. Wuyou wore a mask, and crowded crowds would, from time to time, cast a curious look. In the Immense Sea, a woman must show their faces, so Wuyou was eye-catching. She had been used to everything, ignoring the looks of strangers. The baby in her arms was very curious about the toys, pointing at them. Nie Xiaowu knew the baby wanted to play them, so he handed a wooden carriage to the baby. The baby grabbed it tightly, and burst out satisfactory laughter.

Changxi went to the cloth shop and bought a few pieces of cloth for the little baby. It was cool in the morning and evening in the Immense Sea.

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