Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 58 This Is the Most Beautiful Woman

Chapter 58 This Is the Most Beautiful Woman

The water spirit carried Wuyou flying over the sky. When the water spirit became thin, she realized how dangerous situation she was in, because Su Chenyang seemed to have forgotten that Wuyou did not have Spirit Power to protect herself. Then, her body began falling, and she had no way but to fall with the wind. Before she was a desert. “Is it the place where Black Emperor of the three realms has created the world? Is this really the Immense Sea?” When the water spirit was finally evaporated, Wuyou wanted to find a cool place. But there was no trace of any human in the endless desert. But the baby in her arms could not stand the heat. Wuyou struggled her way forward. But the heat drained away her strength quickly. Wuyou raised her head and tried to see further, but the eyes were stung by the scorching sun. Bathed in sand and dust, the tip of the nose was quickly covered by a layer of salt, the corner of her mouth splitting open with a bloody cut. The baby in her arms had woken up already, his eyes tearful and bloody blister appearing on his small mouth. The mouth was chewing. Wuyou knew that her baby was hungry. The baby had followed her for a day without eating anything. But what could she do? During these days, her body had reached the limit, and the baby was so weak that he needed to eat something. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to survive from the waste land. Wuyou bit her finger open, since it was the only way to save her baby. In this sparsely populated place, it was easy to die, but the hope for living was so small. In order to make the child alive, Wuyou had placed life and death outside, but her baby was so pitiful that he had to endure everything with her. Wuyou wanted to find a place to shield the heat. But there was nothing but only desolate land in sight. Her body ached as if being burnt, and the baby was sucking her blood. Perhaps the baby was too hungry, and he took it with great appetite. Wuyou caressed the baby, desperately hoping that a rain would pour down the intense heat of summer, thus could give her some hope for living. However, beneath the feet, there was nothing buy a vast sand and dust. Apart from the burning sand, it was hard to find any living creatures. Wuyou held her baby tightly and the blood on her finger began clotting. However, the baby kept crying, possibly because he was too hungry. When the finger flowed again, the baby let out the sucking sound with satisfaction. The sun on the top of the head weakened Wuyou and tortured her with the burning pain. “But, I can’t fall down. How can be a mother give up her child?” She tottered ahead feebly. However, the desert seemed boundless. Her vision became blurred as her steps became too heavy to move forward any more. She had ran out of her strength and had no more. After losing her Spirit Power, her body was like a common person’s. “My child... my poor child. You haven’t seen your father yet. You are still so young. But your mother can only be with you here... Only here.” The stone’s edge cut Wuyou’s blood vessel, and blood spread out and poured out continuously. The little baby took in his mother’s sweet blood. He was too young to know that it was the hope that his mother left him. It was the hope that his mother had abandoned her own hope of living only for the sake of making him alive. Perhaps he would never know that there once a woman who was willing to die for him. “My son...”

Nie Xiaowu labored his way with a medicine box. Every time Grandma Moon went to the Immense Sea to give medical advice to others, Nie Xiaowu would follow her. Nie Xiaowu was gasping for air with tiredness. “What a d**m place. It hasn’t rained for months.” The shoes rubbing raised blood blister on his torn feet. Nie Xiaowu sat on the sand dunes and shook the sand out that got into the shoes, wondering that why Grandma at her old age still bothered herself travelling among the Immense Sea, especially what Nie Xiaowu did not understand was that she had never stop it. Sitting on this empty sand dune, Nie Xiaowu could get nothing but the blazing sunshine. The water sack on his waist got shriveled. Looking at Grandma walking in front, Nie Xiaowu picked himself up, ready to move on. But at that moment, he heard a baby crying. Nie Xiaowu stopped and looked around. In the endless desert, there was nobody except Grandma and Nie Xiaowu, even wild grass was hard to spot. He looked around. “A baby was crying just now. Did I run into any evil?” Nie Xiaowu shook his hand and prepared leave. But the baby’s cry rang again in the sand hollow. Nie Xiaowu ran in the direction of the sand hollow. Seen from afar, a pack of black robe was buried in the sand. After the sand wind, a baby’s little hands were exposed. “How can there be a baby in such a desolate place?” Nie Xiaowu sped up his steps to see what happened. When he squatted, he was shocked by the sight in front of him. In the black clothes was a baby boy, whose face was stained of blood. Nie Xiaowu lifted the clothes, only to find that the baby was sucking the fingers. The blood flowed continuously. Nie Xiaowu dug the sand with his hands. A woman’s body emerged from the sand. It seemed that the woman in black provided the blood. Nie Xiaowu suddenly realized that to let her baby survive, the woman cut through her blood vessel. The wound on her wrist was so deep and the bone was visible, while a blunt stone on the scattered sand was covered with blood. Sure enough, this woman loved his baby so much that she dared to cut her skin and flesh with such a blunt stone. Nie Xiaowu was used to witnessing life and death, but this time he was still shocked by this mother’s love. His eyes became moistened voluntarily. He carefully dug away the sand covered on the woman and could finally see the woman’s true face. But what the woman looked like did not matter at all. Nie Xiaowu thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

“Grandma, a woman is lying here.”

Nie Xiaowu stood up and looked at Granny Moon. Changxi stopped and headed to the sand hollow. When she saw the baby, she fell in a trance, because she once had a baby too, but now she did not know how everything was getting along with the baby.

“Xiaowu, to check the woman. I am afraid that she is impossible to survive in such a hot day.”

Changxi came forward to feel the woman’s pulse as she finished the words. But she was shocked at the woman’s pulse, her heart sank, because the woman’s pulse was too weak to feel. The baby in black clothes was sucking blood, his fingers fiddling with one another and his tender mouth stained with blood. Changxi showed great pity to the woman. “This woman moves me a lot. If I had not abandoned my daughter, I might not feel so guilty. To make up for this regret, I decided to travel the Immense Sea and heal the wounded and rescue the dying.”

“Xiaowu, find a cool place and give her some drinking to see if we can save her.”

Nie Xiaowu took the water sack from the waist and carefully lifted the woman’s face. Maybe the woman was lacking in water for a long time, and the skin began peeling off on the corner of her mouth. Nie Xiaowu unscrewed the lid of the water sack and gave the water to her mouth drops by drops. However, the woman was too feeble to have the strength to drink. So the droplets of water fell into the sand and disappeared quickly.

“Granny Moon, I am afraid that the woman is really dying... She even can’s swallow the water.”

“We need think of a way. Otherwise there is no hope for her to live... What a poor child.”

When Nie Xiaowu thought of the way, his face burned up. He never thought that he would do this to a strange woman. When the water was sent into the woman’s lips, Nie Xiaowu’s face turned red. This was kissing. Nie Xiaowu sent the water little by little, hoping to help the woman.

“It seems that the woman has bled too much. She must be healed quickly.”

The moment Granny Moon’s voice faded away, Nie Xiaowu carried the woman on the back and hurried forward, and Changxi held the baby and followed. The baby in the arms did not cry or get irritable, probably because he had been fed by his mother’s blood. He rolled his eyes at Changxi. But when he found it was not his mother to hold him, the baby burst into tears. Changxi patted his back gently. Along the way, the baby ruefully looked at the grandma before him. Perhaps, the baby himself wondered why his mother changed her appearance.

The moon had risen up to the trees top when they arrived at Grandma’s dwelling. Nie Xiaowu put the woman down and covered the bedding on her with great caution. However, the woman on the bed was still unconscious. Nie Xiaowu took a sunstroke-preventing pill out of the medicine box and put it into the woman’s nose.

“Why doesn’t she wake up?” Granny Moon asked in surprise when seeing Nie Xiaowu still taking the pulse for the woman. Usually Nie Xiaowu might have run away. Changxi did not tell clearly when she had picked up Nie Xiaowu, but merely remember that on one morning, when she opened the door, Nie Xiaowu had laid under her fence. From then on, Nie Xiaowu woke up early every morning and did some chores for Changxi. And sometimes, when they came to the Immense Sea, Nie Xiaowu would carry the medicine box. Over time, Nie Xiaowu had become Changxi’s little disciple. But she had never seen Nie Xiaowu was so warm-hearted before. He would take care of a disfigured woman.

“Grandma, I think the woman lost too much blood. She will die if she goes on like this. Could you use the blood transfusion technique to help her? To give my blood to the woman.”

“If you are willing, I can have a try.”

Nie Xiaowu was also shocked by himself. Since when did he become so kind? But he could not bear to see the woman die. As long as he thought that the baby would live without the mother, his heart ached. It was the last thing Nie Xiaowu hoped to see. In the candlelight, Nie Xiaowu rolled up his sleeves, and Grandma Moon held a silver needle to find his pulse. When the silver needle pricked into his blood vessel, Nie Xiaowu could feel his heartbeat. His blood flowed out drops by drops. Grandma Moon took a soft capsule from the medicine box. When the capsule was full of blood, Grandma Moon used a hair-like flexible tube to stab into the woman’s heart veins. Seeing Grandma’s medical technique, Nie Xiaowu let out a sign inwardly. “This woman is so lucky that she can meet Granny Moon.” Not until Granny Moon took a deep breath did Nie Xiaowu’s heart finally fell. Granny Moon straightened her back and pounded her arms and shoulders. Nie Xiaowu handed a cup of hot tea to Granny Moon. Changxi’s dry throat could be moistened finally, but she felt there was something strange about the way Nie Xiaowu behaved. “He is so kind today. Is he for the woman?”

“Tonight, you have to guard her carefully. If she can wake up, it will be fine. If not, even a divine doctor cannot save her.”

After hearing the last word, Nie Xiaowu knitted his eyebrows. It seemed that he had to guard the woman tonight. But at midnight, a wild beast’s cry sounded. Nie Xiaowu walked out of the house, and a black shadow who had hidden in the forest walked to Nie Xiaowu.

“Xueyi, what’s matter? It is so late now.”

“My lord, you have a poor memory, even forgot the day of worshipping the ancestors. So the old guys in the tribe are discontent with him.”

“I am afraid that I will not go back because I encountered something today. Let’s put it aside tomorrow...”

“My lord, have you sounded out where the Pangu Heavenly Book is now?”

“The Goddess of the Moon is much alerted. I think, I have to spend some time here.”

“My lord, you are living a comfortable life. Look at me... I am worried about you so much that my skin becomes coarse and hard now.”

“Xueyi, if there is nothing serious, don’t come to Mount Yao Guang too much.”

“My lord, is this grandma the Goddess of the Moon, Changxi?”

“I don’t know. But the Black Emperor’s death has something to do with Chidi and the Goddess of the Moon. What’s more, the Pangu Heavenly Book disappeared overnight without a trace...”

“Perhaps Chidi stole the Heavenly Book.”

“If Chidi did get the Divine Being Heavenly Book, why did he have to pass tribulation?”

“How about constraining the Goddess of the Moon and forcing her to surrender the Pangu Heavenly Book? Isn’t it better?”

“If you were her, would you be forced to surrender the Heavenly Book?”

“I am afraid of pain, and even more afraid of Si Shui. But if the Heavenly Book is so formidable, it is okay for me to endure some pains.”

“Well, now do you know why I choose to stay in the Mount Yao Guang? The Goddess of the Moon will be off guard one day. And perhaps she will say out the secret of the Pangu Heavenly Book.”

Yuan Xueyi knew that her lord was a meticulous hunter. It turned that Yuan Xueyi came to the Mount Yao Guang in vain, because the lord had made up his mind not to return so quickly. So Yuan Xueyi decided to go back and have a good sleep. Yuan Xueyi flew up into the cloud and headed to the direction of the Immense Sea.

Nie Xiaowu returned to the house. The candle on the candlestick burned with tears, drops of tears gathering along the candle. When the candle burned out, it was getting light outside the window. The woman on the bed didn’t wake up through the whole night. Nie Xiaowu took the woman’s pulse again, sensing that her pulse condition was steady. Perhaps she was just too tired.

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