Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 53 The Mystery of Shenzong’s Life History

Chapter 53 The Mystery of Shenzong’s Life History

“But what does it have to do with me?” Xu Linghe was puzzled inwardly. Then the image changed into another scene—when the Heaven and Earth just began, a woman drove her leopard spirit and went on fights. At that time, the man (Emperor Jun) who took the woman’s spirit was merely a leader of Yan tribe. The man came together with the woman for his own good. The woman was filled with admiration of his ambition and great talent, but the man was plotting for the woman’s territory. Later, the woman was really moved by the man, and fell in love with Emperor Jun. However, out of her expectation, Emperor Jun only wanted her country. The woman was pregnant for ten months and had to avoid the man killing. She ran to Kunlun, but the man was ruthless and unwilling to spare her, so he chased after her to Kunlun. To protect Kunlun’s living creatures and her child, Xi Mu had fought with Emperor Jun fiercely for 500 years. Then, Emperor Jun bought off God of Mountains of Kunlun and took the child hostage to threaten the woman. Xi Mu was the divine spirit to guard Kunlun, so how could she allow herself to save her child at the cost of tribesmen in Kunlun? What’s worse, Emperor Jun alienated tribesmen with wiles. Xi Mu was betrayed by her tribesmen, and Emperor Jun occupied Kunlun and slaughtered the tribe. Xi Mu was cut open, and her spirit was taken away. And then, the boy child was rescued by Black Emperor of Mount Cui Hua. To commemorate the woman’s deeds to protect her tribesmen, Black Emperor sealed up her spirit in Kunlun.

“Is Xi Mu the mother of Junior Uncle Grandmaster?”


“Grandmaster established the sect in Kunlun for your mother.”

“He’er, I just want to tell that love is not all of life. It is the most changeable. Sometimes, love you value as your whole life is only the chips in others’ eyes. It can make you alive or dead. The reason why I adopted you is that we were abandoned by our fathers. Emperor Jun is my father, but he totally ignored my life and death.”

“I understand what Grandmaster meant. But I just want a complete life, and even if I feel hurt, it is my choice anyway.”

“If so, I should not push you any more. But you should take the responsibilities in Kunlun and in the three realms, as well as keep order in the three realms. The reason why Zhu family constrains the Great Grandmaster is that they want to find the Pangu Divine Being Heaven Roll. The Pangu Heaven Roll can both create and destroy the world. So it cannot be fell into Zhu family’s hands. However, my Mentor, Black Emperor, who raised me up, is trapped in Si Shui by Zhu family...”

“Grandmaster, I am afraid I cannot bear them.”

“You have to bear the responsibilities no matter how. I am getting older...”

“I will always keep in mind your graciousness to raise me up. Without you, I am afraid I would have died long ago.”

Xu Linghe knelt on the foot of Shenzong. No matter what happened, Xu Linghe could not forego the gratitude that Grandmaster raised him up. Now, Grandmaster was getting older and was no longer the man be in high and vigorous spirits. Kunlun would continue developing in Xu Linghe’s hands. Kunlun was the home of Xu Linghe, Grandmaster, as well as of thousands of disciples in Kunlun. So how could Xu Linghe let others trample on this pure land?

The two men went out of the forbidden area. Following behind Junior Uncle Grandmaster, Xu Linghe looked at Shenzong’s receding feeble back and regretted his carelessness. Xu Linghe thought, “Grandmaster’s back gets stooper. He has spent his hundreds of thousands of years Spirit Power saving me. I should not make Grandmaster worry about me any longer. Instead, I should solve problems for Junior Uncle Grandmaster and let him live an easy and comfortable life in his old age.”

No sooner had they got off the auspicious clouds than Liu Ruoshui rushed to them immediately. Shenzong scowled and thought, “The disciples in Ao Ze are becoming more and more unruly and doing everything in a fluster.” Seeing Grandmaster’s face falling, Ruoshui had to tell the fact that the Hall Owners of rewards and punishments caught two spies and claimed that the two spies knew the Sect Master, and asked Sect Master to take a look. Xu Linghe was startled about what Ruoshui said, thinking, “The two persons claim to know me and are caught as spies. In other words, I am supposed to be the inside thief in Kunlun. Since the seal on the demon-suppressing pagoda has been removed, seldom persons in Kunlun have such ability. These two Hall Owners are so desperate now to do such things. But before having concrete evidence, they are hurry to find a scapegoat.”

“Grandmaster, I will go to see it. Please come back and take a rest.”

Xu Linghe flew toward the Hall of rewards and punishments by the wind. Seen from afar, two persons were kneeling on the ground. Xu Linghe’s heart sank. With a mere look at their back, Xu Linghe could tell who they were, and it had been a long time since he saw them. But now they had to face each other as spies. Father had passed away, and Xu family was broken and dispersed. It might be the last time for Xu Linghe to see his two brothers. Xu Linghe strode to the courtyard step by step. The two men picked themselves up from the ground, trembling. When Xu Linghe came closer to them, Xu Yin pulled the hem of Xu Linghe’s garment and rambled in his words. Xu Linghe finally could know clearly what he said. Sure enough, Xu Linghe’s elder brothers were reluctant to let go of Xu Linghe even on their deathbed. They struggled their ways to Kunlun and told the Kunlun’s disciples that the new Sect Master was an inside thief. It seemed that Xu Linghe should express his gratitude to his elder brother’s love, for they did not forget him from boy to man.

“Who is so arrogant here? Pull them down and give a severe penalty.”

“Sect Master, don’t get angry. The two said they were your old acquaintances. I think we should allow them to finish their words.”

When Xu Yin saw his youngest brother again, Xu Linghe was as high above him as the clouds were from the mud. After their father had passed away, Xu Yin was not the eldest master any longer, but just like a homeless cur. The reason why Di Qing did not kill him was to show it to Xu Linghe. However, Xu Yin knew that there was no brotherhood or fatherhood in the Xu family. What’s worse, Xu Yin had been bullying Xu Linghe for a long time. And now, fate sent Xu Yin to a dead end once again, and he became a victim of others. The Hall Owners drew him out to make him a scapegoat for them.

Xu Xi did not dare to look up. Sect Master’s manner imposed him. But the Hall Owner had said that Xu Xi had to cling to his view that Sect Master was his boss behind the scene. Anyway, Xu Xi thought it was worthwhile to take pains for glory and wealth in the future, but why was the Sect Master so familiar to him?

“It is you.”

Xu Xi crumpled on the ground. “It is really a small world. It is him!” Xu Xi felt completely disheartened. Thinking that the guy’s Joy Hall and his ruthlessness to him, Xu Xi jumped into Xu Yin’s arms. Xu Linghe let out a sneer and thought, “Dare to find such two blockheads. The Hall Owners are not far from death.” But Xu Linghe was also aware that it was not the proper time to beat the grass and scare the snake, because he had a weak foundation in Kunlun while Kunlun was extremely complicated inside.

“Hall Owner, I don’t know him.”

Xu Yin went down on their knees and kowtowed continuously. Zhou Yi kicked him off and thought, “Di Qing sent two good-for-nothing fools!” Xu Linghe snorted coldly because his elder brothers seemed to become smart then.


“Throw these two blockheads into the Ruo Shui Lake.”


Xu Yin was delighted, wondering whether Xu Linghe had mercy on him. But when Xu Linghe’s Spirit Power penetrated his check, Xu Yin was shocked and frightened. He could not still believe that he would die in the guy’s hands. Xu Linghe had grown up indeed, who was not the coward as he used to be in childhood. But it was too late for Xu Yin to realize it. “Perhaps Xu Linghe hates me. The humiliating life in childhood buries the hatred in his heart. He has always hidden his strength, waiting for the coming of this day.” At the thought, Xu Yin closed his eyes with a smile. Maybe death was the only escape for Xu Yin. It was Karma to die in Xu Linghen’s hands.

“To go and accompany Father!”

Xu Linghe left without mercy. Xu Xi held his elder brother’s corpse and wailed ceaselessly...

Zhou Yi knew it was careless to take that move. Di Qing was really stupid, since he had known that Xu Linghe was not an ordinary person, he still sent these blockheads there on the matter of unlocking the demon-suppressing pagoda, which revealed that they had an ulterior object in view. That Mentor did not look into the matter at that moment did not mean that he would not investigate it secretly. It turned out that the Emperor in the human world had less strategic vision than Xu Linghe. Zhou Yi thought, “I have to go to the human world to remind the Emperor not to add to the chaos to me. I even don’t know if it was right or wrong to take this move.”

“Elder brother, when will Chidi come to attack Kunlun?”

“Ah Jing, my eyelids are twitching these days. Is there anything to happen?”

“Elder brother, there is nothing more important than to be the Sect Master. We are from the Hall of rewards and punishments and have been following Mentor for about twenty thousand years. And we can only get the position of being the supervisors in the Hall. But that Xu has only been here for a few days, and become the Sect Master. It is unfair.”

“Because Master is partial. But Ah Jing, you should pay more attention to Ye Juechen. This guy always keeps track of us. Keep a closer eye on him!”


Zhou Yi went out of the courtyard and flew to the west. Zhou Jing was very annoyed with the crying man and really wanted to kick him into the Ruo Shui Lake. At that time, Xu Xi’s heart was changing greatly, as Xu Yin’s death gave him a head-on blow. Nonentity could only be trampled upon by others at will. Di Qing cheated them to come to Kunlun, merely because Di Qing wanted to satisfy his own vanity and show off in front of Xu Linghe. Now, elder brother had died in Xu Linghe’s hands, which was caused by Di Qing. Xu Xi thought, “I swear vengeance against Di Qing. Although I am not a great talent, I am a worldly man. Di Qing, you slay my brother. And I will not let you be better.” Xu Xi picked himself up from the ground to hold his brother’s body and walked forward. Xu Linghe’s spiritual fingers just penetrated Xu Yin’s veins. Xu Linghe could not bring himself to kill his elder brother. After all, his two brothers were also his father’s sons. If they died, his fathers would not feel settled down underground. Xu Linghe only hoped that his two brothers would devote themselves to doing good and not fall to be others’ pawns. By doing so, Xu Linghe thought he could comfort his father underground. Xu Linghe used to think that he hated his father. But when his father was controlled by Chidi and would like to die rather than hurt Xu Linghe, Xu Linghe knew that his father always loved him. But it was too late for Xu Linghe to come to realize the truth.

Xu Xi carried his brother in arms leaving along the mountain road. Suddenly, Xu Yin’s heart throbbed. Then Xu Yin understood everything completely. As a matter of fact, that guy just acted in front of Zhou Yi in order to cover up the truth, so Xu Linghe just battered Xu Yin unconscious. Xu Yin was always a treacherous person on the make, but now he was moved by Xu Linghe’s deeds unexpectedly. That palm was like a trickle into Xu Yin’s heart. “I should do something now. In the past, I forgot family love and only pursued for profits. I forgot how to be an elder brother. Although it was Chidi who killed the father, Di Qing cannot get away from it as well. Being the eldest in Xu Family, I should do something for father who has passed away.”

“Xu Xi, let me down.”

“Elder brother.”

Xu Xi hugged his brother, his voice cracked with excitement. The elder brother did not die... not die!

“We really don’t have the generosity as that guy. But I finally think clearly that our Xu’s brothers should be of one heart! Father is dead, but we should not let the Xu family fall... That guy did not kill us. As for the immortal deeds we’ve done before, he can kill us enough thousands of times. But let’s think about it. The real killers of our father are Chidi and Di Qing.”

“I think so, too. How about infiltrating into Qi’s palace and spying on Di Qing...”

“This is a good idea.”

“Xu Xi, that guy has not changed for many years. We should avenge our father. Don’t let the guy do that before us!”

“Elder brother.”

The brothers held each other’s hands tightly. Xu Linghe on the top of the mountain felt gratified inwardly, because his brothers finally understood his painstaking intention...

Xu Linghe knew that Zhou Yi went to the Qi’s palace and wondered whether Zhou Yi would be afraid of being discovered since he left in such a hurry. Xu Linghe thought, “I should set aside these brainless persons, except Ye Juechen who has a meticulous mind and keeps spying on what happens in Kunlun. I’d better bide my time to see who will be the boss behind the scene. Does Zhu Jiuyin also assign some spies? Grandmaster said a secret power is always hiding in Kunlun. Who is that? Does it have any secret agent? The entire Kunlun seems to be calm and tranquil, but no one knows how roaring the waves are beneath the surface.” Xu Linghe filled his mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas along the way.

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