Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 36 Why to recall the painful memories?

Chapter 36 Why to recall the painful memories?

Xu Linghe grabbed the hand of the small woman, and quietly got out of the main hall. The wind flipped her hair. Xu Linghe looked at her and walked toward the palace gate step by step.

Regardless of the snow water splashed on her skirt corner, Wuyou just hoped that she could go on with the man next to her forever. When the palace gate was getting farther and farther, Wuyou flew to the sky, holding the big hand of Xu Linghe. At this moment, she was no longer the lonely Little Fox.

“Linghe, I want to go to Jiangnan.”

“After we get married, okay?”

Xu Linghe knew the little woman’s mind. But the wedding was imminent. His dream was to give the small woman a home.

“Master, you finally come back.”

The Little Lingchong rushed into Wuyou’s arms and cried, but was then hung on the treetop after Wuyou swept one of her fingers.

Little Blacky was sitting on the stone bench quietly. Xu Linghe flipped on the forehead of his Junior Brother, but the latter still lowered his head. Why did that noisy Little Blacky change?

“Brother Xu, you’re in time. If a little later, your Junior Brother will sink into the Tao enlightenment.”

“Why? Did something magical happen to him in the few days that I was not here? Or did he make a mistake?”

“Your Junior Brother falls in love with a girl of the Han family, but she is not into him.”

Wuyou knew that the girl of the Han family was her younger sister Han Chiyou. Thinking of this, Wuyou missed her mother very much. Ever since she left home that night, she hadn’t seen her mother for a long time. She didn’t know if her mother was missing her as well.

Wuyou took tiny steps to pass through the backyard. Under the distant peach tree, her mother was leaning against the soft couch with her eyes closed. Chiyou was sleeping in her arms. The sunshine in March was scattered on the mother and daughter. Wuyou looked at them quietly without resentment anymore. The heartache finally melted in the sun. Yes! After all, they were her blood relatives in the world.

In the afternoon sunshine, Wuyou was enjoying the tranquillity. In the distance, Xu Linghe was quietly looking at the little woman like a peach flower. The wind kissed her hair, and a pink revealed on her white neck in the sunlight. This woman would soon be his wife.

After the midday rest, Mrs. Houqing woke up to see the youth watching her daughter with full love in his eyes. Her daughter’s happiness made her reveal a comforting smile. Wuyou noticed that her mother woke up, and helped to remove Han Chiyou. Mrs. Houqing covered her little daughter with a thin quilt.

“Aunt, have you been used to living here?”

Xu Linghe broke the embarrassment of the small woman. He knew that the small woman loved her mother, but due to the lack of maternal love for 200 years, she felt hard to express her affection for her family.

“Mom, would you like to go to Jiangnan with me a few days later?”

When Xu Linghe was about to reply, a servant came in the rush, saying that the Lord was waiting in the entrance hall. Wuyou definitely knew who the Lord was, but why he visited them today? When Wuyou saw the prime minister last time, he almost killed his own son. What did he come for today?

“Where’s my daughter?”

Han Yiqian was arguing in the front yard, and then the entire front yard was boiling. Xu Linghe looked at Mrs. Houqing and found she was calm.

At this time, Mrs. Houqing held her own thoughts in her heart. She did not want to see this person. But fate always played tricks on her. It seemed that she could only pretend to be stupid. Let those old things go with the wind. She got married to Han Qianyi because she had no other choices. She felt sorry that she couldn’t fall in love with this man. The only one she loved was Jiang Tian; no one else could be accommodated in her heart.

“Uncle Han.”

Xu Linghe greeted him, wondering how excited would Han Qianyi be when he saw his wife. Wuyou cast a cold look, carefully observing this middle-aged man. In her memory, her father was more handsome than this person. He was a mortal, with a life span of 100 years at most. If her father was still alive, her mother would not marry a mortal.

“Xiaoyou, go back to the room with mom.”

Mrs. Houqing glanced at her sleeping little daughter, and walked to the door with her head lowered, followed by Wuyou.

In the yard, Han Qianyi stared at Mrs. Houqing’s back, full of tears. Only a glance would touch the weakness in the bottom of his heart. Xu Linghe knew why Uncle Han was so excited. Yes! The person he missed was in front of him, so how could he suppress his joy?!

“Houqing, is that you?”

Han Qianyi’s voice was trembling. The name had been called a thousand times in the bottom of his heart. At midnight, only the alcohol could help him fall asleep, and only in the dreams, did he feel that he was still alive. He should be accompanied by the flagon, looking forward that Houqing could enter his dreams. But he was disappointed every time. This woman was not willing to give him a dream.


Robbed of the ability to utter, Han Qianyi hoped that the women could turn around and look at him. But what he gained was only the back.

Han Qianyi took a step forward, blocking Mrs. Houqing. The woman in front of him was hard-hearted and had no interest in him after years of separation.

Han Qianyi’s bitterness in his heart was beyond words. Xu Linghe was a little sympathetic to this Uncle Han. Coldness sat in the eyes of Mrs. Houqing, demonstrating her ruthlessness. Struck into such one-sided love, how poor was Uncle Han!

“Xiaoyou, go with mom to take something.”

Mrs. Houqing bypassed Han Qianyi. She thought her ruthlessness was beneficial to each other. She didn’t love Han Qianyi, so she had to cut off her feelings.

“Wife, go home with me.”

Han Qianyi looked at Houqing helplessly. This woman really didn’t love him. Ten years ago, she left him firmly, and now she was still indifferent. Thinking of his love for decades that couldn’t exchange her warmth, Han Qianyi was both annoyed and powerless. His love gave her the power to hurt him.

“Uncle Han, are you here to pick up younger sister Chiyou?”

Xu Linghe perceived Mrs. Houqing’s attitude toward Uncle Han. Uncle Han would be even more embarrassed if the deadlock continued. This kind of family affair owned no resolutions.

“Yes! I haven’t seen her for days and miss her very much. The prime minister said that my daughter was taken away by you.”

Xu Linghe couldn’t tell the truth to Han Qianyi. He took away Mrs. Han from the Blood Pool for the sake of the small woman. He did not expect to let Han Qianyi discover it.

“I miss you too, dad.”

Han Chiyou, who woke up in the warm sun, was very happy to see Han Qianyi. Being apart for a few months, she had been missing her father. In her heart, Han Qianyi could be replaced by no one, even including her own mother. She once hated her father, for he abandoned her on his own interests. But she believed that her father was the one in the world who loved her most.

“Mom, dad’s picking us up. Let’s return to Jiangnan tomorrow.”

Han Chiyou was happy to rush to her father’s arms. Han Qianyi comforted his daughter. Looking at the father and daughter under the sun, Wuyou felt sad in her heart. If her father was alive, she would also be his baby. Wuyou raised her head to avoid the tears wetting her heart.

Looking at the little woman, Xu Linghe could do nothing. He knew that family love could not be replaced. Even if he loved the little woman very much, her father was still like a god in the eyes of the small woman. Xiaoyou’s father had gone, she couldn’t lose her mother either. Mrs. Houqing was even firm. No matter how Han Qianyi persuaded her to stay, her minds couldn’t be changed. Yes! Chiyou had a father who loved her very much, but Xiaoyou owned nothing except for her.

“Chiyou, go with your sister. I have something to say to your father.”

“Mom, you want to abandon me?”

Han Chiyou’s eyes were shining with tears, both for her and her father. Mrs. Houqing held her emotions to not watch her little daughter. She was afraid her regret would hurt her eldest daughter. When she remembered the past, everything couldn’t go back.

Mrs. Houqing entered the inner hall, Han Qianyi also followed up. Han Chiyou sorrowed his father whose hair became white over one night for his beloved woman. But what he got was the alienation of her mother. For ten years, he eventually waited for a broken dream.

“Mom, dad has been missing you. Do you know how he came over? You went away and only left the peach tree in the backyard. Dan could only stay with that tree when he missed you. When I was young, I accompanied dad every day, but what he needed was the flagon. At that time, I didn’t understand the pain in dad’s heart, and I even complained about him not to accompany me. When I grew up, I finally knew that he was getting drunk to see you.”

The door was locked. Mrs. Houqing was sobbing against the door. People were not grass. But being moved was useless. One’s heart could only accommodate one person.

“Qianyi, let’s deal with our relationship today! I am the peach fairy in the flower realm.”

“Wife, no matter you’re a fairy or a human, you’re always my wife. Do you remember the day when we first met? You were only sixteen, standing in the sun, clean and clear like the sky. At that time, I was thinking I must marry this woman. I finally got you. Though our marriage was arranged, I never took you as an outsider. I cherished you, and never hurt your heart. My love aroused others’ jealousness on you. You’re as clean as a lotus, so how can you endure the roughness of the woman in the house. Then you left with determination, and I felt so sorry for you!”

“Stop. It’s my fault. I have been disappointing you for so many years. I am a peach fairy and married Jiang Tian of the Teal Hill 500 years ago. Once upon a time, the Wolf King wanted to dominate the three realms, and in order to guard the people of the Teal Hill, my husband was robbed of soul and transformed into a boulder by the Wolf King. I have a daughter named Jiang Wuyou. After the death of my husband, I couldn’t fall asleep every night. Considering my daughter was still young, I couldn’t kill myself. Later, she was adopted by Jiefei, and I turned myself into a fine soul lingering in the three realms. Then I happened to be reincarnated in a new body, becoming Houqing, the daughter of a Jiangnan salt merchant. Our encounter was such a trick of the god. I’m sorry for you.”

“It turns out that your husband is Jiang Tian of the Teal Hill. And I’m nothing in your heart. You keep mentioning Jiang Tian as your husband, then what am I? What do you regard me as in your heart? You’re always so cold to me, but you miss a dead man very much. I’m not a royal member of the Qi Kingdom, but a man of wealth of the country. I did everything to reborn you, but I can’t even weight more than a dead person in your heart. Wife... you really make me heartbroken.”

Han Qianyi coughed constantly. How could he be fine after he gave his heart to the woman named Houqing? How could he be happy without a heart? His throat was bloody. He wanted to smooth the sadness in his heart. But his body was getting cold, and desperation was spreading in his eyes. The woman in front of him would eventually be a dream. She could only live in his dreams. He was reluctant, but what could he do? If you loved someone, you had to suffer from bone-burning pain. Never mind. Just let her go. As long as she lived well, there were no regrets of him.

“How are you?”

Houqing tried to rub the man’s mouth, for the blood rushed out consistently. Han Chiyou burst in the room, and picked up her father, staying away from her mother. She looked at her mother and was regretted leaving Xu Manor. If she stayed there, her father would not be sad. This woman had hurt his father’s heart. At this moment, Han Chiyou was like a little beast, protecting her father.

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