“Father, that’s…”

“Do you think you deserve it even after losing so many soldiers?”

The emperor stared down at the third prince with cold eyes. The third prince lowered his gaze.

“The difference in military strength was close to 10,000.”

“Then you should have found another way. It’s not an excuse for a complete annihilation due to the lack of troops. Did Erendil win in Combat because they had more soldiers?”

The third prince closed his mouth. He reflexively opened it again, but it seemed more like an attempt to scratch an itch.

The first and second princes silently observed. The emperor seemed to dislike seeing them like that.

“Why are you silent? Do you interpret it as following my will?”

“We will show a better performance.”

Only then did the first prince speak. The emperor let out a wry laugh.

“After losing 50,000?”

“…We still have 10,000 remaining.”

The first prince replied, but his voice lacked confidence.

“What could you have done with the remaining 10,000?”

The first prince remained silent. The room was filled with silence. The emperor scanned the audience with an uncomfortable expression.

Well, everyone knew that a decision was not being made at this moment. 

This was essentially a place for reprimand. Now the emperor turned to the second prince.

“Why are you silent? Do you agree?”


“Then you must think it was fine on your own.”



The second prince’s face showed a sense of injustice. He seemed unable to understand why he was being reprimanded.

“Because of those fools targeting the firstborn, you didn’t even fight a proper battle, and you didn’t show any remarkable achievements in the siege of Hrit. Is that satisfying?”

The emperor clicked his tongue mockingly.

“You indeed look unharmed thanks to those more pathetic guys, but that doesn’t make it something to be proud of. Instead of the firstborn, it could have been you who lost soldiers.”

“No. I would have handled it differently. I wouldn’t have been humiliated like that.”

The second prince spoke through gritted teeth. The first prince glared at the second prince with a face flushed with embarrassment.

“A measly self-confidence still lingers, it seems.”

Although the emperor spoke mockingly, he seemed satisfied with the second prince’s response.

Of course, it was a brief expression. The emperor sighed loudly as if to tell them to listen.

“Fine. If you want to continue this dispute, despite the pitiful state you’ve shown, go ahead. I don’t know if there will be an event as significant as this war, but if you want to continue, go ahead.”

The emperor’s words were accurate. This war marked the first time in 130 years that the Imperial Founder’s Medal was awarded.

Nothing more significant had happened for a while, unless devil worshippers suddenly appeared and attacked the empire. So, it would be challenging to overturn the immediate evaluation.

In fact, the princess suffered in part because she was a woman.

There had never been a female emperor in the empire until now. It was reasonable to assume that she hadn’t even participated in the competition.

If it weren’t for the princess’s gender, the situation could be considered practically settled in terms of the succession dispute after this war.

Although she received the attention that she had not received before, it was not commensurate with her achievements.

Time was on the side of the princes.

Heroic tales are easily forgotten. Even after a few years, people would gather around the princes again.

And in the end, the deaths of the defeated imperial princes would conclude the matter. The current emperor was also the one who killed his own brother.

However, it was not immediate. Direct assassination attempts were impossible due to the emperor’s decree.

In a situation where support was not firm, becoming emperor through assassination would likely lead to a high risk of rebellion.

The emperor intended to allow such actions only after a solid support base had been established, even if one of his children ascended to the throne.

His father had been the same. Of course, the permission for that was not explicitly stated.

“That’s enough. Withdraw.”

With uncomfortable expressions, everyone rose from their seats, but the emperor suddenly called the princess forward.


“Yes, father.”

“Well done.”

“…Thank you.”

In the presence of the princes, the emperor praised the princess.

“You captured the unruly King Rohalak, so according to my promise, I should reward you. Do you have anything you want?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Is that so? You’re saying the same thing as your guard.”

Erendil glanced at him. The emperor shrugged his shoulders.

“Think about it. If you have any desires, let me know.”


A few days later, when Emmet came out of Erendil’s room, a knight temporarily in charge of guarding lowered his head.

He was one of Duchess Lyurik’s knights, a quite decent person. Emmet patted his shoulder.

“Is everything okay?”

“Of course. It’s an honor.”


Emmet, nodding, turned his gaze to me.

“Let’s talk for a moment.”

We walked a few steps toward the window side of the corridor. It was a place to report to Phiri while looking at the stars in the early morning.

Emmet let out a light sigh.

“What’s wrong?”

“Her Highness told me to continue.”

It was about the matter of being a guard.

Emmet, who had lost an arm, had said he would quit, but Erendil didn’t want that.

“You should continue.”

“I can’t. How can a one-armed knight guard the princess?”

“Even if you’re one-armed, Your skill is enough.”

“No. It’s not the same. The sword doesn’t feel like mine anymore.”

It wasn’t unknown what was on Emmet’s mind. Even if he had lost his left arm instead of his right, there would still be a significant sense of dissonance.

The center of gravity of the body itself changes, making it impossible to perform at the usual skill level.

The adaptation process was essential.

No one could guess how long it would take. Moreover, there might be challenging aspects due to age.

There were many things he could do even without a sword in his hand, but perhaps he needed to establish a new swordsmanship after all these years.

Even if it looked fine on the outside, it might be quite distressing on the inside.

“Just adapt.”

“Isn’t it too easy to say that since it’s not your problem?”

Emmet chuckled, giving a teasing remark, but deep down, it might have been sincere. I nodded.

“You can learn from the precedent of the former Sword Master Haventang, can’t you?”

“It’s a vain dream. Reaching into the realm that I couldn’t even dare with two arms….”

One-armed Sword Master Haventang, a venerable figure for everyone, but Emmet saw it pessimistically.

However, like Erendil, I also hoped Emmet would stay.

“It doesn’t mean you have to become a Sword Master. Even if you restore 80% of your previous skill, it’s hard to find a knight better than you..”

At an inappropriate time, Emmet gave a wry smile. It wasn’t entirely wrong.

“I would like you to be by the princess’s side, Emmet. As you know, it’s a crucial time. You’re the only knight I trust.”

“Don’t harbor too much resentment towards other knights; they’re also making an effort.”

“I don’t hate them. It’s a matter of trust.”

While the original guards, who looked down on me as I accumulated expertise, treated me warmly, I only knew Emmet. 

He had stayed by Erendil’s side until the end. I needed someone like Emmet.

“I will help.”

“What do you mean?”

“On the day of rest, I’ll share my sword. If I, the one that Sir Rudehrnsaid said to be talented, can be of any help in any way, wouldn’t that be good?”

Since I usually practiced on rest days, meeting with Emmet was not a problem.

Emmet let out a wry smile.

“Well, sure.”

Emmet turned his head and looked out the window. His profile seemed lonely but faintly touched by a slight emotion.

Hmm. Perhaps it wasn’t just a positive emotion.

He probably wanted to continue guarding Erendil but was worried about becoming a burden.

Emmet might have known what kind of person Erendil was, and perhaps he wanted to hear such words from me.

“If it weren’t for you, who have been by the side of Princess, who else would protect her?”

“That’s enough.”

I felt a slight relief at Emmet’s side. Now, all that remained was to give him time.

Emmet stared out of the window for a while. When a bird chirped somewhere, he, a middle-aged knight, opened his mouth.

“Tomorrow. What time should we meet?”

I responded with a bright smile.

“When are you comfortable?”

After the war, there was no significant change in the guard duties, but my schedule for rest days changed a lot.

Before, it was just resting at home and training, but now, there were many people to meet.

Many people called me. Due to Erendil’s remarkable victories and my contributions overlapping, it was challenging for anyone other than nobles to meet the princess directly. That’s why they called me.

I wasn’t the only busy one. Most people around Princess were similar to me. Of course, I was the most popular.

It was better than before, but it wasn’t all good.

As I initially thought, most were not those who completely supported me but rather those who were trying to curry favor.

‘Just testing the waters.’

Although Erendil had shown remarkable achievements, it was impossible to predict how the future would unfold.

If the dispute over the succession dragged on, there might be unforeseen variables.

I didn’t need to show an urgent attitude from my side. It was better to go out calmly to make the other side feel anxious.

Of course, this didn’t apply to those whom I had already marked.

Now, it was the same.

Merchant Alrend.

He was one of the top ten merchants in the empire, and the person who would become the number one merchant in the empire in the future.

“How about standing on the side of the princess?”


In response to the straightforward question, Alrend laughed to buy time.

“Count, aren’t you in too much of a hurry? Besides, I’m just a regular merchant.”

“Well, I don’t think you’re just a regular merchant.”

I smiled, sipping my tea.

“I also think that you will become the top merchant in the empire.”

In the game, Alrend did not take advantage of the situation where he could buy a title with money.

Should we say that he was faithful to his duty as a merchant?

However, his belief did not lead to anything negative. He spent a considerable amount of money on the war against devil worshipers.

He even rejected the devil worshipers’ proposals. From the player’s perspective, he was a character to be liked.

I had asked him about his actions that I couldn’t understand.

-Why did you reject the devil worshipers’ proposals?

-It’s because gathering people who acknowledge that they bring me money and those who acknowledge that I earn money is a disaster.

-I heard that the devil worshipers promised a tremendous amount of money.

-What can you do with a huge sum of money if there are no people? Both buyers and sellers are needed for a merchant. I am the one who must protect that.

He was undoubtedly someone reliable and necessary for the future.

However, Alrend seemed more interested in creating connections than outright support.

I knew Alrend’s personality, so I straightforwardly touched upon the subject.

With a surprised look, Alrend shrugged his shoulders.

“Why do you think so? I’m curious.”

“I heard that you prioritize contracts the most in your business. Even if you suffer losses, you always keep your promises. That’s why you don’t make promises easily.”

Alrend looked at me intently.

“Is that enough?”

“Isn’t it enough for someone who, without any foundation, became a top ten figure after starting, and made it to the top of the empire in 20 years?”

I chuckled lightly.

“I won’t bring up anything about loyalty to the empire or sincerity. Right now, I’m asking you to invest in Her Highness, the Princess.”


“Yes. The Northeastern Expedition. The war with the West. It’s safe to say that no one expected Her Highness’s remarkable achievements.”

“It’s a shame, but I agree. Sadly, I was the same.”

“In other words, it means that Her Highness is currently at her lowest value.”

Alrend laughed, and it felt like a positive signal.

“I didn’t know that the famous Carl Schurtafen also had the qualities of a merchant.”

“I take that as a compliment.”

“It’s a compliment. If it weren’t for your persuasion, my heart wouldn’t have wavered.”

Right. Alrend didn’t join forces with the princes. Even so, he became the top figure.

“However, is there anything more Her Highness can show?”

“Well, you never know. Can you predict how the world will change?”

“No, I can’t.”

After contemplating for a while, Alrend put down his teacup.

“What can I offer to Her Highness? I only have money….”

Indeed. He was someone easy to talk to, just like in the game.

“Money is sufficient.”

There were not many things that could not be resolved with money. Especially with a substantial amount of it.

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