It had been about 20 days since the day when I was in my best condition.

At first, I felt a sense of loss. When something that was there was no longer present, the absence felt even greater.

The feeling of being incomplete became much stronger.

Even after watching it two or three times, I couldn’t grasp it just by observation.

‘Even the techniques I tried that day didn’t work as I intended.’

I knew it in my mind, and my body remembered it, but it felt like my current physicality couldn’t keep up.

It was an unavoidable aspect.

To swing the sword as I did back then, I needed to exert six times the strength.

Anyway, now I have readjusted to my original physical state. Many things had changed during this time.

It was not just because I started holding a weapon; it was because of the display I showed that day.

First, I began learning Boutreaux’s swordsmanship early in the morning, but he didn’t pay attention to me.

He solely focused on Denif’s learning speed and conducted the lessons accordingly.

At first, I felt a bit frustrated. It was clear that he was favoring Denif.

Could it be that Denif couldn’t notice it?

But now my thoughts have changed a bit.

Speculatively, after teaching me, he wanted to see what I could do on a day when I was in good condition.

‘He adjusted the speed to match Denif, but he didn’t completely neglect me.’

Marhan, who was watching, didn’t say anything either, and the lessons proceeded normally.

One of the reasons was that the emphasis on physical training had significantly increased.

If, on a day when I was in good condition, I could fully understand Boutreaux’s swordsmanship that I had overlooked…

With my physicality prepared, it would become a training method that accelerated the pace of growth.

‘I won’t know if that will work until I try it then.’

There seemed to be a possibility.

I hadn’t even thought of such a method. That was why I felt that experts were truly different.

‘Even though it’s tough right now, coming here was a stroke of luck.’

The structure of basic training and the utilization of penalty traits in reverse show that.

If I had become an inconspicuous spy for some mediocre noble or trained by myself…

The growth I had now would have been impossible.

If this process continued smoothly, the Worst Condition trait became ambiguous as a penalty trait.

No, in fact, there were already ambiguous parts at the moment.

After growing to a certain extent, it could be used to lull the opponent into complacency and strike at their weakness.

Well, it was a bit too optimistic. I couldn’t determine when I’d have a good condition.

Still, the penalty traits I possessed all had similar aspects.

‘You could say they are double-edged swords.’

Thanks to Eccentric Actions, I gained advantages, and Devil’s Blood itself provided benefits.

But if I was caught, it could be a real problem.

Anyway, when I first transmigrated, the future was completely obscure, but now it was gradually becoming clearer.

It was still far from the beginning of the game, so I just need to grow steadily.

‘I should think calmly about assisting the princess through the duke.’

Apart from that, as I started learning weapons, there was undoubtedly a slight deficiency in terms of stamina.

But it would be fine when I grew a bit more.

‘After all, Ironman isn’t a trait that can be properly utilized right now.’

It would be better not to have it, but it was impossible for stamina to be better than that of a robust adult with Ironman.

All the Ironmen possessors I’d seen were adults. It was a trait that made you become an Ironman during the growth process.

My unique trait, Winds, was in a somewhat stagnant state of growth. The biggest problem was mana.

Mana was also necessary when using Mystic.

Since I hadn’t learned mana, I could use Mystic, but it was natural that its power was weak.

I learned that the power of Mystic was proportional to the user’s mana.

The mental fatigue I feel when using Mystic was because I squeezed out the meager mana I possess to use it.

Marhan advised me to wait a bit and reduced the emphasis on training in Mystic.

According to Denif, the duke provided suitable mana training methods for the children he personally raised.

Perhaps he was currently searching for them.

There was no need to be impatient. It was not urgent right now.

The growth of Mystic was important, but currently, I was also busy training my physicality.

Unfortunately, there was still no information about Devil’s Blood.

A new instructor was assigned instead of Lena, but I couldn’t ask about Devil’s Blood out of the blue.

‘I’ll learn about it someday.’

I just needed to ask about it in detail at that time. While I was thinking about it, I sensed someone outside the door even without looking, I could tell who it was.

“How is it? Do you think you’ll sleep well tonight?”

“…Just go away.”

“Sleep well! You have to sleep well!”

Denif, who left the sound of a bursting outfit, muttered and walked away.

Since the day when my condition was good, he had been like this every day.

He asked if there were no signs when my body was fine, and I made the mistake of saying that I slept soundly without any disturbances.

I should have just kept quiet.

As a mentally mature adult, I knew that getting worked up over someone telling me to sleep well wasn’t necessary.

At first, I found it cute. Whatever the intention, it was someone caring about me.

But the problem was that it had been going on for 20 days. Wouldn’t it annoy even the Buddha?

And it wasn’t just before going to bed.

‘Even when eating, and even when taking short breaks.’

I quietly told him that even saying it happened once a year wouldn’t make a difference, but he didn’t change.

I understood his enthusiasm, but there was a limit to how much a person could take.

It was not like I wanted my condition to be bad, but listening to it more than 10 times a day made me go crazy.

It was not like adding fuel to the fire.

At times, I even wondered if he intentionally did this to tease me.

Denif might be strange, but he was not a stupid kid.

It was probably not completely wrong to assume that.

My usual self was usually expressionless, so he might enjoy this kind of reaction from me.

‘Well, Denif is 13 years old after all.’

As an adult, I should endure, but there were times when my patience reached its limit because my body was tired.

Once again, I heard footsteps in the corridor.

It seemed like Denif had come again. He came three times just the day before yesterday.

I furrowed my brow and said sternly.

“I told you to go away.”


But the voice I heard was not Denif’s.

Recognizing Marhan’s deep voice, I quickly stood up from my seat.


“Prepare yourself and come out. Duke is looking for you.”

* * *

I quickly dressed and followed Marhan.

In the office with the orange lights, the duke was sitting with an elderly man I had never seen before.

Although I couldn’t judge his occupation based on appearance, the strong scent of herbs and the wrinkled skin made me think he might be a doctor.

Marhan had mentioned finding a solution.

The old man had been staring at me intently since I entered the room.

Without paying attention to his gaze, I bowed my head to the duke.

“Duke, have you been well?”

“Yeah, how have you been?”


“Have you been eating well?”


Duke asked about trivial matters.

It could be to compare my past as an orphan with the present, or it could be for management purposes.

“What about sleep?”

“I still have some trouble sleeping. However, it’s much better than before.”

“It’s good that you’re eating well, but it’s unfortunate that you have trouble sleeping.”

“I will make an effort.”

“Is that something you can achieve through effort? Anyway, I’ve heard a lot. There’s also a gift for you. But first, let’s have a check-up.”

Duke gestured towards the doctor, indicating for me to come closer.

“Hein, please take care of him.”

“Yes, Duke.”

The old man smiled cheerfully as he looked at me approaching.

“Please have a seat comfortably.”

As I sat on the chair, the old man placed his hands on my shoulders from behind.

At the same time, a strange and fluctuating warmth enveloped my body, circulating throughout.


The doctor let out a deep sigh and observed my body for a while before removing his hands.

Is that it?

As someone who was unfamiliar with magic powers, I was slightly taken aback.

It felt somewhat like doctors using a stethoscope, even though I was ignorant about medical matters.

“I heard you have trouble sleeping. How often do you wake up while sleeping?”

“The first time I come here, I used to wake up over twenty times. Now it’s about fifteen times.”


The doctor said that and turned to the duke.

“From what I can see, there doesn’t seem to be any specific issues with the body. It doesn’t seem like an illness, but rather a feeling of blocked energy in the body.”

“Could it be due to fatigue?”

“He mentioned trouble sleeping, but personally, fatigue doesn’t seem to be the cause.”

The doctor had a concerned expression while speaking.

“To be honest, I’m not sure. I’ve never heard of someone exerting several times their own abilities. I apologize. My abilities are inadequate…”

The old man’s words weighed heavily in the office.

The duke held out his hand.

“Don’t say such things. You’ve done everything you can. The child is special.”

He said that, but Duke still seemed disappointed.

I felt the same way.

Although I didn’t have high expectations even when seeing the doctor that the duke called due to this being a Penalty trait.

And it wasn’t like there wasn’t a chance it could be fixed.

“So, there’s absolutely no solution?”

“I can’t say for sure unless he becomes a Sword Master among Sword Masters, transcending the boundaries… But in reality, it’s closer to an empty talk.”

Sword Master? Was there such a thing?

When playing games, I had only seen the Sword Master trait.

Well, considering it was called a legend, it might be like a hero’s tale.

After all, even in our country, there were myths about people being born from eggs. The duke chuckled.

“What are the chances it will be resolved as he grow older?”

“We can’t say there’s no chance, but it doesn’t seem like a natural phenomenon. If the Divine Healer were to examine, I’m not sure…”

“Divine Healer…”

The duke tapped his desk lightly.

“It’s a problem that I can’t call upon someone like that.”

“That’s right. They’re so reclusive.”

“Is there a way to shorten the intervals between improving the body’s condition? The child said it’s about once a year, right?”

The old man gave a vague answer with an ambiguous expression.

“I can’t give you a definite answer, but considering that sleep aids themselves can disrupt the body, it might be necessary to try strengthening tonics or herbal tea and monitor the progress.”

“Thank you. First, please prepare that. Marhan will guide you to the location.”


After the old man left with Marhan, the duke finally turned his gaze toward me.

“It’s not immediately resolved. Aren’t you disappointed?”

Since there was always a reason for me to be on good terms with the duke, I chose my words carefully.

“If I weren’t disappointed, it would be a lie, but if it can’t be resolved immediately, I think I should make efforts based on the current situation.”

The duke didn’t hide his smile.

“Yeah. The Divine Healers are so reclusive, it’s hard to find them, but I’ll also make an effort.”

“Thank you.”

“By the way, I brought a gift. Can you guess what it is?”

Come to think of it, he mentioned a gift earlier.

I could tell that it was the method of training magic powers that Denif mentioned. My lips naturally curled up.

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