How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 83.2: ๐“๐ข๐ฆ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐‡๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ (2)

When Johan shared his conjecture, Achladda nodded in surprise. Johanโ€™s theory seemed plausible.

It was more surprising that a knight, new to the area, had grasped the Dukeโ€™s intentions.

โ€œThat could be true. The Duke Brduhe is capable of that.โ€

โ€œWhat do you think of the Duke?โ€

โ€œHeโ€™s a chief who understands us well. He gives as much as we offer.โ€

Achladdaโ€™s words reflected satisfaction and trust in the Duke, who had been implementing conciliatory policies towards the nomadic tribes.

โ€œBut still, he is of the Empire. Our tribe wouldnโ€™t have thought of such a strategy.โ€

Creating advantageous situations for the external tribes and inducing harmony by having Empire knights join them was a clever strategy. Not participating meant a loss.

Johan saw this as a refined approach, but wondered what the issue was.

โ€œWhy is that?โ€

โ€œWell, if I were in charge, I wouldnโ€™t help the arrogant knight dastards just because they ask for it. Other warriors probably think the same.โ€

โ€œBut some seem to have already joined hands?โ€

Achladda chuckled at Johanโ€™s comment, sending shivers down his spine.

โ€œDonโ€™t think they have really joined hands, Sir Knight. Empire people may trust oaths, but we donโ€™t. We first see if the other is a warrior worth respecting.โ€

If the counterpart wasnโ€™t worthy of respect, any promise made with them meant nothing, regardless of oaths or honor.

It was uncertain how sincere the warriors who joined hands with the Empire knights were. Betrayal and disappearance at any moment wouldnโ€™t be surprising.

โ€œItโ€™s interesting to hear about such customs, but it makes me uneasy to hear this now when weโ€™ve agreed to move together. . .โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Sir Knight. I wouldnโ€™t have invited you to visit our tribe if I didnโ€™t respect you.โ€

Achladda wouldnโ€™t have made such an offer to someone he didnโ€™t respect.

As Achladda enthusiastically chatted, several warriors gathered around. They were familiar with Achladda or related to his tribe.

They, too, had participated in the tournament in the east and were very pleased to see Johan.

โ€œDidnโ€™t expect the troll slayer to be here!โ€

โ€œI already feel like weโ€™re winning.โ€

Among the gathered, chatting crowd, Johan suddenly realized he hadnโ€™t asked the most important thing.

โ€œSo why have we gathered like this? What are we trying to catch?โ€

โ€œ. . .Well. Achladda. You havenโ€™t told him yet?โ€

โ€œWhat did the sir believe in to follow you? Did he just come along without knowing?โ€

โ€œWhat if he leaves after hearing it?โ€

โ€œNonsense. Would such a warrior back down?โ€

โ€œI see. I misspoke.โ€

As the warriors became noisy, Achladda signaled for them to quiet down.

โ€œSir Knight. I apologize. I forgot the most important thing. . . .But why didnโ€™t you ask, Sir Knight?โ€

โ€œI trust you, thatโ€™s why.โ€

โ€œDo you think Iโ€™ll be moved by what you said?โ€

Although he said that, Achladda looked very happy. As the personnel gathered, he shouted.

โ€œNow, gathered warriors, rough and tenacious warriors, fierce like untamable lions, warriors with fire in their eyes and light on their faces! Letโ€™s go on a hunt so grand that Brduhe will be breathless with awe! Letโ€™s show who owns this plain! To the arrogant Empire folks. . .โ€

โ€œA-Achladda. Sir Knight is also here. . .โ€

โ€œ. . .Not to that Sir Knight, but to the arrogant Empire folks, letโ€™s show who owns this plain! Letโ€™s go! To catch the leader of the werewolves!โ€

The gathered warriors in front of the forest raised their weapons, responding to Achladdaโ€™s call.

Werewolf King.

That was the goal of all the warriors gathered here.


The centaurs and humans rode out through the forest, all but Johan familiar with the area and able to navigate the paths even with their eyes closed.

The warriors, considering Johan, placed him in the middle of the group, but surprisingly, Johan kept up without falling behind.

โ€œSir Johan. Have you often ridden through the forest?โ€

Riding a horse in the forest required more than instinct and intuition; it needed experience and technique.

Signals from the elements of the forest. The shape of the extended path and the direction of the branches. The appearance of leaves and piled earth. . .

To decipher where to steer based on these things, experience was required.

And Johanโ€™s mentor in the forest was Joseph. A ranger from the East.

Johan suddenly realized that Joseph was from the East. What he had said was also useful in the East.

Euclyia, who had approached thinking she might help Johan if he fell behind, exclaimed,

โ€œLike a snail, fast, and cool!โ€

โ€œ. . .Maybe speaking in Eastern dialect would be better.โ€

Euclyia blushed and nodded her head. Since she wanted to become more familiar with the Eastern dialect, it was better to converse in it.

โ€œSir Knight. Recently, there have been more werewolves.โ€

Achladda said, casually flicking his bowstring. The arrow in Achladdaโ€™s hand was unique compared to the others. It was much shorter and sharper.

โ€œTheyโ€™re not the kind with no heads that would overrun a town. . . but their numbers have increased that much.โ€

The monsters, with diminishing prey, became more aggressive and active. Werewolves knew attacking towns was dangerous.

Yet, their attacks implied one reason.

โ€œThere might be several reasons for the increase of werewolves, but our tribeโ€™s shamans, as well as other tribesโ€™, have made the same prophecy. There must be a leader among the werewolves.โ€

Werewolves typically didnโ€™t group much, often fighting for dominance within their own kind.

However, occasionally, a strong werewolf, having survived long enough, would subdue others and form a pack.

With a strong leader, the werewolf pack, more organized, would last longer.

Especially if these fierce monsters moved in an orderly fashion. . .

โ€œWe were going to report to the Duke and ask for soldiers, but given the situation, we decided itโ€™s better to handle it ourselves. Wouldnโ€™t it be an honor?โ€

โ€œSo, how do you plan to catch them?โ€

โ€œWith this, of course.โ€

Achladda held up his bow and arrow. Despite a regular bow and arrow being less effective against monsters, his confidence was evident.

โ€œAs you must know, having caught a troll, whatโ€™s most important in hunting a monster?โ€

โ€œA way to ensure cutting off its breath.โ€


Achladda smiled slyly. He thought Johan shared his perspective.

โ€œA deadly poison strong enough to cut off a werewolfโ€™s breath. Iโ€™ve prepared such a poison. You must have it too, Sir Knight, for when you caught the troll.โ€

โ€œUh. . .โ€

โ€œOh? Did you catch it with fire?โ€

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