How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 138.1: π„π§πžπ¦π² 𝐨𝐟 π„π§πžπ¦π² (7)

The death of Karamaf is still unknown. Externally, Karamaf was known to be commanding knights in the emperor’s faction.

It was suspicious that he didn’t show his face, but Karamaf’s reputation was too high to suspect that he died in some nameless forest.

Therefore, the nobles murmured that Sir Karamaf must have contracted a serious illness or been cursed. Given the grudges accumulated so far, it was nothing unusual.

β€œHow can I catch a fake who doesn’t even exist?”

You can pretend with a fake wearing fake armor at an appropriate banquet or festival, but you won’t do that in battle.

If you lose, it would be irreparable.

β€œNow that you have obtained the title of count, think accordingly. If you claim at the right time, will people believe you or the Emperor?”

Suetlg was right. The Emperor’s popularity was currently close to the worst.

On the other hand, Johan was a rising knight. Not only did he have the full support of the order, his own achievements were bound to be popular.

The reason wandering knights charged at monsters was because of honor.

Once you catch a monster, that honor glitters on the knight’s chest like a medal. Such honor was also proof to receive treatment at any noble’s court, and a quick proof of the knight’s own skills.

Johan was a knight among the knights who had already killed four or five such monsters. In effect, he had achievements that could not be matched at any court banquet.

β€œThey will believe me.”

β€œYes. Given the Emperor’s personality, he won’t shy away from a fight, so there will definitely be opportunities.”

By cutting off all of the Emperor’s vassals in the southern peninsula, Johan had effectively declared war.

If the Emperor resolves the chaotic situation of the Empire, he will naturally want revenge, so a fight was scheduled even if the timing was unknown.

When he collided with Karamaf’s flag and took out the <π’πžπšπ₯ π‘πžπ­π«π’πžπ―πžπ«>, the enemies would have no choice but to be confused.

β€œIsn’t <𝐓𝐰𝐒π₯𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭> more important than that sword? Breaking <𝐓𝐰𝐒π₯𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭>. . .”

β€œIt wasn’t on purpose.”

It was quite difficult for Johan as a knight to break the sword gifted by the duke. It had a glorious end, breaking while catching a monster, but still, he couldn’t just leave it like that.

β€œDid you call a good blacksmith?”

β€œI requested a good blacksmith from the order.”

Suetlg nodded. There were many good blacksmiths on the peninsula. The order would send an excellent blacksmith.

β€œIs it true you tamed a bicorn?”

β€œYeah. I named it Cardirian.”

β€œ. . . . . .”

Suetlg was about to say something but stopped.

The bicorn, Cardirian, had a talent for enthalling other horses. Johan’s warhorses, Fern and Donum, were heavily breathing while chasing Cardirian, having been enthralled.

β€œIt’s a clever monster. I look forward to its offspring.”

β€œHuh? Are the children of bicorns also bicorns?”

β€œAs far as I know, no. If it mates with a horse and gives birth, it’s an ordinary horse. But still, it would have a much better pedigree than a normal warhorse.”

Famous horses with monster blood in their ancestry were usually born this way. Johan suddenly felt hopeful.

β€˜π˜ 𝘯𝘦𝘦π˜₯ 𝘡𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘡 𝘒𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘸π˜ͺ𝘡𝘩 π˜ͺ𝘡 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳.’

β€œHas anything happened in the county?”

β€œIf something happened, I would have reported it. Nothing happened.”

As if the commotion in the west was a lie, the county was peaceful. It was just merchants from the small eastern peninsula kingdoms across the sea and merchants under eastern Empire nobles sending people.

They wanted to know what kind of person the new count was.

While the previous count had implemented quite isolationist policies, this count started off by allowing merchants from the republic and showed a fairly free attitude towards trade.

If he doesn’t refuse foreign merchants from docking in his fief, they have no reason to just stay put.

β€œBefore the harbor construction is completed, it would be good to designate an association and districts separately for foreign merchants.”

β€œIs it the republic’s method?”

Republics with frequent foreign trade set up separate districts for foreigners. Gathering various facilities such as associations, warehouses, etc. in one place was advantageous in attracting merchants when they came.

Of course, traditional nobles did not bother with such things. Many were negative about inviting foreign merchants to fiefs in the first place, no matter how profitable it was.

β€œIt will also be easy to impose restrictions in an emergency.”

β€œI don’t think we need to go that far, but. . . I understand. I will issue an order.”

Suetlg was wise and experienced, but not well versed in trade and commerce. He did not feel the need to treat foreign merchants who came that well. He already felt that permitting entry was a great favor.

β€œI heard that the Count of Jekyllid insulted you.”

β€œYes. I plan to retaliate.”

Johan told him about securing the cooperation of Ahir of the Mulc family. Suetlg nodded.

No matter how small the Jekyllid Hundred Kingdoms island was, it was a family that had established itself on the island for a long time. They would be prepared to deal with invaders from outside at the very least. Having a collaborator would be a great help.

β€œBut aren’t you doubtful about proper cooperation?”

β€œKnowing you, you would have handled it well.”

Suetlg had no particular doubts. He knew Johan was thorough about such things.

β€˜π˜π˜΄π˜―β€™π˜΅ 𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘡 𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘱π˜ͺ𝘀π˜ͺ𝘰𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘢𝘨𝘩?’

On the contrary, Johan was anxious. He thought Suetlg would tell him to be more suspicious of Ahir. . .

β€œAlthough the Hundred Kingdoms are not easy opponents, I believe you can handle it. The mercenaries are still highly spirited, so you can definitely cross over.”

In fact, Suetlg was puzzled.

What exactly did the Count of Jekyllid believe to make such an insult?

Did he think Johan couldn’t come over because he hadn’t finished organizing the south yet? Or was he ignored as an unknown family he had never heard of?

β€˜π˜Šπ˜°π˜Άπ˜­π˜₯ 𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘒𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘡 𝘴𝘡𝘢𝘱π˜ͺπ˜₯. . .’

β€œIs Amien well?”

β€œShe must be well, right? There was no report.”

Suetlg had no particular interest in the daughter of Iselia. To begin with, noble education was not something feudal lords or stewards were supposed to be interested in, but those in charge of that education.

If there is no special report, it means she is doing fine.

β€œI should go meet her and bring presents.”

β€œNo matter how enamored you are of the Bluea family’s elf, isn’t that too much. . . Well, do as you please.”

Suetlg could not understand Johan’s taste, but he let it go. After all, the passion of young people is always hot when it is ignited. And tastes are diverse, right?



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