Quinn grunted as she pushed her way through the crowd of people that were all running toward the church to try and find safety! The people in the town were all terrified and they were trying their best to run away from the demons, but since there were demons at all the escape routes, the best solution they could come up with was to move towards the church!

All the escape routes out of the kingdom have been closed down by Rizi and the demon army and there was nowhere else for the people to go, but luckily for them, the church was happily accepting anyone that came to take shelter in there. It was mainly women and children that were taken in by the church while the men stayed back to fight against the demons with whatever spell they had.

Quinn heard a small boy crying out for his father at her side and she grit her teeth once she looked in that direction. She could see the little boy crying and screaming for his father at the center of the crowd and Quinn quickly tried to see if she could get to him. Even if she is now a demon, Quinn still had the heart of a human. She is not like Floid that let go of his humanity a long time ago, she still cared about people! She can't just leave a small child to die without feeling bad about it!

But before Quinn could get to the little boy, she heard people screaming as a giant ran towards the crowd and started to swing its club around like a mad man! The giant rose its leg up and Quinn shouted out for the giant to stop as she saw that it was about to step on the child!

"No!! Stop!!"


The giant's foot slammed down on the little boy and Quinn grimaced as the boy's blood splashed around the floor! She was sure she would see this in her dreams for a long time. What the hell was Floid doing to these people? What sort of crime did they commit for them to suffer through this!?

Quinn shook her head with a glare and she turned back to move towards the church! She was worried about what floid was doing, but that doesn't mean she would try to stop him. Quinn knew she couldn't stop him even if she wanted to. And besides, the boy was already dead so she didn't have time to think about him!

Quinn might be softhearted but she wasn't foolish. She wouldn't go screaming about injustice and evil while trying to stop the giant like a fool. Floid might've been the one that made these demons come here to kill these people, but she was also at fault for allowing it to happen without even trying to stop him once. Quinn always knew that this is what an invasion would be like. she wasn't so hopeful that she would imagine her brother would spare anyone! He wasn't the sort of person that would discriminate when it comes down to killing. Floid could kill anyone and everyone that he wanted to kill regardless of who that person is.

Quinn could only grit her teeth and continue moving forward toward the church.

Quinn finally managed to get through the crowd. She was stronger than most of the humans moving to the church, so she was able to push them out of the way and get to the church before them. Quinn got to the door and she was quickly ushered into the church by the priest at the door.

The priests in the church were all present and Quinn knew that they were all alive because of the promise that Floid made to her. None of the priests would b killed for one hour into the invasion. But Quinn already wasted thirty minutes just to get here, so Quinn knew she had to act quickly if she wanted to find Dray.

"Come into the church! Come into the church and let the lord protect you! Give yourself to the lord and he shall protect you like he protects us!"

The priests were ushering people into the church in a hurry as they shouted out praises for their lord. None of the priests in the church have been killed yet, so they all believed that it is the work of their god who was protecting them! They believe that their god was making the demons powerless against them! There is no other explanation they needed!

Why else will the demon ignore and pass over them like they don't exist!? Their god is making them invisible to the demons!

The priest had no idea that they were just gathering food for the demons.

The giant that killed the little boy started to move towards the church, but three priests suddenly went and stood in front of the giant. The giant stopped and glared down at them while breathing out heavy grunts and the three priests started to chant their prayers.

"Praise be to the lord who protects us! Praise be to the lord who guides us! Praise be to the lord who defends us!"

They shouted louder and louder, and before long, the giant huffed before turning and walking away. The giant didn't see any way to kill the people there without killing the priests as well, so it simply left. But the priests all immediately thought that they were protected by their god and they started to chant even louder as the people fell to their knees and thanked the lord for protecting them! This was all the proof they needed to see to know that the lord was protecting them! The Lord was using the priests to send away the demons!

Quinn rolled her eyes as she saw this. Is this really the limit of what humans in this world can think of? They think that every little thing is because of some mystical power. I know I was a human only a few months ago, but this is absurd even for me. just how stupid are these people?

Once Quinn got into wh church, she looked around at all the people huddled in corners and holding themselves. The people in the church were mainly women and children since the women and children were given priority before the men. Some priests were handing out food and water and some other priests were on their knees praying with the people.

Quinn started to make her way deeper into the church while looking at the priest's faces to see if she would spot Dray anywhere around. Quinn didn't see him anywhere and she started to feel anger inside her as she picked up her pace and began moving towards the inner sanctum. The time limit was running out! She has already wasted forty minutes and if she doesn't find Dray in the next twenty minutes she won't have a chance to find him anymore!

"Hello ma'am, can I help you?"

Quinn looked back as one of the priests walked up to her and spoke quietly. He was holding a bowl of fruits and he had a smile that showed how calm he was. He was about to go around to serve some fruits to the women and children when he noticed Quinn moving toward their inner sanctum. Quinn glared at him and she immediately drew her sword and grabbed him by the shirt!


Quinn slammed him into the wall beside her and snarled at him.

"The priest, Dray. Where is he?"

The noise from Quinn's movement made everyone in the room look towards her and people started to cower back in fear as they saw her pointing a sword at the throat of one of the priests. The other priests in the church started to walk towards the two of them with the intention of separating them, but Quinn only sunk her sword deeper into the priest's neck with a snarl. the rest immediately rose his hand to tell the other priests to stop coming towards him and Quinn.

This priest that Ophis was holding was Richards, the same priest that went to grab Ophis from her house to bring her to the head priest. He stared at Quinn with a smile and he almost felt like laughing. This little girl was threatening him with a sword? Does she not know that I am the anointed of the lord? She must've seen how all the demons avoided and ran away from me, so why does she think that something like this would harm me!? I am protected by the Lord!

"Maybe we can talk -"

Quinn cut Richards off before he could finish what he wanted to say.

"Shut the fuck up! Take one more step and I'll decapitate him like a fish,"

Quinn said that second part to the priests coming towards them and the priests immediately stopped moving and put their hands up. Quinn turned back towards Richards and asked him the question again.

"Where the fuck is Dray?"

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