Floid always wondered if he would also get bored of Quinn as time went on. He always thought she was just another temporary toy that he would get bored with once he breaks it! But it was moments like these that make him even more interested in her! No matter what happens, Quinn always finds a way to entertain him! He had no idea she had such a dark side to her.

Quinn's glare hardened when she heard Floid laughing and she wondered if he thought she was joking! She was damn serious here and this bastard was just laughing! Quinn never expected Flod to take her seriously. He has always played around with her and she knew that he never saw her as a real member of his family, but she didn't care what he saw her as! She wanted Dray and she would do anything to get him! Even if she has to beg him for the next three days straight!

Quinn perked up when Floid finally spoke up.

"Very well then. You entertained me just now and so I will grant your request. The priest boy is yours to do with as you wish. I'll give you one hour during the battle to find him, and throughout that hour, none of the demons will kill any of the priests. That should be sufficient for you to find one priest,"

neither of them knew that Dray wasn't actually a member of the church and even Quinn didn't know that Dray was only an imposter and he was no longer in Uta. Floid thought that Quinn would be able to still find Dray at the church and so he gave her this chance. If Quinn didn't find him in that hour, then there was nothing more he could do for her, and his demons would kill all the priests. The demons hate priests more than any of the other humans so it is almost impossible for them to hold back and not kill priests.

Quinn thought about the offer for a moment and she finally nodded her head to accept it. It was not eh best offer she could get, but she knew it would be a bad idea to try and get a better offer out of Floid. floid was also very good in business and he would immediately know if I try to fool him by using any of the business techniques I know! That would just make things worse than they need to be!

Quinn didn't know if she would find Dray in the church, but she was going to use that hour to search the entire kingdom if she had to. Quinn was sure that if Dray was in Uta, she would find him.

Quinn bowed gratefully and she was about to turn to leave the room. She didn't think that Floid would actually grant her request and so she was grateful for this much. But Floid's voice stopped her again.

"Don't tell me you think I'm done with you,"

Shit. Quinn cursed in her mind. She thought she would be able to escape before this sadistic bastard spoke up again. Quinn still couldn't get rid of that feeling that she was trapped in here with a wild animal and she wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible!

Quinn turned around and looked at Floid while wondering what he would say. It was obvious that Floidhad something devious in mind from the look on Floid's face. His handsomeness might fool everyone else, but it would never fool Quinn! She knows exactly what sort of monster her brother was! If anyone saw Floid's face, they would think he was very innocent because of how handsome Floid was, but Quinn knew the truth. Quinn knew the sort of demonic thoughts that are always racing through that head of his. He was as devious as Satan himself.

Quinn spoke up in a hurry while crossing her hands across her chest. She didn't like the way Floid was looking at her like she was a piece of meat.

"What do you want from me now? Haven't you already done enough to me?"

Floid smirked and then he told her to come closer and kiss him. Quinn blinked in shock and a small blush rose on her cheek once she heard what Floid said!


"I said come here and kiss me. I won't move a step from this position. Or perhaps, did you think I granted your request for free?"

Quinn blushed harder. She knew that the request wouldn't be free, but for a moment, Quinn hoped that it would be free. An intense war clashed inside Quinn at that moment. Her morality versus her desire. Quinn wanted to kill Dray and she would do anything to get to him, but the morality of what Floid was asking her to do was making her have second thoughts about all this. She just never thought she would end up in a situation where she had to kiss her own brother!

Quinn has known Floid since he was a baby and she was ten years older than him! How can Floid be so calm while asking for something like this? Is it because we never stayed together like real siblings? Quinn knew that might be the reason. Quinn and Floid weren't like other siblings that hung out together all the time and played together. As a child, Quinn would rather run away from Floid than hang out with him and Floi would rather ignore her than talk to her. It made them seem like strangers in their own parent's house!

The battle inside Quinn waged for a while longer, but it didn't take long before her desire to kill Dray destroyed her morality and she started to take steps forward. It was just a kiss, right? Just one kiss and I'll get what I want. It's not like I'm kissing a stranger, it's my brother. Quinn grimaced inside once she heard herself say that. Since when did I start feeling that it was okay to kiss my brother? What the hell has Floid done to me?

Quinn stood right in front of Floid and she was only tall enough to reach his chest so she had to look up to see his face. There was still a blush on Quinn's face and no matter how much she fought to get rid of it, it wasn't going anywhere! Quinn leaned up to the tip of her toes and she saw Floid bend down to meet her halfway and join their lips together.

This kiss was a lot more gentle than all the others that she has had with Floid. Quinn can only remember Floid forcing her to kiss him and this was the first time she found herself... enjoying a kiss with Floid. Floid sucked her upper lip and Quinn swallowed as she sucked his lower lip in return. Quinn couldn't believe it! When Floid isn't forcing her to kiss him, he is actually a fucking good kisser!

A few seconds later, Quinn stopped and she immediately tried to pull back since she thought that was enough. It was already a shock to Quinn that she enjoyed that Kiss and she didn't want it to go any further, but Floid wasn't letting her go anywhere! He wrapped a hand around her thin waist and pulled her close till her breast pressed against his chest! Quinn grunted and stumbled forward and she had to put both hands on Floid's chest to steady herself!

She felt Floid's tongue run across her mouth and Quinn gasped in shock. Floid immediately took advantage of that moment and he attacked the inside of her mouth with his tongue and rolled their tongues together!

"Mmmhh~! Hah~! Hah~! F-Floid, that's enough. Stop..."

Quinn hit Floid twice on the chest to tell him to stop and she couldn't help but notice how hard his chest was against her hand! It felt like Quinn was hitting rock! Floid didn't even budge by a single millimeter!

Quinn pulled back slightly and a line of droop dropped down the side of her mouth as she breathed heavily. She was leaning against Floid and she could easily feel his erection pressing against her stomach. This was bad. She needed to stop this before it went too far and Floid tries to fuck her!

"Floid... Please,"

Floid growled as he heard her beg him and Quinn released a small yell as she felt Floid squeeze her ass with his other hand! Hold on, did this bastard just get more aroused!?

Quinn pressed her hand against Floid's chest and tried even harder to push herself away from him and Floid took a deep breath before he finally let her go and allowed her to stand on her own. Quinn immediately used her forearm to clean the line of drool from the side of her mouth and tried her best to calm her racing heart.

Floid just ran a finger across his lip gently as he watched Quinn with lidded eyes. At that moment, Floid knew that he could have turned her around and fucked the living daylight out of her. But Floid wouldn't do that yet. Floid could take her by force, but where was the fun in that? No, Floid wanted to break her and make her come to him. Floid wants to see the look of ecstasy and depravity on her face as she bounces on top of his dick and makes herself his bitch out of her own free will. That was the only thing that would give him the greatest satisfaction. So he would hold himself back for now.

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