How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 919 - 920 The Strategic Direction of the Man Empire

Chapter 919: Chapter 920 The Strategic Direction of the Man Empire

Since the successors planned to 'push' Man civilization, the whole war situation has become more anxious to them in the eyes of the Man Empire.

The number of successor clusters is so large that they do not fight head-on with the main force of the Man Empire. They run away every time they make contact, leaving no opportunity for the enemy at all.

They scattered tiny individuals across the territory of the Man Empire, and each time the belated fleet of the Man Empire had to carry out the destruction order and destroy the entire colony.

As a result, the colonies of the Man Empire were decreasing at an alarming rate.

Are there many colonies in the Man Empire?

Many, but I can't stand such large-scale mass destruction.

Originally, there were planets around not all stars. They may not have enough residual mass to form orbiting planets at the beginning, or they may be a special ladder environment that will eventually swallow up the planets.

Having a planet does not necessarily become a colony. If it is too close or too far from a star, it is either a lava world that can melt steel, or an ice and snow world where even the atmosphere can condense into snow, even if it has the technology of atmospheric transformation, as well as the planet's crust, climate and other problems.

And even if each star system in the colony of the Man Empire has one, that is, a number of hundreds of billions, it can't stand the behavior of the successors putting in tiny individuals.

Amoeba has reached 100 billions of supergiant mass organisms, completely mastering a river system... Ah, now there are two river systems. 100 billion supergiant mass organisms are scattered to other river systems due to their sustainable strategies. This river system in the Man Empire is less than 100 billion, which can exceed the speed of light biological sets. But the group can be easily reached.

On the one hand, the opening of multiple wormholes allows successors to complete a long voyage across the river system without the help of supergiant quality organisms. Based on the material resources of the two river systems, they unscrupulously expand the number of superluminal creatures. What is 100 billion? Today's superluminal biological scale is In the unit of 'megabytes'.

The Man Empire noticed the problem and made them realize that the enemies facing the Man Empire are fundamentally different from those cats and dogs in the past. The crisis is unprecedented. According to the trend in the war report, the enemy eliminated the colonies in the whole river system within half a year. It's completely done.

Under the pressure of survival, the Man Empire developed a planetary displacement technology.

The handling of the planet is not simple. Although it is feasible to propel with antimatter, complex momentum torque needs to be considered. One bad thing is that the earth shakes and the sky collapses.

The most important thing is that the speed is not fast, and the enemy can easily catch up with the planet.

Therefore, it is meaningless to move the colony by momentum in this war.

Therefore, the Man Empire developed planetary displacement technology with spiritual domain jump, which can move the whole colony to several light years or even farther away without momentum.

The popularity of this technology gave the Man Empire a respite to a certain extent.

"There is no way to go on like this! We need to fight back! The empire needs a victory to regain confidence!"

At the high-level meeting of the Man Empire, a star lord roared angrily.

"Everyone knows that a big victory is needed, but the question is how can the empire defeat the enemy? The enemy will run around and tear down planets and even stars to form fleets.

"Now, under the ensuing of the enemy, countless worlds have become the afterglow of destruction orders."

The Pope of the Man Empire opened his mouth and looked around the crowd. Finally, his eyes fell on the throne in the middle of the seat, which was a long-decent dead bone.

The Pope respectfully saluted the dead bone and got up to confess his thoughts.

"Fight, that's definitely right!"

"But before that, we need to know what the enemy is!"

"They can never be the remnant fleet of a mechanical rebellion. If the remnant fleet had this strength, the empire would not have died many times!"

"Know the enemy and know the weaknesses of the enemy, so that you can conquer them!"

The Pope's words are impassioned and exciting. It should be said that he is an expert who can guide the mainstream ideas of the Man Empire. Just listening to his words, those who don't know think that the empire will win immediately.

At this time, another star domain lord spoke.

"Poh, I'm sorry to interrupt. I have something to say about the information you mentioned."

"In fact, it's not that we haven't done anything about intelligence. How can the army that marches and fight can't even do the most basic intelligence collection?"

"The enemy left wreckage in the battle. Through the reverse direction of the wreckage, it is easy to get the enemy's information."

"So you mean that someone is hiding it?"

The Pope looked at the star lords around him, and his eyes became dangerous.

In addition to being the Pope, the Pope is also the highest head of the court. It is the duty of the court to eliminate the instability within the empire.

The star lord waved his hand, as if he was slightly anxious because of the Pope's misunderstanding.

"I mean, even if we use this means to easily obtain enemy intelligence, we don't understand what the enemy is."

"I personally went to see those wrecks. It was not a warship at all. Metal and flesh were mixed together, which was more chaotic than chaos. The whole thing was controlled by a suspected computer command center... It's still called warships, not to mention those mechanical technicians. I didn't know what words to use to describe it myself. Those things."

"It was because of such a discovery that the remnant fleet of the mechanical rebellion was considered at first. No one had such a warship except them."

Suddenly, someone asked at the meeting.

"Since these enemies are centered by a computer, can we deal with them like mechanical rebellions?"

"You mean that there is the highest authority to decipher information from the wrecked computer?" There is a question from the lord of the star domain.

The man replied with determination, "Correct, since a large-scale battle is to be carried out, a full-time strategic command center must be needed as the core. As long as it is destroyed there, it can temporarily destroy the strategic command of an entire area of the enemy."

"As for the specific location, we can get it from the wrecked computer. There must be a connection between the computer and the computer."

The direction has been established, but not everyone can complete such a task. They are good at fighting. In terms of scientific research and deciphering, they are just a group of illiterates in that field.

"This important task can only be left to the mechanics.

At the meeting, everyone's eyes fell on the lord who had never said a word and had been mechanically transformed.

The lord's reply was very mechanical, "I understand, no problem."

After some discussion, the Man Empire finally found a strategic direction, and the successors were not idle. In addition to implementing a 'pull' plan for the Man Empire, scientific research is also undergoing a substantial upgrade.

This also starts with learning about the fighting methods of cosmic civilization.

How does cosmic civilization fight? They fight while doing scientific research. According to their standards, their scientific research ability is directly equivalent to combat effectiveness.

With the help of a huge amount of negative matter, the space-time of a region is constantly stretched, making the time passage speed of that area hundreds or thousands of times.

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