How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 914 - 915 As long as we work together...

Chapter 914: Chapter 915 As long as we work together...

"Hahaha! It seems that I came at a wrong time! The divine court abandoned by God!"

A voice sounded abruptly in the hall, and the prayer man followed the direction of the sound. A man in a black robe was standing not far away.

The other party relied on the pillars of the hall and seemed to be leisurely.

The prayer man's eyes condensed and drank out the identity of the person who came.

"Demon clan!"

"Bold! This is not the place where scum like you can come! The Guardian of the Temple! Take him down for the Pope! Breaking into the divine court and talking about the Lord God, damn it!"

The Pope's anger echoed in the hall, and many soldiers in silver and white armor flew out of the dark. They held sharp blades that had been baptized by the power of the gods and surrounded the demons that broke into the hall.

"Don't be so excited. Where on earth dare you call this place 'the palace abandoned by God'? What about God?"

The demon clan surrounded by sharp blades did not panic, but made fun of it.

This is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire, and the Pope, who is anxious because of God's abandonment, is more murderous.

"You... want to die!"

The Pope directly carried out his divine secret and vowed to kill the demon.

The two sides fought together. After all, the Pope's strength was at the level of the Pope. In cooperation with the joint attack of the guards of the temple, the moves were fatal, and the demons only had the power to fight in the battle.

However, the demons still speak leisurely.

"P pope, it's not good to hurt your harmony. After all, I'm here to seek cooperation from you."

"Cooperation? ridiculous! How can I wait for the divine court to be with you demon scum!"

The two sides talked in the battle, and soon, the demon who sneaked into the temple was captured by the Pope in collaboration with a temple guard.

The captured demon clan did not panic and calmly asked.

"If the Pope decides so, how can your race survive the catastrophe called 'Amoeba'? Or should we just commit suicide together now?

"Where are the demons of the demons such as shelter?" The Pope also asked rhetorical questions.

The divine court is protected by gods, and the demon clan also has the protection of demons. The two sides have attacked each other for many years.

The two sides have already formed a deep blood feud because of years of divine warfare. If it hadn't been for the Pope for something else to know from this demon clan, he would have killed each other directly.

Asked by the Pope, the original relaxed posture of the demon clan gradually turned into disappointment and contempt - in the past, their family actually believed in such a coward...

"Like your god, the devil has gone, which is more straightforward than your god. It is very timid and has nothing to tell us except to leave an 'amiba'."

"When I arrived here this time, I actually wanted to represent my family and convert to the embrace of God. I didn't expect..."

I didn't expect that even God is the same!


The Pope was stunned. Although he could guess a little, he still couldn't accept it when he really faced the facts. Originally, he still wondered if he could get support from the devil...

Thinking of the previous words of the demon clan, the Pope's hope retained a trace and did not completely fall into despair.

"God is gone, and the devil is gone. Why do you think I can overcome the difficulties just by cooperating?"

The demon clan proudly answered, "You can't wait to be killed. Do you want to simply commit suicide now?"

"We demons don't intend to be destroyed like this. Even if we want to die, we will die vigorously!"

The demon clan knew that they could not win Amoeba, but they didn't want to sit back and wait for death or simply commit suicide in advance. Even if they want to die, they will die in battle!

Maybe what gods and demons are afraid of can be defeated by them? Together with all the forces in the world, maybe it can be done!

The demon clan thought so, but the Pope didn't think so, because he learned more about Amoeba from God and clearly knew that even if the whole world was put together, it would be insignificant in front of Amoeba.

But he was also unwilling to accept that his race would be destroyed. The concept of cooperation put forward by the demon clan aroused other ideas of the Pope.

"...You're right. Cooperation has a glimmer of life."

"However, the Pope said that in front of you, the demons want to be destroyed vigorously. Don't pull me. We are going to take that glimmer of life under this catastrophe."

The Pope did not intend to fight against Amoeba as the demons thought, which was impossible.

The fundamental idea of the demon clan is to continue its own race. Seeing that the Pope is so confident, he wants to know the other party's solution.

"A glimmer of life? What are you going to do?"

"Gods and demons can run, and we can also wait."

Yes, if you can't beat it, you can escape. That's the Pope's idea. If you can't beat it, you can escape and escape to other places outside the world.

However, it is far from enough to do such a thing with their divine court and the strength of the whole race. If they can add the power of demons and other aliens, they may be able to do it.

The demons were stunned and didn't understand what the Pope was referring to.

"Where to escape? Under the ground?"

The concept of the universe has not yet been popularized, and no one has explored the atmosphere. The reason why the Pope knows the universe is because he learned from God what he learned about Amoeba.

"No, the destruction of Amoeba can't be avoided there. The world will be swallowed up, and the underground is no exception." The Pope said frankly.

"From God, the Pope knows a lot about the disaster of 'Amoeba', which is not countered by human power, and the world will be destroyed."

"Only by escaping and escaping from the world can we get that glimmer of life."

"On the road to escape, we and the divine court will point out that if you want to live, you have to listen to us. Only by working together can we make a living."


Detailed river information was obtained from the sand snake. Although there are still errors, it is much more accurate than the successors who obtained the information by observing the cosmic spectrum alone.

A cluster of successors reached an open area of the river system.

"Let me see the star map..."

"Well, that's right, it's here."

"Put down the wormhole, patrol around other individuals, and arrange a huge ripple structure."

The leaders of the cluster give instructions in an orderly manner, while other individuals in the cluster do their part.

It didn't take long for the superluminal creatures on patrol to send back messages.

"A indigenous civilization was found about two light years away from the wormhole."

"What is the technical level? Will it have an impact on the ethnic plan? The cluster leader asked.

"No problem, it's just a civilization that has just developed into the space stage, um... but it's a little strange."

The vague information of hyperlightspeed creatures has aroused the impatience of the cluster leaders.

"Let's make it clear. Don't send me such vague information. I'm very busy and don't want to be in the mood to play puzzle games with you."

After being criticized by the leader of the cluster, the superluminal creatures immediately answered.

"This civilization seems to be very anxious. The spaceship built for the first time can be as large as the Selin battleship, which surprises me a little."

"It is estimated that it is a civilization with materials science as the main direction."

Because no other space vehicles have been observed in the river system, it does not look like a civilization that has set foot in the universe for a long time, so superluminal creatures think that this civilization has just reached the technological level of the universe.

But the problem is that the other party's spacecraft is a little too big.

It's not that the spacecraft can't reach the size of the Selin battleship, but considering that the other party has just set foot in the universe, it is strange to have a spaceship of this size.

First, there is no need to build, and second, the difficulty of construction is too high for civilization at this stage, unless it is mainly in materials science.

After thinking for a while, the cluster leader gave instructions.

"Just in case, you come closer and have a look. I don't want to see any variables happen."

If it can affect the 'variable' of the wormhole, it is undoubtedly a choice to destroy it, but what if it is an ordinary indigenous civilization?

"If it is an ordinary indigenous civilization, shall we destroy it or keep it?"

looks at their technology. If it is a deep use of the race of the spiritual realm, there is no need to keep it. This civilization has no value as a scientific research resource for ethnic groups. They know how to be nagging all day long, and after receiving it, the spiritual realm can also use their Some users get information about the ethnic group.

"I see."

The successors have just made a decision, but their existence has had a huge impact on the indigenous people on the planet who are preparing to flee.

The operation of the ripples completely presents chaotic space-time ripples, which affects the use of spiritual domain users. The giant structures are several light days apart, and the ripples spread at the speed of light to complete the shielding of the surrounding light years in a month.

"P pope! Pope! Something big has happened!"

"What happened?"

"God's power... God's power has failed!"I

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