How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 910 - 911 Principles of Attack and Defense (2)

Chapter 910: Chapter 911 Principles of Attack and Defense (2)

[But attacks are different. Attacks can exist independently of the two. If there is no defense, there will be attacks, but if there is no attack, there will be no defense.]

[The relationship between the two is like light and shadow. Without shadow, light can exist, but if light does not exist, shadow also does not exist. Therefore, attack and defense seem to be relative concepts, like positive and negative matter, which seem to be able to neutralize each other, but in fact, they belong to the same rules of the same universe.]

"That is to say, the defense principle is actually a further extension based on the attack principle. As long as one of them is understood, the other one must be able to understand."

[It's like this.]

[If you want to understand the defense principle, you must start from the attack principle, but what is the attack?]

It's not difficult to answer the question. To put it bluntly, it's 'beat people'. Throwing stones is beating people, and throwing missiles is also hitting people. The difference between the two is nothing more than power.

"Attack is a biological behavior, which is no different from walking on the ground, flying in the sky and swimming in the water."

Only creatures will attack, which is the exclusive privilege of living beings. Non-living things will not have the ability to attack. Even if the sun in the solar system suddenly explodes as a supernova to destroy all mankind, it is also a 'natural disaster' in nature, not an 'attack'.

[Yes, attack is an act. To be more precise, it is a process. From the primitive creatures on the surface to throwing stones at each other to the large-scale war of cosmic civilization, they can't jump out of this framework.]

[And this framework is what we call the 'attack principle'.]

Attack is an act and has regularity. After this regularity is summarized, it is the principle of attack.

"Can you be more specific? It's still too vague."

[So, in other words, if Huo Gu wants to attack the enemy, what steps must you take?]

Huo Gu thought, "Well... First of all, obtain the relevant information of the enemy, such as the mastered technology, the strength of overall strength, as well as weaknesses and location information, and then formulate targeted strategic deployment based on various information, and defeat them with a raid strategy in a short time. This is the safest and efficient battle. Mode..."

[This is a group battle, what about individual battles?]

"If you fight alone, look at the battlefield environment..."

He interrupted Huo Gu's answer, and it asked for it in a different way.

[No, no, no, it's not like that. We should make all kinds of processes more concise so that it's easier to understand.]

"That is to collect the other party's information, know the other party's weaknesses, and then raid the other party's weaknesses and kill the other party..."

Taken together, the differences between individual and collective battles are not particularly large, and they all have obvious commonality.

To fight with the enemy, you must think about defeating the enemy like this, and think about how to defeat the enemy. You must know what the enemy is good at and what he is not good at. At least you have to avoid the strengths and hit the key points.

[Do you understand? The first process that the attack must go through is to collect the enemy's intelligence. If there is no information at all, it is absolutely impossible to attack.]

"Well...what if it's that kind of prayer-type causal weapon?"

Hogu hypothesized that there is a weapon that does not need to go through any process to destroy any enemy.

There is no doubt that this weapon is the ultimate weapon. There is no need to lock it, the causality, and ignore any obstacles and barriers.

However, even this weapon cannot jump out of the framework of the attack principle.

[So at least the user has to 'told' the causal weapon, who is the target it should destroy? Isn't this information? You don't even know what the target is. How can a powerful weapon attack?

[The attack principle is easy to understand, which is to obtain information, use information, and then launch an attack.]

The three steps of the attack principle he said sounded high, but in fact, it is a truth that even primitive people in the Stone Age can understand.

When primitive people are ashamed of stones, they must first see where the enemy is and whether they want to throw stones. This is to obtain information.

Then there is to aim. There is nothing you can do. If you don't aim, it doesn't hit, and it doesn't make sense to lose it. This process is to use the obtained enemy's location information.

Finally, it is to launch an attack, which is better understood. The primitive people threw the stone out.

The rules of the universe are simple. This is what it is. When you understand it, you will only wonder why you didn't find it at the beginning.

"What about the defense principle?"

[The defense principle is based on the attack principle.]

[What is the essence of defense? The enemy wants to attack me, and I don't want to get hurt, so I can prevent the other party's attack from hurting me by various means. This is defense.]

[It can be understood that defense is the purpose of preventing attacks.]

"How to stop it? Attack is just an act, and any knowledge can be used to attack. Huo Gu asked.

[That's right. Defense is not comprehensive, only targeted. The defense against one attack may have little defense for another. Because of this, the attack will always be greater than the defense, because the dominant power is on the other side of the attack.]

[However, the attack requires a process. If these three steps are broken, the attack cannot be achieved, so a defense can be achieved.]

In the first link, if you can't get the slightest information from the enemy, there is no way to talk about the attack - even if you throw stones, you need to know where the person to be lost is, and what is the probability of throwing the person as soon as you close your eyes?

In the second link, although information is obtained, it is not enough to use this information to achieve the purpose of attack - throwing stones at people, what is the use of just knowing a name, at least to know what the other party looks like and where the other party is standing.

In the third link, the attack failed - before throwing the stone, he was knocked on a stick, and naturally the stone in his hand could not be thrown out.

[This is the 'defense principle' extended against the 'attack principle'.]


At this time, Mion and Si in the superluminal state learned the attack and defense principles left in the information.

"...The principle of attack and defense is not so much a cosmic rule as a strategic idea. Keeping quiet and preventing other civilizations from obtaining our information is the greatest security."

Perpetually confesses his ideas, while thinking is thinking about the loopholes of the principles of attack and defense.

There is nothing wrong with the attack principle, but the defense principle does not achieve 100% comprehensive defense. It is like a wall, which is very thick at the level, but it has no ability to stand upright.

"Defense principles have shortcomings, such as the aftermath of third-party battles, which are 'accident' in the definition and do not belong to the category of 'attack', so the defense principle has no defense ability for this strike mode."

The use of range weapons for each other is not a big problem. In the category of defense principles, I'm afraid it will be the aftermath of range killing. People sit at home and the disaster comes from the sky.

In the face of this situation, the defense principle is invalid, because it is not a 'attack' in the definition.

"It really can't be regarded as an attack, because the attacker does not have the malice to destroy the third party, and even does not know the existence of the third party."

"But this is very useful for combat participants. Using rules for defense is more useful than any shield or barrier, because it can make the enemy unable to even attack."

Perpetuality is very clear. It has long known what the advantages and disadvantages of the two principles are. This problem is not a big deal, since it can use rules to attack and defend.

There is no problem in using the rule 'disaster prevention', even because no one is targeting it, but it is better to do it.

In addition to understanding the principles of attack and defense, Sihe and Persperity also learned about cosmic civilization.

Recalling the cosmic civilization described in the information, I felt deeply powerless.

"Cosmic civilization is like this. It uses the rules of the universe to attack and defend, constantly stretches its own space-time acceleration time, and constantly compresses the enemy's space-time slowdown time."

"In the cosmic civil society, the scientific and technological level is not the only strength evaluation standard. It only accounts for a small part. The indicator that determines the strength of civilization is the creativity of that civilization. The principle of attack and defense is only the foundation, just like the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in mathematics."

"In the face of them, the ethnic group may not even know how to lose..."

Obviously, Si's self-confidence was greatly hit. It thought that the ethnic group had enough access to the peak, even if it was not close to the peak.

Now it seems that the difference is too far. People play with rules, and they play with matter.

"Don't be discouraged, at least we have now learned that it's only a matter of time to catch up, just to speed up the time, and we can't do it."

On the contrary, it is more confident and shows no sign of being hit. After knowing the operation of accelerating the passage of its civilization by stretching time and space, it can't wait to let the ethnic group have a try.

Si replied, "We didn't tell us this during the strike of the correction agency, hoping that we could think of it ourselves and test our creativity, but... We didn't expect that it was what we told us."

Technology can be researched and developed. All that needs is the accumulation of time, but for a cosmic civilization that can accelerate the passage of time, it is something that can be piled up in a second.

Therefore, creativity is the standard for evaluating the power of cosmic civilization. At the same time, it depends on who develops more technical ability, who finds out the other party's defects more quickly, and who is the first to achieve the conditions for the implementation of the attack.

As for the civilization gap with high technology, this is indeed an advantage among cosmic civilizations, but it is not an advantage that cannot be equalized.

At that level of civilization, their knowledge of the universe has long been integrated. What kind of theories have not been seen and what kind of knowledge has not been verified? They have long been able to weave their own rules.

If the battle is fierce enough and crazy enough, they will even weave a set of their own worldviews and fight with each other.

"We are not smart. Isn't this a well-known thing for a long time? There is still a number of ethnic groups. If the creativity of an individual is not enough, it will be filled by the creativity of a group of individuals. Perpetual rhetorical questions.

Individuals can make up for it if they can't do it?"

Si was stunned, and it was hit by this.

Creativity is not quantifiable. Under an infinite number, any possible ideas can emerge.

The sustainable and determined reply, "Yes, hasn't the ethnic group been like this all the time? What's more, we are not necessarily the stupidest one.

"You're right."

Their topic has returned to the spiritual realm again, which is the enemy they have to deal with now.

Perpetually, "Since we already know the principle of attack and defense, we can try to apply it to the strategy of the spiritual realm. Don't we already know its weaknesses?"

"Black holes are bricks, hehe..."

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