How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 901 - 902 Times 1 is changing

Chapter 901: Chapter 902 Times 1 is changing

The successors captured a group of practitioners and were transported to the Tianji Giant Structure. After the Tianji Giant Structure deciphered the other party's language, and then completed the deciphering of their brain information by interpreting the brain wave code.

The workload of deciphering is very large. These practitioners are not a single species, but a pile of all kinds of intelligent creatures, which leads to the huge structure deciphering the memory of a intelligent species, which is useless for other practitioners. It does not even have the value of reference and needs to be deciphered from scratch.

In addition, the deciphered memory content also makes the successors speechless.

"Hahaha, my life is up to me. This day can't cover my eyes..."

"When I reach the peak, I will make those who look down on me regret..."

"Kill all the people who should kill, save all those who should be saved, and universal..."

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, the hatred of destroying the family is sworn..."

The successor who was interpreting the practitioner's memory couldn't help complaining.

"What the hell, that's all they care about most? Didn't you want to go further with your race and civilization as a whole?

In the interpretation work, successors generally give priority to interpreting what prisoners care about most. This information is very important for prisoners, so it serves as a template for successors to screen information.

However, although the most practitioners are most concerned about is complex and changeable, it is a word - fighting against a certain force, an individual, and a certain concept.

In the eyes of the successors, these practitioners are all crazy fighters and have mental problems.

"Irelying attention to those spam information, it's just a waste of time to understand useless information and concentrate on selecting useful information."

After screening, the successors will collect and summarize all the information about the practitioners in their memory.

This information gave the successors a deeper understanding of the history of the current river system.

The history of this river system is divided by the 'epoch', which is not divided by time as a node, but by events. At the beginning, there were no race of gods and no practitioners. Only a group of intelligent species that used the spiritual realm through sacrifices to the spiritual masters, which were later called the 'magic apostles', and the seventh order The layers are similar.

However, unlike the seventh class, they do not need to be frightened by the correction organs.

The convenience of the spiritual realm made them easily complete the feat of conquering the river system.

Practitioners call this era the 'Magic Age'.

But... the times are about to progress. Some of the demon apostles are unwilling to be subject to the spiritual realm in this way, and they have to pay a price to use the spiritual realm.

People always hope that they can become gods.

So I thought so, by summoning the creatures inside from the spiritual realm, obtaining their biological tissues, and trying to combine these biological organizations with ordinary intelligent creatures.

The demon apostles don't have a systematic scientific system, but it doesn't matter. If they can't do it twice, and three times if they can't do it twice, just like ancient earthlings found gunpowder through alchemy. They don't know how many failures they have experienced, but they actually succeeded.

Then, on this basis, they continue to develop this integration, and there are thousands of races in the river system that can be transformed into spiritual creatures through 'cultivation'.

This kind of demon apostle is called 'fusion'.

Some people are radical and others are also conservative. Not all demon apostles choose to integrate themselves with spiritual creatures.

For a long time, the two sides were at peace until the Lord intervened.

Those intelligent creatures that have reached the immortal level are judged by the Lord as spiritual realm creatures, forcibly pulled into the spiritual realm, and can never appear in the material universe.

Because it is not clear about the reason for the Lord's action, the remaining fusions, either panic, despair, or conspiracy theories, will point their finger at the demon apostles.

The first chaotic war between the gods began, and the demon apostles were swept into the garbage heap of history, and the spiritual master also became a taboo that could be mentioned from then on.

The river system has completely entered the 'Hundred Era'. After the fusion of spiritual creatures, various deformed creatures ruled the river system.

The fusion who won the war found that the Lord still forcibly pulled the intelligent species that reached the immortal level into the spiritual realm without saying a word, and did not restrain at all because of the extinction of the demon apostles.

Over time, the helpless fusion will get used to it. The most important thing is that entering the spiritual realm does not mean death.

Later, the lord of the spiritual realm forcibly pulled the immortal into the spiritual realm as an objective phenomenon, and his own mind added the statement that 'because the mortal world cannot carry excessively powerful power, it must fly up to the spiritual realm', and regarded it as the truth and called it 'flying'.

The era has entered the 'era of the Hundred Ethnic groups', and the same species cannot understand each other. Naturally, it is impossible for these intelligent creatures alienated into different species to understand each other, and killing is inevitable.

Therefore, in order to reach the peak of immortality faster, various races began to explore.

This is also the prototype of 'practice'.

After a long time of survival of the fittest, the remaining races have developed a set of practice methods that are not weak for their own clan.

However, at this time, there is no unified hierarchical division in the river system. All races do not accept anyone. They all feel that their practice methods are the best, and their hierarchy should be used.

This competition has even spread to the spiritual realm, and those immortals in the spiritual realm are trying to prove that their practice methods are better than everyone else.

The second war of the gods began, and the competition was more fierce and diversified, not only in battle, but also in other fields such as economy and survival.

During the most intense period, even the stars were extinguished a lot, and many races disappeared during this period.

It was not until the first 'only' in the spiritual realm appeared that the war subsided.

From this time on, the level of practice began to be standardized, and has four general levels: unique, immortal, great and understanding.

The river system has completely entered the era of 'cultivation', focusing on systematic practice.

In this era, practitioners have figured out the boundaries of the spiritual realm and developed a disguise. As long as immortals do not use the power of the immortal level, they will not be forcibly drawn into the field by the Lord.

This is how time spans to today, the era when the gods are rising, by capturing the intelligent race, replacing the practice and completing the transformation of spiritual creatures.

However, it is still unknown whether the gods can challenge success. There are many immortals in the gods race, and almost every race has at least one, but so far no 'only' level of powerful existence has been born in any race.

Maybe...may never know whether they can challenge success.

Because the successors are coming.

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