How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 897 - 898 Intelligence First

Chapter 897: Chapter 898 Intelligence First

Superluminal creatures reach the periphery of a star system, about three light minutes away from the Kuiper belt.

"Next time we will reach our destination at the speed of light."

"Do you remember the task given to you? Repeat it again."

Hearing this, other parts of the superluminal organisms transmit life field information.

"Sneak into the planet, further understand the races of the gods, understand the distribution of the forces of the local races of the whole river system, collect and summarize this information and pass it back to the ethnic group to help the ethnic groups quietly devour them."

"Good, let's go."

The superluminal creatures that received the reply entered the superluminal state, and the surrounding scene was distorted. In the blink of an eye, they had reached near their destination.

A planet with a complex ecosystem, similar in appearance to the earth, with a vast continent and blue ocean.

Arrive at the superluminal creatures near the destination and carefully observe the situation around them.

After waiting for a while, it was found that there was nothing special, and the enemy did not come to attack it.

After confirming that there is no danger, the superluminal creature began to approach the planet, and it needs to further test the enemy planet to determine the planned direction.

When it approached the same planet more than 1,000 kilometers, the enemy finally reacted.


The intelligent creature flying up from below the planet towards the superluminal creatures, wearing dark gray armor, one leg, with three eyes and a pair of bent fangs, four thick arms, three fingers, and very sharp claws. It can be seen that this is a warrior and is hostile to the superluminal creature. The cold in his hand The weapon should aim at superluminal creatures and burst out a beam of light.

There is no injury. After observing the emergence of intelligent creatures, superluminal creatures pay close attention to each other's micro-movement and then take measures to avoid it in advance.

"The response is slower than expected, and the evaluation of their individual strength seems to decline a little more."

The superluminal creature commented on this, and then took a counterattack to give the enemy attacking it a deadly gamma-ray beam, and the attacker turned into a mummified corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Perhaps because the superluminal creatures killed the interceptor, after the interceptor became a mummified corpse, similar warriors flew from the ground in the direction of the superluminal creatures and launched similar beam attacks.

Superluminal creatures also counterattack other attacking enemies, with many light spots lit up, and a large number of mummified corpses floating in space.

In addition to gamma rays, a large number of physical warheads were poured out, and the untouchable enemy was pierced by the warhead and died.

"Intruder! Kill!"

The fierce battle on both sides is basically the enemy being slaughtered by superluminal creatures. The beams released by the enemy are not powerful, at least not enough to break through the proton lattice. It looks very similar to the light sword of the seventh class, but the two are not at the same level comparable at all.

However, with its back, the enemy has a long-lasting source of troops. Relying on the firepower of superluminal creatures alone, it can only be suppressed for a while, but it cannot be suppressed for a long time. After all, the strategic resources such as antimatter it carries are limited.

Superluminal creatures did not stay long. After slaughtering and collecting battlefield data, they left the battlefield at superluminal speed.

In the eyes of others and the fighting enemies, this scene was their tenaciously resisting and forcing the enemy away, and the surviving soldiers cheered and celebrated their heroic victory.

However, these warriors guarding the planet did not notice that there was a very special warhead hidden in those physical warheads.

The warhead exploded when it hit the enemy, and a small fragment of the size of a coin wrapped a micro-individ individual and fell to the surface of the planet.

Due to the effect of gravitational acceleration, the rotation of potential energy can cause the speed of small fragments to increase until it reaches a certain threshold and balances with air resistance, and no longer falls at a uniform speed.


Tiny fragments fell into a forest and happened to hit the head of a ground creature and pierced it.

The penetration of small fragments accelerated by gravity to extremely high speed is no less than that of armor-piercing shells launched by heavy snipers. For tiny fragments, the strong skull of creatures is like to be made of tofu, with no strength.


The creature trembles and twitched. It is dead, and the brain is destroyed. Naturally, it is impossible to survive, but the body is driven by the residual signals of the neural network.

Extend the tentacles from the fragments and search the surrounding substances for their own use, so that the volume of micro-individuals can be enlarged.

After familiarizing themselves with their environment, micro-individuals quickly occupy the brain position of the organism and connect the nerve fibers to restore their body function.

"I'm so lucky. It's so bad."

The successor sighed regretfully that he could be hit in the head by falling straight from a height of more than 1,000 kilometers. Should it be said that this creature has been unlucky for eight lifetimes, or should it be said that the successor is a little unlucky?

The infiltration plan is preferred, and the newly acquired body manipulated by the successor who no longer thinks shuttles through the woods.

"I'm not used to the movement of limbs. If only it were six limbs..."

"Huh? There are intelligent species."

In the process of running, he intended to find a successor to the intelligent species, and soon found a group of intelligent creatures that were fighting fiercely.

The appearance of these intelligent creatures is exactly the same as that of the previous warriors who fought fiercely with superluminal creatures in outer space. It can be seen that they are of the same race.

At this moment, the enemies of these intelligent creatures who are fighting are creatures of the same race as their successors.

"Should I change my name to 'Lucky Star'? Just a day after landing, the infiltration plan was carried out to this point.

Quietly approached this group of intelligent creatures and avoided close to the ground. The part of the organism in contact with the ground had tentacles extending out, digging the ground, and then quietly opened the petal-like mouth on several trees near them and throwing out the spore clouds.

"Be careful!"

"Pay attention to its venom!"

The soldiers fought fiercely with the fierce beasts on all fours. The fierce beast's dark green saliva dripped to the ground, making a sound of "smmming..." The ground was corroded with dense black spots, which made patients with dense phobias want to commit suicide.

"Priest, is your magic ready? We can't stop it!"

In the battle, the soldiers who were mainly responsible for fighting hard shouted at the rear.

At this time, I saw the intelligent creatures dressed significantly different from other soldiers, muttering the power gained from the gods.

"...the god of grace, the gaze of Nevotroo... Wisdom of Solomon, the king of the immortal throne protects eternity..."

"...We are here to pray to destroy the humble things in front of us!"

"Ji--! Jie!"

The fierce beast struggled fiercely. It felt like ten thousand ants eating and rolling on the ground, desperately trying to remove the 'ant worm' on its body, but it didn't help, and soon it died inexplicably.

Seeing this, those who fought fiercely breathed a sigh of relief and sat down depointed.

"Finally, I finally won..."

"Don't relax your vigilance! There is not only one jungle beast in the wilderness, get up!"

Previously, the leader shouted loudly against the fierce beast.

"Long warrior, our legs are weak..."

The battle just now can kill many people. It's really lucky that they can survive. They survived for the rest of their lives, but their legs are already very good.

I ignored the complaints of his subordinates, and the chief soldier asked about the sacrifice.

"Priest, are we going to collect enough plants? There are not many soldiers in the team. If you want to continue to go deep into the wilderness, you can only go back to replenish the number of soldiers first.

"That's enough. There's no need to go deeper." Sacrifice answer.

"We can go back."

The warrior and the sacrifice were talking, but they did not notice that there was a special spore in the air.

"...what a strange smell."

The soldiers with a sensitive sense of smell noticed a slight difference in the smell in the air.

However, because it was in the wild and had just killed a creature, it was normal for the smell to change, so the soldier who noticed that the smell was slightly different did not think much about it.

"What are you doing? Do you want to spend the night with wild beasts in the wilderness? Keep up!" The warrior urged.

In this way, the successor silently used the spread of spores to control this group of native intelligent species that it had just met.

This group of intelligent species returned to the town, a social place like a pub, a warrior who had just robbed the beast for the rest of his life took off his disguise and became a storyteller and began to brag to other colleagues in the social place.

"Damn! It's really a jungle beast! You really hunted a jungle beast! It's too strong!"

"That's right, I told you that when I was with the jungle barbarians, my heart and sword with a sharp blade were united, and in an in anusual moment, I made an extreme move..."

The jungle beasts are extremely dangerous. They are not an enemy that a warrior team can fight against.

Powerful power, sharp claws, agile speed, etc. are simply a polymer of advantages, and the most troublesome of which is the strong corrosion of the body fluids of jungle beasts.

As we all know, cold weapons inevitably require hand-to-hand combat, and the process of hand-to-hand combat must be flesh and blood splashes, and the body fluids with strong and corrosive beasts will naturally cause serious damage to the enemy.

Except for setting traps in advance, there is no good way to fight head-on to kill jungle beasts.

"Excend me, excuse me, the people in it belong to our team."

A delicate voice broke into the noisy environment.

The comer suddenly showed impatience when he was still talking about his heroic deeds against the jungle beasts.

"Kron, why are you here?"

"I can tell you that now I'm preaching the legendary deeds of the decisive battle against the jungle beasts. If you have nothing to do, leave quickly and don't ruin other people's good deeds."

With a warning tone, it is completely a gesture of driving people away.

However, Kelun did not show any dissatisfaction.

"Real? So...Hanton, you're not going to ask for your own commission, are you? In this case, I'll talk to the warrior chief and ask him to line it for me.

"What? Commission?!"

Hanton was stunned and roared angrily.

"Damn! Bitch, I'll tell you! If you dare to swallow my share of my hard-old money, I will devour you alive now!"

In the face of the threat, Ke Lun waved his hand indifferently and walked to the door.

"I can't hear, I can't hear. The soldier has long been dissatisfied with you for always disappearing, so he asked me to bring you a message. If you don't know it, it's equivalent to t want it, so... I deliberately slowed down to inform you, hee hee."

Hearing this, Hanton dared to continue to stay and brag, pushed away the crowd and ran out.

"I... damn it! I knew you were full of bad water!"

"Guys, excuse me. I'll talk to you next time."

As night fell, and everyone rested, only the warrior team that killed the jungle beasts head-on.

Strictly speaking, it is not this soldier team in action, they are also resting and sleeping, but the successors parasitize in their bodies are in action.

The successors quietly sneaked into the vicinity of water sources and then threw the parasitic spores into it.

A few days later, the whole town was parasitized by its successors, and similar situations were happening in other towns besides this town.

In addition to towns, there are also villages, forests, oceans and other parasitic creatures, and their successors will not let go.

"The well-connected intelligence network will soon spread all over the planet."

"Let me see what secrets are hidden on your planet..."

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