How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 895 - 896 Wormhole Communication

Chapter 895: Chapter 896 Wormhole Communication

Si also has the area they are responsible for, and the deployment of the stellar system has been completed.

Similar to the area of the Yoya, they also encounter a race of gods, which is located in millions of star systems, and is also responsible for the undeployed star systems in the area.

Of course, it is impossible to give up the remaining star systems for sustainability. After all, that is the magnitude of millions, and the mass of millions of stars is not a small number.

But if they rush to seize these millions of star systems, they are worried that they will be beaten down one after another like the original door world. It will not have so much time to waste, and their will only give them 100,000 years.

There is no problem to seize the stellar system.

But it should be silent, as fast as light, and directly disappear before the target is not reacting to what's going on, and don't leak any wind.

Therefore, after their deployment is completed, they begin to hide clusters and secretly collect information about the races of gods in the area.

"The Meiluo people have an average size of 85 meters and have no fixed appearance. The material body is composed of an eyeball and a nerve fiber structure. By using the spiritual domain, they control a mass of plasma as the shell for life to protect the fragile material body of the Meiluo people..."

Continuously browse the relevant information obtained from the same clan about the races of the gods in this area.

"...According to the structural analysis of the eyeball, there is a complex nerve matrix inside, from which it can be judged that the eyeball is not only a visual organ, but also a brain carrying thinking..."

"...If the ripple structure is used, the ethnic group does not need any means of attack to make the Melo people die, and the Melos who have lost the use of the spiritual realm will die because of the collapse of the plasma around them..."

"Comment, I've never seen such a weak intelligent creature..."

After browsing the information, he was stunned forever. "Indeed, the ethnic group started sailing. Until now, I have never seen such a weak intelligent species."

It's not contempt, but simply seeing things that have never been seen and expected, showing the amazingness. The other party is not a spiritual realm creature. Being able to grow to such a deformed and fragile appearance is the result of over-reliance on the spiritual realm, which is an update to the knowledge base of the successors.

Si reminded, "In our opinion, for those captive intelligent species, the strength of the Melo people is a natural disaster."

Hearing the words, I continued to meditate.

"In this river system, not to mention the birth of a civilization that can replace ethnic groups, it is difficult to nurture ordinary civilizations. That is to say, the value of this river system is only material."

"Maybe we can be more unscrupulous?"

Si's sustainable proposal was simply rejected. Its aggressive behavior is too risky for Si. Although it is valuable, it is not enough to disrupt the current plan of the ethnic group.

"Forget it, they will resist, or it is the safest way to do it today."

After thinking about it forever, I don't object to it. Indeed, the current approach is the most stable for the ethnic group.

However, after thinking about it, I thought of another big force in the river system besides the gods.

"But we don't know anything about practitioners yet."

The original plan was to occupy the star system that no one occupied, and then collect information about the civilizations in the river system, leaving what is valuable to the ethnic group, and destroying what is worthless in an instant.

There is no need to understand it in detail, but at least there must be a general understanding to assess whether the value of the other party is used by the ethnic group.

"I also noticed this. The messenger creatures who came back from there said that they had encountered some trouble and were being hunted down, resulting in a slow overall progress."

"Those practitioners have the ability to be above the gods?"

Perpetuality is surprised that due to the relationship between the gods and races, it is inevitable that the idea of contempt various races in this river system will inevitably rise.

There is no way. It is also the spiritual realm. The race of the gods is much weaker than the seventh class.

"The practitioners seem to have a large-scale teleportation similar to the seventh class. Their mobility is unmatched by the gods. Fortunately, the number of practitioners is rare. In the process of escape, they have killed a lot, and now the pressure has been reduced a lot."

After listening to Si's answer, sustainability is no longer entangled in this matter. Since the same clans over there can cope with it, there is no need for the ethnic groups to change their deployment because of them.

After the problems in other areas have been completely solved, it is not too late to reinforce the people over there.

On the contrary, this incident made me think of another thing.

"By the way, Si, is there no other efficient way of communication? It is impossible to meet the future needs of the group by relying on the current messenger creatures as a means of superluminal communication.

"I knew you would mention this. There is already a finished product."

After saying that, Si Xiang continued to reveal an object, which is small, as big as an adult's palm. It is a very thin ring, and the center of the ring is a black ball the size of a grain of rice.

"What is this?" Ask forever.

The structure of this thing that Si took out is very simple. Because it is so simple that it can't be associated with superluminal communication all of a sudden.

"You can see it at a glance, the gravitational ring." Answer as a matter of course.

"No, I mean the black ball in the center of the ring. Don't tell me it's a miniature black hole."

The permanent gaze falls on the center of the ring, just like a filament ring that can maintain its rigid strength, and it is not difficult for the permanent to speculate that it is an extremely miniaturized gravitational ring.

But the small black ball in the center of the gravitational ring can never be understood.

Si explained, "It's a little correct to say it's a black hole, but it's wrong."

"The ball is a miniature wormhole, which can bypass the light speed barrier to achieve 'superlight speed'."

"The wormholes appear in pairs. With this, two mobile terminals that can communicate point-to-point can be created."

Perpetual curiosity, "How did you keep the wormhole in such a small volume?"

"The key is still negative quality, and the pervagative space-time field has reduced the difficulty a lot."

"There is a repulse... So there needs to be a gravitational ring outside..."

In this way, the logic is made. The wormhole needs to be maintained by negative mass, so there is a gravitational ring outside to fill it with negative matter.

"This will be a new technology that can trigger another transformation of the population. The biggest problem of messenger organisms is still the delay, and each cluster needs to understand each other's location and movements, otherwise the point-to-point transmission of messenger organisms is not feasible. Now, this problem can finally be solved."

Perpetuality is happy because of the results produced by thinking, because this technical achievement can solve many problems in the ethnic group. With the increase of the scale of ethnic activity, the improvement of communication technology is necessary and urgent.

"Don't be happy too early. There are pros and cons. Although it doesn't seem to destroy your good mood, I still want to remind you that the connection of wormholes is not only pure information, but also has the characteristics of physical transmission."

Si has prevented the joy of perpetuation. As a developer, it is necessary to explain the pros and cons of technology. Si doesn't want to cause the ethnic group to be in crisis because of its own technology.

"If the group also masters negative mass technology in the future and captures a cluster of the population to obtain micro wormholes, it can destroy the whole population by adding a large amount of negative mass to the micro wormholes, expanding wormholes, and following wormholes one by one. I hope you can clearly understand the seriousness of it."

"...There's no way to solve it?" Ask forever.

"By opening the wormhole with positive mass and using the space-time field of positive mass is the wormhole to break down, thus achieving the purpose of cutting the wormhole, but... this still cannot fundamentally solve this problem. If the cluster does not have time to cut off the wormhole, the population will I have to face the danger of being served in a pot.

"And this is not my biggest worry. What I am most worried about is a situation similar to the original forged instructions. The radiation speed of this means of attack depends entirely on the upper limit of information and communication of civilization as a whole. The use of wormhole communication is bound to have such a risk."

After thoughtful explanation, the continuous excitement has gradually cooled down, but the popularity and application of new communication technologies has not been shaken much.

"Even if you know it, the ethnic group cannot give up. Such communication is a necessary technology for the ethnic group to continue to move forward."

Continuous comfort, "Don't worry so much. Sometimes you need to be decisive. The will has said that if you look forward to the future, you don't need to develop. The way is to come up with the wisdom of thousands of people with the blessing of time, and you can always find a solution to these risks."

"'re right."

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