How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 859 - 860 Fake Instructions

Chapter 859: Chapter 860 Fake Instructions

The biggest crisis in the history of Amoeba!

Huogu has not felt such a sense of crisis for a long time. The last time he felt a similar sense of crisis was when Amoeba was hostile to the Selin Empire when he was poor.

At that time, the collector had not yet grown up, and the help provided by Mian was very limited. Layers of heavy burdens were concentrated on Huo Gu. The problems of the empire and the future problems of the collector race needed to be planned and solved by Huo Gu.

It is not too much to describe it as walking a tightrope. Huogu must find ways to hide and deceive the empire, steal all the knowledge of the empire, and fight for all the elements necessary for the technical explosion of Amoeba.

However, Huo Gu, as a participant in that period, did not feel that the danger of that period could be compared with the present.

"Is this the Great Destruction? No wonder you can be so confident that Amoeba will fail.

Hogu's mood at this moment is extremely heavy. The weakness of the Amoeba civilization has been discovered. The weakness it has been trying to hide and want to solve has not only been found, but also been used to give a heavy blow to the whole Amoeba.

"Alas, the most worrying thing happened..."

Amoeba has weaknesses. As the designer of the social structure of Amoeba civilization, Hogu knows this very well.

The collectors follow the supreme will and unite as a collective around the supreme will, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Unity has brought extremely powerful action power and brought today's achievements to the whole group of Amoeba. All the powerful enemies in the past have become ants overlooking under their feet.

This is an advantage, but just like a powerful advantage, the disadvantage also has a huge impact on Amoeba.

The whole Amoeba is too obedient to Hogu from body to heart. If there is a super powerful enemy who somehow learns Hogu's instructions and then imitates it, it is extremely easy to destroy Amoeba.

Which collector will go against Hogu's will? Which collector's cells will go against Huo Gu's will? No, there is no one. Even those traitors can only defy Huo Gu's will, and the cells of the body still obey Huo Gu.

The collector has a brain, but the cells that make up the body do not.

Because of this, since the collector stepped out of the parent star system, it has rarely given instructions to the whole Amoeba collective, and each instruction is extremely careful, extremely improving the difficulty of being received and imitated.

Unfortunately, Huo Gu did not know that such behavior is actually meaningless. As long as the enemy has enough calculus and capture any individual in the Amoeba civilization, he can deduce Huo Gu's instructions from the captured individual thinking.

Nowadays, the amoeba in the river system is silent.

This time, the quantity can't help Amoeba! Quality can't help Amoeba either!

This is a structural problem since the creation of the Amoeba civilization! Inevitable!

Absolute loyalty has become the poison of Amoeba! How loyal the collector is, how quickly he dies!

[Huo Gu, you are afraid.]

"What do you think I should do? Amoeba will be finished, and the collectors will disappear completely? Everything now will..."

Fearless people because they have nothing to miss and care about? Is Huo Gu not afraid of death? But it is afraid that the Amoeba will die and the collectors will be completely exterminated.

[Huh, it's not like you.]

[Information, if you can achieve more efficient superluminal information transmission, you can cover your instructions to each collector in real time, thus offsetting the enemy's imitation instructions.]

"But this can't solve the fundamental problem. Collectors can tell who is the main body, but their cells can't. Cells don't have brains."

Huo Gu didn't agree with the method? Because there are loopholes in the method, as long as the enemy captures any collector at will, they can learn that their superluminal information transmission is more efficient.

If it were Huo Gu, would it interfere with this more efficient information transmission? The result will still be like this.

Can Huo Gu pin his hopes on the stupidity of the enemy?


If the enemy is stupid enough? It will not erase the collector by imitating its supreme instructions as it is now!

There is only one way to stabilize the situation...

"Although I'm not prepared for anything now? But time has not allowed us to prepare..."

[Huo Gu, do you have a solution?]

"It has always been, but the progress of the solution is too slow. Before we could eradicate this hidden danger, it was forcibly interrupted by the devastating supernova. Due to the long distance, I don't know the specific details, and now I can only start all over again."

Huo Gu searched his memory and found information about the method he said from a large amount of information.

"Will, what is the method? No matter how difficult the method is, we will do our best to continue the clan. Even if we can't do it, we will try our best to do it!"

The resolute response of the collectors, the enemy's behavior made them resent, and the forged will's instructions to destroy the ethnic group in turn has exceeded the bottom line of the collectors' tolerance.

They have made up their minds that as long as the current trouble is solved, the culprit who caused this trouble will impose all their destruction.

Mian and the collector waited for Huo Gu's reply. Huo Gu replied quietly: "Abandom me and abandon your will. You should become the supreme and supreme of the ethnic group. You should learn to grow up."

Hearing Huo Gu's answer, the thinking of the collector and the collector stagnated at this moment, because the impact of this answer was too great for them.

As the founder, he was the first to regain his mind and could understand Huo Gu's decision.

The first emotion of the collectors who recover their minds is fear, which is an extremely rare emotion among collectors. Some collectors have never had even a fear from birth to death.

Nowadays, so many collectors are overwhelmed by fear and will let them abandon it, which directly impacts the deepest underlying thinking of the collectors.

"...lost your will, what do we have left?"

After many years, after eternally asked the same question after Huo Gu temporarily disappeared due to the delay of thinking, another collector raised it, and the object of the question was their most respected and supreme will.

"You... still have ethnic groups left."

Huo Gu's eyes penetrated the starry sky and looked directly at the nucleus of the galaxy, as if he were staring at the enemy.

"From this point, you are no longer collectors, but successors."

Above the surface, under the starry sky, the collector creature carrying Huo Gu's main body climbed out of the beehive and looked at the stars above the sky.

The brilliance of the star reflects its back, which is very long and long.

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