- Episode 136

Episode 136

“What the hell are you guys doing... …

“If you look at it, it’s cancer.”

From what I've seen, they've included some weird stuff in their pre-orders.

I must have thought of something pretty bizarre.

All you need is a large open space. And make the surroundings soft just in case, and have the knights watch them sternly.

And in the middle, the customers are doing something with a slightly excited expression.

“Is that????

“We also thought quite a bit about what to do.”

“Originally, Seina and I were thinking about each other separately… …

“I don’t think the answer will come out just by thinking each other.”

So they decided to cooperate. And other people have been dragged in too.

“Some of the blacksmiths also seduced them.”

It seems that the current joke was successful by mobilizing manpower and technology.

“That is it.”

Let Seina speak proudly.

One of the guests held up an imitation sword with a blunt blade that had been given to him by the knights.

Then, an aura emanates from it.

“… … aha. Is it an aura experience?”

“As expected, Arell-nim. You know that.”

“If you look roughly, you know.”

That guest wasn't even a regular passer-by. just ordinary people.

The posture with the sword is also awkward. But the reason why he uses Auras is probably because he has another secret.

“Coming to think of it, it’s natural for us to have aura, but aren’t there more people who don’t?”

ideas derived from it.

Wouldn't it sell quite well if we made an experience center where ordinary people could play with Auras? It seems that he thought.

“At first I wondered if it would be possible… … As a result of all of you thinking, it really became possible.”

It means that now, even without me interfering, I am able to collect data on my own, devise, and devise things like that.

… … what is that scary

“hmm… … Looking closely, is that pre-charging of the aura?”

“In a way, it's a trick.”

It is impossible for ordinary people to pull out their swordsmanship.

That's why I charged the knight's aura to the magic tool I made in advance and connected the battery.

And consuming it to recreate the aura?

“Did you use your hair?”

It's like a shooting experience center.

It's the same whether it's a gun or an auror. People who live ordinary lives will not come into contact with it.

Of course, it might be fun to touch it with some supervision.

“If you swing it properly and hit the target, they give you a prize.”

It's really no different from a shooting experience.

“dad! Can I do that too?”

Arna seems to be pounding.

Recently, I have been learning magic and spirit art from Pena, but Auror is not like that.

“Ah, the child… … a little… …


I guess there is an age limit.

Sad little boy drooping in his youth.

“Why don't you ask me to make one for the child later instead?”

What was it like seeing Arna disappointed? Seina sneakily suggested.

To me.

“… … Consider something.”

The theory is simple, so there's nothing you can't do.

I like Arna's twinkling eyes, but I need permission from Pena. Otherwise, my back won't be left.

To slightly change the subject, I turned my attention to the guests again.

“Anyway, that’s what I thought.”

“After thinking about the past, I thought this was good. Whoa whoop whoop.”

” A long ago?”

“We also learned a lot from Arell and improved our skills.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

“no… … You wrote it from the beginning.”

“Still, if I hadn’t met Arell-nim, wouldn’t there be any difference between then and now?”

“hmm… … Is it like that?”

The fact that they developed their skills in the first place and the high level of the knights in our territory.

Because I refined the theory of Aura.

“So this is thanks to Arell-nim.”

“No no, that went too far.”

Didn't ordinary people want a world full of swordsmanship?

Even Aura, which was originally a means to play a role in war, has now been turned into a realm of play.

“Is it a world that enjoys aura… … That wouldn't be bad either.”

If that's also proof that it's peaceful, then it's proof.

if it's because of me Accept it humbly and rejoice. If it's a compliment, it's a compliment.

Surprisingly, everyone was showing enthusiasm and results beyond what they had imagined.

‘What's the real reward?'

I think it's something we need to think about seriously.

Since then, the gift has been a memory. If you say this, I will seriously inherit it. … … maybe.

“… … Everyone seemed to be working so hard.”

“oh? Didn't you trick me into hoping that would happen?”

Pena said as if she was a bit absurd.

This time, it was closer to the feeling of watching Pena from a distance, as if she had no intention of competing with others.

So I went to her place and talked to her.

I really want to ask for opinions on what to do.

“Because not everyone is motivated.

If you move on to an halfway prize, there will be a fuss.”

“hmm… … So, is that kid aiming for that too?”

What Pena is currently watching is the young lady she taught spiritism. Was her name Ilia?

After that, he seemed to give advice several times. In particular, in preparation for this festival, it seems that they expressed their intention to attend the rumors from where they heard.

“I had no intention of leaving. I'm begging you, so I can't listen.”

“Well, you were surprisingly weak when others bowed down and came in.”

“… … ah? Are you well prepared? Arna? Aren't you curious about what you're doing?”

Pena, as if my point was on point, subtly acted the other way around.

So, what did they prepare in the end?

This isn't like an exhibition, it's more like a workshop. Seeing as no guests come in, it's probably not for show.

“Are you making something?”

“I'm using strength in various ways!”

The ones who answered energetically were the dwarf and his close friend, the alchemist, who jumped out after hearing my muttering.

Aken and Damon.

Now, they are the ones who hold the position of being the longest-staying technicians here.

“The blacksmith and the alchemist… … And is it a spirit?”

I can feel the presence of spiritism in the workshop. Like the young lady, it meant that the youngsters practicing spiritism were doing something with them.

“… … Are you making crafts?”

“That's right!”

As if Pena was proud, they confidently told the identity of their work.

“Blacksmithing skills and alchemy! And I’m trying to make a craft by combining spirit magic.”


“The elemental magic was quite useful.”

Seeing Aken, who takes great pride in his blacksmithing skills, say something like this, it must be something out of the ordinary.

Damon also explained with a little excitement.

“Why don't you notice that it's easy to give metal a new change by using elemental magic?”

For example, if you combine spirit magic with fine craftsmanship, you can drastically reduce the time or make difficult works easier.

Above all, it is easy to obtain new materials that are difficult to obtain with general materials.

Because strong energy can change the material.


And as if Pena was proud, she handed me one of the finished products.

I, who pride myself on having a good eye for it, am slightly admiring it because I have seen quite a few jewelry or handicrafts.

It's a metal brooch, let's open it. In it, flames and ice crystals come alive and move.

Is it the result of material using spiritism?

It has become a strange metal.

“Will this sell well?”

“yes? yes?”

It won't be enough to sell. Even if it wasn't for this festival, it would be good enough to be sold commercially later.

“Wouldn’t this be the same as winning the jackpot?”

I don't know if it's natural to be so conceited.

“Isn’t this enough to sell enough even during normal times, not at festivals? Why don’t you try to make a fortune with this?”

“huh? … … oh that's kinda... … How about it?”

But of course, when I brightened my eyes by earning money, somehow Pena flinched and took a step back.

“Wouldn’t it be a bit difficult to continue?”

” huh?”


And, of course, I can't help but notice.

sick of it... … While keeping an eye on one of the workshops, I casually opened it.

“… … No more, no more!”

“Spiritualism… … it's hard… …

“How much more do I have to squeeze?”

The youngsters who are just training spirits are exhausted and stretched out, perhaps in order to use the spirits skills necessary for processing crafts.

And kindly pour a recovery potion on the outstretched Elementalist to regain his strength.

Also, make them use spirit magic.

its infinite repetition.

iced coffee… … like… … It's scary to see graduate students.

“wow… … You are better than me.”

In short, was this made by replacing the elemental spirits?

I closed the door without a word.

“So what about this?”

“… … Isn't it sometimes necessary to suffer? Oh-ho-ho-ho.”

He evades it with an unnatural laugh that doesn't suit him.

“Anyway, who did you learn from?

Be careful that Arna is not affected by strange things.”

“Who's mouth is saying that?”

I know. I was the first to practice changing people to create results.

“And the real thing is this.”

Pena pointed at something as if she still had something to brag about.

“huh? what? statue.”

Perhaps change the elemental magician the same as the souvenir I showed you a moment ago... … A statue made by imbuing it with crafting techniques.

It is a statue that looks like a fairy with wings.

“ah… … Is that what you mentioned at the old festival in Fahilia?”

“Whoops. how is it?”

“Come to think of it, did you hear that there was a custom of carving something like this out of ice at an old festival?”

“I’m trying to recreate that. … …

It was Arel who spoke up first.”

Pena also did the research together, so he remembered it.

Originally, I tried to reproduce it by preparing a separate ice statue on the last day of the festival, but is this better?

Just as I was willing to give permission, a strange thing happened.

“.. uh?”


Not only me, but everyone else, including Pena, noticed it and looked up at the sky.


Pure white things fall softly.

white snow.

However, if it is only snowing, there is nothing strange about it.

the problem is… … .

The white granules touch my hand and melt as it is.

“… … It's cold.”

this is real snow

All cities of Fahilia, or any other residential facility, are now necessarily equipped with devices that stabilize the surrounding environment.

Therefore, a certain environment is guaranteed in the city.

The exception is when the device is temporarily turned off for maintenance.

But today is not the time.

“Is this also your joke?”

“It can’t be. I'm not a kid, but my hobby is to make eye contact... … For now, not today.”

Not today.”

That's because I rolled around in the snow with Arna a few days ago. Snow loves me, children, and dogs.

But now this has nothing to do with me.


At that time, a strong wind blew.

A gust of wind that winds around a large amount of snow and blows it from top to bottom.

Surprised people crouched down, and some covered themselves to protect the stalls.

And everyone looks at the sky with their mouths open.

“… … What is that?”

I was also a little surprised.

“???? bird?”

huge bird.

A huge bird made of ice was flying over Pahilia.

“.. this? Rell?”

“That has nothing to do with me either.”

” really?”

This time it's real. You can't believe it.

We don't handle algae here, except for food.

The giant ice bird didn't look like a monster.

This is because, like any territory, we are also vigilant against monsters invading cities or villages, and work to prevent them periodically.

“… … There's no way I wouldn't know if such a huge bird lives there.”

Seeing that there are no trainers out there, it probably isn't even a monster.

By the way, he said he was not interested in this matter and lay down as it was.

“Surely, something like that appeared around this time.”

I thought for a while about how to do that.

It would be rarer to find someone who hadn't witnessed the bird.

‘Isn't this something I'm going to fold?' How

a former pro

sucks honey

The source of this is fre𝒆w(e)bn(o)vel

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