- Gaiden Episode 131

This is a method referring to the

131 Gaiden Episode 131 slime-type monster.

Well, it's not real slime. It was just a reproduction of their behavioral patterns and characteristics.

In other words, it is a pseudo-slime.

After the activity period, they melt away and are rich in nutrients, so the land where the remains of these melt and permeate has a fertile effect and is even eco-friendly.

‘But I used up everything I had with this.' Originally, there was nothing I could do about the means of self-defense I brought for just in case.

The trainer jumped deeper into the basement, aiming for the gap while the slime lumps were fighting the monster.


The trainer, who recklessly broke through the obstacles, swallowed his breath reflexively and suppressed his voice.

I expected it to be tough.

But this... … .

“… … This is over the limit.”

She gazed beyond it.

If there is such a thing as hell, it might be this kind of scenery.

“What the hell is that… …

full in here.

It was filled with the same resentment-like aura that the monster spewed out.

“As expected, the source was here.”

The source of evil currents is the inner side of the stars.

But to what extent?

The trainer came into the ground quite deeply, but it wasn't to the extent that he had reached the center.

If it occupies the center and covers up here, the area is...

“… … This is more dangerous than you think.”

I don't even feel like exploring.

This is a phenomenon that shouldn't exist.

Even if this world were to be abandoned, if such a thing existed, it might affect other worlds as well.

It must be a phenomenon that carries such a risk.

“… … Massive resentment.”

She looked down at the source from which the current gushed.

I saw something emitting a reddish glow inside the place where the gray aura gushed out.

At first I thought it was magma, but it's not.


However, it is not that the temperature is actually low, but that the soul feels cold.

“… … how?”

For some reason, the depths of the land are filled with grudges that can never be said to be small.

It is formed like the sea, and the energy emitted by that grudge becomes a gray wind that continues to rise and rise toward the ground.

“The energy evoked by a large amount of grudge is the source of that monster… …

The trainer guessed this phenomenon as it was seen.

Resentment cannot be ignored.

For example, they say that in a brutal battlefield, strange phenomena sometimes occur.

Hearing screams that shouldn't be heard, or getting weak.

Resentment may not have much effect if it is one or two, but if it occurs in hundreds or thousands, it will have a great effect.

“But where did this level of grudge come from…? …

But this is not it.

Billions of grudges.

I didn't understand that at all.

Even in the bloodiest world, this kind of phenomenon doesn't happen easily.

“Unless a population the size of a star is annihilated… … ah… …

Thinking that far, the trainer looked at the torrent of red-hot resentment once more just in case.

A horrific sight that makes you feel sick just by looking at it.

But bear with it and keep an eye on it... … .

“It was like that.”

There was something to guess.

Looking closely at the torrent, it was clearly inside.

dead body.

humans and animals... … In addition to that, countless creatures.

So to speak, traces of the dead.

For some reason, a large number of corpses were left unattended in this land.

“It's not someone's intention... … A coincidence... …

After looking around for a while, I guessed the cause and effect to some extent.

have ever heard For some reason, a large number of new beasts were generated on this planet, and it became an environment in which normal creatures could not live.

If so, what kind of ecosystem was it before that?

She judged that there would not be much difference from the extremely different world.

The basis is to guess based on the appearance of the people here.

It was probably also inhabited by normal flora and fauna.

If so, what were they really like?

There are very few cases where all living things disappear overnight.

In the first place, extinction or environment change is done in a long time unit.

‘Then what would happen to the creatures before that?' of course he's dead

Where is the problem? how?

‘Humans go underground and survive... … Then other creatures will move similarly.'

It's instinct.

If you want to live, you will find a way somehow.

And a large amount of creatures enter the underground. But most will die in the process.

Because I wouldn't have been able to adapt.

And even if you live here, your life will come to an end someday.

When a living thing dies, its corpse always remains.

‘Of course I will bury them in my own way.'

deeper into the ground.

I can't throw it on the ground, so I'll take care of it inside the basement.

Besides that, many creatures will die.

If it all fell into the ground... … .

‘… … Theoretically, it may be possible that the grudges that flowed from there continue to wander while being trapped in it.

The probability is astronomically low, but since it has already happened, it must be true.

That mass of grudges had no place to go, and while they were buried underground, they came into contact with the man named Mel by chance and responded to his will.

In short, Mel's grudge is the catalyst.

It's like sparking a spark to ignite a flame.

‘The problem is to block this... …

The trainer clicked his tongue, saying that the work had become somewhat of a nuisance.

The scale far exceeds what was assumed.

It may be possible to prevent it by taking immediate action according to the original plan, but now this is too much at the most.

A more cautious approach should be taken.

‘A point to break the flow... … need to find... …

There is no way to do anything about that source right now. If I take the time, I will use a method of containment, but I don't have that much time.

‘… … I have to go further inside.'

It's a really annoying problem. Dealing with that level of grudge is a problem that even she cannot confidently step forward.

How much more so for Arell Ernesia? That sounds unreasonable.

Since ancient times, being a reincarnated person knows only oneself.

“… … no way! Now I don't know!”

After hesitating, she finally made up her mind and acted.

Inwardly, he willingly plunged into the sea of grudges.

“Again, not for Arel! It's just a pity to let the rare Shinsu get rid of!”

excuses not excuses.

As soon as the trainer jumps in, grudges act to restrain her.

It's not that I'm trying to read and stop what she's trying to do.

Resentment tends to be drawn to the living. They covet the souls of the living and hope to bring them down with words like theirs.

< come… … . >

< You must hate like us… … . >

< Let's hate and destroy everything together. >< We are dead, but they are alive. >< Don't you hate this world? >At that terrible sound, the trainer rather laughed.

“Even if that’s not the case, I don’t like humans very much.”

But I have no heart to be that ugly.

A large amount of grudge reacted, and their colony soared. In order to catch the trainer, he must be trying to catch it by bumping into it directly.

“No guess.”

It may be a long-term battle, but there is no reason to be caught like this.

He spread his mana and formed a space that blocked interference.

“… … Even if I don't touch you, I feel the worst.”

If it's a normal human being, there's nothing strange about going crazy right away.

Being a reincarnated person with somewhat strong mental resistance and already distorted personality to some extent, he can endure it.

But even that won't be long... … .


As soon as I find a point to construct a field that will most effectively block their aura inside their flow, I quickly set it up.

I install the device I took over from Arel and start preparing to explode it right away.

‘But what happens if I explode this close?'

It wasn't a bomb with firepower, but it was obvious that even she would suffer serious internal injuries if she was hit directly at close range.

But I can't afford to go as far as the safe distance as planned.

“… … It will happen as it should.”

She sighed and gave the same detonation signal.

That moment.

moment. The torrent of resentment seemed to have stopped.

They probably don't sense what's going on. There is no such thing as intellect in that.

The light emanated as it was, and a storm of light raged incessantly with the momentum to dissipate all those grudges.

That light is a special energy reproduced based on certain data provided by Arell.

It has a quality opposite to the ominous energy emitted by that group of grudges.

Just as it is, opposite energies collide, and the energies of resentment are randomly tangled.

Even if you can't neutralize them, it's possible to make them stop functioning for a moment.

It won't be a long time, but in the meantime, Arel will make a decision.

“… … If you go this far and fail, I will never forgive you.”

Muttering, I was caught up in the torrent of resentment that swirled and scattered, and drifted away somewhere.

There was no difficulty in creating a way to block the source of its aura.

“This is it.”

I took a rock from my pocket and threw it at him.

The stone was blocked by the aura that wrapped around him and fell as it was.

“???? that.”

“You know. You used it well when you were human too.”

An unidentified ore that becomes the weakness of the divine beast's energy.

And what caused this situation.

More than anything, I was lucky.

“If it's that ore, I've thought of a way to get rid of it in case of emergency.”

It was a coincidence.

In the past, it was designed with the idea of removing weeds because they would cause damage if they grew to the ground.

“Herbicide… … no. It should be called jewangje.”

That is why it is necessary to be diligently preparing for the future.

If you are diligent, you will find the answer.

Based on that theory, I built a special device and handed it over to the trainer.

Sneak underground and make it explode.

“ruler. How do you feel now? A child?”

A large amount of power that he didn't know how to show the floor he boasted about.

It seems to be temporarily depleted.

The amount of energy currently possessed is also quite large, but it is probably less than the total amount of me and Sylphia.

“If you get drunk with power and run wild, you will be punished.”

“Kuh… … Like this monster.”

As if driven into a corner, the guy collects gray energy and weaves a spear to shoot.

But the momentum is weak.

“red. It shows that you are saving energy.”

When I spread the barrier and Sylphia swung her huge tail behind it, it was shattered and scattered without much difficulty.

“Now, Sylphia. Let them pay the price for setting it up on their own.”

[I think so even if I don't have to say it!]

Sylphia shoots out white lightning without hesitation as if she's going to repay her debts.


Mel screamed and raised his strength at the massive attack that even I would not be safe if I was hit directly. Since it cannot be supplied from the outside, it raises the power compressed inside to create a massive storm.

It seems like he managed to block it, but that's probably all. [The cheeky bastard!]

He must have built up quite a bit of anger. Sylphia's huge tail flies at the guy who is dedicated to blocking the lightning.


A shock that seemed to shake the surroundings exploded, and Mel flew back.


Even if it's a body that can ignore quite a few physical hits, it's different if it's an attack with a large amount of mass.

Silfia's blow is like crushing the entire range with its mass.

In short, it is no different from a large-scale gravity magic attack.

“… … What a disgusting divine beast!”

“It's really not convincing when you say it that way.”


He screamed after barely overcoming Silfia’s attack, but he had no intention of watching it.

It wasn't just Shinsoo who were annoyed with him.

“If I jumped on my own, I should regret it, right?”

While he showed an opening for Sylphia's attack, I jumped in and reached right in front of him.

“This monster… … Don't mess around! Don't think you'll defeat my grudge like this!”

“what? It's only funny to say it like that, right?”

“Kuh! This food is good for you!”

He tries to distance himself from me to rebel, but he can't move as he wants.

The transparent magic wall I developed blocks his retreat.

The current guy couldn't even break through a wall like this.

“Hey. Where are you going?”

I smiled and gathered energy into my palm and held it out.

“Should I be punished for pretending to be proud?

Heat wave field


It unleashes an intense blow that seems to shake the very existence of the guy, and does not stop with just that.

Now is the time of execution. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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