- Episode 127 Episode

127 Episode 127 of Gaiden

It's amazing that he's weakened just by covering himself with that dust even though he didn't even hurt him.

The divine beasts, who had been staggering, closed their eyes as if they were falling asleep one by one. That was one of the countermeasures provided by Arell.

“Was it to consume the purifying power of the divine beast…? …

“I honestly don't know what that means, but it's really great.”

Arel's means of incapacitating the gods was to use their nature and instincts.

The biggest feature of Shinsoo is that it purifies the environment to the extent that it is heterogeneous.

It doesn't just make it clean, it makes it clean enough to harm normal living things.

At one time, because of that, humans had to regard Shinsoo as their enemy.

Such a strong nature can also be a disadvantage at the same time.

Shinsoo constitutionally purifies the environment. However, it is not of one's own will.

Something similar to breathing.

And unlike the name, the sleeping bombs that were blown up now are actually a large amount of pollutants.

If it is overturned, there will be no choice but to purify it.

If you exhaust it by consuming a large amount of energy, it will automatically fall into a state of sleep.

Weakness using their instincts and traits.

“… … I don't know how you thought of this.”

People admired the idea.

“The divine beasts are completely asleep!”

After that, the only thing left is to move it yourself.

The humans carried the sleeping divine beasts and placed them in cages that would temporarily put them in a state of suspended animation.

If you do this, you won't be active for a while.

The reason why it is called subjugation, not actually war.

If there is a fight, someday the embers may remain, but if you neutralize them like this, the possibility will be reduced.

… … However, such a peaceful method of subjugation was not even possible for a single being.


There was a sound like the earth grinding.

A huge creature appears.

“… … Is it a king?”

The entity they call the current King.

To that which is said to be the apex of existing divine beasts... … .


The sleeping bombs were fired again, but just by spreading their wings, they all disappeared, leaving no trace.

It's too much power.

“Isn’t it okay… … As I heard. Then change the ammo!”

Of course, both Arel and the trainer were convinced that this method would not work as well for that individual.

Replace the ammunition used in the catapult with a different one.

Let's blow it up again.


This time it burst into flames. A weapon with obvious destructive power.

However, it might be possible to get his attention just a little bit.

“Don’t fight head-on! Keep firing and tie up!”

Humans faithfully follow them as instructed.

Their purpose is not to fight that huge god beast king.

It just draws its attention.

And so their fight begins.

“… … It annoys me.”

Mel clicked his tongue.

Most of the Shinsoo who had been dominating for a long time were released. All that's left is this city and the boss entity, that giant guy.

And even what remains is under attack.

“… … It's ironic.”

The memory left in his soul is that he failed to achieve revenge by leading humans and fanning them in the past.

Humans cannot defeat those monsters.

As if denying that fact, that Arel casually starts to drive him out by using humans to reverse this time.

“Unpleasant… … It is downright unpleasant.”

It's like being stupid is yourself. Doesn't it sound like you're provoking him as a failure?

It made me want to run right away and sweep away those arrogant things with this seething power.

“?… “


At that moment, Mel reflexively trembled and looked around.


can't miss

Arele Ernesia! It's his sign!

There's no way you wouldn't know the monster's aura or extremely faint aura that you wouldn't be able to detect if you didn't pay close attention!

The guy is dormant.

After all, humans were bait.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Were you there!”

Was it a bucket too?

Mel tried to send Sylphia to intercept Arel, but now that guy is also temporarily caught in the human shelling.

‘???? good night.'

If so, I'd be happy to hang out with you.

Anyway, that Shinsoo is just a chess match to annoy Arel.

He didn't have to use that monster and was able to defeat him with his own power alone.


Convinced of that, he flew towards the place where he could feel Arel's energy without even a moment's hesitation.

A gray air current raged and wrapped around him, and he fell towards it as a very small storm.

“Be prepared! You monster!”

He poured all the gray air currents surrounding him towards the place where he could feel Arel's energy.


With a roar, all objects in the area are ground and crushed by the energy.

Well, there's no way that monster could be defeated like this.

“I won’t miss it this time!”

With his eyes wide open, filled with vengeance, he put all his senses in search of Arell.

but… … .

“???? what?”

muttered stunned. Numerous fragments are swept away in the gray storm that rages violently.

And he looked smart among them.

That monster has energy.

“?… “

A doll?”

A doll made as if it roughly omitted the appearance of Arell.

His energy was seeping out of the doll.

Only then did I realize

It was as if there were hallucinations in my head.

(You caught it, you idiot. Puhahahahahahaha!)

It was an illusion. Because it doesn't actually make a sound.

That doll is just a dummy with some of Arell's energy infused into it.

so-called bait.

There's no way he would normally take it, but he got hit by it. Because I've never experienced anything like this before.

Fatal lack of experience.

Knowing that, Arel deliberately plays with him by doing such a trivial trick.

“To play a joke like this… …

The question is, why did you release such bait?

There's no way I'm playing this prank just to tease him. Above all, once you have suffered this once, you will never fall for the same means again.

… … that it is

“Is it a trap!”

Of course, besides the bait, there are tricks to play.

At that moment, faint sounds were heard from all directions. A human voice amidst the roar of destruction.

There are humans in ambush around them.


“Use it as instructed!”

A faint shout echoed, and soon the humans in the ambush started using something.

He takes out something like a harpoon and starts throwing it at random.

It won't be an ordinary harpoon.

The harpoons are caught in the air current and fly dizzy.

“What are you doing… …

There's no way I'll be hit that way, and there's no way I'll be affected by a harpoon like that.

That doesn't mean I want to hurt him.


A change happened right away.

Didn't the harpoons scattering in a dizzying light emit light, then disintegrate into particles in the air and disappear?

And the particles spread out and form a certain shape.

Dome-shaped barrier.

It was like being trapped in a barrier without even having time to react.

“Kuh! Do something like that!”

He gets impatient and tries to break through the barrier, but he doesn't budge.

I don't know what tricks I've done, but even if I get his power, the dome of light doesn't suffer the slightest damage.

“then… …

I tried to escape by assimilating my body into the current without breaking it.

Even that failed.

are disconnected It is as if the space inside the dome and the space outside are different.

“Arel Ernesiaaaaaaaaaaa!”

For the first time, I was enraged when I called Arel's name.

At this point, he wouldn't even know.

Arel doesn't care about his existence.

And what Arel is really aiming for is probably... … .

It was confirmed that the trap had been activated.

“… … and. It really takes that.”

It's only strong, so you probably don't have the experience of using it properly.

It is particularly well caught in savage numbers. I mean, it's really fun to play with.

Surprisingly, what reincarnated people often learn is the method of attack followed by the method of sealing.

‘Because tying the opponent's feet is the basis of battle.'

It would be convenient if the decision was made simply by hitting and beating.

But it can't be that simple.

It hurts when hit, and it's no different than us who suffer fatal wounds. In particular, the stronger the power, the more powerful each blow is.

The more you do, the more you need a means to catch your opponent off guard. In particular, things like sealing are very effective.

If you can interfere with your opponent's actions, even for a second, it's the difference between winning and losing.

That's why, surprisingly, masters who have exceeded a certain level prepare means to harass the opponent beyond killing.

The stronger you become, the more ferocious you become.

‘It will take some time to break that seal.'

I considered the most annoying type of barrier for guys like him.

The principle is to slightly twist the axis of space. The physical shock is characterized by being displaced and unable to escape easily.

Well, if you understand the principle that much, you can escape quickly, but judging from his proficiency, it will take time.

‘… … About 30 minutes.'

So a decision must be made between them.

After reminding myself of what I had to do, I signaled to the people around me.

“Stop firing.”

The bombardment that had been dragging on against Silfia stopped.

“Okay, good job. Leave the rest to me.”

Anyway, they couldn't handle Sylphia. It's not advisable to let them fight any longer.

“I'll help myself this time.”

According to ancient times, power must be used by the right person on the right opponent. From here on out, that's what I'm going to do.

“Let me slowly open my eyes. This pathetic descendant... …

First of all, this guy.

Let's go in order.

I looked up at Sylphia and stared at her head.

The boy's gaze, of course, was directed in this direction. But he has no will.

“… … ha. No matter how big you are, a kid is still a kid.”

If I had known this was going to happen, I should have paid more attention and taught him a few tricks.

While I was thinking about it, Sylphia started to attack me, as if that bastard had given the order.

At the same time as the eyes of the guy twinkle once, my surroundings sparkle as if resonating with it.


There is no time to delay. At the same time as I leaped, the entire area was covered in pure white electrical discharge and burned.

Is it enough to lightly blink your eyes?

Shin Soo-ran is also an absurd creature.

“First of all, I'll have to knock it down and make it quiet.”

There is no need to back down this time.


I turn in the air and reach out my hand.

At the same time as the action, hundreds of magic circles are deployed, each of which fires various types of magic attacks.

One of the tactics I often use.

indiscriminate bombing.

“First of all, let’s check… …

Quagga gag gag gag!

Its power was such that even a dragon couldn't withstand each step, but it was only slightly stinging to him.

It must have been the sensation of hundreds of mosquitoes biting.

Still in a bad mood, he shakes his body vigorously.

Then, as if intending to strike me down, it uses that momentum to swing its tail and aim precisely.

“I am Are you really dealing with flies?”

But it's not an ordinary fly.

The strongest fly!

Waiting for the tail to reach my nose, I swung it up like an uppercut with a fist.

“It's not like you're sticking your tail into an adult!”


with a hitting sound. His tail stopped.

However, fists alone are not enough. In addition, he kicked them with his knee in succession and deflected them.

Aiming at the moment of stillness, I climbed on top of the guy's tail this time.

“You’re making such a hassle!”

Run at once as it is.

Of course, he doesn't leave me still as I come up after hitting the winding mountain road with a sense of speed.

It tries to tear me apart by dropping pure white lightning toward its body.

“I really have no hesitation.”

The unpleasant thing is not caring about taking care of your body at all.

I can't help it because I'm being manipulated, but personally I don't like it.

“The more you nag, the more you nag.”

I really can't see it.

“I'll give you a sermon later.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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