- Gaiden Episode 120

Episode 120

“… … Come to think of it, I should have known by what means they used to patch up my broken body.”

In the process of causing some mutation, his existing body must have all vaporized and melted.

Only the soul was entangled in that altered aura and reconstructed into his body.

A theory similar to the one in which I reshaped myself when I was born in the body of a divine beast.

In effect, it became a body that was not bound by the laws of physics.

‘You're annoying... …

need to recalculate

In any case, the current battle is a search battle to get a glimpse of the guy's strength.

However, the information obtained is not very useful.

Really annoying.

‘There's no way to end that child's life right away like this?'

If so, let's change our policy right away.

The sooner you decide, the better. Whether that's the next best thing or not.

“Shen step down!”

“… … yes.”

Shen agreed, as if he had no intention of going against my judgment itself.

“Don't miss it!”

Reappearing, Mel drew out a spear blade made of gray particles and swung it.

Of course I thought so.

“Spearcraft without such a foundation won’t work.”

I grabbed the guy's spearhead and gave it my full strength with the momentum to crush it.

“.. II”

“As expected, the actual combat experience is a mess. I lack skills.”

Even if your strength has become stronger, if you have never fought a strong enemy properly, you can suppress it with experience.

… … Although that is also temporary.

“Cheeky Kut!”

It doesn't give him a chance to contain his angry words.

The fist I threw out hit him right in the middle. Instead of piercing, it strikes with the trick of delivering blows to the particles that make up its body.


Even if it wasn't fatal, you would feel discomfort that shook your whole body. while he stumbles.


Shen cleverly jumps right past me, lunges at him, and lands a similar blow.


A storm of energy expands like a dome of light, engulfing the creature and throwing it away.

“Get rid of it!”

I also support with magic right after.

But don't expect

As I said, a paving stone for retreat.

But you need to pay more attention. If you run away right away, he will follow you and come to our side of the world.

The reason I can fight without hesitation now is because this is not my front yard.

Already, this area is completely devastated. If this kind of damage is caused by us, it will take years to recover.

“I’d rather try something like a seal… …

“Will it work?”

“I'll be able to do anything in about 5 minutes.”

It was just a moment to devise the next method and put it into action.


I felt as if a huge mountain blocked my way for a moment.

Sylphia, the super-giant divine beast.

“???? shit!”

As its many wings spread wide and trembled minutely, innumerable white stakes appeared in the sky and began to fall.


can i accept it? I stretch out my energy and try to interfere, but it bounces off.

It's unbelievable pressure.

Each one is comparable to a nuclear warhead.

If it falls, the surplus energy will reach not only this place, but also our world through the passage.

“ruler! Are you going to run away like this?”

Mel asks.

It knows we're about to back down and provokes it.

“… … You are cheeky.”

I clicked my tongue when I saw his attitude.

What if it comes out like that?

“I’ll face you head-on and laugh at you!”

It is also the duty of a pro to crush and laugh when he uses an inappropriate number.

I jumped straight into the sky and spread my arms.

On one side, a large amount of magic to intercept that thing.

In the other hand, spread the aura and extend the blade.

It is not enough to write just one.

shoot down all

“Hoo? Are you going to accept everything?”

“There's nothing I can't do.”

When it seems like it's going to be hard, I laugh lightly and pass it over.

I'll smash everything and blow it up.


After a long time, I put up my spirits and radiated all the power I had prepared as if it were bursting at once.

A large amount of magic exploded as it scattered across the sky like bullets. At the same time, the intangible Aura's sword spirit rips through the sky and the earth at random.

Quagga gaga gag gag gag gag!

White light bursts in succession in the sky, and stakes explode.

As the aftermath shook the ground, the divine beasts who were being manipulated collapsed.

If the bombardment had fallen as it was, more than half of those guys would have been destroyed.

still me Well blocked.

“First, take a breath… …

“… … Like a monster.”

Mel is gritting his teeth.

You probably never thought you'd shoot it down.

“I’m sorry, but little one… … Real monsters aren't like this.”

I jumped right in front of him and stabbed his aura-trimmed sword into his abdomen before he even moved.

“no use??… Can it work??... Ugh'?!”

Mel changes his body into particle fog and tries to escape, but it doesn't work. shudder and be astonished

it would be embarrassing

“Isn’t this for killing?”

The power itself is less efficient than normal swordsmanship.

“Bongryeonggi Sword (繼? 氣劍) It is a method that emits a slightly special sword technique.

“When touched by this sword, the object's mana structure is temporarily frozen.”

The structure of mana particles is framed in a certain form for each method of use.

This is like pouring a large amount of glue into the gap.

“Originally, it's a way to block the flow of the opponent's mana and create a gap.”

However, solving this is surprisingly simple.

Simple is a word that is said in the realm of a fairly good master.

At least at the level of Shen or Rerensen, it takes seconds to solve.

“But is this your first time?”

“Kuh! Stop laughing!”

The guy struggles to pull out his sword, but it doesn't pull out that much.

Where do you work hard? While teasing him lightly pretending to cheer, on the contrary, I gauged the speed at which he opened the sword.

‘I said that, but it won't work next time.'

The speed at which the seal is released is not normal.

Learning is fast.

It's only going to work now, when you're inexperienced, and the next time you encounter it, the little tricks won't work.

“Well, where are you going now?”

“This nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My fist pierced Mel's face as he screamed and struggled


A rupture sounded as if the air around it exploded all at once, and the guy flew away and fell far away.

“Shen! now! You back off!”

“???? yes?”

What Shen wondered was that he knew that I, and no one else, was not ready to jump.

“but… …

“If you both get out now, this guy will definitely cross over there. Then it's over!”

Anyway, the one Mel is going through now is none other than me.

So I'd be willing to be the bait.

I'm not trying to talk about the spirit of sacrifice.

The problem is that if these guys go over there, damage will happen. And it would take years just to restore it.

Then I can't play as much.

“… … teacher.”

“Don’t make me speak long words. Let me focus on this side.”

Shen knows my ways.

So don't ask too long.

After muttering briefly, Shen immediately stepped back. Are the gods trying to chase him?

“There’s no way.”

The energy I shot formed like a sharp spear and stuck to the floor, keeping the divine beasts in check.

Meanwhile, Shen threw himself into the passage.

At the same time, the unsealed Mel attempts another close combat.

“Did you let your teammates run away? Unexpected.”

“Even though I look a little like this, I have a lot of acceptance. … … And I have to fight with people who have business!”

Without hesitation, I thrust my fist into Mel's torso.

As it was, I stumbled once while flying all the way to the pit of the stomach, but the guy kicked me while losing his upper body.

“… … Don't you want to pretend to be sick anymore?”

While dodging lightly, countless light masses approached from below.

The divine beasts gathered below and opened fire.

It's annoying, but I can't afford to deal with it.

As I stepped back and evaded, all the missed attacks hit Sylphia.

Don't you care about misfires by allies?

… … or you don't have to

The smoke seemed to disappear in an instant, and then the pure white lightning that came pouring out of Silfia flew straight toward me.

“… … act.”

Evasion was late, so when I hit it with all my might, the trajectory barely deviated.

‘Sylphia in the front. Other gods around... … And over there... …

Above Sylphia's head, Mel smiles evilly while restoring her original form.

‘Nice... … Anyway.'

It sucks, but I have to admit it.

‘Certainly this is against me... …

It would be laughable to say such a thing even after sending Shen away. It is difficult to gauge the odds of winning even if they are head-to-head.

Not to mention, they are not willing to fight without sacrificing themselves.

I also tried targeting only Mel, and pinpointing him to get rid of him. No matter where you pierce, you won't die.

Even in my country, this is difficult.

Attacking this avalanche without any clue is annoying.

‘… … then.'

Without hesitation, I tried to implement that option.

Raise your strength and focus on one spot.

Soon white flames rose and the flames were fixed in the form of a huge spear.

“Take this, too. White Flame Mine Spear”

Even Sylpia would not be safe if she was directly hit by this.

As if he felt a sense of danger instinctively, the huge guy also raised his strength and concentrated on his front.

A pure white aura spreads out and causes a large amount of electrical discharge to become compressed.

At the same time as Sylphia emits a fixed power in the form of a spear the size of mine, she throws a spear of white flame.

The moment the two forces collide, a flash of light colors the vision, and at the same time, an explosion and shock swallow and burn like a storm.

“Kuh! Like this monster... …

As Mel's angry voice echoed faintly, I randomly activated a teleport before the aftermath dissipated.

The reason why he did not specify the coordinates was because he was concerned about being pursued.

“Okay then see you later. baby.”

I don't have any hobbies that I have to sweat profusely.

First of all, let's look at me.

By now, the face of the guy who notices my intentions and disassembles is good.

I triggered an indiscriminate teleport before the aftermath of the explosion engulfed my place.

shortly after the fight.

Rerensen groaned as she pressed her throbbing forehead.

“I will follow… … This time, when he really comes back, I'm going to grab him by the collar and argue.”

I thought I was fainting when Shen suddenly came and explained what had happened.

“Even the teacher couldn’t pitch this time.”

“I know. But what I want to complain about is something else. … … If I had handled it properly then, this wouldn't have happened.”

“hmm? At that time?”

Shen doesn't know. Arel recently brought a person related to the divine beasts.

There must be some reason.

“Anyway, let's focus on solving this pesky problem.”

Rirensen tried to refrain from talking and decided to focus on the current situation.

Reports of monstrous creatures presumed to be divine beasts rampaging across the continent began to follow one after another.

“Originally, if you see one out of ten lives, you will lament that you are unlucky.”

As soon as Rerensen arrived at the place where the divine beast appeared, he put his forehead on his forehead and sighed deeply.

“If you're going to complain, wouldn't it be better to act quickly?”

“yes. yes. Let's do it.”

At Shen's urging, Rirensen clicked her tongue and decided to take action.

It would be too much to entrust a rampaging Shinsoo to an ordinary army.

Actually, that Arel is no longer there, so they will have to solve it on their own.

“Then let’s hurry up and hold on to it. It seems like strange reactions are starting to come from other places as well.”

“Huh w

丁 that?

Instead of answering, Shen charged forward.

The newly summoned god raises his head and turns his gaze as if looking for a place to rampage.

There is a city within a few kilometers from here.

If you go there, great damage will happen. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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