- Episode 114

Episode 114

A few managers at the casino look puzzled, but they can't say anything because they haven't detected any injustice.

If so, I will intervene and cover it up.

‘… … Now then, let's start in moderation.' Showing a vicious smile behind her still bewildered face, I decided to release that transcendent creature into the casino in earnest.

‘You want to know your desire? Then I'll teach you.'

I'll teach you how to stand at the center where the greed swirls the most.

I smirked and was conscious of the gazes around me.

That guy's casino debut felt somehow smooth.

‘There is a gaze that is quite conscious... …

It's the first time I've seen him, but he's a strange guy who hits the jackpot as soon as he enters.

You must be getting that impression.

nice good.

“What a big deal… … Is this just something you envy?”

She glanced at the coin she had won, indicating that she did not understand whether Sylphia felt that gaze as well.

“If you’re that envious… …

“No, what are you giving me? Too bad.”

If he had let it go, he would have surely sprinkled the coins he had won.

I quickly grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him.

“hmm? Is there something I shouldn’t share?”

“It’s not okay and you sleep, of course.”

“It is contradictory. Isn't that what you want? If so, share it and it will be resolved.”

What kind of socialist solution is that? Of course, with mystical senses, it may be unavoidable because the desire is somewhat different from that of humans.

“If you do that, no one will like it.”

Of course you will like it. I'm going to take care of it and eat the rice cake.

And I will spend it on the pot and lose it.

It's fun to indulge in extravagance, but it's not good to lose it meaninglessly to the vanity of others.

“But that doesn’t satisfy my desire.”

“… … It's difficult. You guys are really complicated.”

What do you think is so picky about the face?

“Don’t think about anything else, just enjoy it. Pick it up and play with it.”

“You have to be able to do it right. Do you understand the feeling of the king or what you are looking for?”

“It’s strange. As if you're sure.”

“… … I'm guessing that's probably the case. It's a guess. huh. guess.”

He evasively flinched, played as he pleased, and shoved Sylphia's back.

“Now, should we play while we're young?”

“I don’t think it meant that.”

Dealers will explain the rules in moderation anyway.

I could have taught him, but judging from his behavior, I decided that it wouldn't be necessary, so I didn't bother to teach him.

“then… … The time has come for that idiot to come.”

The first thing is to teach this guy an example of desire while letting him play here.

And secondly, this is my personal purpose.

‘You're here??????

As soon as I followed the signs of those idiots, there was no doubt.

Rerensen and the trainer.

One or two in rather fancy outfits look around like beasts looking for a shelter.

And sure enough, he approached Sylphia.

“Whoop whoop. You have a guest you have never seen before.”

“huh. Really first time.”

The two of them approached her with an air of pride as to what they were good at.

“Wouldn’t it be disappointing to play trivial games when you’re enjoying yourself?”

“… … No, it's not like that.”

Seriously, they made faces that seemed like they didn't care what was going on, but the two clung to each other regardless.

It's not that I'm wandering around.

It's probably because the dealers are asking for it, so they're hanging around on purpose.

“ha… … what are you doing... …

I didn't listen very much. I heard less.”

Feeling strangely embarrassed, I sneaked up behind the two of them.

He deliberately killed Gicheok.

And, of course, they both didn't notice. Because you will be careless in the first place.

The only thing I noticed was the Shinsoo girl, but she looks blank as if she doesn't understand what I'm trying to do.

Now look. still immature kid.

After all, if someone bothers you, it's the right thing to do.

“Care your face! You fools!”

I hit the whole tone directly into my head as hard as possible so that only the two of them could hear it, and kicked them in the back one after another.



Both of them fell flat on their backs and let out a grotesque scream.

I gnashed my teeth and glared at these two who were playing in and out of here on a fictitious day.

“so? What are you doing?”

There are many things I want to ask. Putting aside the things he does, the funny jokes are also the same.

“Can’t you see it?! As you can see, it works.”

“huh… … at work.”


“huh. then.”

Looking at the two human idiots who nodded their heads and justified themselves, I lowered my head.

In a sense of indescribable sadness.

“I know it’s just a request. There are gamblers who hired them.”

In addition to the beastmen hired as dealers, they recruited guys with a lot of knowledge and skills.

Who doesn't seem to know in the first place? Working is an excuse and hanging out to play.

I can’t help but be unaware that that idiot trainer aside, in the case of Rirensen, he goes around on fictitious days and robs the pockets of rich people.

“… … Sometimes we just wanted to play too!”

Rerensen changed routes by revealing his true intentions, as if he wondered if a clumsy excuse would work with each other.

I just glared at this and didn't say anything more.

Yes, it must be the same that each other usually just hang out. huh. I know everything.

“I don’t know how you feel about wanting to play, so let’s leave it at this point.”

“oh? I'm surprised... … I thought you'd be more annoyed.”

“… … Really surprising.”

“you guys? Let’s make sure whether you want to be hit or not?”

Well, I don't even have to bother with it. I am not the one to teach you.

“By the way, it seems that you are acquainted with this guest that you, Areel Ernesia, intervened directly?”

“What roughly. They said they don’t know how to play, so I’m teaching them appropriately.”

Neither Rerensen nor the trainer should teach me this at this point.

As much as possible, he hid the identity of that guy and covered it moderately.

“Before that, do you usually take a friend who doesn’t know how to play into a casino?”

“I always do.”

“wow… … dead end.”

.. trash.”

When I thought about it, I thought that if I said this, I would really become human trash.

There is nothing surprising about it though.

“Hmm… … It must be a guest who has been seduced somewhere else.”

“hey. Don't be misunderstood.”

In the first place, considering the identity of that guy, Rirensen's sarcastic remarks were truly horrific.

“Ah, anyway, do it in moderation. Moderately.”

“Hmm… … But I dare say Arell Ernesia. If you don't say anything, at least I can't pretend I don't know you completely?”

“What is it? Then how about you guys guiding me in moderation? Sylphia, don't you mind?”

“It's a good thing, but... …

Silfia hesitated and nodded.

“Why don't you teach me a trick from a witch who can't live without dying from gambling?”

Introduce them roughly and entice them moderately. Because this is the purpose of my side leg.

“Huh? Are you serious?”

“Is it okay if I teach you in moderation?”

And whispered it into my ear.

“I’m in the middle of a class that helps me understand the world. So, it doesn't matter if you rob it.”

“Hey… … Arele Ernesia, you are very young too.”

what. Why did my human waste count increase?

It's worth it. From their point of view, who don't know why, it's like I'm throwing beginners at them as food.

It's like telling me to rip this off completely.

‘The purpose is to make people mistaken, but...??

With an attitude that it didn't matter either way, he naturally left it to Rirensen to deal with Sylphia.

Perhaps Rirensen misunderstood it as meaning to devour Sylphia, and spoke again with a slightly friendly smile.

“Now that it's like that, I'm going to give you a light guide. How about it?”

“If the author recommended it, I have no complaints.”

Sylphia's way of speaking was somewhat unusual, so she was puzzled, but since she was the one I brought anyway, she rolled her eyes to mean that it didn't matter, and guided her as it was.

“First of all, I don’t think you know the rules or anything else. But it's not very nice to touch slot machines, isn't it? Above all, isn't it fun'?”

“is it?”

“yes. So, first of all, enjoy it step by step.”

Why is it that in my ears, “Let's disgrace the group step by step.” Can I hear what you are saying?

In the grid, you can see all. Garbage ears are bound to hear only the same words. This is why people should live righteously and gracefully.

Meanwhile, the trainer was still for some reason.

I'm waiting to see if they have the heart to go along with this kind of skit.

However, the fact that she was staring at Sylphia suspiciously must mean that there is something suspicious about her.

let's leave it for now

‘Anyway, I'm sure if he was Inseong, he'd be sent there... …

Roughly, the action was expected.

I'm sure you'll want to brush it off first.

“How about this?”

What Rirensen proudly showed us was a table with discs engraved with numbers.

The concave disc spins round and round, and the ball thrown by the dealer enters one of the numbered squares.

“It’s roulette.”

“… … You are playing strange games again.”

From Shinsoo's point of view, he admires it with the feeling that he devised such a clever trick.


It might be the second best way to seduce and rob beginners who don't know the rules or hand movements.

“But if you look at the fact that they’re openly attracted to that place, that’s true personality.”

“… … agreement. Rotten.”

Both of us are looking at the personality of the gambler who ate that shit.

She, too, seemed to have a pricked conscience, but she recommended it calmly.

Please don't let good children live like that.

“You can specify a number or color and bet on it.”

“hmm… … Nothing complicated.”

On the other hand, the Shinsoo girl who listens to the explanation seems more interested in observing the humans who stick to it and bet chips rather than the game itself.

“… … What the hell makes them so passionate?”

“yes? … … Would you like to try anyway?”

“I will do that. Anyway, you can bet on the square you want, right?”

“yes. First of all, the safest... …

The dividend is the lowest, but I'm trying to teach you how to bet with a chance.

She casually bet that on the number as well.

“???? Eh?”

“It doesn't matter.”

maybe it's sincere First of all, she doesn't care about money. The purpose is to observe desire anyway, so it doesn't matter if you lose it.

“Hoo… … Is that so?”

But Rirensen, as if he had heard it in a different way, gave the dealer a moderate glance with a smile unique to that human species.

charrrrrrr. Finally, the time has come for the roulette to spin and the dealer to throw it.

First of all, in principle, dealers do not operate here. There are no devices on the table either.

Bankrupt honestly! That's policy and I don't stand by to break it.

but… … .

“and? that trash... …

I admired what Rerensen was sneaking up on.

As she secretly hides her hand behind her back, the small talisman that had been inserted between her fingers disappears as ashes before she knows it.

It is witchcraft.

“… … Is the effect an increase in luck?”

There is bound to be magic that invokes the abstract concept of luck.

or wishing for victory. Or something like cursing the enemy.

I don't like things like that, so I don't like them, but as an expert in that field, she'll just use them.

Apparently, the rules here prohibit the use of spells that interfere with others.

But the way to increase your luck is vague.

Because it wasn't banned. Because filtering it will cost more.

In the first place, if such magic is effective, it is almost at the level of a reincarnated person. It is almost wasteful to defend against it, and in this world, each other knows the identities of most partners.

But that fool uses it without hesitation. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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