- Gaiden Episode 112

Gaiden Episode 16

Chapter 16. The field of experiential life?

I made a foolish promise with the head of the Shinsoo.

what do not reflect

‘If I neglect it and find out my true identity, that's a bigger problem!'

I'd rather induce it thoroughly and make it impossible to find me.

‘Don't be funny. Let's see who will return... …

I do not look back at the past That is the way of the reincarnated.

never hear

After letting them know the answer in moderation and letting them go back, they should close the door tightly.

After making that decision, I boldly offered to teach him. The boy accepted it too.

‘But you said you would come yourself'?'

I thought I'd order my men to move. Didn't he just say that he would go out on his own soon?

I once imagined the super-giant divine beast coming over.

That's terrible. what a monster

‘I'm sure you don't know that if a guy that big comes over, it's going to cause an uproar.'

If so, it wouldn't be a direct way.

You'll know when the time comes.

After waiting patiently, the promised time finally came and he appeared.

“aha… … That's how it is.”

From the guy who appeared, I didn't feel the overwhelming size or energy of the first time. There is no great discomfort.

The only thing in front of him was a woman who was a rabbit beast.

The prisoner, who appeared to be in his early twenties with white hair, just quietly landed as if jumping from the sky, appeared here, and when our eyes met, he nodded softly.

Even so, there was no change in his expression, so I thought it was him for some reason.

“I'm ashamed of making you wait. It took a while because I wasn’t used to this look.”

That tone must have been that super-giant divine beast.

“Right. What did you do? Is it possessed? …

I just wanted to see if you would know how.


By interfering with the mind in the separately prepared body, it moves like its own limbs.

“Is it only sending consciousness like Wi-Fi? He does all the troublesome things.”

“… … why? What does that mean?”

“It’s just a metaphor. don't mind. Rather, the body... …

“Originally, I considered making an alter ego. But no matter what I do, it seems like it will stand out.”

“indeed. indeed.”

That's right. Even if I make an alter ego and send it off, someone will surely notice that it is a Shinsoo.

“Because they are influenced by us, they are constitutionally easy to accept my consciousness.”

“I understand that, but doesn’t that have side effects for the body’s owner?”

Apparently, the beast-man who provided that body also offered his own body rather happily.

Worship is scary... … .

“Even if you agree, I can’t tolerate treating someone else’s body carelessly.”

If there are side effects, that's a different story.

If you have the idea of overusing the body of another lifeform for your own purposes, you should be disciplined somewhat.

“Don't worry. There will be nothing special. Rather, you will be healthy.”

It is said that it is effective in improving various diseases such as stiff shoulders, chills, dementia prevention, and others.

That's great. Divinity Possession.

If you do this wrong, I think you'll end up with useless tactics.

I was interested in how to exploit it, but I put up with it.

“By the way, how should I call you first?”

Shinsoo has no unique name.

Because it distinguishes objects by senses.

It's okay if I just call you you anyway.

“It seems that the name of the child who lent this body is Sylphia, so call it appropriately/ It seems that you don’t care too much.

“Sylphia. Then let's get started

Both you and I are busy bodies.”

“It doesn't matter. So what are you trying to do? What are you teaching me?”

“I'm not trying to do anything special.”

yes yes

“As I said beforehand, this is an instruction based on my experience.”

“It was said that you were reincarnated. Are you speaking from their point of view?”

“Yes, I am speaking based on our experience.”


He already knows that I and the other guys have lived countless lives.

“It wasn’t that we were great from the start. Rather, I lived a humble life at first.”

I was also normal. He wasn't such a cool Mr. Arel from the beginning.

There was a time when I was peeping.

I don't even remember.

“So, what we’re going to do from now on is based on our experiences.”

“Okay! I will follow what you say!”

Sylphia answered with great spirit, probably understanding.

“In short, you are going to tell the truth that you have realized.”

“Isn’t that grandiose?”

So you don't have to weigh it.

It's simple. Something simple!

… … Well, it's our sense to say it's simple, but is it difficult in reality?

“Reincarnated… … No, the king's virtue is the first!”

Taking the guy who was listening seriously, I immediately moved to a certain place.

okay! right here!

“Here… …

“First, I let you rent one of my buildings on my estate.”

Perks of being a lord! Relationships are the best!

“I will lend this place to you from now on. Surprisingly, no rent!”

“You mean you lend it to me?”

Because there is no deposit system here.

But what about not paying rent?

When merchants hear it, they will wallow in envy for days and days. Fahilia The building price is a bit high these days.

“This place… … What do you mean?”

Meanwhile, Sylphia didn't seem to understand what I was trying to do.

What on earth does the king's virtue have to do with renting this place?

I smile.

“Do business here. Whatever it is, I'm making money because it's good.”

“Sale? Do you mean buying and selling things?”

“Yes, business. This is the least virtue.”

One of the greatest needs in our industry is that the first is power.

“But that won't matter to you.”

Already a special individual among divine beasts, she is not inferior to us in terms of strength.

So, I emphasize the second important thing.

“It’s the economy. making money.”

I emphasized that good thing by touching the tips of my thumb and forefinger and gathering them in a circle.

goldfinch. good kid


“???? money?”

“Are you guys going to do the minimum economic activities for now?”

At least when I built the civilization, I laid the foundation for it. Unless the structure has collapsed, minimal economic activity will be maintained.

“hmm… … exactly? Is it like that?” It bothers me how subtle the reaction is, but it's okay.

“Then money is even more important.”

“Is it something like that?”

“In a poor country, no matter what kind of lord reigns, there is no laughter.”

Any king would be troubled. How to make your country rich and strong.

“Besides gaining strength, that’s what we always worry about.”

money! more money!

“At least one of the qualifications of a king is how much happiness he can give to his people.”

“For you, happiness is the presence or absence of money?”

“Not necessarily, but most problems can be solved with money.”

It's bittersweet, but it's the truth.

“So once you feel the position you have to earn that money.”

That's the first training method I suggest for this youngster.

If you don't know what to do, you should know the world and feel the heart.

The scene of experience life!

Well, even in modern civilization, isn't it common for politicians who have never bought anything from an ordinary market floor?

Even here, there are many immature aristocratic youngsters who don't know how the world works.

So it's good to experience it yourself. At least that's what I'm claiming.

“If it’s you, it will be simple if you stick to a little trick.”

“… … Hmm, I'll try.”

Fortunately, the guy also accepted the reason and started to show quite a bit of motivation.

Well then, shall we throw the bait?

“If you can understand and practice our methods enough to earn enough gold coins, I'll give you a small prize.”

How much would be appropriate? After thinking for a while, I said the target amount.

Two hundred gold coins.

“award? What is it?”

“no way? If you reveal that, it's not a prize.”

“… … Anyway, I guess I can make money.”

“Yeah, you can do anything. But no crime.”

“You know. Don't worry, it won't harm you.”

Silfia spoke confidently and began to look around the building as if trying to figure out what to do.

‘hmm… … Surprisingly, there is no worry.'

I don't think there will be any problem as long as you show enthusiasm.

It's not easy to make money, but considering her identity, there shouldn't be a big problem.

The gods are smart and lucky.

It's not that they don't want to use it because they're not greedy, it's because they're characterized by diligently accomplishing a goal if they're set.

‘If you teach me a little bit, I'll follow you and go home without any regrets... …

If that's the case, then I have no worries.

Hurry up and teach them how to do it, make them realize, and send them back.

‘It must be simple.'

Seeing the eager guy, I thought there was no need to worry and went back first.

He said he would always support me if I needed anything, but he showed a confident attitude, saying, “Don't worry.”

“Then do well.”

“hmm! Leave it to me!”

… … But after a while I found out.

These are the guys who had to find me while searching other worlds.

Even I was slightly overlooking what kind of idiots they were.

It's up to him to complete the task, so I can't intervene one by one.

Still, I decided to report the progress directly.

“so? well… … Are you becoming?”

[home! I don't think there's any problem.]

Apparently, he seemed to be asking for orders for this or that, perhaps with the intention of doing business at all.

I've asked for advice on the décor of the shop and that kind of thing over and over again.

“so… … What store did you say it was?”

[I briefly observed what humans were buying and selling for several days.]

“Yes. huh.”

[They really pursued various things.

That's why I was also quite worried.]

He said he decided not to touch either side easily.

[It's probably difficult for us to understand their desires for favorite items.]

In fact, it seems that humans living in that world are pursuing their own ways, putting aside the indolent gods of today.

In the past, I set up some rules because I was concerned about conflicts, and I'm following and maintaining them.

[The same goes for other things. That's why I thought of a shop that handles artifacts that have an effect.]

“Artifact… … Which isn't bad.”

It's an artifact shop run by Shinsoo... … I think something magical will happen.

After thinking about it for a while, I agreed. Now, it is a territory that even circus troupes using monsters simply accept. There is no reason to object again.

“I will put only a few restrictions.”

Items that are overly aggressive are prohibited. No curses or anything related to them.

“Especially, things that strongly express your characteristics are not allowed. If you want to do that, just do a natural air purifier business.”

[Of course.]

There's no way he wouldn't understand.

Anyway, I've been asked, so there won't be any big deal. After that, you will only have to receive regular reports.

After that… … .

“Is everything going well?”

[hmm… … First of all, it seems difficult to judge yet.]

“Well, it's all like that at first.”

After a week... … .

“ruler? How is the progress?”

[Ah, it seems that it is still difficult to understand humans. Well, I'm thinking of another way.]

“That's how you learn. I did too.”

A month passed.

“From what I hear, it sounds like you’re quite in the red?”

[…] … Please wait a bit.]

Why does he talk less and a strange touch begins to come.

The feeling of seeing something on the verge of ruin.

And it wasn't until about two months later that I was convinced.

this kid is messed up

“Tell me honestly. The store is out of business, right?”

[I don't know what will happen if I give you a little more time and budget!]

“What evil organization's scientist!”

Seeing him make excuses that sound like he's heard them a lot, it's definitely wrong.

I should have noticed sooner! How

a former pro

sucks honey

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