- Gaiden Episode 104

Episode 104

Gaiden Chapter 15. The world of white beasts, the world of divine beasts.

It seemed like I had seen it somewhere too.

It won't be my silly misunderstanding.

Sadly, I had some guesses.

‘It was when I fell into the 52nd life... …

We do not necessarily live as human beings.

Sometimes they are of different races, possibly dragons, or other creatures.

Leaving aside the trivial things, among them, there was only one time when he fell into the world of divine beasts.

‘I'm sure there was such a world... …

It almost matches the situation the guy is describing.

Certainly, it could be said that it was a world where few ordinary creatures existed.

For some reason, the existing ecosystem collapsed, and instead, a world filled only with Shinsoo.

Obviously I lived there and did some activities.

To put it bluntly, he was king.

‘Peck the helpless and establish order... … It made me do something.'

Calling him a king is not a false metaphor.

But why?

Why are you now looking for the existence of the past?

[We hope to find him.

I wandered around the world where possible connections could be reached, hoping and hoping.]

“As expected. Are you hoping to find him?”

One thing is certain.

Let's never reveal our identity. I have a bad feeling about it.

What kind of guts do you have to say,

“You know what? What are you going to do if you really find it?”

If we go back after a cup of tea, there won't be anything we can't say.

The guy said this as if it were really natural.

[If you find it, shouldn't you take it back?]

“… … yes. Indeed, it is. It's obvious.”

[…] … ?]

If that's the case, you can't reveal your identity even more.

[Do you know anything?]

“Ah~ I can’t guess anything.”

Clearing my throat, I just don't know!

I took off my pretense with the feeling of doing it.

“Anyway, what are you?”


“Aren't you the head of the divine beasts?”

As for that super-giant divine beast, I had no idea whatsoever.

It's not like I remember all the Shinsoo's appearance. While reincarnating into a human body, the sense of perception naturally adapts to human standards.

Shinsoo's face, now that I can see it, it's just this guy and that guy.

But I've never seen such a huge guy.

[I am the entity born after the king disappeared.]

“Home… … Are you new?”


“It's a rough metaphor.”

Surprisingly, that Shinsoo may belong to the relatively young side. Still, it will be in units of thousands or tens of thousands.

“But it's strong for a young individual?”

[It's hard to say this yourself, but your birth is a bit unusual.]

“Oh? How is it?”

I wonder if it's something to hide, he taught me the information quite obediently.

[I am an entity born under the influence of the king's remains.]

“?????? uh'?”

I was also a little surprised.

I certainly didn't think it was an object that was generated in a normal way, but it was unexpected.

Shinsoo is basically a natural occurrence.

However, in that world, the environment was tasteless, so the probability of Shinsoo occurring increased to a strange extent.

Well, if the conditions are right among them, a stronger Shinsoo can occur.

[The energy generated from the disappearance of the king's remains united and interfered the moment I woke up.]


Even if I disappeared, the power I had at the time would have remained in the remains I left behind.

Will it disintegrate over time? Or it could be used in some other way.

Basically, it's something I forgot because I'm the type of person who doesn't care that much about what happens after I'm gone.

As a tiger dies and leaves its skin.

A reincarnated person dies and leaves a corpse behind.

It's kind of an awkward metaphor, but it's true.

“In short, an individual born from the king as fertilizer… … It grows taller because it likes fertilizer.”

[…] … Strangely, the metaphor is strange.]

I'm not offended, but I feel uncomfortable.

That's great. I never thought what I left behind would become fertilizer and create such a gigantic, special entity.

I'm great!

… … It's not a situation to be proud of.

‘If I compare it mentally, it feels like a child I don't know has come out.'

I had an accident while I was careless, and the result is the feeling that the child is following me.

It may be a bit inappropriate metaphor, but the feeling of embarrassment right now must be that way.

That's not necessarily wrong.

[Can't believe it?]

“I don't have enough grounds to judge something.”

want detailed information

I think it's about 60 percent correct, but I need to be more certain.

“Who is that king? What did you do?

I want you to tell me as much as possible of what you know.”

[Is that much necessary?]

“If the person who seeks that much is evil, we can't cooperate. I'd like to know if the thermal lid is going to the treasure chest or the sewer.”

It's a moderate excuse, but I can't deny it.

[Is it the story of the king… … I just heard something, so I just have to say it?]

“As far as I know.”

Listening to that story, I can think of it too.

Memories of that time... … .

[Okay. First of all, let me tell you... …

It might be a bit long.]

“It doesn't matter. I can always be free.”

Traditionally, a competent leader always prepares to be free at any time.

… … It is said that only the way to skip is a master.

[Okay. Let's talk.]

And the super-giant divine beast started talking.

I, too, began to recall memories as if overlapping with the explanation.

Probably one of the most unusual times in my life... … .

what is life... … There are quite a few times I mumbled.

oh you sinful man

What sins did you commit in your previous life? …

I was about to mutter, but there were so many things I could guess, so I wrapped my head around it.

… … Well, I don't even have a hand to hold right now.

‘Isn't it ten times better to be a dog or a cat? this?'

Cats can live gracefully. But what is this?

I approached the nearby lake and poked my head in, sighing at the looming beast.

The guy reflected in the water follows my actions.

… … is this this life

‘What is real life?'

Certainly, there is no guarantee after the reincarnation.

It doesn't become something like an ant, but if you're unlucky, it might become something else.

That is reincarnated roulette.

‘… … It's annoying.'

From my personal point of view, this creature that I am now must belong to ‘Bang'.

‘No matter how you look at it, it's not a normal creature.'

Based on my experience and looking at my surroundings, I was convinced.

‘A creature called a divine beast.'

I was born as such a creature, and I quenched my throat first, feeling useless admiration.

There is probably no creature that is the parent.

At least as far as I know, divine beasts are not born like ordinary creatures.

I sighed and thought about how I would spend this life.

I remember that Shinsoo's lifespan was quite long.

Even if it's not until eternal life, isn't it tougher than most living creatures?

If you don't make a long-term plan, you're going to have a hard time.

A pro is the law to find the answer in any situation.

However, I soon realize a new problem.

‘Why don't we find humans who were born like this and play with them in moderation?'

Just as a dog or cat chooses a human to act as a butler, I too will lock myself in a country or city and roll around in moderation!

huh! I think that would be fine.

Allow it. grow me! Humans!

But soon you realize a problem.

‘human… … Is there one?'

How strange is the surrounding environment?

Thanks to his excellent basic physical abilities, he was able to reproduce several sensing techniques, making it easy for him to scan his surroundings.

‘… … Something is strange.'

The problem is discomfort.

‘what? Are there no creatures?'

I didn't see a single common animal, even if it wasn't a human.

Insects of the size of small microbes seem to exist, but no more creatures are seen.

in this forest?

I had a very bad feeling.

‘… … what is this.'

Countless presences felt instead of those animals. However, it is similar to the energy I am currently exuding.

‘god… … number?'

All signs of divine beings.

Looking closely, the entire forest is pure white. It means that the pure energy has been purified to the utmost.

The plants that grow at least are mutants that have survived such a heterogeneous environment.

‘and… … I'll turn this around.'

After grasping the situation, I was stunned to realize that this place was more troublesome than I had imagined.

Wherever you go, only Shinsoo.

Then what about humans? my friend my butler

‘This is ruined.'

A conclusion has been drawn.

There is no such thing.

This is the conclusion I came to in less than half a day.

It might be the most troublesome situation in all of my previous reincarnations.

‘I've never been born in a barren land, but this is the first time I've been in such an extreme environment... …

There are only gods.

An environment in which the entire planet has been purified by the energy of divine beasts and normal creatures do not exist.

At this point, it might be easier to understand if it was an alien environment.

I don't know how this environment was created, but it seemed that this was a world only for the gods.

‘It's definitely a world that's meant to fuck me.'

I'm sure.

I must have sinned properly somewhere in my previous life.

It's annoying enough that I'd rather have a knife at my throat.

because… … .

‘Nothing... …

does not exist.

both animals and people.

‘Then there's nothing to play with...' …

There will be no civilization. Wherever you look, you can see this pure white forest. And the new beasts who are bigger than me who sometimes roll around tediously.

‘It's ruined... …

It must be a terrible world.

As a test, I walked all the way to where I could go.

A Shinsoo is a truly absurd creature. A young boy crosses the distance between continents.

Combining some of the light construction techniques I'm learning, I run around in a chunk of land in an instant.

But even with such absurd power, it's not fun at all.

‘Well, I have to have someone to match.'

Giving up on searching for other creatures, I laid down nearby and rolled around, pondering.

What are you doing here?

What do you like to do?

I watched what other divine beings did.

It's not that different from guys.

I wake up from time to time to drink water or chew leaves.

year... … Shinsoo is a herbivore... … . But it's not a pleasant discovery at all.

And after filling my stomach, I go back to sleep.

‘What kind of elephants are you guys?!'

Elephants must live more diligently than they do.

These guys don't even have the will to live!

Even I am admirably lazy.

These guys are pros in the laziness industry!

For once, I close my eyes. Watching such lazy people makes me yawn too.

Should I take a breath and think about it?

1 week later.

I open my eyes, drink some water, and fall asleep.

one month later.

Let's go to sleep as well.

three months later.

Recently, I was worried because my back was itchy, but I found a rock nearby that was perfect for scratching.

So let's go back to sleep

… … and one year later.

‘no! This is not it!'

As usual, I wanted to take a nap while chewing on a tasteless blade of grass, but I quickly shook my head and banged! spit and woke up

omg! I almost became an idler too!

‘This is why things that don't have a proper lifespan... …

The sense of time also becomes ambiguous. If I hadn't noticed it a little longer, I would have become the same as the guys running around there.


There can't be as much as that.

I shook my head and changed policy. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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