- Gaiden episode 90

Gaiden episode 90

Gaiden chapter 13. How to make friends at some point It's peaceful today too.

Especially when I saw the garden of our house, the words came out naturally.

“Lady Arna!”

I was worried about skipping, so when I came out, the ladies-in-waiting were busily roaming the garden looking for Arna.

It's the same as usual. Having grasped it roughly, I just watched with a wry smile.

“oh! Lord!”

Only then did the ladies-in-waiting notice me and hurriedly bowed.

ah. it's okay? it's okay? I waved my hand moderately, meaning to do what I was doing.

“What's going on? I thought you were looking for Arna?”

“Actually, Lady Arna went out on her own again… …

“hmm… … what would be nearby You have to go at your own pace, because the guards will catch you.”

After Arna turned 8 years old, she became more playful and active.

It seemed that even the ladies-in-waiting couldn't keep up and fell out.

I heard you say that you're a little worried, so I only get a subtle smile.

As long as I'm in my territory, there's no way anything will happen, so I'm just relaxing.

“You worked hard… … Well, think of me as playing with him and suffer a little more.”

“Oh no.”

“Anyway, I'll find Lady Arna right away.”

The ladies-in-waiting ran away to find Arna again. really a lot of trouble

Extreme job babysitting lady-in-waiting.

I watched the scene until the end, and with a light sigh, I sneaked a peek behind a nearby tree.

“Now that it’s like that, please catch me soon when the time is right. Arna.”

“… … uh? oh oh oh How did you know? dad?”

Gorum. I know everything.

Arna slowly came out from behind the tree.

Perhaps some of the ladies-in-waiting noticed.

I pretended not to see it because I was trying to match the rhythm to Arna. Maybe it will be caught after about 3() minutes.

“so? What prank did you play today?”

“I wasn’t kidding!”

Arna spoke while puffing out her cheeks as if slightly unfair.


Let me glance back.

A girl of about thirteen hesitated and avoided my gaze.

By the way, it is characterized by gray hair similar to mine.

“Oh brother? I didn't really do anything!”

“There are also accomplices in this world. Come on, blow.”

First of all, my sister, Lia Ernesia.

I usually stay with my mother at the castle, but lately I've been coming here to play more.

In particular, since Arna was born, he has not been able to use all fours in manufacturing cars.

Twice the naughty thanks.

Apart from Arna, who is immature in the middle of nowhere, my younger sister seems to be in trouble as well, perhaps because she is not related to me.

Apparently, today's prank is a combination of two idiots.

Even if you don't bother asking, you'll know roughly... … .

The two troublemakers secretly cover it with their bodies, but there's no way you can't see what's behind them.

“He's pretty rare for a pet.”

A fox-like creature that procrastinates and pricks. However, they are smaller than normal foxes.

“… … hey. That's a monster.”

I let it go because it doesn't look dangerous. Just by looking at it, it seemed certain that it was in the hands of an unknown human being.

“huh! I will play with him from now on!”

“… … Did you get that from the trainer?”

“yes. little… … received. Because Arna begged me.”

What a big deal. Did he just sow the monsters he tamed for free?

“huh! The money goes to Dad! said!”

“… … It's not free.”

Like a damn monster lover kid!

That damn thing is going to torment me to the fullest later.

For now, I looked at the creature Arna was holding once again.

‘No problem, but... …

How are you going to convince adults other than me?

As an analogy, when a child comes home from school, for some reason, the bag bleeps! I must have heard the sound of the street.

“I can’t. I'll teach you how to convince your mother!”

At those words, Arna smiled brightly.

“dad! thank you!”

“But you have to study hard for the next three months to convince your mother or other adults?”

“Ah, okay.”

Watching that smile harden, I also told her to take proper care of it.

“And I feel sorry for him, but he has to keep it in the garden. Can't you bring me into the castle?”

“i know!”

I don't like old-fashioned sounds, but I can't help it for the time being.

Arna readily nodded knowing the reason.

Because animals have fur.

“Um… … Then, isn’t it okay to show it to Ellen?” “The child is still too young… … Well, if Ellen is a bit older, let's show it to me or other people.”

He patted Arna's head and reprimanded him appropriately.

“Sure, Dad! I just want to talk to Ellen!”

“Well, I wanted to go see it, but shall we go together? What about Leah?”

“I want to see my new nephew too!”

Of course, my sister's eyes lit up as well.

“oh? Are you Arna? Are you here to see Ellen?”

“yes! I want to see my brother!”

When Arna answered energetically, Asha huhuhuhuhuhu. He smiled contentedly and lowered his gaze slightly to show Arna the baby he was holding.


“Arna, you are still small too.”

I said while looking at Arna, who smiled brightly at my sister.

The baby's name is Ellen Ernesia.

Asha's child born last year and my son.

When I think about it, I wonder if it is now. Also, in a way, it is natural. Whatever is natural, it is natural anyway. Let's look around huh.

Ellen, who was born, is currently monopolizing everyone's attention.

In particular, Arna's reaction is truly admirable.

“Ellen saw me!”

As if to appeal to her as an older sister, Arna carefully fidgeted with Ellen's fist.

“When will Ellen run around like me? When can we play together?”

“… … At least it won't be tomorrow.”

No matter how quickly children grow up, they don't run and fly in a day or two.

Maybe that's the case with me? Normal kids aren't like that. I'm a pro so it's different.

“Ellen. grow quickly.”

The only ones he's seen so far are adults or children older than himself, so it must have been quite refreshing for him to have escaped from the youngest child.

You can already see how you will receive your sister's attention in the future. son

‘Seeing them reminds me of the past.'

Well, Ellen right now just keeps her yawns small.

It looked like she was going to fall asleep again, so when she asked her nanny for Ellen, Arna followed her, saying she would look after her quietly.

“Whoops… … Fortunately, Lady Arna doesn't seem to be jealous.”

“Well, I'm pretty careful not to neglect it in any case.”

What made her sad about her younger brother's birth was, after all, the lack of interest.

It won't happen if you don't neglect enough attention.

“Rather, Arna is more interested in Ellen… … I'm worried.”

“Whoops. It reminds me of Arell-nim and Kania-sama from the past.”

What a scary story... … .

Asha also seemed to have changed her personality quite a bit lately. Before, I felt a little more steady. very round

What is it that you can afford? this way

“Come to think of it, I guess I'll have to come back soon.”

“hmm? You can rest more. For the time being, I have to take care of Ellen as well.”

Asha seems to be worried as if she's sorry, but when she's resting, she has to rest.

More than anything else, Ellen now would be relieved to be close to her mother.

“There is nothing to be busy for the time being, so I have plenty of free time. It's good to relax. More than anything, I would like everyone to do that.”

“but… … Seina and Dia are also waiting, right? Whoop whoop... …

?..Uh ”

That's no comment. Everyone seems to be nervous because they're older, right?

Now, where are you going to run away again today?

Everyone's eyes are scary these days. Cuddles... … .

Let's keep the same jokes in moderation.

It means peace anyway.

“Brother! Brother!”

Ellen fell asleep too. What did Arna do to wake up Ellen? Shh! and went somewhere to play.

But your footsteps are the loudest. Even though I was about to leave, I thought it would be better to let Asha rest. Leah suddenly called me.

“What's happen?”

If I had other business, I could have told you at any time. But I dared to call me now.

By the time Arna shows interest in something else.

“I mean Arna.”


“Arna seems to be getting bored playing alone.”

“ah… … Was that a story?”

It's like the fact that Arna often has accidents lately. He seemed to want to say that playing alone was his limit.

“It’s not that Arna can’t play with other kids… …

Occasionally, when we hold an exchange meeting, the nobles bring children of a similar age and introduce them to Arna.

Surprisingly, you won't be bored.

‘But is it different from being pampered?' Well, he knows that too, so he must be pointing it out.

“Can’t we interact more freely?”

“Well, I've been thinking about it lately.”

Gradually, Arna will have to know the outside world too. If there are children I am close to, I will be in a position to go out to play.

I don't know.

But my sister wouldn't bother bringing up such an obvious story.

“Is there anything good?”


I guess it's the purpose of saying that.

“The Duke of Gast seems to be planning to hold a large-scale exchange event.”

“hmm? gast? ah… … Is it that family name?”

know roughly

Surely his real name was Philent Gast. He is usually a civil servant called Duke of Gast.

I've also seen it in vacancies a few times.

“Why is that family?”

“Duke of Gast's daughter is the same age as Arna. He must have been about nine.”

” aha??????

So, is the purpose of having exchange meetings with children of a similar age over there?

“Lia, are you invited too?”

“For now. But I don’t think I can go because I have other schedules.”

If so, you'll probably hear from me soon.

“I think it’s a good opportunity for Arna too.”

“Well, there aren’t many places where children of similar ages gather.”

A place where a lot of children gather is an opportunity to make friends.

“A friend… …

Nobility is very difficult. There aren't too many friend-making sessions.

‘… … Well, if you put it that way, I didn't have any friends.' what is a friend

Are money and power my friends?

The best exchange is to have the other person kneel at your feet.

Well, I can't force my children to develop such imperial ambitions.

Isn't there something sadder than that? that.

More suddenly, one day Arna

‘will dream of conquering the world!'

If you talk like the king of the end of the century, you will definitely be stopped.

“What are you going to do?”

“Yes, I will consider attending.”

I decided to consider Leah's opinion.

‘But wouldn't it be better to increase the work?'

Not just to play. I'll have an accident... … Isn't there something that can be taken care of?

It's not just my daughter who is bored.

Dad is always a boring person.

So, Daddy gets into trouble first, right?

I made up a joke and smiled slightly.

“… … Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't said anything.”

And Lia shook her head, squinting her eyes as if she realized her mistake only then.

“As expected, it was better to tell Pena-unnie or Asha-san first.”

hey what does that mean?

What you said to me is correct.

So, isn't it to create unforgettable memories for the children, including Arna? How

a former pro

sucks honey

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