- Gaiden Episode 88 As it was in

Gaiden Episode 88,

an escape team led by Ilia entered the tower to search.

“Please don't touch it because you don't know what it is.”

What the first Mage Tower Master studied was not well known in this era.

Even Dia, who provided some information.

It was to the point of saying, ‘There's very little left.'

“What we are looking for is an artifact that will set us free.”

“Can you tell them apart?”

“According to Pena-sama's words, it's the only one that's active.”

If you find it and verify it a few times, you may be able to give a definite answer.

‘And maybe that's not the only way...' …

Ilya, who had already been taught by Pena a few times, could roughly guess her method.

He didn't say anything, but seeing that he was strangely relaxed, there must be a separate countermeasure.

I won't depend on it though. As Pena said, this was also an opportunity.

Because if you set the ball, no one will be able to ignore it.

“ruler! Let's try to escape!”

Ambitiously, she went first, and the others gladly followed.

Searching the tower, they advanced, carefully searching every room in it.

“It is good to search, but is it possible??…

Let’s not forget to pay respect to our ancestors.”

Everything here is what the first Mage Tower owner left behind. The value of each one is immeasurable.

However, if escape is prioritized and you are in a hurry, the search may become rough.

When I told them to be careful about that, everyone nodded silently as if they agreed, and their movements became more cautious.

Since the young lady, who was much younger than them, asked not to forget respect for the ancestors, they naturally had no choice but to be cautious.

You can't just enjoy the relics of your ancestors leisurely.

Dealing with robbers is basic.


Ilya immediately recognized the abnormality and shouted, and white embers formed in the air, and small flame dwarfs appeared from the air.

- Intruder!

- Kick it out!

A phenomenon closer to spiritism than magic.

“… … You really created an artificial spirit.”

Seeing the spirit with a sense of incongruity, Illia was surprised by her instincts as a spirit lord.

He himself came up with an irregular idea, but what his ancestors achieved is a far more difficult task than that.

What's more, he couldn't even complete it.

“… … I can't lose!”

I can't afford to admire now.

Ilia calls Alfie, the lightning spirit she contracted with, and injects mana into the tools everyone was given to help her.


A bright light shimmers and the spirits that can be summoned with the tool are summoned and start attacking immediately.

Although they are only low-level spirits, they are not weak enough to be ignored if many of them are summoned and attacked at once.

Wind and water droplets pour down non-stop, weakening the power of the artificial spirit's pure white flame.

and… … .

“Put the final blow!”

The main firepower belongs to Ilya, who does not rely on tools and contracts with powerful spirits.

When she commands it with deliberately exaggerated gestures, the lightning-wielding bird flaps its wings and releases blue lightning.

Let it penetrate the center of the artificial spirit! A sound like stepping on a piece of glass resounds and they disappear.


“Did you really knock it down?”


“Your elemental magic is amazing, but this tool is also useful. Even though it's still heavy... …

“Isn’t something worth investing in now?”

Even if it is a minor victory, everyone is excited and shares their impressions to see if it feels good.

However, Ilya harbored a slightly uneasy feeling.

Even if he received praise, it was subtle this time.

“… … This has a bit of a bad aftertaste.”

The cause is the white embers that are now extinguished.

When spirits run out of power, they simply return to the spirit realm.

So if you do, you won't die.

But those are different. If the central core is broken, it naturally completely disappears.

According to the data that Dia had researched, it was only imitation, and there was no will in that, but there must have been an unpleasant feeling that could not be shaken off with just the truth.

“… … ruler! Hurry up and go to the next one!”

It was time to move on, shaking my head as if to shake off my thoughts.

It was a coincidence. When Ilya looks back, for some reason, everyone widens their eyes in surprise.

‘Oops... …

But it's too late to find out. An artificial spirit resurrects from a core that has not yet been completely destroyed and tries to attack.

The power is not strong because it is in a state that is likely to disappear soon. But I don't know if I'll get burned.

Ilya tried to close his eyes as if he had made up his mind.

I saw a large back that jumped faster than that.

Ilya's father, who jumped in without a word, swung his sword as it was. The precisely extended sword strikes the artificial spirit's core, lightly smashes it, and scatters the flames.

“Don’t be idly by.”


“… … It's good to focus on spirit magic, but at least don't neglect other things.”

Ilya blinked his eyes blankly as if he was surprised.

I thought I was going to get scolded. In fact, his tone was harsh.

but… … .

Why did I think that his words were more like giving advice rather than scolding me?

“I’ll keep that in mind… … father.”

At this time, Ilya also quietly agreed and bowed his head.

The speed of searching the tower increased.

As long as the existence of the things actually attacking them was confirmed, the thought of wanting to escape in a hurry became stronger.

And secondly, it was because he was confident that he could sufficiently defeat the attacking group.

Climbing to the upper floors of the tower at once, they soon find a large room.

“… … This?”

“At first glance, this looks the most suspicious.”

No one denies that.

After all, they all had similar feelings.

“It's a strangely sturdy looking room.”

Ilya thought the same and looked around. There are things that have been revealed by a strange light shimmering overhead.

“Is that????

Those artificial spirits. the things that brought them here.

“indeed… … Are you going to deal with the intruder here?”

“Don’t be careless. Ilya.”

Instead of answering, she nodded firmly and immediately summoned the spirits to attack.

It's not that I don't have a desire to observe leisurely, but escape is the priority right now.

Even more so, when you don't know the identity, you grind it and see it. This must be an old tradition of Ernesia Kingdom.

Blue lightning strikes the artificial spirits. However, they also emitted white lightning from their bodies and attacked them head-on.

“Same attribute?!”

“Then how about this!”

The accompanying people activate Illia's tools and mimic spirit magic.

A different attribute than lightning. It was fired by creating fire or rocks.

“Have you done it!”

“It can’t be!”

Ilya reflexively exclaimed.

As soon as the deflagration cleared, the artificial spirits with no damage to their bodies glared at them.

“???? Kut!”

They make them attack again, but a group of lower spirits will have no choice.

‘… … But even I can't cope with just this guy.'

Ilya gritted his teeth. If it's an Injo-ryeong, if you put in some effort, you can drive it.

You can deal with up to two if you are careful.

However, in the current situation, there was no time to care about others.

‘This… … Might be dangerous... …

Ilya was conscious of a magic tool hidden inside the jacket. It was something that Pena pricked and hid when explaining the operation.

(If you think you can't handle it with your own strength, use it.)

It's not a great magic tool. A simple, simplified communication tool.

Pena's meaning is to ask for help if you find it difficult to handle with her talent.

Ilya tried to use it.

It is also necessary to make merit to be recognized, but it is not perverse enough to put people's comfort first.

“No more… …

That was when I was about to say it was impossible.


Ilya's father shouted something.

“Get out of there! You freak!”

Furious, he runs, but there's no way that artificial spirit can do anything with just one sword.

Ilya tried to shout that it was reckless, but instead, she opened her eyes wide in shock.

must have seen it

The intense aura that enveloped his whole body.

Intense energy that never lags behind what she has.

Neither magic nor aura.

“come! Sheraud!”

What he called was the name of a spirit that even Ilia had never heard before.

For an instant, it seemed as if darkness fell on the floor.

Soon, he noticed what was lying under his feet.


An obviously unnaturally wide spread shadow. It was clear that it was the spirit's work.

And the blade that spreads right inside it cuts through the artificial spirit.


Even if it is an artificial spirit, its body is simply composed of mana, excluding the core.

Such flesh is lightly torn.

It's because it's interference by spiritism.

‘ Strong??????

Even if it's not top-notch skills like Pena, isn't it enough power to be used in the world and remain?

“Ilya! What are you doing!”

Trembling at his exclamation, Illia alerted herself and gave orders to her spirit.

“Now! Burn it down!”

The lightning that poured right away burned the artificial spirit's core in an instant.

Without even time to enjoy the afterglow of victory, Ilya hurriedly turned to his father.

“Father, what is that spirit now?”

Right now, a black squirrel-like beast is sitting on his shoulder as if it were in its place.

It is also the spirit that contracted with him.

“… … yeah i don't remember I must have shown you this guy when you were two years old.”

“I heard that he was an Elementalist, but… …

I thought you gave up.”

“It is not that the contract has been terminated. Well, if it was more training than in the past, I would have been lazy.”

If so, I couldn't understand it even more.

If he hadn't improved from his past skills to this extent, wouldn't he have achieved even higher if he hadn't given up?

“Why did you quit?”

However, he seemed to think that he couldn't just keep his mouth shut after seeing this, and he began to confess.

“me too… … In the past, I dreamed of achieving higher achievements.”

As a Spiritualist, I have never neglected my training. Considering that the environment at the time was even worse, it must have been a really arduous road.

“Above all, your mother supported you.”

“My mother too… …

Ilya thought about the meaning and made a rather dark expression.

Her mother died when Ilya was young.

“Reality wasn’t easy.”

The reason he changed his mind was the death of Ilya's mother.

It was a simple illness.

It wasn't that there was no medicine to fix it.

But at the time, his family didn't have enough money to get it easily.

“I realized that day. You have to choose reality over dreams.”

Since then, he has chosen reality over his dreams.

Ironically, he began to acquire things that he could not obtain even with spiritism while working as a professor.

Even if it's not to the extent of a prestigious family, at least I've been able to live without lacking. Others also acknowledged it.

“father… …

Only then did Ilya understand. what did he quit for? And what was he trying to force on Ilya?

“… … Sometimes you may have to choose between a different path than your own.”

Chelford simply prioritized his work as the head of the family over the elementalist.

And he didn't want Ilya to repeat the same tragedy.

just said it

“I want to talk about this later. Rather, let's find an artifact to get us out of here.”

“Eh yes!”

There are a lot of things I want to say, but I won't be able to do them here.

There are also peripheral views.

It was the time when I was in a hurry to look around to find another place connected to this room or a hidden passage.

Something disturbing sounded outside.

“What… … Heeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!”

Ilya swallowed the scream in surprise. But no one can point out her ungainly voice now.

There is no time for that.

“… … Unbelievable.”

I saw a huge white object outside the window. An artificial spirit like the ones I just saw.

but the size is different.

It's huge enough to knock down a tower with a light push. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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