Chapter 52. Paper is a great way to make money. (7) Five hundred?

oops! Wrong.

Ian's eyes shine with desire.

Yes, I will live up to your expectations.

Because I am the best customer.

“Five thousand.”

“.. uh”


Ian's eyes widened.

The number of units suddenly went up, and the abacus in his brain started to work.

“Five thousand????? indeed??????

Sensitive to numbers and delighted with numbers.

This is the merchant's pervert!

“If it’s Ian, of course you can save it, right?”

If you can't find it, will you go somewhere else?

Are you going to change your business?

When I say it brightly, Ian responds with a smile filled with desire.

“Of course I can help you.

Please, I won't let you disappoint Arel's expectations.”

I hope I won't disappoint you in the future.

? ? ?

It was quite unusual to train the purchased slaves and supply them with necessary weapons and equipment.

The necessary equipment and weapons were readily provided by the dwarves in the royal capital who had taken care of them before.

Originally, they didn't make simple armor and swords, but they accepted the request so easily, perhaps because they wanted to maintain a fairly good relationship with me.

When the Dwarves produced and handed over weapons and armor for 5,000 people in a short period of time, I was once again impressed with their quick work.

And the impeccable quality also stuck out his tongue.

Even a simple sword does not lose teeth easily, and the armor is also of great quality.

That's why Dwarves are the best when it comes to iron products.

It's not cheap, but it's worth ordering.

The slaves were first given the minimum required training before equipment was provided, equipment was distributed, and they were trained to become familiar as soldiers here.

At first, they were dragged to the cold land and didn't know what would happen to them, so their expressions were dark, but when they promised that they would treat them well if they worked as soldiers here, they eagerly followed the training.

It would be better to be a soldier who comes out at three o'clock every day rather than being dragged into a land that has never been heard of and doing labor.

So, by the end of the training of the slaves, my own soldiers who looked good were completed.

Now they will be tasked with guarding villages, roads and key points.

It was not a full-scale war, but this would be enough for troops defending the territory.

It was the sixth night after Arel deployed his troops in earnest.

There was a group of people moving around the territory without a sound and with minimal signs.

Wearing black outfits and matte protective gear to easily assimilate into the darkness, they moved deftly following the hand signal of the man presumed to be the leader in the front.

‘...Is this the front?'

The man checked the map he had memorized in his head and contrasted it with the target in front of him.

‘That's it.'

What they are looking at is the specialty of Pahelia.

A factory that produces paper.

‘Is the goal the destruction or capture of that thing?'

He is not interested in paper mills or machines or anything like that.

The reason he set that as his goal was because someone who was interested in it, unlike him, commissioned him.

He is a mere mercenary and moves only by money.

Those who act together now are also partners who received the same commission.

He commands them simply because he has been doing it the longest.

‘Still, it's been a while since I've had a request like this.'

Destruction of paper mills.

or deprivation of related machinery.

At least one of the two was a request that must be carried out.

‘It seems that the lord of this place hates people he doesn't even know.'

I don't even know the identity of the client.

However, it is not uncommon for clients to hide their identities while rolling on the ground.

Rather, wouldn't it be more rare to entrust work while revealing my face proudly?

It's common enough to hire mercenaries because they don't want to get their hands dirty.

The purpose of the client is to damage paper production.

Or taking the technology away from them.

If either one succeeds, it will cause considerable damage to the economy of this territory.

It must have been a quarrel between nobles and nobles, or a fight between large merchants.

That's not very interesting.

But the pay they promised them made their mouths water.

‘Destroy it like this.'

I don't know the structure, but I'm not clumsy enough to try to steal it.

It looks like there are guards on duty, but rather than provoking it, it would be more certain to just raid and destroy the entire factory.

We weigh only what is possible and have no regrets about what is impossible.

The man instructed the others with hand signals to surround the factory.

‘It seems that the troops are not much.'

As far as he knows, the number and quality of troops here is no more than enough to protect a typical country estate.

If you unilaterally launch an ambush after encirclement, it will simply end.

‘???? good.'

He instructed as he drew his sword.

At the same time, all the mercenaries who received the request, including him, rushed into the factory.

Deal with the humans inside the factory at once, destroy them, and quickly leave.



The mercenaries, including the man, who rushed into the factory stood blankly with their weapons in their hands.

There is no reason.

Because the inside of the factory building is empty.


What I thought was a guard was just a scarecrow.

There was not a single person, let alone a machine for production.

Just then, an ominous feeling stroked the back of his head.

There are times when I feel like this when I work as a mercenary. When surrounded by monsters or when falling into someone's trap.

And just as it proves that the hunch is the correct answer.

Suddenly, a light hit him.


Artificial light by a magic instrument for illumination.

But for a while, it's enough to blind him.

“He is suspicious!”

“Here too!”

“Catch me alive! If you resist, I don't mind killing you!”

A wild roar could be heard from everywhere.

The heavy footsteps must have been fully armed soldiers.

And in an instant it was surrounded.


He swears and tries to move hastily, but it's too late.

A cool, sharp touch touches the nape of your neck.

Before I knew it, the blade of the sword was touching my neck, and the tips of several spears on my back were touching as if stabbing them.

“ambush? No way! Nonsense!”

I understood that it was a trap.

However, the number of soldiers who subdued them was strange.

According to the investigation, the existing troops operated here in the first place should have been limited to 200 people.

In order to protect villages and roads, the actual number of available troops in the factory is at most 30? 40 people must be one gail.

But now the number of soldiers who subdued the man and his men was well ten times that.

‘It's completely wrong.'

Already outnumbered, there is no chance of winning.

The man clicked his tongue and let go of his weapon.

* * *

Same time.

Arel had no choice but to get up at the sudden report.

It is because of the report that they subdued the suspicious people who were in ambush near the factory they used as bait.

“Did you attack the factory after all?”

There's no way ordinary group tourists are hiding at that time.

being homeless here

A frozen body will be found the next day?

He subdued 50 people near the factory and 60 people near the territory border.

Judging from the fact that all of them were armed, it was clear that they were openly targeting the factory and infiltrating it.

“Who is the culprit?”

“They are being interrogated, but they say they don’t know.”

Asha, who calmly reported the truth, didn't seem to expect much of the result.

“What is Seina doing now?”

The only one who came to report was Asha.

“I am interrogating the culprit myself.”

However, it was her nature to deliberately not say how to interrogate.

At least, he must have thought that these words were not meant to be told to a young lord.

‘Because it's anonymous...'

It was obvious that it was an anonymous request.

“I thought it was common for people to hide their names and make requests. There are too many candidates to guess the culprit.”

To put it bluntly, it wouldn't be enough to put most nobles and large merchants on the line of suspects.

Or sent from another country.

“The lord’s work is also very troublesome.”

If not, would you fight it head-on? I really didn't like being touched like this.

“Anyway, it would have been dangerous if it was just a little too late to increase the troops.”

“yes. I think so.”

Asha agreed.

Of course, the minimum measures had been established before, but some damage could not have been avoided.

“As expected, increasing the number of soldiers was the correct answer. For now, pay special attention to your expenses. If my predictions are correct, there will be idiots trying to tamper with the factory again and again.”

Did you say that humans are creatures of jealousy?

I can't always see others doing well.

On top of that, it seems that the world can't just leave a naturally born aggro expert like himself.

I really wanted to, but I never thought I would come to play tricks like this openly.

The correct answer was to use the building that was set up to build and deploy additional machines later as bait, guessing that they would come to set a fire sometime.

“Do your research first. I might catch something.”

I didn't expect much.

Anyway, even if I interrogate them for a hundred days, nothing will come out.

“What about the disposition of the culprits?”

“Do according to the law.”

He infiltrated Taryeong without permission.

The crime of trespassing without permission and sneaking in with the intention of damaging the property of the lord is serious.

Either put to death or made into slaves and sent to mines or danger zones, where only felons go.

In this case, the main culprit will be decapitated and all the rest will be sent as slaves.

“Don’t let anyone see you.”

There are no exceptions.

It doesn't mean you're not guilty of doing it because you were told to do it.

You have to show the right example.

After sternly commanding it, Arell yawned and went back to the bedroom, saying he was going to sleep.

Normally, I was the kind of person who would go over things as annoying if possible, but I clearly differentiated things that I couldn't tolerate even in such a country.

Your own, your friends, your family, etc.

There is absolutely no mercy shown to those who cross the line of intrusiveness within sight.

I will never forgive anyone who crosses mine.

When processing, make a clear distinction.

That's how I live my life over and over again.

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

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