Chapter 4. The concubine's financial situation (2) That night.

I stayed up all night pretending to sleep on my own crib.

The problem now is the cost of living right now.

As I listened to the story of the two, it seemed that the budget to maintain life was getting smaller.

You'll get along for a few years, but what about after that?

Looking at the atmosphere, the budget will drop more and more.

Even the handmaiden will have to be fired. It would be to the point where the number of soldiers would have to be reduced.

that's not good

Even if there are only ten people, it is really dangerous to have a reduced escort.

Seriously, it can be directly related to the problem of survival.

It is also not a situation to be excited about playing and eating right now.

This is a problem that cannot be ignored.

While confirming the seriousness once again, I seriously contemplated what to do if so.

In my heart, I want to be a part of my household account book while working, but in reality, I am only a five-month-old baby.

I don't know what kind of world this is yet, but there's no place to hire a five-month-old.

can't even be

At least, if I were old enough to hold a sword, there would be a way to earn money somehow... but that's impossible right now.

So what should I do?

Isn't the problem here that the treatment of our hats is perceived as just useless hats?

No one expects you, so you go through this kind of hardship.

At least, if there were followers, we could hope for help, but that's impossible.

Well, the biggest problem is the king.

It seemed that her mother had tried to see the king several times, but had never met her properly.

At that point I was sure.

It's not that I can't meet you, but it must be that I'm preventing you from meeting someone.

My closest aide or other concubines?

It's full of candidates.

Still, my mother is a concubine, but does it mean that she can't even see the hem of the king's clothes?

I grumbled and clenched my fists.

In the end, this is a problem that will be solved if my father notices.

If you have a baby, pay attention.

Just snap! I'd rather inherit it.

Thinking that far, the answer comes slowly.

In the end, the source of our life's suffering is the father's indifference.

And all because of the interference from a bunch of other fucking bastards.

Ah~ I get pissed thinking about it.

By the time I reincarnated for the 50th time, if I had the same temperament as the royal palace and Nabal, I had already destroyed them all.

Even though it's like this, I'm calmly rolling my head, so I lost my temper too.

ruler? So Arell? What's the solution I think?

There's no way there are child abuse clinics in this country.

There will be no legal system that will allow you to get divorced and eat alimony.

Umm what should I do?

is that the answer

Then you just need to get Abby's attention.

After hearing it roughly, the person called my father seemed to be really cold-hearted.

It is said that a person is thoroughly judged only by appearance and use value.

It is said that even loyal subjects who have been assisting for a long time will mercilessly destroy them if there is no corner to use them anymore.

Listening to it, I wondered if he was a thorough rationalist.

That's why he was not interested in a prince who inherited a low bloodline.

because it's useless

So the conclusion is simple.

I just need to inform that ignorant dad of my existence once again.

Just a worthless lowly prince? Is this guy okay? and stand out.

Then, naturally, the mother who gave birth to me will also save face, and the housekeeping will improve.

that's for the best

It's just.....


I wanted to avoid being noticed if possible.

any country or world.

The future of a high ranking foreign child who stands out more than necessary is never smooth.

If you don't care, there is a possibility that several people will draw knives and rush at you to trample on the seeds before they sprout.

For the heirs, the current me is no problem anyway.

It was obvious that if I excelled, their gaze would change at once.

If I'm not careful, with my own hands, brothers with the same father, even though they have different boats...?


I don’t like that either.

Just imagining it makes me feel dirty.

And it's annoying.

Conflict sucks.

If I stay still then I will either starve to death or freeze to death.

I don't want to film A Dog of Flanders in my 101st life.

Personally, I hate that.

After all, the point is balance.

Should I use it moderately and be seen as a smart child who is easy to eat, but does not affect the succession fight?

It is something that requires careful self-discipline.

But this is the only way.

For the sake of my mother and for the sake of planning my lazy future, here I have no choice but to roll up my arms and work hard.

So I decided

* * *

It's good that you decided.

ruler. So, one more problem here.

How are you going to get through this winter right now? The problem is now right in front of you.

It's a plausible plan to decide to have my value acknowledged to some extent by the king.

The important thing is that even if I try to appeal to the king, it is not possible right now.

Right now I'm only a 5 month old pit.

Even if you want to do something with common sense, it's not possible at an age.

Shouldn't I be at least three years old before I can stand out, whether I'm reading or doing something?

Listening to the conversation between the mother and the nanny, it seems that this winter will be quite cold...

More than anything, I hate the cold.

Having shivered in a cryogenic environment several times in my previous life, I was completely fed up with the cold.

I'm in the middle of strengthening my body right now, so I won't get a disease like a cold now.

In any case, the mother's body may be damaged, so you can never leave it unattended.

If you've made up your mind, you should cut down on the spot.


I'm going to spend warmly from this winter right now!

Then the problem is right now... How to not worry about money, at least until I'm three or four years old.....

I looked around the room to see if there was anything good.


Then, just in time, an idea that seemed perfect for me came to my mind.


okay! That's it!

I pointed at it and shouted.

* * *

Today, mom goes out with the ladies-in-waiting.

Maybe it's because, like I said last time, I want to see Abbie somehow.

My mother whispered to me to listen to my nanny and kissed my forehead.

“iced coffee!”

In return, I pretend to flail my arms and come back! I tried to express my greetings with my whole body.

Even if I can't say it, I believe it will be conveyed with affection.

That's how I'm waiting for my mom to go out and get away.

“Prince. If you have any inconvenience, you must call me right away.”

Nanny also waited for her nerves to be distracted from me for a while with her business to deal with.

Pretending to be taking a nap on purpose, I moved my body while sneakily examining the surroundings.

If it's me now, even if I can't walk yet, I can roughly turn over.

And that's enough for my purpose today.

Cautiously, I focused my mind and was conscious of mana.

The accumulated mana was released, wrapped around my body, and began to move slowly.

Slowly, my body began to rise.

As much as I am clumsy at moving my body, I use mana to assist my body.

It is a trick to move by wrapping mana and controlling the flow.

With the amount of mana I currently have, it's no more than carrying a baby.

Can we call it a stroller using some kind of mana?

If you do this, it's as simple as getting out of bed for me now.

Of course, I have to finish the work before the nanny finds out, so I can't afford to be proud of myself.

Let's move quietly and quickly!

Shasha shak! I quickly crawled to where I was aiming.


This fireplace has not been used because winter has not yet arrived in earnest.

This is a hot item to feed our house this winter!

To be precise, it's the firewood in the fireplace.


Looking at the few firewood, I sighed.

From what I've heard, that's not much right now.

It's to the point where half of the soldiers have to cut down trees in the nearby forest to get firewood before winter arrives.

But that worry is over now.

With this brilliant idea of mine, my family's financial situation will be unaffected, let alone winter, at least until I'm five years old!

The last time I was wondering if there was anything that could make money, I came across a fireplace by chance.

While looking at the firewood that had not yet been used, one thing came to mind.

Come to think of it, jewels are valuable in this world, right?

Looking back on my reincarnated life so far, in most worlds, jewels were of great property value.

Especially now, this place is even more valuable, right?

There are also jewels in the mother's necklace given to her by her father.

Then the answer is simple.

If you don't have gems, can you make them? -by Arel.

Of course, because of me, I love the jewels that I didn't have!

and making it impossible.

Even if you have a lot of knowledge and experience, you are never omnipotent.

However, it is possible to reproduce it to some extent if there are materials.

At that point, I noticed the pyre.

When this firewood burns, charcoal remains.

And what about that charcoal? lump of carbon.

I'm sure if you've been through high school or so, you know.

jewels of carbon.


Since ancient times, diamonds have been very valuable.

In particular, in a world where metal processing technology is not properly established, the value of diamonds increases even more.

Why? It's damn hard to process.

It is weak to impact and rides easily.

Unless you're from a fairly well-to-do family, you can't even see diamonds.

At least, that's always been the case in a medieval world like this one I've seen so far.

In fact, stones with a strong color like ruby will cost more.

There's no way I can make that either.

Compared to that, as the main material of diamond is carbon, I can somehow reproduce it.

Manufacture of artificial diamonds is a technology that I already had when I lived in Korea before my previous life, and I know how to make it much more advanced even through my previous life.

You already know the theory.

Therefore, I intend to create an artificial diamond right here and now.

operation name. Diamond counterfeiting operation.

I give it to my mother and nanny while pretending to bite, suck, and play with the artificial diamond I secretly created.

A baby who can't even crawl out of the room yet would be surprised if he had a jewel, but he'd think it was something from inside the palace.

Everything in the concubine was the property the king gave to her mother.

In other words, what is here is mother's!

Rings and necklaces that were handed down by the king are a bit difficult to sell, but who cares what happens to jewels of unknown origin that originally circulated around the palace?

So if you sell it, it will help the household.

Simple but good idea.

Therefore, I saw an opportunity and quickly decided to manufacture diamonds.

Of course, in order to manufacture artificial diamonds, that much equipment is required. It's impossible for this world to have such high-tech facilities.

I don't need any of that!


I stretched out my arms and shouted.

To me these two hands and overflowing mana.

And here comes this clever head.

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