Chapter 39. The time for independence comes (6)

“What will you do with the slaves?”

On the way back, in the carriage, Asha asked me a question.

Come to think of it, I kept forgetting to explain it to him.

“I'm thinking of making the slaves the residents of the territory I'm going to.”

“You mean slaves?”

“huh. That’s why we needed that many people.”

I already know that few people live in the estate I'm going to.

At best, some of the tribes that have been living there for generations of their ancestors.

A manor is basically a place where people don't go back.

Planting a flag in a place where no one lives and pretending to be a lord would only be miserable.

“And I'm going to give this to the slaves.”

I took out the improved artifact made by the wizards last time from my bosom and put it on my finger and turned it round and round.

“Fifty artifacts to be produced soon. I'm going to give one of these to almost every household and educate them. Then wouldn’t they become quite usable residents there too?”

I have already prepared the necessary textbooks, and the teachers of my future residents have been introduced to me by my former tutor.

It was instructed to teach the minimum required level of education for one year.

I won't go anywhere and listen to the rumors that the residents of the territory I run are ignorant.

And at that level, you can fully understand and execute my instructions there.

Asha, who heard my intentions, gave a little admiration.

“Is that why?”

“ don't misunderstand.”

In the future.

“I have no intention of staying there quietly. Since I'm going there, I'm thinking of making it the best estate.”

Then, wouldn't I be able to live comfortably while enjoying good food there?

yes it is for me

To the end, I'm training guys who will work hard there so that I can live comfortably.

wait and see

I'll make you the best paradise.

I laughed out loud confidently.

* * *

“Did Arel go to the slave market?”

King Theonel asked again as if he couldn't understand.

It was because he had seen the report posted by the butler, Jenefel, who serves him.

Recently, the king ordered that his youngest son be monitored.

“No doubt.”

Jenefel answered quietly.

I'm not particularly suspicious.

In the first place, this elderly butler is the most reliable vassal he has trusted for a long time.

“Did you buy 200 slaves? Could it be that you are not a sex slave?”

“That would be amazing in its own way.”

Theonel's joke was accepted by Jennefel with a light smile.

“These are the slaves the youngest prince will take to the estate.”

“ it.”

Theonel's complexion darkened after hearing that explanation.

The territory that Arel will go to.

It was not his intention to decide there.

What father in the world would send his son directly to a harsh land... such a cold place that doesn't even warm properly.

I wanted to oppose it, but... I'd rather send it to a place where I could live more comfortably.

However, the servants decided to send Arel to that cold place.

As a pretext, that child would be able to further develop that place.

“Dirty bastards...

But do you know how to know the inside?

Sending them to a harsh place from which they cannot easily return, in the worst case, they hope that they will have an accident there.

A harsh environment can be a weapon sufficient to harm a person by itself.

Knowing that, Theonel's worries are not light.

“But... is that child prepared?”

After having Jenefel watch Arel's activities, the child does not shrink at all, but rather actively starts preparing to leave for the manor.

“Well… he was such a child.”

He never complains under any circumstance and uses his abilities to face his destiny.

It was his impression of Arell.

“Are you facing hardships without caring about your own safety?”

I'm sure if you listened to it, you'd deny it super-fast, telling me not to say strange nonsense.

“okay. I can't help but trust that kid. But I can't let go of both hands. Jenefel.”


“Have someone you trust take care of the child. Is there anyone suitable?”

“there is.”

“Then leave it to him.”

No matter how much you trust your children, they are only thirteen-year-old children.

In any event, there is a possibility of making a mistake.

And since I was a weak child from the start, I was worried.

That's why, in case of emergency, I'll have to use my hand to protect it.

“Just protect it from being discovered.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

* * *

The hardest part of preparing for independence is nothing else.

Wouldn't it be preparing to say goodbye to my family, my dear home, and my cozy bed?

“Arel... Would it be good for Mom to tell His Majesty one more time?”

My mother tries hard to hide her tearful eyes, as if she is about to cry at any moment, and reveals her true intention that she does not want me to leave.

Even though I'm not running away right now, he holds my hand and won't let go.

Is this how a mother usually feels when she sends her son to the army?

I still haven't told my mom where I'm leaving.

I also ordered the handmaidens to shut their mouths. In particular, I told my nanny in advance about my intentions.

“Do not worry. will come often

I will send you gifts often.”

....Of course, it's doubtful that there will be a souvenir shop in that place where only snow falls.

If you don't have anything, I can make it.

“Lady Lipana. It is at times like this that you must be courageous and send Arel away. And there's still a year left. If that's already the case, what are you going to do?”

The nanny also told her something to comfort her.

However, as expected, as much as I knew where I was going, I felt bitter inside.

As expected, I'll keep things a secret about where I'm going.

Yes, I will reveal it when I earnestly settle down there.

At that time, I will make you feel really safe.

* * *

I can't admit it!

I can't admit it!

never admit it!

Only that word was driving strongly in the girl's mind.

Grind your teeth and control your emotions by suppressing and compressing the words that burst out only in your mind.

“I don’t understand!”

However, no matter how much he endured, the swordsman's heart could never deceive the sword.

Kania gripped the sword with both hands as hard as he could and swung it.


The aura on the sword raged with explosive force and mercilessly blew away the knight in sparring with her.


The rough-looking knight who must have lived three times longer than Kania screamed and fell out.

The reason why he was still conscious after receiving a rough blow just now was because he had an intuition that the blow had been serious and he concentrated on blocking it with all his might.

But that's all, and I don't have the energy to rise anymore.



When Kania readily admitted defeat, she immediately turned her head away from him and shouted.

The other knights helped the knight who had just fallen out to retreat, and another opponent came in this time.

There was a lot of tension on the face of the knight who was starting a new match, probably because he had just seen his colleague shattered with a single shot.

“Come on with all your might. Otherwise, you might get seriously hurt.”

Kania warned with an unusually terrifying force.

At other times, I would be considerate of the other person and increase or decrease my strength to some extent, but right now, no matter how hard I try, I don't think it will be moderate.

The reason was that he had heard from Arel a while ago that he would be leaving soon.

I understood the situation.

It's not that I can't understand it with my head.

But emotions are different.

‘I can't admit it. What is that?'

Destiny is decided by others, not by one's own will.

I couldn't accept it all the more because she was the one who felt the rejection of fate itself more than anyone else.

Even if it was the work of his half-brother.

‘What I don't understand is why are you saying that now!'

It is that he confided in himself half a year or so after the decision was made.

In reality, Arell was looking at Kania here and there and eventually forgot to say it, so he hurriedly confessed it after half a year, but she, who doesn't know that, has no choice but to accept it like this.

Because you can't change your destiny... you can't change it even if you say it, so I couldn't say it easily.

That's why you can't help but get angry.

However, getting angry at Arel is the wrong way to vent your anger.

In the end, her irritation had to be channeled in the wrong direction.

You can't help but fight.

There is no place to release this annoyance now, unless it is a place that is not protected by at least a suitable rule.

Or rather, this annoyance will explode elsewhere.

Knowing Kania's personality all too well, the knights respond to Kania's sparring while trembling.

Sacrificing one's own body to relieve the princess' anger.

Well... that doesn't mean I'm going to die.

At best, it's about three weeks at the treatment center.

“Never just let go.”

Kania gritted his molars and put strength into the hand holding the sword again.

Oddly enough, it feels like more energy than usual.

Had Arel been like that before?

The driving force he lacks to overcome the wall is obsession and anger.

If you push with strong emotions, the mana inside your body will circulate more quickly, naturally riding on that momentum.

I didn't understand it then, but now I understand.

The aura that emanates from the sword in her hand is more destructive than usual and rages like a storm.

And the poor knights had to face Kania's swordsman while trembling.

that day.

Two-thirds of the knights who fought with her had to take care of the healers, and about half of the training ground was destroyed, making it unusable for the time being.

And Kania jumped over the wall once more.

The youngest sword master in the history of the kingdom...

This is the moment when the sword master was born.

However, there is probably no one in future generations who knows that the cause of his birth was his obsession and irritation with his younger brother.

* * *

Suddenly, a distant memory comes to mind.

My first life... My

first life before 100, I can't even remember the name right now.

Was this how you felt then?

‘...Did time pass so quickly even before I went to the army?'

It's really super fast from receiving the enlistment notice to the enlistment date.

I tilted my head as I recalled the days I couldn't remember properly.

At some point, time flew by and it was my 14th birthday.

Perhaps because of the preparations for independence, the real time passed by too quickly.

I wondered if I had packed a little now, but should I say it's already time?

Now I'm a bit upset.

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