Chapter 235. Spirit Meeting ⑴

When I sent a letter asking for a duel... no, we had a conversation, the answer came back quickly.

Combining and summarizing the answers from both of them.

[OK. Let's talk whatever we want.]

I added it in case it would cause misunderstanding, but in reality it was a very polite reply.

I roughly guessed the feelings of the two and solved it like this.

It must be true that the handwriting of the letter was strangely shaken, and that he barely maintained his composure while writing.

The date of the meeting was set back 7 days.

Rumors are also spreading rapidly.

The Empire and the Seongguk side wanted to clear up the situation as soon as possible and clarify their position.

and after 7 days.

We finally set out to talk with the heads of each country.

The place of the meeting was held at the imperial palace within the empire.

After arriving at a prepared place on the outskirts of the imperial ecliptic by teleportation, they rode a carriage through the city center road and arrived at their destination, the imperial palace.

“Well, it's a pretty luxurious palace.”

I murmured as I looked at the scenery outside the carriage.

And contrary to me who is excited.

“Wow... you're back...

“You're back at your house. Aren’t you more than happy?”

“huh. Really.. I'm happy.. Wow.

I'm so happy....

A voice that's really exhausting for being back in my hometown.

Pena is just completely stunned.

Apparently, he knows his current situation well, so he can’t laugh leisurely.

Knowing what's going to happen in the future will make you feel sick to your stomach.

Well, all I can say to her is to cheer up.

The carriage that carried us like that headed for the imperial palace.

“Oh oh! Is the imperial furniture style like this? Are you okay with art? As expected, the aesthetic sense of the empire is quite worth looking at.”

As soon as I entered the waiting room, I looked at the furniture and decorations in a strangely excited way and burst into admiration.

“Pena! Do you happen to know who made this? If I get a chance later, I’m thinking of ordering something for my room.”

Arel should be relaxed.”

Looking at me like that, Pena let out a long sigh with wide eyes.

Why is he doing this to make him weak?

I laughed bitterly.

It's not understandable.

“...Haha, how did things turn out like this?”

Unlike me, who was delighted with the anticipation, Pena looked at my face in the waiting room and complained.

Why is today's protagonist like this?

In a little while, she is a girl who will become a punching bag at the gathering of key figures from the three countries.

I might have a little sympathy for you to listen and not complain this time.

He said he had a purpose, but he ended up selling his emotions while bragging about his personal history.

Even if it wasn't, I'd feel a little bit weird.

But unfortunately, I can't give you even a small break.

“If you have anything to complain about, let me know in advance. Please listen.”

Will you just listen? that you only listen

Just today, I confidently suggested that I would kindly listen to any complaints.

? ?????

Pena shut her mouth and looked back at my face.

I just turn my head around.

“….It’s okay.”

For some reason, it has been like this for the past few days.

When I talk to her, she keeps stuttering like a broken gramophone.

Who the hell put a buffer on the princess?

Lately, if you're trying to talk about something properly with me, it looks like this.

It's not like I can't guess the cause.

‘...Did you overhear it as well?'

It's annoying to touch it, so I want to quit.

“Then, since we still have time, let’s go over what we’re going to do.”


“You don’t have to do anything else. I do the details. just you.”

Pena has only one role.

“Don’t be scared. Half go if you don’t make mistakes.”

“I know....

There is only one reason why I purposely emphasized that there is nothing she would not know.

The leader of the opponents who fucked him all his life soon appears.

But there's no way you can't be wrong, can you?

“Can you?”

When I looked into her eyes and asked, he nodded once instead of answering.

yes that's a good idea

“good. Shall I give you a simple present to cheer you up?”


Pena looked back curiously.

It's really strange that I'm bringing up the word gift again.

Actually, is this the first time you've personally given something other than what you need to teach something?

I'm not particularly stingy. I just didn't give it because I had nothing to give.

Are we in a relationship to give and receive something in the first place?

I took out a burning ribbon from my bosom.

It's something I stole from the fire spirit king before... no, I received it.

Now I can give this to my master.


Pena widened her eyes.

“Wow... I can feel the tremendous energy!”

Again, the lord.

I figured out at once that this was an artifact related to the elementals.

It was a gift beyond imagination, and Pena was frightened.

“Somehow... it seems like you've taken on something huge rather than a present?”

“are you okay? It's okay~ It's the price I used for various things, so just accept it.”

“...If Arel says that, I'm afraid for some reason.”

Hey, where can I find something like this easily?

So be grateful.

First of all, before giving, he gave me a solid warning.

And while I'm explaining, shall we review what needs to be done a little later?

“Listen. I will teach you what to say at the conference.”

Saying that, I once again told her what to do in a little while.

“...Roughly, this is all you need to do. what's that simple? To sum it up, just show off your talents.”

“It is easy to say.”

But since I'm not saying I can't do it, there's no problem.

“okay. Because that’s all I can do.”

Pena held out her hand as if she had finally made up her mind.

“Is that what I need to have? Can I wear it on my wrist?”

“It doesn’t matter. Wouldn't it be better to have it like this? My hair is long after all.”

“huh? hair?”

“Wait a minute.”

I went back behind her on my own.

“Arell? I”

“Hmm! good! I can wear it like this.

I want you to stay still.”

“for a moment?! Where are you touching?”

Where are you? it's your hair

Don't misunderstand whoever hears it.

I tied the ribbon around Pena's hair properly.

It wasn't a cheap thing sold on the market floor, it was a gift ripped off from the spirit king... no, it wasn't a gift he gave himself.

Wouldn't it be an appropriate decoration for a princess to wear?

Well, that doesn't look too bad.

I tried to braid my hair again.

It's not enough to simply hang a ribbon.

My meticulousness won't forgive me for tying things up loosely.

So I played around with Pena's hair for a while.

and finally finished.

good! Perfect! After all, it's my hand!

Pena checked the shape of her hair and looked back at me puzzled.

Complaining about the way you touched your hair, and the finished product looks good, so I guess I have nothing to say.

“In the world... I don't know where you learned this skill...?”

“Well, maybe it's innate.”

If you live a long time, there are many things to practice huhuhu.

while we're having this conversation.

The guide called us at the door to let us know that it was time to leave.

“done. let's go.”


When I reached out my hand, she grabbed it without hesitation and stood up.

Now that I've waited as long as I've waited

The time has come to repay.

just as expected.

The atmosphere inside the venue where the meeting was to be held was really chaotic.

It's not noisy.

It was because each person's uncomfortable planting was revealed.

The emperor looks displeased just like the emperor.

The saintess is also good at managing her facial expressions, so even if she looks, she can't fool my eyes.

Fortunately, everyone seems to be uncomfortable with planting.

Seeing that look makes me happy.

“Looks like everyone was doing well. I am very fortunate.”

I tried to draw their attention with words that I did not understand the mood on purpose.

Everyone glared at me when I started talking to them as I entered the venue.

look! this aggro!

Both the Empire and the Holy Nation are staring at us intensely for different reasons.

Ouch, your eyes tickle.

However, the emperor's gaze moved directly from me to the side.

“...Pena, why did you do this?”

Those words muttered by the Emperor must have reached her ears.

Pena just sits down without saying anything.

I am exchanging glances with another person on my own.

Saint Nelvenia, she recognized me.

“Arel... Ernesia?”

“It's an honor to recognize you properly, saintess. It's amazing. Obviously we would be meeting for the first time. Isn't it?”

I deliberately greeted him with a smirk. Unlike the last time, this time it was an official event, so I deliberately used honorifics.

First of all, we are officially meeting for the first time.

I was so happy that I almost forgot.

“I also wanted to see the saintess quite a bit from before. I wanted to meet you when we had a better relationship, but I'm sorry. It is truly regrettable to meet you in such an unfortunate event.”

what was said before.

I'm sure you remember!

I deliberately reciprocated what she said and looked at the atmosphere of the place now.

‘...Not everyone seems to be welcoming.'

In fact, most of the people who recognize me have a warm feeling of ‘what is that kid doing?' in the gaze.

I can feel the resentment that the treaty was ruined because of our actions.

Feel so good!

yes this is delicious

Picking people up like this is kind of fun.

And isn't it that bad things happen because I feed someone like this?

It's really rewarding.

“…Did you say Areel Ernesia?”

The emperor asked me, barely keeping his composure.

It looks like it's out of shape to push Pena, so it must be trying to point an arrow at me.

“Why did you do this? Teaching Pena spirit magic... I will definitely protest accordingly.”

Ho? let's try it?

As I leisurely passed his gaze, Pena opened her mouth for the first time, as if trying to defend me.

“Your Majesty, the girl asked Arell Ernesia for instruction.”

“Pena, you should be quiet. Anyway, I asked him.

I will ask you separately later.”

be brutal? and? scared?

Although they have different stomachs, they are ruthless towards their own sister.

The intention was obvious.

First of all, things have already happened, so it seems like you want to go to the mall because of me, as you hoped in the beginning.

I was stained badly by playing with a bad boy.

what kind of logic is that?

I thought about what kind of era it was, and thought that it might be like this in this era.

“I was just staying a little closer to her and teaching her a little bit'?”

“Huh? Since when did you even get so close to Pena?”

You're coming off pretty low quality for an emperor.

In terms of dishes, the former emperor might have been better.

I've never met anything

Anyway, I must have taught really bad things, and it's an atmosphere where I'm being questioned for that?

It's ridiculous.

Aside from spiritism, I've given a quick lecture on how to skip around without being noticed during your daily routine.

For now, I answered as politely as possible while hiding the corner of the stabbing.

“I don’t think so.”


However, when I came out with a wry smile and a feeling of meekly admitting it, he was rather taken aback.

“Wouldn’t there have been some eccentric friendships between men and women, simply to pass on the teachings?”

With just a little more, the future where the kingdom she dreamed of so much continues to enjoy wealth will come.

Just wait a little longer.

There is no need to fret.

All she had to do now was show her face as a saint known to the public just to match the mood of that foolish emperor.

Concealing her feelings, she expected everything to go as planned.


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