Chapter 224. The princess's decision (4) Situation in each country (1)


“I don’t know why. But... it's true that the spirits are wary of her.”

“Right. Is that why you doubted her?”

“The spirit's reaction... and my senses.”


“Certainly, the saintess was pretty... and wise-looking, as rumored.”

“Hmm… I guess so? hmm? is it?”

Recalling the impression of the saintess I had seen, I tilted my head.

did you?

Did I just see her as an ajumma who couldn't live up to her age?

He hid what he was saying.

“But even though the woman and other envoys from the Holy Land came to establish friendship with the empire, they didn't seem to be interested in the situation of the empire. .... It looked like that even when I watched it from a distance.”

“...So that's why you're suspicious.”

Although it is based on infinite intuition and reasoning.

It's like hitting the right answer, is it okay?

“So, if the saintess is the culprit, what will be different...? You know, politics is dirty.”

If you look at history, everyone becomes heartless and dirty for their country.

Again, who blames whom...

I wonder what it would be like.

“From a personal point of view, it's pretty shitty, but the Empire isn't really in a position to say anything to the Seongguk, right? It is the same here.”

“know. So I am proposing

to you... Arele Ernesia.”

“It’s a proposal… what are you trying to do? I wouldn't go over with any suggestions?”

I deliberately gave a nonchalant response.

I don't like the fact that Seongguk... lets that saintess flow as she pleases.

Anyway, from our point of view, it is impossible to see across the river.

It might be better to let the empire sway as it is and carefully build up contingency plans while watching.

But why would I help Pena?

‘Actually, it doesn't matter if I help, but I knew from the beginning that the saintess had intentions against Ernesia Kingdom.

And actually, I had an accident there first.

Of course, in preparation for this time, he was devising a means of confrontation.

In the process, he was going to use Pena as an excuse.

Nonetheless, I deliberately asked this question.

So what do you do?

“I... have the merit of stopping the saintess' plans. Are you really ready for that?”



Pena hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

As if trying to calm down, he clenched his fist against his chest and spoke slowly.

“What are you giving me?”

“What I can give you at my discretion.”

Pena said so.

The merits that the princess could provide as an individual at her own discretion.

“If I can regain my position as a princess with your help, Arell, I'm sure I can give you something quite small. yes?”


That's not wrong.

Just as the Seongguk moves its emperor through its own empress.

If Pena gets deeply involved in the politics of the empire again and I sit behind it, I'll be able to do more tricks than that.

Pena suggested it.

“It might be the result of selling the empire to me?”

It might be like calling in a tiger to chase a fox.

Is this lady aware of that?

Pena replied that she knew.

“…I think it will at least be better than now.”

Do you mean that I am better than a man who has made up his mind to destroy all empires and kingdoms?

I understand.

“At least if it’s Arell, a lot of people won’t die.”

“You say it very simply.”

However, looking at Pena, it is not a matter of idle talk.

It's really looking like I'm better.

“and? Any other benefits?”

still not enough

Isn't that the only way I can move?

When I said that and glared at him, Pena shrugged.

Why are you like that? why don't you answer

“hmm? Or is there none?”

“There is!”

Pena blushed slightly and shouted.

“I am me!”

“???? what?”

“...Arel, if you wish... I myself can do as you like... Ugh... I

stutter and can't connect properly.

“So... ah...

no, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? Uh oh... Rani Do you want to go back to primitive times?

I know what you mean.

Giving away all that is at her discretion would mean not just her position, but also her own.

It's pretty obvious what you're thinking.

Like this lewd princess.

“Oh ho? okay? You thought that far, right? Yes, sure, that's something you can pay for at your own discretion. You yourself will be able to pay with sufficient discretion.”

I laughed leisurely and got up from my seat.

Then he approached Pena little by little.


Pena flinched, but couldn't move.

“So, does that mean it doesn’t matter if I take the price now?”

Pena didn't say anything for a while, but then she let go of the tension as if she agreed.

It was a face that said he was determined.


“okay? So shall we try it? Tell me if your resolution is real.”

Her eyes widen.

I understand what you mean.

Yeah, aside from the government and all that.

There must be something you can pay for now.

“Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if I said something else later? So, let's take it first. If you are prepared, that is.”

I deliberately grabbed Pena's shoulder.

body temperature is cold

Is it because of the sweat or some other reason?

“Do you mind?”

“...I'm prepared.”

I close my eyes and wait.

Even though I'm pretending like nothing happened.

You can't fool me though.

‘...I am. Pretending to be strong for being a kid.'

A sigh comes out of nowhere.

I clicked my tongue and only slapped Pena on the forehead.

um that sounds good

It's been a while, so I hit another one.

“It’s okay. Let’s get rid of the play that doesn’t look like it.”

“???? huh?”

When I remove my hands again and shake my head, Pena makes a blank face.

what is this reaction? What did you think would happen?

I suppressed a laugh and shook my head.

“don't worry. I'm not talking about rejecting you. It's just a little funny.”

“Funny... what?”

“no. Me taking this seriously, or you taking it seriously and pretending to close your eyes.


Well, it's true that I was expecting this kind of reaction and deliberately set the mood.

When I burst into laughter, Pena responded that she didn't know how to take this.

“I’m not some kind of devil or something. You can't ask for that, can you?”

“.. ugh ugh. “

Oh, don’t cry. Breathe! Anyway, I was thinking of helping from the beginning. hey! for a moment?! Don't throw an empty teacup!”

I guess I was really angry.

I would do just that.

It's what I said in the mood a little while ago, and it will be played automatically in my head again in real time now.

I would feel ashamed and die.

Was I a bit harsh?

“do not be angry. You weren't joking without meaning, were you? Hmm… I guess I should say I wanted to test whether you were prepared to follow my instructions properly.”


“I told you. The reason I taught you spirit magic in earnest in the first place was to reverse the loopholes in the doctrines of the Holy Kingdom.”

But what is the difference between now and then?

At that time, Pena was brought in as a means to keep the Holy Kingdom in check.

Now the reasons and purposes are somewhat different.

“We have to drive out the saintess in earnest, not just keep it in check.”

No matter what happened, there was a need to deal with the saintess.

If you don't, you'll go further and guess what you're going to do.

It needs to be blocked before installing any more.

It may even be necessary to get rid of it, not just remove it from its position....

So I just tested how far Pena was willing to follow my opinion.

It's hard to say later if you can't do it.

“There is no need for political interests.

Even if I stand behind you, it's just annoying. I'm busy right now, so why are you trying to increase your work here? Are you trying to kill me overwork?”

Why am I going to increase my workload just because I'm crazy?

You want to rule just one empire?

The balance calculation does not match.

“…I feel like something is complicated?”

It seems that Pena's feelings have become complicated when her country is treated cheaply with just that one thing.

Should I be relieved that I don't have to pay for my daily needs.

Or, he seems to be wondering whether he should resent the fact that his country and his status were treated so cheaply.

“Well, I can’t help you for free at all. Just remember this. After the empire recovers properly later, trade and trade as I direct. That is the condition.”

All I ask is that you give me some advantage in trade or commerce.

“Is that all?”

“That’s fine for me. Anyway, what I want is not trivial power. It’s just a business tool to make money for me.”

After all, money is better than invisible and unstable power.

Wouldn't it be better to use this opportunity as a stepping stone to build a bridge for our company to advance into the Empire?

That's enough.

What I want is not a cheap government, but an expensive commercial district.

whoop whoop whoop.

Power is truth sold cheaply.

Besides, even if you don't, you have to keep your promise to Meryl-noona, so it's a good thing.

When Pena heard that, she collapsed on the table as if completely relaxed.

“....what? I'm really here to talk.”

Seemingly, he was saddened to think that he had been completely teased.

“hmm? Shouldn't you rather be happy?

Or what? Did you really expect that?”

“Oh no?!”

When I teased her, Pena became furious.

Still, his face remains blushing, as if he must have thought something strange.

“How are you? Neither Pena nor you really wanted that kind of situation.”

I'm putting on a face that I'm going to disintegrate into something, but what's the matter?

“Still, I’ll admit my determination.”

I didn't really want that kind of price, but instead, I'll make up my mind.

“If Pena is really prepared to do anything, I’d rather be.”

“???? what?”

“Kuh hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu.”

I laughed as if I was having fun.

Didn't Pena just say that she came to donate her human rights with her own hands, saying that she would do what she could do?

Then, pretending to be impressed and accepting without hesitation is the right thing to do.

okay. Good resolution, princess.

“If you are really prepared to do anything, even better. Then you can be more determined and use it.”

Pride? face?

You say everything is fine, but what do you think?

After that, you just have to do whatever you want. how good is this

“Don't you want to cry to stop later?”

“....Hey? Arell?”


Pena smiled.

“Can I cancel what I said earlier?”


I refused with the same smile.

Uh huh, if you repeat what you said once, write it.

Circumstances of each country (1)

A small orphanage in the Holy Land of Zelnian.

“Saintess! Holy Lady!”

Children smile brightly and approach the saintess who has just appeared.

Even though more than 10 children flocked to her, Saint Nelvenia did not show any displeasure and smiled at the children who welcomed her.

The priestesses who serve as her escorts also do not particularly stop the children.

“Oh, everyone seems to be healthy.”

This is an orphanage run by the Seongguk.

In any country, there are bound to be children who have no place to go due to natural disasters or damage from monsters.

For such children, Seongguk made a special budget every year to create a place for from freew𝒆bnovel(.)com

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