Chapter 220. The spread of the plague (5) As the priests withdrew after the meeting.

Nelvenia still couldn't leave the conference room.

“Is that strange?”

If there are others, I can't even talk to myself like this.

This conference room, now empty, was the perfect place to organize your thoughts.

“You react so quickly.”

She too was quite astonished at the quick response of Ernesia Kingdom.

Normally, if an epidemic like this spreads, a country with weak national power would perish.

No matter how powerful a country is, it cannot avoid great losses.

However, if the spy's report is true, the number of deaths in the kingdom currently does not exceed three digits.

“...wasn't it like this 130 years ago?”

The head is tilted sideways.

“Could it be that it doesn’t work for humans in Ernesia Kingdom? no it can't be It was obviously selected after verifying that it worked properly.”

It can't be.

This method has already been verified once before.

At least at the time of the experiment, I confirmed that it was sufficiently effective and put this method on the plan.

But if you ask yourself these questions, no one will give you an answer.

No, no one would understand even the meaning of her self-talk.

“Is he too?”

Nelvania remembered Arel's face.

A boy who forgot chocolate in front of a store while leisurely walking in the dark in the city.

However, unlike his relaxed behavior, he is a genius who is currently taking over the continent.


In Nelvania, it is an infinitely troublesome existence.

He was undoubtedly the one who came up with the countermeasures for this epidemic.

“After all, he's not someone who can be easily antagonized.”

Originally, I didn't want to start a fight this time.

However, time is not infinite for her either.

If we miss this period, how many more generations will we have to waste until the next opportunity comes?

He pretends to be relaxed, but in reality he is more impatient than anyone else.

So, first of all, I chose the method that seemed to be the most effective.

But it also failed.

“…The question is how he will come out later.”

Already, she is thinking on the premise that Arel is certain of who the culprit is.

There is a corner that is stabbed enough to be noticed at roughly some point.

However, I do not think that there will be an immediate protest.

Political interests are never simple.

You can't come in with just a heart attack.

Above all, there is no evidence.

However, the opponent is not an ordinary person either.

If it took a long time, surely if it was Arel, he would come to ask for this price even if he made another justification.

There is no time.

“We must move on to the next method as soon as possible.”

Nelvenia changed all plans.

You can be sure now.

The fall of Ernesia Kingdom, her long-cherished wish and the long-cherished wish of the Holy Kingdom.

We have to achieve that somehow in this generation.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the next opportunity will come.

To that end, Nelvenia laid her eyes down.

On the table, traces of the priests meeting a little while ago remain.

messy papers.

And a map of the continent spread out in the middle. The place where her eyes were directed

was right next to

Ernesia Kingdom... ....

Merman Empire.

A country of foolish emperors who still claim to be an empire and cling to the majesty of the past.

“First of all, it would be better to go round.

After all, this was the purpose.”

Her eyes glowed coldly.

“We'll take care of this first.”

There are many things to use.

There are still plans to unfold.

“Yeah, it’s too early to give up.”

she laughed and murmured.

Yet, within Nelvenia, the longing for a secret wish has not faded.

A burning desire beyond simple madness.

I can't give up yet.

“Because it is something that must be accomplished even for the sake of the Holy Kingdom.”

What is it that drives her so much?

No one but the saintess herself would know that.

All she wants is...

“Everything for the children who will grow up in the Holy Land.”

Just a few days ago, when the epidemic had calmed down.

“I really can only say thank you.”

I pretended to be flustered and stopped the oldest brother from trying to lower his head with a light smile as if he had no face.

Oh hey, this brother is really good! What are you trying to do when someone sees you?

“Don't do that. Would His Majesty be able to bow his head easily?”

“Arel, don’t do that too much. If it wasn't for you, honestly, I still get chills down my spine as to how I would have gotten through this.”

That would not be a mere metaphor.

In fact, even now, the older brother's face was full of worry.

Now, the epidemic problem is almost over.

If you think about the incubation period, you won't be able to let go completely, but if you pay attention, there won't be any more problems.

We have already supplied enough medicine to each region.

In case of an emergency, he advised them to put down instructions to request any amount of support from the royal castle.

“Thank you so much....

The reason why Jeil hyung-nim is thanking me over and over again right now is no different. This is because I personally paid for all the expenses, including the medicine I sprayed and the wages of the magicians.

All treatments are free of charge.

Thanks to that, the people actively cooperated with the treatment.

Although the royal family's finances were enough to cover this measure.

I dared to pay for it myself.

just in case

Since this was a man-made disaster, I deliberately stepped forward because I knew that reducing the kingdom's national power even a little bit was her will.

“It is for the kingdom. What is the point of me amassing a fortune if there is no kingdom? No wonder.”

At first, I shook all kinds of pretense.

It is true that we spent a lot of money.

But I don't think that this will forever remain my loss.

....That's right, you'll definitely get the price.

For now, let's be generous like this and quietly sharpen our knives.

“....I see.”

Jeil hyung-nim is looking at me warmly.

No, beyond that, somehow I even feel respected.

“First of all, we believe that the disease itself will not cause any more damage if we pay enough attention.”

“I'll send an official letter to each lord as well.”

After saying that, we let out a long sigh at the same time.

External measures, such as countermeasures against infectious diseases, are sufficient.

So now that's the next problem.

“???? Arell.”

Brother Jeil thought about it for a while and then he shook his head heavily.

“When do you think it would be a good time to declare war?”

Contrary to his usual benign behavior, he asked me, displaying ferocious anger like a completely different person.

In that moment, I was sure.

I thought that this person was indeed one of my father's sons.

“War...that's it.”

“I have already read your letter.”

I guess so.

When I suggested a countermeasure, I also wrote and posted my opinion on this situation.

It's all the work of those guys from Seongguk!

Those guys are bad!

Of course, there's no way you can't stop thinking about something like that.

I guess I'm going to get pretty hot.

“Even though I asked for it in the letter.

It's still an inference. We need more confirmation.”

“I also consider this to be unnatural.”

“…I guess so.”

“Then shouldn’t we make sure they pay the price as well?”

Even when I said before that I had to prepare for war, the older brother, who didn't take it very seriously, is speaking with a nuance that he wants me to agree to the war at least this time.

That would be absurd, both as a king and as a human being.

Deliberately spreading an epidemic to undermine national power?

It is not a method that a human being with a proper conscience would come up with.

“Wouldn’t it be enough to make a justification somehow?”

...I think such lines are my specialty.

Why do you want to indulge your taste for agitation and fabrication?

I was going to give an Arel-style fair agitation and fabrication lecture, but I gave up.

That's not what's important now.


“Why is that?”

“Your Majesty? Regarding that war, I would like you to wait a little longer.”

“Why? Wasn’t it you, Arel, who said that we should be prepared?”

It was.

When I say this, it's like two words in one mouth.

But then and now I feel different.

At that time, I only suggested that Seongguk attack first.

Now I know that the Holy Kingdom is more outgoing than I thought.

Of course, the measures won't change either.

“Of course, we can retaliate well enough now.”


The oldest brother also agreed.

Neither is he mindlessly pursuing war.

Think about it all.

This is what I want to attack because I am sure I will win.

Even at this stage, I believe that our side will win if Ernesia Kingdom and Seongguk fight.

In the first place, because the national power is so different, the Seongguk is making dirty moves.

“But for now, I want you to wait a little longer.”


“....The reason is.”

can i tell you this?

hmm? Are you okay?

Anyway, the only person who hears this story is my older brother.

“It doesn’t fill the castle.”


“I don't think I'll be relieved at all to ask the cost of this work as a simple war.”

The reason doesn't matter.

It feels so cheap to make me pay the price for making fun of me with just such retaliation.

If it was a simple political enemy, I wasn't interested in ending it with just a war.

But now it is different.

That saintess is completely looking down on me.

It's clear that he thinks it's okay to just avoid my eyes and knock.

He must be thinking about another number right now.

I know very well what that type of person is like.

Because I'm just like that.

“Isn't that right, Your Majesty? A single war is too cheap for an opponent who does this.”

“...Arel, you are the only one who would say such a thing anywhere in the world.”

Jeil hyung-nim laughed as if he couldn’t stop and asked again as if he didn’t understand.

“If you're not satisfied... Then how do you feel better?”

Common sense tells us that the best retaliation available in this situation is by far war.

On the other hand, if the word common sense is omitted here, the story is different.

“There is a way.”


“yes. A way to bring down the person who led this incident, inflict all sorts of humiliation, and punish it.”

I laughed evilly on purpose.

It's good to say these words with a villain-like face.

“It's a humiliation... I don't mind paying the price with just war.”

“That's the easiest way. But only then will the ringleader escape.”

“is it....? i get it.”

After I persuaded him, Jeil Hyung-nim eventually agreed.

“Because I agree with what you mean by wanting to pay the price.”

“Yes, so I would like you to wait a little bit even if it is frustrating.”

“Hmm… how long do we have to wait?”

I raised my index finger at his question.

“Within a month, we will humiliate the mastermind behind this pandemic. I will deny her and all the reputation that the Holy Kingdom has built.”

And confidently asserted.

“After that, there will be no room left for her.”

After I finished talking with the best hyung-nim.

I returned to the manor and lay down half comfortably in my soft chair.

“Retaliation…yes, if possible, we should retaliate properly.”

Talking to herself, she refrained from wanting to leave the territory right away.

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