Chapter 210. Let's make a boat... a very big boat (2)

“Who do you know as a countryman? After all, I have been on a boat before.”


everyone who heard him exclaimed in disbelief at the same time.

“He knows how to swim!”

“Really nonsense!”

....why are we just pretending to be surprised by this?

“Have you ever been a sailor before working as a blacksmith?”

“It's not like that, but before I had a forge, I'd personally go looking for novel materials. It was just part of it.”

Aha, come to think of it, did the dwarves of the Iron Workshop, including Aken, dream of working with all the metals that exist in the world?

And I am making that dream come true.

“Once I heard a rumor that a rare metal was found in the sea, and I boarded a merchant ship to get it.”

“Oh my God… but does that really not sink?”

Asha is still making that noise.

It seems she still can't believe that a boat like that could float on the water with her common sense.

“Can’t you? It's stupid.”

As Aken snorted, Asha said, “Fuck!”

He bit his lip and shook his shoulders.

It must be quite resentful to be treated like an idiot.

Oh that's going to be a fight

“Well, I'm going to listen to Aken's travel story later. Don't forget that we came to work today.”

“Come to think of it, Arel-nim doesn’t seem very excited?”

Originally, when I come to a new place, I get excited at the thought of playing there, but today I am more cynical than anyone else.


“Because there is no beach here...

” “Yes?”

“There is such a thing.”

I smiled lonely looking at the distant sea.

Since it is a port, there is no place to play on the beach.

Besides, this place is absolutely shit.

I knew it beforehand, but seeing it in person is even more disappointing.

What have the people living here been doing all this time?

Why didn't you make a place to play when there is an ocean?

Why did you rot such a precious natural tourism resource so mercilessly!

I cried out in my heart.

I felt like writing the protest papers as much as the weight of that ship and sending them.



I'm going to put off the regret and go to work.

The reason we came here was never to play.

I'm sorry but it's true.

Although friendly, there is only one reason why I set foot in a foreign territory.

It's because of these ‘ships'.

The reason all of us came in the first place was because of the escort.

Although a ship belonging to the Arnil Company is anchored in this port, this place is clearly a foreign country.

I had no choice but to bring all three escorts because I was going there myself.

If you don't do that, you won't get permission.

It was because of that that he even brought Aken there.

We removed the signboard of the former Geothal Firm and headed to the Arnil Firm's branch, which had a new signboard up and running.

When I entered, there was something strange under my feet.

“It's an honor to visit the bar!

Although it is a shabby place, it may be a nuisance, but I will take care of it so that the prince will not be displeased.”

Isn't the branch manager in charge of this place lying on his stomach?

I could have stepped on it.

Too bad.

“Okay, get up. It's honestly embarrassing.”


When I allowed him to get up, he got up more quickly than he did on his stomach.

Most of the other merchants cringe quite a bit at me, but this guy goes even further.

“Uh... so the branch manager? what was your name?”

“Yes, my name is Zelsen.”

The branch manager, Jelsen, groaned, but answered in a very sharp voice.

They act as if they are sincerely welcoming me.

If it wasn't for me, I'd be completely fooled.

“Um, Gelsen? Do you have any complaints?”

“yes? How absurd would you think to be dissatisfied with the prince?”

He answered without really changing his complexion.

That merchant originally belonged to the Arnil Firm, not the former Geothal Firm.

However, when I took over Geothal Firm, most of the merchants, including him, automatically transferred to Arnil Firm.

It was a measure to avoid firing a single one of them while taking over Sanghoe.

Well, first of all, since we met after a long time, shall we sneak a peek?

“No, but I can’t help but change the signboard I’ve been in, right? I thought it might be quite embarrassing for you guys. is not it'?”

I, the person responsible for the change of the signboard, asked succinctly.

However, in response to my question, Zelsen didn't really raise an eyebrow, instead, he made a lot of fuss and said no.

“What ungrateful man would dare to be dissatisfied with the prince? If there is anything wrong, I will expel you with my own hands, so please rest assured.”

“...No, I don't mean to be that thorough! But are you really not complaining? What about other merchants? Is that surprising?”

“Really. We have no reason to be dissatisfied.”

Unlike before, he answered rather seriously.

“We are merchants. It's enough if you just sell the goods and give us a fair price. There...


“To be honest, we don’t care who is above us.”

Seriously, isn't that what you're saying without changing your complexion?

“I'm really sorry if my words offended you.”

“no. tell me too Interesting for some reason.”

“Whether we change the signboard to Geotal Corporation or Arnil Corporation, does it make a difference to our interests?”

After hearing it, it's a very realistic reason.

“On the contrary, I was happy that the profit increased thanks to the bigger profit, but there is no reason to be dissatisfied with it.”


It's plausible.

Obviously, what matters to the merchant is how much more gold coins he can earn in the end.

Does it mean that they will welcome you if you just change a sign and enter a bigger yard?

Anyway, I was well aware of the intention of saying that the merchants belonging to the former Geotal Trading Company were not very dissatisfied with the current situation.

“good. Just follow me like that.

Then Arnil Firm will give you a bigger profit.”

“We have nothing to say but thank you.”

Well, it's enough to say hello for now.

As for why I brought up such useless talk to Zelsen, there was definitely a reason.

Exactly why I decided to come here myself.

“By the way, it seems that what I heard was a little different from what you said?”

“....that's really disrespectful!”

When I grinned, he became contemplative and fell to the floor again.

Wow.... Even though I was trembling and cringing like this, not a single speck of dust was raised around me.

Even Asha and Seina saw it and admired that there was no superfluity in their movements.

It's really useless.

“Because their stubbornness... is so... strong. I'm telling you, but... I can't believe it even reached the prince's ears! I really have no face.”

“it's okay. I'm not here specifically to rebuke you for that.”


“First of all, I understand how they feel.”

Really I wasn't angry.

“That's why I came here to convince them myself.”

“That’s right…yeah eh eh eh eh?!”

Damn, I almost burst my eardrums.

I covered my ears and frowned, but Jelsen stood firm with his mouth open as if he was genuinely surprised.

“So I'm going to convince you myself? So stop playing around and guide me.”

When I revealed the true purpose of my coming here, Zelsen desperately tried to persuade me to stop me, with the blood completely gone from his face.

“It's not something your body has to step out on its own.”

“Okay, let me guide you.”

However, if I persuade others, I may not know it, but if I listen to others, I am not Arell.

“Ha, but they don’t have enough culture to talk with the prince.”

“When did I ask for that?”

As for being rude, it was me who negotiated face-to-face with the saddest dwarves, second in the world.


He sneered and shrugged as I turned to Arken, who was following me.

“don't worry. I have no intention of saying anything to them. Some degree of rudeness was to be expected. Even my escorts won't lay a hand on them at all.”


When I look back at the three escorts, they smile embarrassingly.

“I promise never to give you any disadvantage whatsoever.”

“...Then there's nothing I can do about it.”

Wow, you're not harming yourself, so you can see how it's falling out.

This is why I like merchants.

People who like money are honest.

words flow well.

I looked at Jelsen happily as he started guiding.

How nice it would be if everyone in the world were that honest.

“ should never expect them to be educated.”

“I understand, so shut up and guide me. Will you get angry if I keep saying the same thing?”


What do you see me anyway?

If anyone hears it, they will misunderstand that I'm going to upset a bout.

I'm just going to intellectually convince the other party.

hmm? Am I that scary?

He said he was angry even as a joke, but Jelsen was seriously contemplating and trembled.

Where in the world do you say you're so afraid of?

There are very few men who are as gentle and harmless as me.

The reason why I had to go so far and visit the territory of a foreign country by force through various interests was not just because I was thrilled with the thought of seeing the sea.

I didn't come expecting something delicious from the sea.

It was because it was necessary to persuade some people directly because of the matters related to trade through ports.

“This is it.”

Zelsen led us into a room located in the merchant building.

“Is everyone here?”

“Yes, I instructed everyone not to leave out and gather together.”

“okay? Then you go.”

” yes?”

I waved my hands in front of this blinking middle-aged merchant.

“Anyway, no matter what we talk about here, there will be no aftermath for you, right?”

Having said this, he suddenly noticed and backed off.

Also, I like quick-witted people.

“Well, then… where shall we persuade the proud sailors?”

just opened the door

Then, at a glance, there were a lot of shabby men who looked sweaty sitting in the seats.

All of them are former sailors belonging to the Geothal Firm.

As expected, I wondered if I would believe that even if this was a place for pirates to meet, honestly, they were all rambunctious like a seaman.

Well, it was said that sailors who had a hard time making ends meet piracy.

‘Muscles are no joke.'

Is it because of that... For a moment, even I hesitated to enter.

It must be a fairly sweaty space.

‘...Didn't I just bring in one representative?'

Come to think of it, wasn't it like this when you persuaded a dwarf in the past?

Why did you think of bringing them all into one room?

Even a guy like me doesn't know how to reflect.

By the way, Aken, who came in behind me, looked at the sailors and snorted, saying, ‘Hmm, that's quite right'.

Do you really think you won because your limbs are thicker?

It's terribly childish!

“Are you all the crew members here?”

“That's right. Obviously, everyone gathered here as instructed.”

Among the sailors who hesitated for a while, the one with the thickest muscles... not the one who seemed to be a senior came forward and knelt down in front of me.

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