Chapter 206. How to Prepare for Bad Omens



“I'm going to try to find all the records related to the time of the propagation war in the Zelnian Holy Kingdom. The war between the Zelnian Holy Kingdom and our kingdom. And including all wars in other countries.”

I ordered them all to be brought.

“All right.”

The librarian answered without questioning the deep meaning.

The wars of the Zelnian Kingdom have been divided into only four from the point of view after the founding of the Ernesia Kingdom.

Even though it is a religious country, it is a characteristic of the Zelnian Holy Kingdom that it shows a truly warlike tendency and implements policies.

They are friendly to countries that embrace their religion, but often show excessively aggressive behavior towards countries that do not.

....Actually, there are radical religions in any world.

Trust can be hopeful if it's moderate, but if it's too much, it just becomes madness.

Sugar and faith are good for the body in moderation.

Anyway, that's why it seems that wars were fought quite often in the past.

Among them, there are overwhelmingly many cases in which the Holy Kingdom invaded unilaterally in the name of a holy war.

Among them, if only a large-scale war with the life and death of nations was considered.

Three wars with foreign countries.

And once, a war with Ernesia Kingdom.

“As far as I know, the war with our kingdom ended with our victory, but all wars with other countries ended with the victory of the Zelnian Kingdom, right?”

“you're right.”

The librarian ordered his subordinates to bring all the records of the era I requested, and he answered me faithfully.

Even now, his subordinates come and go without rest, piling up the data one by one in chronological order.

“...The management of the blur is quite good.”

I was in awe as I skimmed through one of the materials.

Since it is an old record, I was prepared to fight with a somewhat musty smell, but the records, let alone dust, are well preserved.

“Every year a wizard casts a preservation spell here. We also clean thoroughly so that we never allow a single dust to accumulate.”

The librarian proudly told us the secret to keeping the records they had managed.

“History is an important thing to record! That's why we take pride in protecting this place and are working hard to preserve it forever!”

“Is that so? A lot of hard work.”

I unknowingly encouraged the librarian's enthusiasm for something.

From what I can see, you seem to have some pride in managing this place.

Even I was stunned and stunned for a moment.

It allows me to examine these things in a slightly less unpleasant mood, which I really appreciate.

And after waiting for a while, everything was piled up in front of me until the last page.

“…So is this all?”

“For now, yes.”

“okay. Is that all there is to it?”

I scratched my cheeks looking at the records stacked higher than my height.

“Are there many?”

More than I thought.

To be honest, I thought that if that thing collapsed, I would be crushed to death.

“Is this enough with just four war records?”

“According to Her Majesty Arell's instructions, I brought not only the records of that era, but also the trends of neighboring countries at the time.”

That's why there were so many.

Damn when are you going to watch all of this?

I bought and secretly kicked my tongue.

“...This is why I hate analog.”


“no. If you brought them all, that's fine.”

I sighed and made up my mind somewhat at the thought that the enemy I had to fight right now was a powerful mania that was creeping in.

That's why I can't help but like this era.

If you want to investigate anything, you have to go through these huge records one by one.

Ah.... I miss the modern civilization... and the paranormal civilization of the future.

It was solved with just a few clicks and a few glances.

The lazy man weeps today as he longs for a convenient civilization.

“Is there any point in complaining?”

At that time, you need to find it as soon as possible.

There is no time to waste time fooling around.

In some cases, a situation may arise in which I may have to sincerely step forward.

After making up my mind, I picked up the most modern of the materials, sat down in a chair, and started flipping through them.

‘Didn't I rather have brought all the other guys?'

However, I soon realized that it didn't make any sense.

Anyway, what I'm trying to find now is to find an omen with examples from the past.

‘Human beings always repeat the same patterns unconsciously.'

No matter what they decorate, they usually use methods that have been followed in the past.

Of course, I wouldn't have used the same number every time.

Still, looking at the vast records, I wondered if there would be a similar case at least once.

“...I see...that's how it happened!”

I spent almost the rest of the day fighting with the records, and finally found the record I was looking for.

“Fortunately, I didn't have to look back until the founding of the country... It's really fortunate.”

The records that had been piled up twice my height had shrunk by almost half.

Is it this much even though it took half a day...?

If I hadn't, I would have done this again tomorrow.

All I have found so far are records of two wars.

The first was the most recent.... even the most recent war, about 70 years ago.

Conflict between the Kingdom of Ernesia and the Kingdom of Zelnian.

After a cursory reading of the cause, it is said that at the time, the kingdom of Ernesia started recognizing other races as nationals in earnest, and it caused friction between each other's positions and caused a war.

Skip the detailed process.

If you look only at the result, it was a victory for Ernesia Kingdom.

At that time, the Kingdom of Ernesia, which had started to grow its national power by acquiring several huge mines, was not easily defeated by the Zelnian Kingdom.

‘...Are you saying you've seen an opportunity since then?'

It's really hard to understand for me.

What good is war, waiting for 70 years and continuing to aim?

It's really hard to empathize.

However, I couldn't find what I was looking for in the records at that time.

It was really just a war.

so pass.

And then the war log.

The moment I looked at the record from about 130 years ago, I could whistle.

“This is it!”

About 130 years ago, it is a record of the conflict between the kingdom of Zelnian and the kingdom of Hessel that existed at the time.

It was a record of trends in other countries, so the amount was not very large and it was not accurate, but I could roughly know what the atmosphere was like at the time.

“Was this place also a country that used a policy of convergence at the time...

Maybe because of that, it caused friction with the Zelnian kingdom, and the kingdom similarly waged an aggression war in the name of a holy war.

‘...At the beginning of the war, the kingdom of Hessel was strong first.' However, one incident triggered the collapse of the borders of the Hessel Kingdom, which had been able to easily defend against the Holy Kingdom's army.

‘Is it that an unknown disease is circulating in Korea....

An unknown disease has been circulating throughout the Hessel Kingdom.

The damage was so severe that eventually a pandemic of infectious disease occurred that even the army could not properly maintain.

‘In the end, let alone war, even the existence of the kingdom is in danger...: An epidemic is a scary thing.

In particular, if it starts spinning once in this era, a village is lightly wiped out, and in severe cases, a country is often destroyed as it is.

Even in a modern civilization where science and medicine have developed to some extent, if you think about how much effort it took to escape the fear of infectious diseases to some extent, no one would know how frightening this is.

‘It's not simply that the Hessel Kingdom wasn't lucky.' Looking at the record, I was sure of one thing.

This is not just an accidental result.

The invasion of the Zelnian Kingdom, the outbreak of the plague, and the flow of results are continuing too smoothly.

Above all, what I suspect is that as soon as the epidemic broke out, Seongguk immediately changed its attitude and expressed its intention to save.

‘Unless you're sane, you can't make such a proposal to a country at war.'

No matter how much a religious group advocates agape, it is still a nation.

There's no way he could change his stance that easily.


‘How did you say you could help so quickly? It's blatantly suspicious.'

According to records at the time, all countries, including the Kingdom of Ernesia, had closed their borders with the Kingdom of Hessel and were completely ignoring it.

Of course, nominally, it seems that they applied for the material, but in reality, that would have been the best.

However, Seongguk alone worked actively for salvation as if they were different.

It is said that he even provided a special potion from where he got it.

‘At the time, it seems that the royal castle also thought it was strange.'

Perhaps other countries had the same suspicions.

If you look at the minutes of this meeting, you can see some suspicious statements here and there.

“Whew.... I saw something really ridiculous....

The rough record ends here.

As a result, the Hessel Kingdom was later destroyed and their territory was annexed to the Merman Empire no matter what political interests flowed.

And the race that dreamed of harmony with them at the time has become a rare race that can hardly be found now.

After checking there, I closed the record.

“Is this what a human bastard would do?

But there is no room for anger on a purely human level.

“Assuming this is a target.”

That was the only way Seongguk could be so confident.


....So-called biochemical terrorism.

‘I wonder if there was such a technology in the Holy Kingdom at the time... but looking at the circumstances, I can't say no?'

If not, will there be smoke in the chimney?

Excessively exquisite timing makes you confident that it is the right answer.

Yes, the culprit is Seongguk.

This is the only conclusion.

Looking at the record, there are still a few questions left.

I decided this was most likely.

When not, there is no smoke in the chimney.

At least, it was impossible for the current Holy Kingdom to wage an all-out war with Ernesia Kingdom.

That means don't attack head-on.

Whether from the side or from the rear, there are plenty of ways to ignore the difference in power and attack.

The worst of them is this one.

Therefore, this possibility cannot be ignored.

‘There…it’s an unexpectedly effective method…

a terror of death using a bottle.

Put aside the question of human dignity.

If you look at the strategic aspect, it is a means that can be used enough.

No matter how great the difference in military power.

Because if this is one room, it will collapse as it is.

Asymmetric power is such a scary thing.

‘Should I prepare?'

If there is a possibility, it cannot be ignored.

On top of that, I'm calculating that the chances of this tool being used again in the near future are quite high.

This is the only thing that needs to be dealt with.


‘If this record is true, it can never be ignored.'

Seeing the description of the symptoms of people who were sick in Heschel at the time, I reflexively bit my lip.

‘Isn't this a joke...?'

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