Chapter 204. The results of printing and the new era

(4) + How to prepare for ominous portents


‘But I can't be the center of confusion.'

Aside from the feelings of resentment, he also had the least pride as a member of the royal family.

And he wanted to prioritize the stability of the kingdom.

The crown has already passed.

But do you feel dissatisfied with it and express it as they say?

Then what will become of this kingdom?

There was no way I couldn't think of that.

‘It must not be shaken.'

He decided to make up his mind again.

Above all, even other royal families are recognizing this throne.

As the nobles say, even Arell didn't even pay attention to the throne from the beginning.

‘Even that guy thought of the kingdom rather than his own greed.'

Of course, it would only seem that way to him who does not know the truth.

He finally made up his mind.

decided to draw a line.

“It's not that I don't know how you think of me.”

There is a faint anticipation on the faces of the nobles.

However, Leonil, who knew how ugly that expectation was, laughed inwardly.

“But I am also fully convinced of the elder brother’s throne.”

“Ha ha…”

“I won’t listen.”

Unlike a moment ago, he cut it off as if he had fully made up his mind.

“It's not that I don't know your heart. Please understand that more than this I will not be able to listen to you as mere advice.”

In other words, if you stimulate yourself more than this, then you should know how to cut it off with all your heart, he drew a line.

“....All right.”

Leonil's supporters couldn't hide their regret, but they quietly lowered their voices, perhaps because they didn't want to be hit by sparks.

okay. This is it.

Yes. This will ensure the kingdom's stability. west? ? ? ? ? ? ?

“Really... do you think this is the way to stabilize the kingdom?”

As if pouring cold water on this place that was about to become quiet again, I heard someone muttering.

But it's not like talking to yourself.

It was clearly a remark made to Leonil.

Even Leonil, who said he would not listen to any more nonsense, couldn't just ignore it.

“Who is talking now?”

Fearing to offend him, the nobles quickly rolled their eyes to find the speaker and pointed with a wink.

I am the author!

It sounded like an auditory hallucination shouting.

“Viscount Nebel?”

“That's right. It's me. Your Highness Leonil.”

“You will have to properly explain what you just said. Don't you know that you can't just pass over this seat?”

It wouldn't hurt to set an example, if anything.

When Leonil expressed his discomfort, Nebel lowered her head and said the same thing again.

“I will tell you again and again. Do you really think resigning is the way for the kingdom?”

The question is bold enough to make you wonder if you are provoking yourself.

Originally, it would be right to punish an upstart aristocrat immediately at the point of uttering such a statement.

However, Leonil put his hand on the sword at his waist, but for some reason he did not pull it out.

“…What do you mean?”

it's hesitating

The corners of Viscount Nebel's mouth went up slightly, as if he was relieved that he hadn't been cut or if there was some other meaning.

“Does His Highness Leonil truly believe that His Highness is qualified to inherit the throne?”

“…Still, he is my older brother. Careless remarks are unforgivable.”

“Then your life will be cut here. I will give you a bolder testimony.”

There was no way he could survive no matter what excuses he made.

Still, Viscount Nebel continued to speak, completely unconcerned for some reason.

“His Highness's achievements were not accomplished by his own efforts.”

“. mousse?”

“Don't you know? His Highness Arel was always behind him.”

At some point, my hand loosened from the sword I was holding.

“Even during the last war, Her Highness's command was followed by His Highness's support. It was the same with Warlock's Undead Gun. Indeed, whose credit is it?”

“You'll have to think again whether your Highness really has the qualities to shoulder the Ernesia Kingdom.”

He closed his mouth with a face that showed no regrets at all, as if he had done what he wanted to say.

There was only silence in the conference hall.

“…Maybe so.”

“…I heard and saw.”

Very small, such words are leaking from the throats of the nobles little by little.

Before he knew it, he was beginning to be engulfed by the remarks made by the fearless nobleman.

Gradually noticing, the voices speaking one by one are getting smaller.


Leonil is feeling really strange.

You are undoubtedly aware that something is going wrong.

Originally, the aristocrat who made such remarks should not be left alive in this place.

And yet, for some reason, his hand was now completely away from the sword.

“Please refrain from saying nonsense!”

I tried to fix it because I wanted to be late.

“Your Highness Leonil, would you really mind just watching?”


“Your Highness' intentions are being conveyed to us as well. How can you not know the heart that does not want to disrupt the kingdom?”

“What do you want to tell me? Do you want to ask me to cause a riot? Stop talking nonsense.”

“It's not like that.”

For some reason Viscount Nebel denied it.

“Isn't there something His Highness Leonil can do for the future of the kingdom?”

“...what the hell is that?”

“It's simple.”

He lowered the tone of his voice slightly.

“His Highness Leonil... You really have to test yourself to see if Your Highness has the qualities to lead the kingdom.”

“What nonsense…

” “No.”

“Viscount Nebel!”


it's also weird

That aristocrat's remarks were nothing more than nonsense.

Absolutely no logic exists per se.

But why are you listening to him?

“A test… what… do you mean?”

And why are you asking him this?

“It's simple.”

Viscount Nebel grinned and took something out of his pocket and put it on the table.

It was a bottle with some black liquid in it.

“It is an ordeal.”


“That's right. appropriate trials. You are testing yourself to see if the future of the kingdom will be okay.”

What the hell is the ordeal he claims?

“ see.”


Leonil had to wonder if his ears had gone bad.

Because what I heard now was a statement that really shouldn't have been said.

“ can't be. How could you do that?”

The pupils of Viscount Nebel's eyes narrowed as he looked at Leonil, who was puzzled.

“How is it? It's just an ordeal. for the kingdom. And it's just an ordeal for the sake of Your Highness.”

It is sophistry.

It's nothing more than nonsensical madman's bullshit.

But for some reason, he still couldn't shake off that nobleman.

Originally, the hand that should have grabbed the sword and shouted blasphemy and cut the author.

When I came to my senses, for some reason, I was holding the bottle he held out.

“Is it just… an ordeal?”

“That's right. This is just an ordeal.”

Viscount Nebel quietly repeated those words to Leonil, whose hands were shaking before he knew it.

Strangely enough, no one objected to the blatantly ominous smile on his face.

How to prepare for ominous omens (1)

‘What is that lady planning?'

While basking in the sun, munching on sweets, I was quietly considering various hypotheses about the means that could be used in the Holy Land.

After the coronation ceremony and returning to the manor.

As I promised to my older brother, I was trying to see through her plan first in order to know what kind of move Seongguk would use first and stop it.

To be honest, it's annoying to think about it, but I can't help it as long as I confidently said that I would deal with it.

“...I think the first is the internal division?”

The first thing that comes to mind is this.

Apparently, the trend of some of the nobles these days is unusual.

Just looking at it, it was clear that someone had instigated it.


After all, one of the effective means is to destroy it from within.

Taking advantage of the gap when the kingship has just changed, he uses the forces that support other princes to disrupt the inside.

That, too, is a likely enough tactic.

From what I heard, it seemed that some of the nobles were hanging around Leonil-hyung and doing strange things.

Do you feel like you're encouraging something?

I guessed the conversation they might have to some extent.

Probably, they were venting their grievances among themselves about the coronation.

I don't know if there's a good chance it could be a spark.

However, since the other party was from the same royal family, I couldn't interfere too much, and so far I was only looking at the trend.

‘Then that'll be the second time.'

I noticed it, but deliberately pretended not to see it.

It is not yet time.

The only way to get caught is to get in the hole now.

The more lures you gather, the more you can catch them when the fish are full. one.

I assumed that to some extent, but I still thought it was not enough.

‘...The other two methods are too ordinary.'

It's nothing more than an ordinary political battle.

It is a technique commonly used in any country, even if it is not a provincial country.

Not to mention, it wouldn't be a means to strike a decisive blow against a country with a difference in national power.

So we need a third one.

more powerful means.

A surefire means of overturning even the difference in power.

“Then what is it… mass destruction attack magic? Or a natural disaster? Or do dragons suddenly jump out of the kingdom and go wild?”

I've tried many things, but I'm like this, ‘Beep!' I couldn't come up with a hypothesis that I could feel.

After all, I have no choice but to judge that there is information I don't know yet?

“…Hey Arell? Could it be that he said that he would watch my practice, but then he just said something so heinous? huh?”

As I was pondering this much, I heard Pena's slightly complaining voice in front of me.

“Oh, don’t worry. I am watching your training properly.”

I said, shaking off the cookie crumbs on my hands.

“And today’s practice, I just watch. It's mainly with Jae, so there's no problem, right?”

“....That's right.”

Instead, it was Dia who answered.

After judging that the basic theory of the princess's spirit art has recently stabilized to some extent.

I decided it was time to get into practice in earnest.

Pena was also aware that I was going to teach her how to use spirits in practice, so she followed as I was told without any complaints.

“I will continue to watch, so just do it.”


Pena, slightly dissatisfied, and Dia, nodding meekly, start practicing again.

First, Pena summoned a large amount of spirits.

All salamanders or gnomes.

It may be disappointing because there are only low-level spirits, but that's not the point.


With just one summon, Pena summoned over 30 spirits.

“What the hell…why did only low-level spirits sign contracts like that?”

“Are your ears cute?”

“Just because of that?”

Even Pena avoided my gaze, as if she had nothing to say.

At this point, her aesthetic sense is almost obstinacy close to conviction.

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