Chapter 192. Finding ways to use the printing press (2)

“It’s a waste.”

On the other hand, Damon seemed to be a bit disappointed that the technology he had worked so hard to perfect now wasn't making much money unlike other things.

It seems that he is futile that his hard participation in development does not give much benefit.

....Hmm, I need to explain this a bit more.

“It’s not that the development this time wasn’t completely fruitless. Doesn’t the ink itself sell well?”

Prior to the printing press test, our trading company introduced ink as a new product.

It was oriented from the beginning to export not only domestically but also to foreign countries, and as expected, it is enjoying great popularity.

Yes, there is no way that there will be no demand for ink.

Even if you don't have it, if you want to do paperwork from merchants to nobles, the existing ink is quite crude, so it smears easily and is difficult to write, so it must have been a concern.

Because they were like that, even just a change of ink would have made things quite comfortable.

“It's colored ink, so it's naturally popular.”

The ink released this time is not only of good quality, but also sold with colors added.

“You could roughly call it Color Ink.”

“Yes, this is the name for its intended use.”

Ink is in steady demand.

But what about books?

“I can’t help this because the number of readers is limited.”

“Because reading a book would be impossible without first knowing the text.”

“that's right. In the first place, even in the kingdom of Ernesia, how many people can read?”

“Is that??????

Damon couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

In terms of commoners, most of them couldn't even read and write their own names.

In general, those who know the letters start with the minimum merchants.

Most of the merchants don't know much about anything other than the letters they use when signing contracts.

This is not just a problem for our kingdom.

It is a phenomenon that has no choice but to exist across all continents.

‘Even if you don't know how to write, it's an environment that doesn't interfere with living.' Eliminating illiteracy is a very difficult task.

Even I can't afford to put my hands on this easily.


Teaching people to be different from things is not something that can be done in just a few decades.

Perhaps this will happen, at least not while I am alive.

Sorry but this is the only thing that can't be helped.

Well... There's nothing I can't do if I use a little forced and inhumane method.

I'm not that stupid.

“Anyway, since this is the situation, even if we introduce a printing press to print books, in the end, it will only increase the quality of books and, on the contrary, reduce the price. Book lovers will love it, though.”

Strictly speaking, there is no benefit at all.

If you are an aristocrat from a lesser territory, it has enough charm to catch your eye.

But now, if you look at it by my standards, well, let's come?

It's scary.... Is this the rich man's sense?

Still, I don't hate this sense of money!

“Even so…

” “And what I want in the first place is no particular financial gain.”

There's no reason to be desperate for money.

Even if it was difficult, he would have used a more reliable method.

What I wish for the printing press is a slightly different goal.

“It’s time to look at something other than money.”

“Is it different?”

“Yes, paper media can be printed easily. This is why I devised the printing press.”

And now, if you introduce this, you can print books and printed materials much easier and faster within the kingdom of Ernesia.

And I plan to supply this to other countries by getting word of mouth.

Unlike other times, I will enjoy this benefit with everyone as long as I want it.

Of course, if you get what you get, you get it right.

“I'm glad if it helps Arell-sama's intentions, but what are you aiming for?”

“Well what? Watch it if you're curious.”

I deliberately said it as if I was giving medicine and laughed happily.

“When the time comes, you will be able to see it enough from your eyes.”

I am sincerely looking forward to that time.

The plant to run the printing press could be set up smoothly.

First, he rented the land of a noble located close to the capital and hired workers, and he was able to finish it without any problems.

After that, I plan to entrust some of the rough management to other nobles.

This is because it is enough to take only a portion of the profits.

To be honest, the reason was that there were so many things I've done so far that it's difficult to manage them all.

At least in the printing industry, I thought it would be better to just let the other guys do it on their own.

Above all, only then can I achieve my true purpose.

“Still, it’s a pity that the money doesn’t work…

” “Oh my God? Wasn't it you, Arel, who said that it didn't matter much this time even if the money wasn't good enough?”

Looking at me talking in two words with one mouth, Pena asked as if she was a little dumbfounded.

“Rather than that, isn’t it manners to look at this side more properly when talking?”

“yes? yes? I want to, but I don't have that much time. I am a busy man.”

I was talking with Pena, but I was checking the reports that came up from time to time.

I wanted to think more about how to run the introduced printing press.

“No matter how you think about it, it's not easy for me to be satisfied with this level of self-esteem.”

“…What kind of pride is that? so? Would you like to make some more books with the press?”

“I would like to…

I sighed and shook my head.

In fact, I have to take a picture of the book. I explained it to Daman before, but since the illiteracy rate cannot be solved, this is the only thing I can do.

“On top of that, the price of books will actually be cheaper thanks to the printing press.”

Book lovers rather liked it.

Because you can get high-quality books that are incomparable to before at a cheaper price.

“Still, the printing press is amazing!

I was surprised to see that they printed not only letters but also pictures!”

Our printing presses are of two kinds.

One is a printing press that only prints letters. Another is to store the corresponding picture as a magic signal by patterning the color and shape as it is.

And it has a function to copy and print as it is.

Actually, the point is this.

But it's sad that not many people know about it.

“From the beginning, the purpose was to enable more colorful books to be produced.”

Thanks to the printing press and colored ink, more colorful and diverse books are printed.

If I do that, someday I will naturally increase my sights, right?

It is my purpose to look forward to it.

But... it's a pity to make money separately.

If possible, it is really desirable to achieve the goal and earn profit.

‘Isn't there a way after all?'

After all, if people are greedy, they will be punished.

Sometimes you have to know how to be satisfied with this.

Actually, I already made enough money with color ink.

It's not like I'm going to die anyway and go to the next life with money.

Will you be satisfied with this for now?

“so? What were you going to talk about earlier?”

“I guess you weren’t listening at all…

Pena put on a slightly sad expression.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t hear it at all, I barely heard it.”

“That’s it. Ugh... I'll say it again. Actually look! I made a contract with more spirits.”

” when?”

I've never heard of such a thing.


Pena proudly boasted of an additional contract with a triumphant expression.

Come to think of it, I was busy and didn't pay attention.

It seems that the affinity has grown again in the meantime.

Growth faster than expected?

Not too bad for me or her.

“so? What spirit did you contract with this time?”

“Whoop whoop whoop. curious? Shall I show you?

OK, I'll show you!”

No, you never said you were curious?

But if I said I wouldn't see it, I'd be sincerely saddened, so I just nodded to show it if I wanted to.

Pena proudly summoned the spirits she had contracted this time in turn.

Now, without any movement or spell, spirits popped out one after another in the blink of an eye, as if he had mastered the technique of summoning them.

as many as five.

“Whoop whoop... How is it?”

“How are you sleeping? Before that, I have a little question.”

It's definitely amazing progress.

But now I'm surprised in a different way.

“Why are all five salamanders’?”

For some reason, only red lizards are increasing. Is this the new contracted spirit?

“Why are all contracts with lower spirits? Why are they all Salamanders?”

For some reason, all Pena brought out were low-level spirits.

But I have a question there.

Five more than the number of spirits contracted now.

Wasn't it possible to summon a middle-level or high-level spirit with this amount?

“Didn't I call you?”

“No, I called. Apparently... a mid-level spirit said that.”

“So you signed a contract for that too?”

However, Pena shook her head.


“Did you just send it back?”

“Then, all contracts after that were lower spirits? Are these guys too?”

“huh. why? no?”

I couldn't do it and went to sleep... I wondered why I summoned the intermediates and then recalled them and then summoned the lower level spirits again to make a contract.

All of them were even the same kind of spirit...

I wondered what kind of joke it was.

“Is there any reason?”

“...The first one that came out wasn't very cute.”

oh my god!

I covered my forehead with both hands.

It was a more pathetic reason than I imagined.

Well... If you don't like it, I don't care if you call out guys until you find the ones you like.

....Is it really okay to call out only low-level spirits and make a contract?

All of them are salamanders...

If you include the ‘Sele' that was previously contracted, that's six salamanders.

aka Salamanders.

Are you going to put on some kind of performance?

The Lizardmen who live at the southern tip of the continent will like it.


“why? You're cute.”

how cute is this

This princess has one taste... Oh...

well... no.

Pena herself seemed to be satisfied, so I had nothing to say.

In fact, it doesn't have much of an impact on our future plans.

And in reality, for some reason, Pena seemed to have good compatibility with the lower spirits.

In the end, what matters is that you like it.

‘...Still, I'm not sure if that red lizard is cute or not.'

Anyway, because I like it.

Preferences must be respected.

Perhaps Pena really likes that low-level spirit, so it's easier for her to communicate with her.

In addition, the lower spirits have a simple thinking system, so they are easy to deal with and not necessarily bad.

“If you're satisfied with it, that's it.”

He seems to be enjoying reading the book he bought at the bookstore recently.

Life here seems to have adapted to some extent.

‘It's a book.

Come to think of it, I bought something at the bookstore I stopped by.

The last book I bought was definitely a compilation of fairy tales from various places.

My eyes went to the book with the bookmark on the table.

Does Pena like storybooks like this?

Well, it's a fairy tale, but there are many things that are quite profound rather than simple.

Well, besides that, I seem to read quite a few other books, so I guess I'm just a reader.


At that moment, I had a strange thought.

“???? A fairy tale?????? simple?????? Fairytale?”


When I suddenly put on a dazed expression, Pena thought it was strange.

But now her face is not visible.

“okay! If that’s the case, I wonder if it will work!!”

I thumped the table and got up.

Yes. Surprisingly, simple things are the best in the world.

“I just had to make a children’s book!!”

Let me suddenly shout out here.

Pena was staring blankly at me with the cookie in her mouth that she had just brought to her mouth, wondering why he was doing this.

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