Chapter 179. The princess is an elemental sage (3).

Actually, rather than magic, I put hints on the servants one by one, but it doesn't make much of a difference.

However, this princess is sincerely reluctant to show her spirit skills to others...

There are several reasons I can guess, but I didn't bother to point out that for now.

It would be disrespectful to ask that now.

i'm a gentleman

“I'll put an additional hint there so that you believe that whatever you do is magic.”

Then it was a reassuring sight.

“huh. Then come out, Sele.”

As the princess muttered in a low voice, a small fire started on the table and soon took the shape of a small lizard.

It's that red lizard you saw earlier.

“You've become good at calling.”

“I practiced a little after that. Now I don’t just jump out and run away.”

“okay? That's good.”

‘how is it?' I pretended to clap.


What did you want to be praised for? What a difficult girl you are.

“So with this red lizard...

I pulled out a slightly crumpled letter from my bosom.

“…What does this letter have to do with it?” Why did this princess come to my estate as a guest who would stay for a long time?

First of all, the reason is to stay in my territory that boasts the cutting-edge knowledge and technology in the Kingdom of Ernesia in the name of externally and to increase my knowledge.

That's the reason I did it roughly to keep the princess tied up here.

Originally, I had almost forgotten her existence until recently.

But why?

Didn't he suddenly get a call from Ranfil?

Princess Pena asked me to speak with her by giving my name.

‘Come to think of it, I roughly said that at the time.'

But I never thought I would believe that right away and go find Ranfil.

At first, I was worried about ignoring it because I was busy.

Although she is a princess, in the end she is a pawn.

There is no need for me to go to the trouble of meeting you.


the letter the princess asked to be delivered...

When I saw what was written on it, I changed my mind a bit.

“I heard that I can teach you higher level spirit magic? And to this red lizard?”

U uh ?

The princess nodded.

And it's no coincidence that this lizard cries.

“Were you able to communicate with the spirits?”

Even lizards and these guys, who on the surface would be perfect to serve as fried rice, definitely have something like will, since they are spirits.

I know that this guy has roughly the same intelligence as a child.

The problem is that you can usually summon spirits, but the language doesn't work.

You can't even understand the language if you really don't run to the end of the affinity.

“I heard about it recently.”

As the princess shredded the chocolate in her hand, the salamander licked it and ate it.

Hey.... Feeding animals like that... Oh, I don't care.

I've never heard of a spirit getting sick from eating something, so it should be fine.

“Isn’t there something very strange? Rather than hearing it, I feel like I understand something within me?”

“He said yes.”

I know roughly what you want to say.

Because that language is not audible.

It's a mental response.

However, in my case, the sensitivity is not high enough.

Even though my mana affinity is great, for some reason, the spirits have a reason to... reject me.

That's why I can't hear this lizard's voice.

I can sympathize to some extent, but the precision is not high.

Even if you're a pro in your past life, this is the only thing that's difficult.

Spiritual magic is a rare talent.

It is a talent that prioritizes emotion over technology.

“What did you say specifically?”

“Actually, other voices besides this one?

it sounds like that But I really don't know what to do with it.”


“So I was thinking about it, but Sele just told me that Arel would know how.”

“???? for a moment?”

“Ah, Sele is hard to call a salamander, so I named it. Isn't it cute?”

“Not cute. I don't like reptiles very much. than that So, he roughly believed the words of the spirit and contacted me’?”

“But you're not wrong, are you?”

I can't deny it.

Spirits don't lie.

They don't have that much brain... No, they're innocent guys.

But the problem is...

this guy mentioned me?

This is one of the reasons I called the princess.

I was worried.

The spirits are not very interested in individual humans.

Did such a spirit dare to point out a human being?

“What… you don’t say anything else?”

The princess shook her head.

The worst I feared was averted.

yes don't admit it

I didn't think much about the existence of spirits.

Unlike humans and other beings, these guys do not recognize individual humans by appearance.

inside out honestly.

nature of the soul.

When I look at a person, I use the technique of identifying their souls, but the spirits look into a more fundamental essence than that.

In other words.

‘These guys have the possibility to see through my identity...

I can't say it with my own mouth, but I can't imagine that my essence is the same as a normal human being.

Because I have lived this life a hundred times.

What does it look like in the eyes of the spirit?

After he was immersed in contemplation for a while, he thought the princess was ignoring him and made a light tapping sound with her fingertips on the table as if slightly sullen.

“So can you teach me?”

“It's not difficult....

For now, before the princess thought anything strange, I admitted it.

“As expected, he's a genius.... No one in the Empire knew

spirit magic ...

I've said it before, but these days there aren't any spiritists.

....I don't need to talk about the reason now, so let's move on.

Anyway, I'm a little concerned about the spirit issue.

Because the princess was also a little interested.

Immediately after receiving the call, I secretly contacted the individual princess and set up a rough match so that they could move to my estate as they are now.

To the end, she seemed to believe that I was in a situation where I could not help it because in order to learn advanced spiritism, I had to teach myself for a long time.

“Oh, and I think Sele said something like this.”


“...I heard you can trust Arele Ernesia?”

She tilted her head as if she had no idea what this meant.

“I don’t know what you mean. Sele doesn't say more than that.”

“Well, it must mean that the spirit recognizes my honesty.”

A handsome boy who even falls in love with the spirits.

That's me, Arell!

But for some reason, the princess is looking at me as if she can't believe it.

What's wrong with my honesty?

“Anyway, I'll teach you as much as I can about how this happened.”

There are other things that bother me, but I needed to keep her within my reach now for other purposes as well.

That's why I decided to gladly become her secret teacher and took steps to get her to come here.

Still, I couldn't keep everything a secret, so I roughly told my father about the purpose except for the spirits.

“huh? Please take good care of me.”

Pena, who probably didn't know what she was thinking, just smiled and asked me to take care of her.

Well... I accepted her for a purpose.

I have no intention of doing it casually.

“I will teach you thoroughly, so be prepared.”

I bowed my head in response to her greeting and said so.

“Her Highness the Princess has entered the room.”

I just nodded my head at the servant's report.

The Empire's princess, Pena, seemed to be tired from coming a long way, and seemed to go straight to her room to rest.

“okay. Make it as uncomfortable as possible. Listen to anything within the range possible. When you guys can't make up your mind, tell me right away, or if that doesn't work, Diana Asha or anyone else. Understand?”


The servants who were in charge of Pena at my request responded as if they were determined, as if they had heard a heavy order, and then withdrew.

Well, the opponent is, first of all, the princess of the empire.

I have a rough idea of her tendencies, so I'm sure there won't be a big problem with her staying in our castle, but it won't be like that in the eyes of the other guys.

Since I asked her to attend, I was at least nervous.

Originally, serving a person of that level was a privilege only a young lady of a really noble family could afford.

But for now, it's a pawn.

You can be confident that this is a good enough consideration for hostages.

“Then, since the princess seems to be taking a break from being tired, let's discuss the policy in moderation.”

I said half-jokingly to Asha Seina Dia, who had gathered in the office.

Perhaps it is because these three are the people Pena is likely to encounter from time to time while staying in this castle.

Damon's studio is quite far away.

Aken wouldn't even care.

“First of all, we talked about the princess before, so you probably remember that, right?”

“I will be careful not to commit even the slightest rudeness.”

Asha answered, and the other two did the same.

In fact, there aren't that many things they'll have to face with the princess, but there are cases of emergency.

And if you go out, you will inevitably need someone to escort you.

That's why it was necessary to say something here and now.

“By the way, Mr. Arell? When did you start getting acquainted with Her Highness, the imperial princess?”

“Are you curious about that?”

“It’s not natural. Even if he looks like that, he is the most precious person in the empire.”

Seina was the one who asked the question, but when I glanced at the other two, it seemed that they were quite curious.

“We met by chance in the royal castle. Why is there a time when I went to meet you in the past?”

“Ah... Come to think of it, Arell-nim said he was going for a short walk and came back a little late.”

Asha clapped and remembered as if she had finally remembered.

“Couldn't it be... Were you meeting the princess at that time?”

“...If you say that, who's going to misunderstand you? We just ran into each other by chance.”

Of course, I couldn't talk about the spirits, so I covered this part roughly.

After all, they won't ask for more details.

“After going through that, he seems to be close to Arel-nim.”

Instead... he's showing interest in the strange.

They seem to have a great interest in our relationship because they heard to some extent what the princess and I were talking about as escorts.

actually.... My father once said something similar.

It was when I first asked to send the princess to our side.

Until he revealed his full-fledged purpose, he had to struggle to explain what misunderstandings his father had.

Sure enough, my aides also have this misunderstanding.

....why do people drive all things into romance?

“There's no way that the princess and I were seeing each other in the first place, right?”

“You don't think it's that strange?”

“No, not strange.”

I was in complete denial.

“From her point of view, there is no other guy as nasty as me.”

“ it because she is the princess of the empire?”

Dia, who was speechless, asked.

“that's right. In the first place, the reason she came to Ernesia Kingdom to study abroad... no, as a hostage was because the empire was defeated in the war.”

From the beginning, she is no different from a hostage.

Although several circumstances are intertwined.

In the end, they are hostages provided by the Empire in return for losing the war.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺

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