Chapter 174. The two sword masters (5) The meaning of Arel's last words sounded strange for some reason, but with this, Kania got advice on how to defeat Menel.

Meika felt a bit proud and decided to pass this on to Kania.

“By the way... what kind of advice is written on it...?”

Curious as she looked at the letter she was holding.

But I didn't even dare to open it.

Didn't Arel warn you that this letter is enchanted?

It was said that if someone other than Kania touched it, it would burn.

‘Is it real?'

It doesn't look like there's any device on the outside.

If it's magic, you can't recognize it yourself.

‘I don't know much about magic, but if there is such a thing...

Actually, even if it's not under magic, I don't have the guts to open it.

‘I'd rather ask for a raise.'

Since he has been receiving advice like this from Arel himself, it is certain that Kania will be delighted.

Meika believed that and returned to the Knights.

“huh? advice?”

Kania looked at Meika with a blank face.

‘What is he talking about?' It was a puzzled expression.

“yes! I got it from Arel!”

To such a leader, the adjutant smiled brightly and handed the letter he had received to her.

“It was definitely written in this letter. If you do this, the captain will be able to defeat Lord Menel and be recognized!”

“???? really?”

Kania silently glared at the letter in Meika's hand.

“Are you really real?”

“Yes, it is.”

Well, I can't believe it.

That genius advice.

There must be a number written on it that he hadn't thought of.

With that certainty, Meika held out the letter.

“ruler! Come on!”

And you can praise yourself for getting this from him.

If possible, I would like to thank him for his contribution with this month's salary.

Meika encouraged her to continue receiving the letter with her eyes twinkling.

However, I realized that Kania's reaction was strange because for some reason, she remained silent.

“Captain Kania? Why are you like that?”

“Hey, Meika.”


“Are you sure it's written here?”

“yes! No doubt.”

Do you really think you're going to cheat on the leader?

You know you don't have the guts to do that.

“Stop your doubts and open it.”

However, Kania was somehow hesitant to accept it.

She hesitated to see if something conflicted.

“no. I'll give up too.”

In the end, I refused to read.


“Why and what? To be acknowledged by Lord Menel is what I have to do. I had no intention of asking Arel for advice from the beginning.”

As if finally making up her mind, she shook her head resolutely.

“And Meika?”

“???? yes'?”

“I don’t think Arel would have given this to me first… but could it be you…?”

Kania narrowed her eyes and showed signs of questioning her lieutenant.

Meika felt cold for some reason.

Maybe this is not a salary increase, but rather a cutback crisis?


“Have you been there?”

Seeing the adjutant unable to answer, Kania was half convinced.

“I'm sorry... but the leader is still struggling, isn't it?”

“Is your opponent your opponent?”

“But... if the captain is not recognized by Sir Menel, if he is not properly recognized as a knight? What will happen to our Knights?”

“It's not just me. Everyone who came up here longed for Kania-nim, so they hoped to join the Knights.”

Of course, although he is a leader with many disadvantages more than his strengths, the knights except for Meika never looked down on Kania.

“Of course, I hope you don’t sneak away during business hours.”

“...why don't you do it straight whether you're praising or not?”

Kania sighed.

Only then did Meika understand why she did this.

“It’s not that I don’t understand how you feel, Meika, but… I can’t do it this way.”


“This should be acknowledged by Sir Menel. Isn’t that my limit?”

“oh? Why?”

“No, I didn't know that Kania-nim would say such a wonderful thing.”

“Didn’t I tell you to praise or curse, either one or the other…?”

Opening her eyes, Kania said again, “Anyway.”

“anyway. Lord Menel, sooner or later I will win. And you will be recognized.”

“...I heard you kept it until now?”

She shrugged at the factual point.

“Ah, wait and see! Because I can win this time!”

“...As expected, wouldn't it be better to just look at the advice?”

Unlike Kania, Meika couldn't let go of her attachment to the letter.

I got it while struggling at best, but I couldn't regret it because I didn't need it.

“I wonder what kind of advice will be written…

“Then why don’t you watch Meika too?”

“yes? It's impossible.”

Meika shook her head.

Then, as to why he couldn't open it, he quietly confessed what Arel had asked him to do.


Kania tilted her head and poked her head out at the letter Meika was holding, and for some reason pretended to sniff it.

“I don’t think there is anything like that?”

“…Can you tell from that?”

Seeing disbelief, Kania nodded confidently.

“It's okay. If it's enchanted, it smells like mana.”

“What is the smell of mana…?”

While Meika was suspicious, she tried to confirm as Kania ordered.

“Captain, I don’t know if this burns down, right? You really don't know?”

And when I opened it, the letter was.....

“Oh my God?”

....did not burn.


Only then did Meika realize that she had been tricked and dye her face red.

Why the hell did you lie like that?

Could it be that you didn't seem to trust yourself that much?

Once I opened it, I tried to check what the advice was for myself.

However, Kania pretends not to be interested until the end.

‘I want you to stop being stubborn...

Meika muttered to herself as she checked the letter.


“...Why is Arel-sama doing this?”

A small voice leaked out of her mouth as if she couldn't understand it.

and after some time

Kania came back to fight Menel again.

“…Have you not given up yet?”

How many challenges has this been already?

Menel smiled bitterly and accepted Kania's challenge again.

“It's okay, I'm going to win this time.”

“…I don’t care.”

Menel showed a relaxed attitude towards Kania, who showed a confident appearance, and pulled out his rapier.


But this time he let out a puzzled groan.

“Kania-sama… that sword?”

“...This is the result of my brainstorming.”

Kania wasn't holding the sword she was using.

Instead, he was holding a sword that was about half the length shorter.

Almost like a short sword.

Kania must have preferred a sword like a long sword originally?

Menel stared at the sword she was holding for a few seconds in silence, then nodded.

“....All right.”

And the two immediately opened the gap, took a stance, and went straight to the confrontation.

Unlike before, Kania did not look at the gap and boldly charged towards Menel.

‘...That's the only way to shorten the length of the sword.'

Even if you try to see the timing, there is no way Menel will allow it.

So, as soon as the confrontation started, she was about to close the distance before he even noticed her move.

“I can’t let them come.”

Menel murmured softly and stretched out his arm holding the rapier.

Several slender swords loaded with auras stretched out toward Kania, creating long flashes.

Kania narrowly avoided the stab that a knight of a lower level than them would have received without even reacting properly.

‘Could it be that the eyes are familiar...?'

Thinking back to the time when she was in a hurry to block the first confrontation, now she is so accustomed to dodging.

Of course, it seemed familiar to others, but the person himself was desperate.

‘It's barely enough to avoid it somehow...

It's thanks to getting used to the speed while playing against him steadily.

But it's the same as being on the precarious border.

‘I shouldn't be clumsy.'

Menel's eyes sharpened.

Undoubtedly, her talent is genuine.

“I will be a little sincere.”

Then, this time, sharper swordsmanship than before was poured out.

‘That wasn't power?'

Kania was slightly surprised.

However, on the other hand, he calmly watched his movements and desperately moved with all his might to get out of the rapier's rays.

Gradually, she also moved her sword to deflect the rapier that could not be damaged, and began to exchange battles in earnest.

‘As long as your sword is short, you're good at swinging


Even if it's not, Menel's swordsmanship is focused on stabbing, so the range is long.

Normally, I would choose a sword with a longer reach to counter his swordsmanship.

On top of that, with her strength and aura, it would be more than enough to lightly wield a larger greatsword.

Even so, she dared to choose a shorter sword.


no way he doesn't know the number of goals.

That's why Kania also desperately tried to close the distance with Menel in order to win at once.

‘It's not easy though...

Kania reflexively clenched her teeth as the rapier stabbed her shoulder and leg.

Although it is in sparring, its power is reduced, and it is not actually pierced because it protects itself with an aura.

That doesn't mean it's painless.

In fact, it is a pain that is no different from an actual cut.

‘In that case...

Kania kicked the ground as hard as she could.

After somehow closing the distance and getting out of the tip of the rapier.

At the same time, he kicked the floor lightly, scooping out some of the soil and kicking it up.

“Another not noble way…

Menel tilted his head lightly to avoid a lump of dirt flying in his face.

And during that moment, Kania approached Menel to a fairly close distance.

“As expected... Menel, who was the princess's goal, calmly read her intentions.

“You seem to have thought that my swordsmanship would be difficult to deal with if you were close.”

As a swordsmanship that basically relies on stabbing, it may have a longer reach than other swordsmanships, but it tends to be somewhat difficult to counter at short distances.

On the other hand, the shorter the length of the sword, the more advantageous it is to wield it when it is close.

‘Even so, it's clumsy, princess.'

You can't be unaware of such flaws.

A countermeasure was devised long ago.

The idea was not bad, but there is still a difference in experience to attack in this way.

‘Even so... I'm really afraid of the future.'

It is true that Kania has been able to cope with his swordsmanship admirably.

‘...Even so, I won't look at it.'

Menel reacted calmly and tried to shake off the nearby Kania.

He cleverly played with his rapier and cut off the sword that attacked his neck.

“This time too, when I...

Menel was speechless.

A shadow fell before his eyes.

When he realized that it was Kania's forehead.


It was after she gave Menel a headbutt to the bridge of his nose.

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