Chapter 163. Robbing rather than negotiating (2)

“You mean the griffon?”

In order to listen to other people's opinions, I decided to ask Asha, who just happened to come to see me with a report.

“Can we send it to nature?”

“Are you going to release it into the nearby forest…?”

But after thinking for a moment, he shook his head.

“no. Dangerous.”

It's not the pups that are in danger, it's the residents here.

They grow up at home and become docile. Originally, these guys are undeniably monsters.

It is not good to increase useless upper predatory species in the food chain of pahilia by letting them grow naturally.

Not only our territory, but other territories can't do that either.

I'm not that irresponsible.


“I'm not sure they can survive in the wild.”

Fry has been brought up by me since he was a child and has had all kinds of luxuries.

There is nothing different about babies.

Top-notch fresh horse meat, a warm bed, and a beautiful front yard.

Can they really adapt to the wild?

To put it bluntly, they're just cats with wings and bird heads.

I can't live without someone raising me.

“Asha, can’t you raise at least one in your hometown?”

“It’s impossible.”

She smiled bitterly and firmly refused.

Well, in order to raise a monster, a fairly skilled person had to take care of it properly.

I taught the servants here strictly so they could take care of Fry and the Griffon family, but it's okay to blindly give them to others.

“I think your sister, Iret, will like it.”

“Before that, it's dangerous for Aimet.”

Well, if you give that little guy a griffon, he can only see a future where he'll be eaten.

Even if it wasn't him, it would be dangerous to give it to anyone.

If I'm pecked, it'll just end up stinging, but if you're an ordinary human, it'll pierce your bones as it is.

Afterwards, I asked Seina for her opinion.

“You mean the griffon?”

“Yeah, come to think of it, don’t you raise monsters in your hometown?”

“Hmm... It's not that there aren't cases at all, but it seems like a griffon would be impossible.

Why not? food cost.”


I soon figured it out.

Gryphon guys' favorite staple is horse meat.

However, horses are generally one of the most important labor force and means of transportation.

I can give it as food without hesitation, but it is difficult for a single village to handle.

“I will soon go bankrupt.”

I asked because I was a mercenary, so I wondered if there would be any tactical value in riding a griffon, but it seems realistically difficult.

As for Dia...?

“I have a recipe for a griffon, how about it?”


A detailed explanation is omitted.

He wasn't the kind of person to ask in the first place.

After all, since I was free, I wandered around all day thinking about it.

And it flowed into the forge.

“So what? Any ideas?”

“Why are you here asking that?”

Aken replied bluntly, bewildered.

As a result of grabbing and questioning every aide I could see, I leisurely came to the blacksmith's office and ended up leaving.

Perhaps he was busy with the titanium I gave him, but he still couldn't take his hands off the work, banging on the metal and matching my consultation.

“If you're serious, wouldn't it be fine if you let your soldiers ride?”

“No... it's a bit difficult to use in the army with only six.”

In fact, there is nothing that can't be used if it is used as aviation power.

However, since complaints from other nobles are expected, air power is withheld as much as possible.

On top of that, Gryphon isn't particularly efficient...

If aviation power is needed, I'm assuming something better.

Soldiers riding griffons are cool, but the reason they don't need them is because of their efficiency.

“Do dwarves not raise monsters?

If you grow it, would you like to give it to your hometown as a gift?”

“Arel... what do you think of dwarves?”

Well, it seems that the dwarves here don't have any taste for raising griffons.

“Why don’t you make them pull loads instead of horses?”

Even if he complains, he is serious about counseling.

I really like this dwarf.

“No crowd. Overland is more stable. And the load that can be pulled with six horses is limited.”

If it was efficient, trade using griffons would have become popular right away.



After hearing Arken's opinion, I reviewed his idea once again.

It is difficult to carry a large amount of luggage.

Does that mean a small amount is no problem?

.Low load.

“Right. Can I use it for delivery?”

It cannot be used for trade involving large amounts of cargo.

small amount of goods.

It would also be useful for delivering goods that nobles want to order.

Is it a griffon courier?

If it's a precious item there, the air might be safer than the land.

Is it worth it?

“Thank you Arken. After all, when you're in trouble, you're a dwarf.”

“Did you say it was the titanium you handed over last time? Please give me some information about this properly.... Arell!

Listen all the way!”

I walked out leisurely, half listening to Aken's shouts.

It's worth using because it's a griffon courier.

I can't use it because it's still a baby, but if I train it from now on, there's nothing I can't do.

In addition, it would be cool if it was used to send items between nobles.

Sending a letter with a hawk was replaced with a griffon.

Still, I thought it was a pretty cool idea.


This was the moment when the future jobs of the baby griffons were decided.

The future employment of the five Griffin siblings... No, the plan for utilization has been decided.

I'm sure it'll be popular. Gryphon courier.

Unlike land, moving by air is incomparable in speed.

And if you're only moving a handful of items anyway, you don't need to consider efficiency in loading capacity.

There is no danger of encountering a thief in the sky.

There are monsters, but the griffon itself is also a monster that's naturally pretty.

With a few precautions, there is no risk of losing items along the way.

Above all, it is a great performance.

A deliveryman riding a griffon brings the goods directly.

Isn't it kind of merhentic?

Aken said it without much thought, but thinking about it, it was pretty good.

Our territory uses teleport like water, but the mana and magic stones that go into it are by no means cheap.

Unless it's an important item, it's a bit of a waste to use it for shipping.

‘Then I'll have to train the griffons in earnest.'

That's how I was concocting in my head a plan to replace Fry's puppies with griffon couriers.


Suddenly, a servant hurries to find me.

....Yes, whenever something happens, they look for me.

“What happened again?”

Didn't the undead pop out last time?

So what is it this time!

I finished preparing my mind to listen calmly.

To me, the servant broke into a cold sweat and held out only a piece of paper.

“....what? What is this… hmm?”

My eyebrows twitched as I read it.

“Oh….. I was secretly expecting a joke, but it came out like that, right?”

My lips twitch and a smile comes out.

I just don't laugh because I'm happy.

It was a case of laughter because it was absurd.

“I was wondering what kind of tricks you do, was it something like this?”

Beep beep.....

My teeth are grinding.

As I grabbed the paper, the servant giggled and burst into tears.

Oh, there's no need to scare the wrong kid.

The reason I feel so dirty is because the contents of this paper are not very pleasant.

as soon as.

“...Cacao fruit is a pagan fruit? What bullshit is this?”

As I recalled what I had just read, I sighed.

* * *

The fundamental raw material of chocolate.

Those who claimed that cacao fruits were from a heretical land were, surprisingly, Seongguk.

Feljin, one of the best priests in the Holy Kingdom.

He, who had been famous for being anti-Ernesia Kingdom faction from before, had started to directly condemn the Ernesia Kingdom, which sold cocoa beans and chocolate.

“This fruit must be pagan! The evil cultists across the continent say they grind it and drink it. If so, this must be the fruit of an evil ritual!”

He picked up the cocoa beans he had found and claimed that they were evil.

Originally, the Holy Kingdom had been carrying out a policy with considerable antipathy toward lands beyond the continent.

Those who did not follow their doctrines were condemned as heretics and thoroughly condemned.

Because they were like that, there was no way they would move on to a tolerant attitude toward cacao beans.

“Do not be wise! Don't eat these pagan fruits with the sweetness of the moment as bait!”

He cried out with a blood clot in his neck.

The followers who followed him responded with cheers to his speech.

“Whoever eats this fruit, let us designate this group! And I will definitely lower the mace of the gods!”

He shouted again with the veins in his eyes erected to the point of madness.

“The world is so pitiful.”

I chin crumpled paper! He set it down on the table and groaned.

I wondered if humans might be creatures that live based on jealousy.

How come people can't stay still when they say they want to live on something?

Are you hungry that much? yes?

I guess I'll hang them upside down and feed them only chocolate until they get diabetes.

“...Arel-nim, I can't believe it... I didn't expect the Seongguk to step out.”

Uncle Lichen, who hastily came to visit me, let out a deep sigh.

It was enough to measure how complicated he was, who probably heard this news around the same time as me.

“The most unlikely thing has happened.”

I said scratching my head.

I expected at least that there would be someone who would definitely throw shit into my business in some way.

But the most unlikely thing would ever happen.

This is why life is such an unpredictable thing.

“Why Seongguk...?”

“Nothing strange. The Holy Kingdom originally had a bad opinion of the Kingdom of Ernesia.”

It's just that there hasn't been a war, so it's nothing strange if a fight breaks out at any time.

I was looking forward to that.

And within 10 years, there will be a conflict in one way or another.

This much is not even the seed of the precursor of the conflict.

“But why only chocolate? If you wanted to interfere, why didn't you touch the other items before then?”

“not a big deal. First of all, they have a lot of regrets to put their hands on other businesses.”

Paper and other commodities are also useful to you.

Although they are not officially exported, it is already known that they are using them through illegal routes.

But why do they stumble with only chocolate?

To be honest, it must have been a request from someone.

“The culprit was Geotal Sanghoe.”

I gritted my teeth as I recalled the woman I had just spoken to.

“Did you have any connections with Seongguk? Still, you're doing it in a very rude way. You protest in a very dirty way.”

“yes'? Why does Seongguk take the side of a company?”

My uncle doesn't seem to have fully understood it yet.

“First of all, most of the bureaucrats in Seongguk hate us. I think I seduced them. I must have used a bribe or something.”

If you touch me directly, you fear retaliation, so are you trying to touch my temper by erecting a shield called Seongguk?

“If we do something like this, will it really harm us?”

In the first place, chocolate was distributed only within the kingdom of Ernesia.

And our kingdom has a relationship that has always had animosity with the Holy Kingdom.

Now, there is little reason for the people to listen to what they say.

At best, only a handful of believers will be incensed.

I also agreed with that question.

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