Chapter 155. Magic Lecture and Accidental Discovery

⑵Many of the administrators were born and raised in Fahilia, so they didn't forget Den.

From what I heard, they said that they provided convenience in many ways when they entered the store.

It can't be that he's genuinely thrilled.

When I think about it now, it was really strange.

The reason he first came to Fahilia to work as a peddler was simply because there was no business to deal with.

Better trades are taken by more savvy merchants.

Transactions in which money goes back and forth to the extent of far away are the responsibility of the Daesanghoe.

That's why he's desperately far away.

Regardless of whether it was cold or hot, he desperately lived on.

At first, some merchants laughed at him as he went peddling all the way to Fahilia.

Of course, they had to taste great regret after Arele Ernesia took over as lord.

“It's finally starting.”

The feeling of being rewarded for the result is not too bad.

I already know that I shouldn't be caught up in this egotistical mood all the time.

At least until the shop opens in earnest, you can be happy.

So he was looking forward to the future.

Not only that, but the residents who settled in the new land were dreaming of a brighter future.

? ? ?

It's smooth.

After the opening of the city, the residents are quickly filling it up, and the number of merchants who want to open a store is considerable.

It still needs a little more time to be active in earnest, but I thought I could look forward to it after that.

If shops were opened in earnest and people were running around, there would be no need to be envious of other big cities doing well.

In addition, the 2nd and 3rd development plans are proceeding smoothly.

I just need to relax and wait patiently.

Until then, let's spend time doing various little things or playing.

And today, I decided to do one of the things I had been putting off for a while.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am ready to listen to Arell’s teachings clearly.”

Dia nodded vigorously.

To teach her a new magic theory.

After seeing the master of the mage's skills at the last banquet, Dia seems to have a strange competitive spirit after seeing a wizard with skills far beyond her.

After that, Dia began to focus more on research than usual.

yeah that's a good trend

At least it's a hundred times better than falling into a sense of desolation after seeing someone stronger than you.

I also have a desire.

Now that my skills had grown to just the right level, I wanted to pass on the next theory.

“Okay Dia. Did you understand the theory I told you yesterday?”

“Yeah I reviewed all night to make sure I understood.”

“I don’t have to study all night long.”

I can't say anything about it because I'm full of motivation.

“I only explained the theory yesterday, so let’s try it myself today.”

Dia and I were currently out for practice.

If it's just a theoretical lecture, I can do it in Dia's room or in my office.

Magic practice must be done in a safe place.

In addition, since magic is more noisy than swordsmanship, it is necessary to choose the location carefully.

In the old days, it was an empty space anyway, so it would be no problem to find a suitable place and use magic, but after the city construction, empty land became rare.

Except for that mountain range, the use of most of the land is fixed.

I'll have to keep in mind where to set up the training ground later.

“Well, if it's here, it'll be suitable for practice.”

Today's training ground was a flat sandy field.

And in the middle, there is a place filled with cool water in a square dug wide.

It was originally developed to be used as a swimming pool.

After the first round of city construction was completed, the castle where I was staying was being renovated in earnest.

My house remodel plan, of course, includes a large swimming pool.

huh? In the middle of winter... What kind of pool is that in a snowy land?

You might think I'm crazy, but I'm not.

Only here, where Dia and I are standing, the temperature is higher than in other areas.

Compared to summer in the southern provinces, it is never lacking.

But simply being hot is unpleasant.

Thanks to the proper humidity control, this heat also feels good.

Using environmental control magic tools, it is possible to decorate only some spaces like summer.

Originally, when I was developing the Mana House, I realized that the place was unexpectedly warm, and the goal I changed from the middle was this.

I want to enjoy sunbathing here!

Now I am trying to apply that experiment to this swimming pool.

Let's create our own little resort here!

Fortunately, the device for that is working successfully.

Now, limited to this place, it is wonderfully reproducing the temperature of summer.

“If you use water as a buffer material, you won’t have any problems experimenting with most magic, so it will be suitable for use as a practice field.”

“Are you really okay?”

“are you okay.”

It seems that Dia doesn't really like to destroy this place.

The swimming pool is still unfinished, so it doesn't matter much if you use it as much as you like.


“By the way, Mr. Arell? Is it really necessary to raise the temperature like this?”

Dia asked curiously.

Now, she is wearing an extremely thin outfit that is hard to see on this earth.

It's hot, so I can't help it.

Now she is also taking off the cloak she normally wore.

I also wear extremely thin outfits.

this openness.

This is why I love sunlight.

After all, light is justice. by the way

“It's better to be warm than cold, right? In addition, you can try out the environmental control magic tools here.”

It wasn't like this to make me take off my cloak.

believe me

“okay. Indeed... It's Arel-nim.”

Dia believes me without a doubt.

I worry sometimes.

If I said the earth was square, I would believe it.

Well, it's not fun if I just teach it obediently, so I have to have this kind of fun.

While feeling so happy, I pretended to be as normal as possible and looked at Dia's appearance.

Certainly, the lighter the outfit, the more the character comes to life.


It's a swimming pool, but it's a pity that it's not a swimsuit.

Even Dia would find it strange if she asked for it that far.

That should be left for future enjoyment.

“Now then, let’s try it out.”

“Yes, I would like you to step back just in case.”

You don't have to be so careful.

Well, it's important to reassure me first, so I took a few steps back.

As if that wasn't enough, he secretly cast a protective spell around me.

I'm trying to be careful in case I make a mistake.

Still, I don't think it's a bit excessive to install more than 5 types of protection magic.

...Actually, from my point of view, this kind of protection magic is just like putting a piece of paper over your body.

Yes, let's be grateful for your kindness.

“let's begin.”

Dia picked up her favorite staff and began to concentrate more seriously than usual.

I used my abilities to examine each and every circle around her heart.

The circle is filled with mana and begins to rotate.

So one is filled.

A class 1 magic fire was created in front of Dia's staff.

“Okay then.”

When I ordered the next one, Dia increased her concentration even more.

It was also because of the heat, but a clearer sweat formed on her forehead.

“Be conscious of the mana of the currently used circle separately, and at the same time be aware of the remaining circles separately.”

Then two circles were filled with mana.

He was chanting class 2 magic.

Immediately next to the fireball, a spear of ice appeared this time.

“Um, no problem.”

This is the new theory I am now teaching Dia.

Multi-circle casting.

In order to use original magic.

For example, 1 class requires 1 circle worth of computing power and mana.

Class 2 requires two rings.

Of course, this is not an absolute criterion.

First of all, it is a theoretical example.

In reality, even if they were of the same class, the amount of mana required for each spell was slightly different.

Anyway, a bored wizard came up with an idea there.

‘Then if only the circle remains, wouldn't it be possible to use other magic at the same time? do.'

For example, the theory is that if you are a 3rd circle wizard, you can cast three 1st circle magic at the same time, or one 1st circle magic and 2nd circle magic at the same time.

It is a theory that separates the circles separately and rotates them separately.

According to his theory, any number of spells within the available circle can be chanted at the same time.

Normally, this is a theory that any magician would hear and laugh at.

Because it's not as easy as it sounds.

The circle's containment isn't the problem, the wizard's head is.

Whether there are two or three circles, a wizard's head is one.

To cast even the simplest magic at the same time, multiple spells must be deployed at the same time.

In addition, filling a separate circle with different elemental magic and operating it requires quite crazy techniques.

‘Well, the one who really created it is more of a monster.'

When I first heard about this, I was really dumbfounded and all I could do was laugh.

How much obsession and skill for magic do you need to build a theory like this?

Unfortunately, I have never met the person who created the theory in person.

I just saw the magic book he left behind.

Even so, it's enough to feel the obsession.

I recently saw that Dia's skills were improving, and I was convinced that this would be possible for her, so I decided to pass it on.

And as I expected, Dia properly learned this theory.

However, I haven't mastered it yet, so it seems quite difficult in practice.

“Is it worth it?”

“…not easy.”

Dia's voice, which would normally show an undisturbed appearance at any time, sounded a bit strained.

It's probably just too hard to control.

“Right now, prioritize getting a sense.”

If you rush for no reason, you will only have an accident.

Dia calmly continued to control mana while chanting magic.

“The advantage of this magic is. It's quite usable when applied in person-to-person combat.”

If a monster is your opponent, you just have to use powerful magic.

However, an opponent with some intelligence.

Especially when it's a human opponent, you can't just focus on power.

Sometimes, even if it is a little less powerful, sophisticated techniques or tricks are needed.

Because in a fight, how skillful you play is the difference between winning and losing.

In that case, how about this yeongchang law?

As long as you have enough space in your circle, you can deploy magic of different attributes as much as you like.

It will be of great help in combat.

The range of means to expand expands.

In particular, Dia wanted me to learn how to gain an advantage in battles with knights and wizards.

So I encouraged Dia to learn it.

‘The problem is the level of difficulty.'

As an analogy, it's as difficult as holding a fork with your hand and cutting a knife with your feet at the same time.

However, since Dia had learned the theory properly, there would be no need to worry about that.

That's how I kept watching Dia cast her magic.

The result of supervising Dia's magic training over several days.

Dia's training is quite difficult.

To some extent, there is no problem with the theory itself, but as expected, it was not able to be activated satisfactorily when I went into practice.

As expected, it was not easy for her to cast two magics at the same time, so errors continued to occur in the spells.

The timing of the chanting is off, or the magic doesn't show its full power.


Dia hung her head as if she had no face at the series of mistakes.

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